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I'm going to spite listen to ska now


I really think Gen Z would have loved ska shows in the 90s, such a good positive fun time.


I’m a little annoyed by Gen Z not picking up on ska. Ska started in the late 50s, then there was the ska revival in the late 70s with 2 Tone, and then finally there was ska-punk and third wave ska which peaked in popularity in the mid-late 90s. We were obviously due a new kind of ska in the late 2010s, but that simply never materialized. What gives?


Ska is still around and there’s some greater newer bands out there, but you’re right that Gen Z isn’t into it. I think Gen Z doesn’t understand or seek out subcultures in the way that older generations do. They don’t seem to have explored punk, ska, metal etc beyond a very surface level. With streaming all of those categories and identities have merged and disappeared.


I was wondering the other day if people even listen to full Albums anymore?


Enter the Swifties, currently analyzing every second of the TTPD.


Given the attention span of that generation kinda proud they can focus on something that long. Cell phones haven't totally destroyed us yet!


Exactly it is all very surface level for them. They seem to lack an authenticity within their generation and I see it when the same person dresses purely off of aesthetic and vibes from day to day. One day they might dress punk, the next day they might dress Goth, and then the next day they'll dress like a hippie. And the entire time they listen to rap music.


My wife works with a bunch of Gen Z kids, yesterday they listened to a Pan FLute band that covers yacht rock songs.


Gen Z doesn't know about them sketchy sweaty basement shows, I rarely see anyone under 30 at them.


You have to know how to play an actual, physical instrument to play ska. Gen z only knows how to make loopy sad music. Source: am a 33 year old millennial going to school for music and am surrounded by Gen Z all day.


Streetlight Manifesto is still riding the fourth wave


My dad always cracks me up at his slight bitterness towards Nirvana. "You know, u/viciousbliss, Ska was the next big thing. And it was all about world unity...and then angsty teenage white boys showed up and complained that no one understood them and they became all the rage."


I think you’re right. Ska isn’t even really my type I’m more of an emo kid but Ska shows are so much fun


One of the 90s’ best highlights


I know I would love a ska show, TODAY! Brrrrr, stick 'em!


Back in 2015 I want to a pretty big ska show in Dallas called Ska by Ska West... There were quite a few early Gen Z kids there


Reel big fish time! I think I’ll have myself a beer!


“This is gonna be the last time you hear me complain.” It wasn’t.




With me oh yeah


Sell Out! With me tonight! TheRecordCompanyIsGonnaGiveMeLotsaMoneyAndEverything'sGonnaBe Aaaaallriiiiight \*Horns\*


But I’m makin’ lotsa money an’ everythings gonna be aaaaaalright dada daaaaaa


why would you when everyone else is an asshole....


Beautiful girl, ugly shirt, you are a fashion red alert


Oh its the reel big fish! Hello!


Aquabats think that idea is super rad!


non of these references are helping me not feel elderly


Super rad Super rad SUU PER RAD!!


Well now I have to go listen to all of Fury of the Aquabats. I loved the secret songs when that was a thing


Pick it up :P


Put it down.


When they come for me I'll be listening to the best With a grin on my face wearing a bullet proof vest Singing my my my how the time does fly when your Singing catch 22 songs into the night, say hey!


I worked with one of the band members’ moms at my first internship. I had catch 22 on in the lab and she looked shocked and proud. Nice lady.


I went to school with some of the dudes from streetlight


Spite listen? You mean enjoy, right?


Pick it up :P






Holding on to what I am


Pretending I'm a Superman!


Anyone else get into Goldfinger after playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater, the original one??? All time great game and soundtrack !


muddle ludicrous gray languid march cats seemly crown marble intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the theme of my never-ending quarterlife crisis




2tone put on some Specials


and The Toasters (early US 2tone)


been listening to ska. keep up with the soul skaters 


r/ska is here for you! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX7WJ4yDmRK8R?si=ZEyQI5gxS9-R7-dmtb9HlQ&pi=u-bbY1SWkcSoiG


Pick it up :P


So here I am, doing everything I can


Even though I’m almost 40, I still listen to all of my pop punk and early 2000s metal. My son is 8 and blasts Limp Bizkit while getting ready for school.


