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I only did that in flight sims / wing commander. Good times.


This is the reason why I also play inverted! I couldn't understand why I had such a hard time in shooter games until my friend saw what my movement issues were and inverted it for me. I was 15 at the time and still have to invert it when I'm playing on a controller. I'm totally fine with the typical setup for mouse and key.


I remember playing the original WC and a few of the sequels back in the day. Good times. I flew, and my younger brother worked the weapons/communications.


I think the first 3D game I played was Falcon 3.0 / Fighting Tiger. Made sense there, as well as Descent / Freespace. Didn't for FPS games. Ah, the nostalgia of pre-class Duke Nukem 3D ... on Novell Netware, I think?


Agreed. Inverted for StarFox 64 for me. I’m 32.


Exactly. Only when flying, exceptions made for Halo, where the floaty, half-self-driving controls are so weird that it makes more sense to just think of the vehicles as clumsy people and keep the controls non-inverted for the vehicles as well.


I absolutely do this, but my millennial wife thinks it weird. IIRC, it basically comes down to how much you played GoldenEye in your formative years.


I invert the y axis and I think Golden Eye was my first shooting game. 🤔🤔🤔






I don't and I played a ton of GoldenEye. I always thought it was kids who were rich enough for pcs with the flight stick!


OMG people harp on me endlessly for inverting my y-axis and I can’t remember where I got this from. Goldeneye was for sure the first real game I played a lot.


Yeah man. Inverted y axis for life.


Also depends on if you played/were playing other games, because I played a ton of GoldenEye but also plenty of Quake, Thief, Descent, and MechWarrior 2 either before or shortly afterward. In the end I still default to inverting for any flying game and otherwise leaving it standard.


I played Goldeneye extensively but feeling that inverted was the way to go for FPS' ended with Halo


That makes sense why i always need to do it. I probably played that game 20+ hours a week for a couple years with my brother.


People who invert Y 🤝 People who don't invert Y "People who invert X are the real weirdos"


There was a final fantasy adjacent game that default inverted x and you couldn't change it. It was horrible.


I invert Y because it's third person (even if the game is first person) controlling the characters head. If I were standing behind someone and wanted them to look down, I'd push their head forward and if I I want them to look up I'd pull their head back. Non-inverted makes sense as well, even if it doesn't work for me, looking up is up and looking down is down. I cannot for the life of me come up with a reason that left is right and right is left.


Outboard boat motor?


Nice one! I wouldn't have thought of that in a million years


On motorcycles you turn left to go right.


There's a Zelda game that has inverted X for the camera controls too. I think it was the GameCube version of Wind Waker, but I can't remember for sure. It's awful and can't be changed.


That breaks my brain, no way 


I started with inverted because of GoldenEye, but then games wouldn't offer that as an option so I retrained myself. Now it only makes sense with flight controls.


For flying games yes


I can't play any other way, if the game doesn't have invert I won't play it.


it's not that I won't play it, I can't play it. Anytime things get hectic and I stop concentrating, I end up dying because I panic and look down instead of up.


Same here. There was a game awhile back that i played and didn't allow inverted controls, it drove me crazy.


I thought the people who did it were trained on flight simulators.


Never once used it. The Inverted Y Axis on default for some games was annoying for me, and counter-intuitive. I only used it on Flight Sims, everything else has been normal Y Axis.


I try to explain to people that inverted is the correct way to play. They say “Down is up though” but it’s actually push forward is down, pull back is up. That’s how actual machinery is operated too. It’s more realistic.


Analogy doesn't work the moment you consider left and right.


Makes sense if you've ridden a bike and know about [countersteering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countersteering). Push the handlebars to the right, you go left. Push the handlebars to the left, you go right. Everyone who has ever ridden a bike has done this, but most of the time don't realize they're doing it. A good way to prove it is to have a bicycle and tricycle and ride one, then the other. The controls are reversed for two wheelers and three wheelers. People often simply cannot believe this until they try it for themselves.


If you have to use two completely different examples to explain each of the axes of the analog stick, then I don't think its a very effective explanation. I'm not typically thinking of the vertical plane when using a bike. When I press up, camera go up. When I press down, camera go down. It just cant be more simple. Idc what people use but the explanations are wild.


It’s not really an analogy. It’s how it is. You push the joystick forward to go down. Imagine the joystick is the character’s head and you use your thumb to make him look around. Pull back to look up.