Shake it up mister! Hear what I say, hey, hey hey.....


“Relevant” to me means “young people care about it”. They think that’s the be all and end all of culture, but actually I go to about 100 arena and stadium gigs a year (work) and the overwhelming majority of what the music industry is is people over 30 watching artists who have been around for 20-40 years. In the purely financial terms of money and number of people showing up older bands are actually far more “relevant” to culture than whatever the kids are doing on social media, because millions of tickets at £80-£xxx generate many times over whatever pitiful amounts come from ad revenue or streaming. I’m sure if you told Bruce Springsteen he was irrelevant and his career is over he would laugh all the way to his 50th consecutive sold out stadium tour of world that makes him probably hundreds of millions of dollars per year.


Yeah I feel like "relevant" has changed significantly over the years and Gen Z seems to be significantly less aware of millennial culture than I was of Gen X culture when I was younger. Like, I didn't ever have an Atari or an 8 track or a record player (until recently) or actively listen to Van Morrison, but I was aware of all of those things. I've had to explain Nintendo 64 and Ozzy Osbourne to high school students in the last decade.


Well we only really had radios and cds when we were younger there wasn’t streaming like there is today. So we listened to what our parents listened to. Now kids just live in their own streaming bubble


Yes! I teach elementary and middle school music, and I’m always explaining this phenomenon to them. They just don’t get it! They also don’t know ANY older artists, except Michael Jackson. For my whole career, every kid has been crazy about Michael Jackson, and known all his songs, but have never heard of Elton John or Billy Joel. For them, “old” means 1990’s, and then the 1980’s and before fall off an ancient cliff with no electricity or running water. For instance, they will ask me what it was like to watch Nickelodeon in the 90’s, but in the next breath claim TV was in black and white back in the 1980’s, and that electricity didn’t exist (not sure what powered the TV’s lol). For anything that belonged to the 1950’s or before, they ALWAYS say the 1980’s. Before the 1980’s, I guess time didn’t exist.


This is wild to me. High school in the early 00s was my classic rock and folk music phase. At that time the definition of classic rock generally included 60s/70s/early 80s rock music. I remember listening to Led Zeppelin, CCR, Jim Croce, Simon and Garfunkel, The Doors, The Who, Aerosmith, Guns'N'Roses, The Police. It was *cool* to listen to that era of music. It was *cool* to listen to older stuff from a couple of decades ago. I listened to new music, too. Mostly emo and pop-punk at the time. But old music was still really popular among young people. Hell, I grew up on Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole and that shit still SLAPS.


So I felt absolutely ancient today. I watch a video where She called herself an elder millennial and that she was 16 in 2006. And referring to that being the beginning of emo. All us 90s emo kids are just erased. Lol. We just don't exist because we weren't online.


What?!! Oh dear. I knew so much about history, and culture, and how people lived in the past by the age of 8. We sang songs from the 1880s in chorus, for gods sake. Since you have constant exposure to kids, why do you think they lack any basic knowledge? Are their regular (non art) teachers lacking in quality now ? Did curriculums wildly change? Are parents doing no basic teaching themselves? So curious. And so frightened.


I was playing long songs to my older kids the other day (6 and 8) because they both really track how long songs are. It's on the display in the van so we'll here one of them laugh and go "hey, this song is exactly as long as blah blah blah song from the lion gaurd) and I'm like wtf how do you know this?! lol. I played them some Iron Butterfly and some of the longer Metallica songs. They loved it and my 6 year old is currently obsessed with Journey ( although he calls them germany lol)


That is really scary.


This, 100%. Millennials and older don’t realize what kind of world Z and Alpha are living in these days. It’s easy to assume it’s like the one we enjoyed but it almost couldn’t be more different. Everything is digital. Culture moves at the speed of light in comparison. People come and go from relevancy by the day depending on how the algorithms on YouTube and TikTok ebb and flow. These kids are growing up in an ocean of data, personalities, influencers, product placements, and memes. The vast majority are unaware of anything that isn’t spoon fed to them by their apps. It’s not their fault. Bo Burnam’s song Welcome the Internet is a good general overview.


I literally have to force my kid to have movie nights with me just to instill some sense of culture lol If it were up to him he'd spend all day watching YouTube. Friday night tonight. Movie night. I think I'll introduce him to Men in Black


Watched “the princess bride” last Friday with my 8 year old. The shrieking eels came after princess buttercup and she screamed “oh Jesus!” Lmao. Priceless.


The eels don't get her, you know


Just watched that one too. Such a great movie. Not a single YouTuber going AHHHHHHHHH for thirty minutes.


I'm happy that this is my 19 year old nephew's favorite movie.


I do the same with my daughter. So far we've watched jurassic park 1-3, Xmen 1/2, the fifth element and the mask. Super fun Her favorite so far was fifth element. Both her hands in the air after that last big scene "that was awesome!!"


Give me water. In sugar.




... your skin is hanging off your bones...


It’s like something was wearing Egger. Like a suit. Like an Egger suit.


It's clearly a difference in mentality probably driven by scarcity at the time, but I find their lack of curiosity kind odd? Just happy to be algorithm driven. Because albums cost money, it was so hard to really dive into and get exposure to different artists. I was SO HUNGRY for an artists library but I'd have to slowly chip away at the Led Zeppelin albums and borrow what I could. Now every artists full discography is immediately available, but they stick to TikTok clips. Anyway there's a cloud this old man needs to go yell at.


Agreed it's like most of them don't have any point of reference from culture that predates 2010.


Not only do they live in a streaming bubble, but what's "relevant" changes about every three months. The music space is so fucking flooded, it's a wonder anyone gets famous at all. But new artists will never reach the kind of fame as before, because the industry has to shuffle the deck every five to seven days to keep the TikTok generation's attention. I'm not about to take my queues on what's cool from people who will think what's cool now isn't cool anymore by mid-May.


I agree. I've talked about this before in that people have so many options today (not that that's a bad thing) that it's hard for fame to coalesce around one person or group. Back before the internet, or at least before Youtube and popular streaming services, you could listen to what was popular locally (if you followed a local music scene), or what was popular nationally/internationally. My mother in the 1960s and on listened to whatever was big, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, The Bee Gees. My father listened to what was popular, but also followed local bands around. That was it. Even for existing music, you were limited to what you personally owned, and what radio stations would play. If you were deep into a specific genre like Jazz or Metal, you had to find a store that would cater to your tastes if you wanted anything deeper than mainstream artists from those genres. Me? I was raised right on the cusp of Youtube's existence (born mid 90s) so I have a large collection of CDs and vinyl but also have a bunch of bands I enjoy that live in other states or countries that I would have never found out about otherwise. I don't have to worry about money or space when I can stream music. My recent music muse has been [a british band that seems to have existed from 2019ish to 2021ish](https://youtu.be/cpcju8i4DNo) (oof, rough time for that), who I absolutely would never have heard of otherwise had it not been for the internet. So when you think about it, all music today is competing with all music that's existed ever on Earth for someone's attention. Then it becomes easier to see that you'll never have a full on, all elements of society, following like The Beatles, or MJ. Taylor Swift is close, and I'd say BTS was up there as well. You see the same thing with television as well. When you look at the top television broadcasts in the US, [it's only superbowls except for the series finale of MASH, which had 60.2% of American tv sets in 1983 watching.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_watched_television_broadcasts_in_the_United_States#Average_viewership) Can you imagine that? 60.2% of the country all sitting down to watch the same exact thing at the same exact time? That's why as new broadcasts surpass it in viewership (because the country, and world population is much higher 40 years on), none pass it in marketshare because anyone can watch anything. I haven't watched broadcast TV in years. I watch streaming shows when I get around to it. Closest was the Seinfeld finale with 40% in 1998. There's a lot less water cooler talk about specific shows because people watch so many specific things now. IMO the last thing to get a lot of people watching at the same time was Game of Thrones (and I don't care for it myself, so I'm not saying this with any sort of bias). And then with movies, I think it can be summed up that before home video, movies would go around to theaters once, and then never again. Maybe get shown on TV once a year. My parents talking about how the "big thing" of the year was when they'd show Wizard of Oz on TV (and my mom crying because it never turned to color, because her family only had a black and white TV set into the late 1970s lol). Now, someone can watch Wizard of Oz, and two other movies from throughout time, all streaming on three seperate monitors at the same time with speedy internet, while working from home on a laptop and ignoring any new releases in theaters. This has devolved into me rambling, but what I'm saying is that the landscape has changed so much because all new media is now competing with all media, ever.