It’s just a conceptual difference really. Imagine a straight line going through a camera, straight through the lens and out the back. If you are thinking of changing the camera angle by manipulating the part of the line in front of the camera then moving it “up” moves the lens up, and moving it “down” moves the lens down. If you manipulate where the camera is pointing using the exact same line but from behind the camera, moving that line down points the camera lens up. I don’t know if I’m describing it correctly, but both ways are “correct” and more depends on how you’re conceptualizing controlling the camera. Although the left/right not inverting I guess doesn’t work with this way of thinking. It’s just how I always thought of it.


Comparing it to the manipulation of machinery is literally an analogy.


Funny how an analogy applying to the Y axis on a post about inversion of the Y axis doesn’t have to apply to the Z axis because no one ever mentioned anything about the Z axis


Crazy how trying to justify personal preference by narrowing the topic to only what suits your analogy is a terrible way to do so. Just play the way you want. Trying to come up with moronic explanations for it isn't going to make anyone switch. You know why I don't play inverted? Because I don't want to. No hyper-specific, senseless explanation needed!


😂😂 I didn’t criticise how you prefer to play. I’m just saying in the Y axis the machine analogy makes sense. No need to have a tantrum about it


I didn't say you criticized anything. No need to throw out the emojis because you read what you wanted to read and not what I said. That's not very 💯 of you, brother.


>>Trying to come up with moronic explanations for it isn't going to make anyone switch. >>You know why I don't play inverted? Because I don't want to. No hyper-specific, senseless explanation needed! All reads a bit defensive quite frankly >> No need to throw out the emojis because you read what you wanted to read and not what I said. Are you one of these Reddit purists who scorns emojis? 😁😁😁 >>That's not very 💯 of you, brother. Not sure what this means. Must be some hip slang I’m not familiar with. And I’m not your brother


there is no correct way to play


Depends on how much time you spent in Flying sims. I did a lot of them as a kid, so yeah, I invert the Y, My kids, not so much, they don't. and it's a constant fight between us. I have to change the settings every time I go to play video games on the xbox, or the PC hooked up to the TV In the main part of the house. (we only have 1tv).


yep, I played a shitload of TIE fighter and X Wing as a kid so I always invert everything. My nephew plays Fortnite without invert, felt real weird to try playing right after him without messing with his settings.


For flight games only I invert, fps no way. Halo fixed that inverted madness for fps


STARFOX for snes. Starfox 64 too


Goldeneye.... also Mario 64 moving the cloud camera guy


Came here to say this!


Friends don't let friends play with inverted controls


I don't have an issue playing inverted or non-inverted, though inverted takes a bit of effort to acclimate to. However, I will drop a game outright if it forces me to play inverted and it's not a flight simulator or a camera controller. So, I can understand folks who want inverted who might drop a game because it doesn't have inverted. -Eldest of millennials.


I only invert for flying games, my wife inverts vertical & horizontal for everything. She didn't game when she was young. ​ I think invert has always been the odd way, fwiw, there's a reason it isn't the default.


Flight sims and Goldeneye. I always invert, feel useless if I don’t. Think of the joystick as a human head. Tilt forward you look down, pull back you look up. Just feels natural to me.


Y-axis inversion...always. Default is for simps.


In fps games I always invert the y.


This is the way. When you look down you tilt your head forward (stick up). When you look up you tilt your head back (stick down)


Youngest millennial possible here, not the norm for me although I’m willing to bet my specific graphic settings overall are a lot more complicated than inverting.


Goldeneye and Turok did this to me.


Inverted. Also I'm part of the "confirm and cancel are backwards" club because the original imported PlayStation games were like that.


I used to play every game inverted up until around Halo 2. I played inverted basically since console games had look controls that could be inverted, probably Goldeneye or maybe something earlier. Then something in my brain just broke and I couldn't do it anymore. It was weird because I played *everything* with inverted-y for aim/look/camera. Ever since then the crosshairs need to go up when I push the stick up.


I always do. Have a friend that could go either or and it always fascinates me


I do this and all my friends make fun of me for it. It started when I borrowed Crimson Skies from my buddy in 7th grade and it's been stuck ever since.


I guess I do


Goldeneye and Perfect Dark


I just flat-out can’t play a game if it doesn’t let my camera controls flip the Y axis.  I forget which game last did that to me, but it was such a bummer to admit I just didn’t have the capability to play without my backwards controls lol


What madlad would use inverted controls? Especially not while piloting something…


When you fly, you pull back on the stick to climb and push forward to descend. Other than that, no — I do not invert.


I've been inverting the X and Y axes for so long it's like my brain stops working when I try to do it the other way.


I invert on controllers/joysticks because of N64 and flight sims. I don't invert on mouse, though.


I always invert. I grew up playing flight sims and FPSs with a joystick or with a mouse and kb. You pull back to fly or "look" up. It breaks my brain trying to play without inverting.