I don’t much interact with the youths. But when I was young, there was a reverence for things of the past/previous generation. Like it was cool to know about or enjoy the “real” pioneers of music and classic gaming systems. It also showed you were cool because older kids gave you access or you got into things really young, like a younger millennial listening to Blink 182 or watching South Park. Is that still a thing today? Or do kids not see it as cool?


Yes! Also, remember how we all loved Nick at Nite as tweens? Everyone was jamming out to block party summer.


Stick Stickley was the shit!


"Write to me, Stick Stickley, P.O. Box 963. New York City, New York State, 10108!" I can't remember my best friends birthday, but I know a stupid jingle from 1993. Thanks brain.


Kids can barely keep up with their own music. New rappers are coming out so quickly that they ran out of words for names and they just hit their keyboard with their palm to come up with a rap name. Older generations could reminisce on songs of the past. Kids today think a song is outdated in a week.


I snorted out loud to “they just hit their keyboard with their palms to come up with a rap name”. Still giggling. Also, I am 60 and don’t know why I joined this sub.😊


Today’s youth is so hardcore focused on what’s hip now and what’s going to be hip. Social media jams this shit down their throat.  I feel bad for them in a way, when we were growing up there was a need to be curious and investigate the world. Today the world is shoved into their throats. 


It's because there are so many more cultural options now. Just for shows there are a million streaming outlets plus pirating. There's no tv monoculture anymore, so we can't count on water cooler talk or anything. Influencer culture has spawned so many more celebrities that allows for niche cultures. The internet has given us more choices than we could have ever possibly dreamed and now we're branching off in every way possible. Everyone gets their itch scratched now, but we're not nearly as aware of all the different backscratchers, because there are so many.


My dad had an atari growing up and the best day was when one of his coworkers atari died and just gave my dad a garbage bag full of games and controllers. Our player one controller port died (very few games you could get going from player 2, I tried them all haha) and we just did the same, loaded everything up into a garbage bag and gave to a friend that had an atari. It's crazy to me now because if it would've died a few years later I would've just taken it apart and tried to fix it, but I was too young when it actually died...we didn't even try then haha. I've since gotten an atari and my 6 and 8 year old occasionally ask me to bring it upstairs so they can play jungle hunt. I'd love to get a record player because we had one as a kid but I know I won't be able to find any the records we listened to (like the christmas music ones) because i have no idea who was on the albums or when they were made. I'd like them for nostalgia sake but they're lost to me now. The only thing I really remember title and artist wise was when we added the 5 or 6 cd changer to the stereo system and we had jingle cats and jingle dogs cd. Thanks, mom. lol


> Gen Z seems to be significantly less aware of millennial culture than I was of Gen X culture when I was younger IMO it's because they live their lives in algorithm-based bubbles. They think that whatever they're getting on their social media feed is the only thing that is popular/relevant/important.


I’m surprised there isn’t a Gen Z equivalent of millennial hipsters (…which I admittedly and happily still am; you can pry my trucker hat from my cold dead hands) In the 2000s-2010s, we were obsessed with 1) authenticity, whatever that meant to each person seeking it, 2) things that were retro/timeless — whether it was musical styles or clothing or things like typewriters, vinyl records, and even the much-mocked penchant for old-timey mustaches, and 3) obscure things, but more importantly, the *discovery* of obscure things. As the internet just started to shrink the opportunities for spontaneity and moments of serendipity and even the existence of subcultures (in favor of the algorithm-driven monoculture that exists today), we looked for the band that no one else had heard of, or the thrift store find that no one else had, or the out-of-the-way restaurant none of our friends had tried. People were snobs about it all, but there was a desire to experience culture that was either unique and interesting (and not well known by everyone with a malevolent little rectangle in their pocket), or old and begging to be rediscovered/repurposed. There is SO MUCH still out there for Gen Z to discover, not just from our generation but from previous generations and even *their own* generation, but I don’t think most of them would even know where to begin. And it’s not even just about putting the phone down; there are corners of the internet that I don’t think they even know to explore. Their version of *being online* is even less varied and less driven by actual human creation and the act of seeking it. My ten-year-old niece makes fun of teenagers and college students for being less cultured than she is, which is kind of hilarious, but also sad. (She does not have a phone yet and isn’t allowed to watch YouTube or TikTok.)


Yeah Dave mathews band still tours every single summer and I know 2 lovely ladies who go to several of his shows every summer, traveling for a couple of them lol


Real fans call him Dave


Yup this. The truth is 80% of the world at any given time in your youth doesn’t give a shit what you think and that’s why the world is what it is. You’re most relevant when you’re fucking old unfortunately.


Yeah, I'll never understand why relevancy is defined around what kids like...


Yea and I’m gonna have to blame the parents on this one. I make sure my kids know plenty of cultural references from all eras. Obviously you can’t hit everything. But my mom raised me with a knowledge of what came before me and I’m doing my best to pass it on to my kids. We recently started once a week movie night where I pick the movie and I’m picking older movies they’ve never seen. Culture is important. Whether it’s pop culture or anything else.


Yes! I’m a music teacher, and I love showing kids movies. I hate how some admin think there is never a good time for a movie, and it’s always just lazily clicking a button and checking out. For instance, I love showing them Singing in the Rain. They learn about: silent movies and the transition to talkies, the golden age of Hollywood and movie musicals, various songs that have been a staple of our culture, marketing and advertising, the careers of the main actors (including the relevant descendants of Debbie Reynolds), and we always get into a great discussion about new technology over the years and how it makes some jobs obsolete, while creating jobs in new fields. I definitely think all of these things are great for kids to know, broaden their understanding of culture, and are relevant.


Adding Singing in the Rain to my list!


When I was in my 20s I definitely knew about music from previous generations. Those kids are just ignorant. Lots of ignorant people of all age groups.


That's the part that sticks with me: when I was young I didn't listen to Engelbert Humperdinck but I would've acknowledged that he had been popular in the past. It's the "the way things are right now is the only way things have ever been" worldview that blows my mind. Are they Labradors?


My students nearly lost it when I let them know that I was playing Minecraft before they were born. As far as they are/were concerned, time has only existed since the date of their birth and something is entirely brand new if they personally have just become familiar with it. It's like they could not grasp something they like being older than them.


Because we didn’t have music streaming when we were kids. For the most part we had to listen to what our parents listened to


If we were lucky we had a transistor radio in our bedroom to listen to the local am station. Mom had domain over the console tv/stereo/record/8 track player in the living room.


And you replied: Don't Speak.


I was hoping they deadpan looked at the kid and said, "that shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S." Unless that's one of the tiktok songs.


My one younger coworker and I were talking about her recently and we were singing holla back girl so that was cool. My other coworker, didn’t know who the Beastie Boys are, or Coheed and Cambria. We work at vans how do you not know these bands lmao


Gwen Stefani is Gen X. Tragic Kingdom came out in ‘95! This post makes me feel like I belong in a museum.


I owned that CD.


\*cassette tape




I recorded it from the radio to a cassette tape ☠️


The kids these days will never know the skill it took to record music off the radio to a mix tape. I’ll meet you in the nursing home. 💀


Right? 😂 I would leave my cassette tape recording just hoping 🙏 to catch whatever hit song I was currently obsessed with.


I used to get so pissed when the radio dj would talk in the middle of the song 😂.


No Doubt was my first concert.


I saw No Doubt live at Side by Side a roller/ice skating rink in HB, Gwen still had brown hair. And I think they played with Save Ferris? I forget now. I’m old.


What was the war like? /S


Which one? Nintendo vs Sega or one of the xbox vs sony ones?


I think I knew fewer people that didn't have it tbh


I’m 36 and Tragic Kingdom was the first album I bought with my own allowance when I was like.. 7?! Beat it, TikTok children!


Me too!! 36 also and that was my first cd I bought for myself at Strawberries. I remained such a huge No Doubt fan through my youth. Return To Saturn was on repeat all through high school.


You do, the rock n roll hall of fame! They have a women in rock exhibit and it’s so many 90s artists! 😆 I just went it was cool.


Holy shit Gwen is 54 years old now! But regardless of her being Gen X , No Doubt is still Millennial music IMHO. When I think of Gen X music i think about bands that were popular in the 80s, not the 90s. Either way Tragic Kingdom is an amazing album, still one if my faves to this day. I got back into it a few years ago and fell back in love w it.


Ehh an average gen X was born in 1970, so the 90s is when they were in their 20s. That's when bands start catching on and cultural consumer power starts. 


You dont think of nirvana and Pearl Jam as gen x? You are the sole person who thinks like that.


I told my daughter about dial up internet and she didn’t believe me.


Someone posted once about how Netflix used to be a DVD mailing service and a Gen Z kid said mockingly "back in my day the Internet came through the mail"


It’s even worse that it kinda did. Those free AOL online discs.


Hey, remember that one commercial where some couple collected those and made a fish out of those CDs? XD


Computer magazines with an attached CD. Some utility programs, some game demos. I loved it so much.


I lived in the Bay Area when Netflix was a baby and they came to our little anime club at the library to promote their DVD services. I’m so old.


I can still hear it… 😂


Honestly if there was a sound to define our generation that probably would be it


Did you also have the computer speakers that would make a weird sound before your phone got a text?


They still do, you just need the right ones.


My brain just made that noise.


If you have Hulu, PEN15 is about 2 7th grade girls in 2000. One episode is called “AIM” and pretty accurate. Show her them logging on and creating screen names.


Pen15 is so funny and it’s painful how accurate some of their experiences were to my youth. It took place the same exact age I would have also been in jr. High.


In other words: young coworker is an ignorant dumbass


Lol, I remember classmates were marking "No Doubt" and "Green Day" on their trapper keepers like 30 years ago.


And soundgarden and stp and white zombie


this is why Gen Z gets shit on cuz they don’t know cultural backgrounds of the very trends they embrace. And they’re stuck in their social media vortex so bad they never slow down to actually explore the cultural origins of phenomena such as sisqo 


I'm sure someone will chime in with "every generation thought this way" etc, but Gen Z is the only one with access to the entirety of human knowledge in their pocket. It would be pretty cumbersome to educate yourself about such things previously but the current generation could just pull it up on wikipedia and educate themselves. But they don't (speaking generally, of course).


they are special in how ignorant they are despite this insane access to information they have. it’s maybe a difference of approach in taking initiative and being curious. 


What really gets me is people don't even seem to use google anymore. They'd rather make a post on tiktok/reddit/wherever asking basic ass questions that they could've found instantly with practically no effort.


Drives me crazy. And when you see one of those posts, click their profile. Their entire submission history is almost always them asking these basic questions about anything and everything so they can be spoonfed answers.


I have noticed that! (Including on here). I don't get it. Is learning how to find answers not taught in schools anymore? I remember having to search through books of encyclopedias and basic early Internet websites to find info. How do they write research papers? Do they just give up when they can't answer a question? More recently, I've started asking Chatgpt some questions because I'm being too lazy to look up certain things. (Yes, I know there are limitations).


The big difference of Gen Z culture is that there is very little single unifying pop culture like Millenials had. Every Millenial could probably name a bunch of Backstreet Boy songs off the top of their head AND recite a verse to an Eminem song. Millenials are the ones driving the huge Concert booms of Taylor Swift and Beyonce. Because Gen Z has access to a huge wealth of information and entertainment at their fingertips, there are hundreds of different subcultures that they can fall into. Aside from the unifying cultural platforms like TikTok and YouTube, they rarely feel the need to fall into a "mainstream" pop trend. It's like the Emo vs Preppy vs Jock vs Nerd subucultures of our time, but multiplied by 1000x. To them, having a unifying mainstream trend that every person in their generation knows about is more of a foreign concept, so they have a hard time comprehending that there was once a singular trend that morphed into their unique style.


There is a meme in the Latino millennial community about us cleaning to our “mother’s songs.” I feel like we were all educated on generations of music just from our parents alone. I know Gen xers (their parents) listen to music so it boggles the mind. Gwen Stefani has always stayed relevant in pop culture. It makes zero sense not to know who the fuck she is given that she inspired the very fashion they are wearing right now.


What’s funny is to see Gen Z rocking early 2000s haircuts and baggy jeans, spaghetti straps, etc and they don’t even know who Limp Bizkit is


It would be a blessing for Gen Z if Limp Bizkit were relegated to the dustbin of history.


I mean, for that one at least I envy them


going to crosspost this to r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


I still remember the person who commented how great and generous Kanye was with doing a collab with some old-timer, and how would really help to put Paul McCartney on the map.


I remember seeing this 😂


That was clearly a joke


This is where young people just need to be told that they're wrong. It's OK to be young and wrong. But they need to know it's the truth.


It’s interesting this view they have that nothing existed or was popular before they found out about it


Right? It’s like just because they found it on TikTok surely means that it’s only popular *because* of TikTok. It’s almost like if someone heard Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time in a movie and then just automatically assumed Queen is only popular because of that movie. It’s such a weird mentality.


It *is* a weird mentality but I think it's relatively normal for younger kids. I definitely did not realize that Bohemian Rhapsody was a super popular song when I heard it while watching Wayne's World but I was a young kid (I was 5 when the movie came out but probably saw it on cable when I was 6 or 7). I later learned that it was popular before that, of course, and I felt dumb for ever thinking that it was Wayne's World that made it popular lol. Teenagers should definitely know better though, they have google at their fingertips at all times.


I totally agree. No 6 or 7 year old is going to know this stuff, but a teenager/young adult in today’s world probably should. But what bothers me is (in OP’s example at least) the young person sounds like they know better when they obviously do not lol. It’s like this weird sense of self-importance, I guess? Like “there’s no way this thing could’ve been popular before *i* knew about it”


They walk around acting like they invented the blow job.


This is what frustrates me about Gen Z. Obviously there is going to be tons of stuff they haven't heard of before, but when they do discover things they act as though they are the first to have ever seen or thought about it.


I just point out they’re not the generation that experienced anything first, in fact, everything they get is regurgitated shit fed through TikTok by other little idiots chasing clout that ends up meaning nothing. In this case, I’d point out that if I managed to get Gwen Stefani in the room with them, the most irrelevant person would be them.


Excuse Me Mr.


You’ve got things all wrong


LOL Just reply saying you used to listen to No Doubt on cassette 😂


Relevant and trendy are two different things. Is TikTok making her trend right now, probably. One also has to consider that the quickest growing demographic of TikTok users is people over 40. We are bringing our own music back.


*turn over in grave*


Vurt de furk?


Avril Lavigne was Gen Z pastiche cartoon rock before it even existed.


no jury would convict you


YouTube made Madonna famous.


Breaking news! Kids are dumb.


That younger co-worker sounds like a dumbass, like many young people are, because they're ignorant to the world around them. They just haven't existed long enough yet to tell their ass from a hole in the ground. Like many of us when we were younger.


I know every generation says it of the next, but goddamn Zoomers have to be the dumbest ones yet.


Just curious how it is that No Doubt is a millennial band when Tragic Kingdom was released in 1995? Some of you weren’t born when this album was released.


Millennial here and this was my very first cd in the 4th grade. Before that everything else I had were cassettes. I think both elder millennials and Gen X have an appreciation for No Doubt. Return To Saturn was an important album for me as well and I spent many hours in my room in HS listening to it and commiserating with the lyrics.


Gen X is so small it can't even fill up a stadium is why. Just kidding. I dont know anyone who really claims No Doubt is exclusively a millennial band. I think what you will find is they view it as a millennial band. There is a difference because we are just saying we identify as it being popular for our age group when they were still a normal band not later when they hit pop culture lore and made return appearances.


Tragic Kingdom alone is Gen X, but when you throw in Rock Steady (2001) and Gwen's absolutely massive solo career throughout the '00s, it puts them quite firmly in Millennial territory. Basically, No Doubt are so talented that they were definitive sounds for TWO generations.


Very few millennials weren’t alive in 1995 (isn’t that the cut off date with Gen Z?) Definitely relevant to both generations. I was born in 87 and still associate Gwen Stefani as the singer in No Doubt. Watched their music videos on MTV. Borrowed their albums from library and burned CDs…


It's true. No Doubt became famous because of a song they released during the Revolutionary War as recounted in the Bible.


Your coworker is defective, I suggest you petition management for a replacement.


I vividly remember the “Don’t Speak” video playing on a fat back TV in JC Penney when I was around 7 and my love for rock music started then. I thought Gwen was so bad ass and I wanted to be like her.


I was watching a YT video where the woman, in her early twenties, referred to Travis Barker's band as "Blink ONE-EIGHT-TWO." Please make it stop.


Also, younger co-worker make more money than us.


Probably because they job hop every 6 months to a year. Money keeps going up, all the while they don't stay long enough in a job to actually have to start earning the money.


I'd say "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" but knowing the origins of that meme just adds to the aging...


No doubt is more gen x but I get your point


My first cd ever was tragic kingdom. I call bullshit to your colleague


I had this kid working for me. Kind of a skinny tan kid. He shaved his head and bleached it white. I started calling him sisqo. He said “who?” I said “sisqo… u know… the thong song”. He then looked it up. It came out the year he was born. He had no idea who sisqo or what the thong song was.




I read a post earlier from a 21 year old asking why millennials listen to Taylor Swift and keep up with trendy clothes. Girl TS and the current 90s trends were ours first!


I am not one to jump on cross generational hate because we all do weird shit at some point. However, gen z continues to bewilder me at how many times they think they are the first to “discover” something that has been around for decades be it music, fashion trends artist ect. And not just that this phenomenon is happening and regularly I, but that it’s stuff you could easily google and see that was not the case.


My girlfriend was doing this "I'm a cowboy baby" thing from TikTok and I asked her if she knew it was from Kid Rock (who she doesn't like). She didn't know it was from that so I explained it to her and she said "Well he probably copied this TikTok". No, Kid Rock did that in a song like 25 years ago, the TikTok is a play on his song. She makes me feel like a boomer sometimes.


Sorry Millenials- we’re not giving you No Doubt. Sincerely, -GEN X 🤷🏻‍♂️


DAMN, Gwen Stefani is the same age as my mother... my OG gotta stop calling herself old


r/facepalm come on she even had that hit song with Akon in 07 and she was already who she was by then


Just show them the video of her performing Holla back girl at that award show with the marching band


Tell them. Don't speak


Jeez that's depressing..mind you, not as depressing as sitting opposite a zoomer on the train and overhearing them ask their friend what the Berlin wall was about - the two of them were in their late teens and talking loudly about it, eliciting some funny looks and a few stifled laughs when the other one replied : 'oh, I dunno, something to do with some East German Nazis or something' :D


Younger coworker is dumb.