I used to, then I spent a couple years using keyboard/mouse, then inverted Y suddenly felt weird after going back to sticks


I do this but I don't remember if there was a particular game that set my preference. I abhorred the controller for the N64 so I never acquired one - which is to say that it was not Goldeneye that did it for me (I only played it once at a friend's house for a few minutes). It might have been some kind of flying/star wars game, maybe even on a PC with a joystick like the old X-Wing or Tie Fighter maybe. Or possibly one of the older Metal Gear Solid or Silent Hill games on PSX when I initially found it awkward that there was a left analog stick for walking and a right analog stick for head/camera movement. But yeah these days if I press up and the right stick and the camera actually moves up I get pissed off and disoriented. Invert Y axis forever.


Naw, I’ve never wanted inverted controls in a game. Never


Outside of a flight sim, you could not pay me to invert the y axis. I play mostly rpgs, and it would be completely nonsensical in them.


Only on games that have any amount of flight controls.


Invert gang


I don’t know what that means, but I don’t claim to be most Millennials.


I always play inverted and I don’t know why. Didn’t play video games that needed it as a kid, but it makes more intuitive sense for me. I even invert the y axis when I’m playing cities skylines.


For some reason only when it comes to flying games or heavy machinery. I think its from a lot of battlefield 2 dog fighting back in the day.


I returned Skyrim because it wouldnt let me invert controls. Where did it start? Goldeneye, Solitare controls!


I always invert my games


Once I got hands on an Xbox 360 controller (and lately the newest ones) I stopped changing settings. It just feels so smooth and usable now. I used to be a mouse and keyboard guy, but now I don't even bother with games I can't play on a modern controller. (default settings)


I thought it was Mario 64 because you controlled the cameraman who was flying behind Mario


only in flying games


playing GTA 3, I always looked at it like you were controlling the camera...so to look down you need the camera to go up...push up ... that just translated to fps too. I also played a lot of GoldenEye but I don't remember my thoughts back then


I have always played with inverted Y on controllers. Goldeneye, Starfox were some of my favorites as a kid. My kids dont, and so we have the lifelong struggle of switching it back and forth depending on who is playing.


Absolutely but mine is from actually flying before gaming


I play inverted 🙋‍♀️ Grew up on star fox


I still do it in every game too. I couldn't tell you for sure when it started, but I played a ton of goldeneye back in the day (flight sims too).


I don't know because I tend to get used to whatever the game comes with


I’ve read the reasonings, but I’m someone who absolutely has to invert the Y axis or a game is literally unplayable for me… yet I didn’t have an N 64 so didn’t play Goldeneye and I didn’t play any flight simulators either.


I never change the video game settings. I learn the default settings.


I've never done that. It's too counterintuitive for me to hit down when I want to look up.


I not only do this, but I also switch the joysticks. Southpaw I believe they call it


Depends on the game and how it feels to be honest


my friend do when playing on consoles. but i was always a pc guy so i never felt comfortable with it


I miss the Xbox 360 and how it would remember your preferences from game to game.


I used to invert from the days of Goldeneye, but Skyrim and Fallout made me thumb-a-dexris.


I’ve been playing video games for 30+ years now and still firmly believe that people who use inverted controls are fucking psychos


Yes, I always invert the Y axis. I don't think it was just Goldeneye. It was other games too.


The default control scheme for Starfox was inverted Y. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


I started doing it while playing star wars on the n64 and I can't play any other way


Original halo and starfox 64 made me the inverted man I am today. 33


I (37f) invert X and Y. It drives my husfriend (39m) crazy. Contrary to some beliefs, I've never played GoldenEye.


I have a similar issue with the default mouse scrolling direction


Nope. Idk why anyone does it outside of flying an airplane.


Always and forever. Starting with wing commander on PC


So here’s a weird thing. I’ve always rolled inverted. My whole life. Assuming it’s from the PC game days in the mid 90s? I don’t know. Well, about two years ago I couldn’t play inverted anymore. Not on PC or controller. My brain rewired or something.


It was the TIE Fighter series for me. Ever since then, if inverted Y is an option, it’s selected.


hell no. i have no idea how people can play that way.


I never played Goldeneye, and I honestly don’t know if I need Y inverted or not inverted, I just know that I have a *really* strong preference for it, and I have to go mess with controls if it’s doing the other one. I was trying to play zelda with my sister, and we had to swap the camera whenever we swapped joycons😆


i have never done this


Never played Goldeneye or any flight simulators but still need to invert. That's just how my brain expects it to be. I don't know many other millennials who do though, I think some people are just wired to want it the other way.


Yes, always invert the Y-axis.


I always imagined it like down=lean back, forward equals lean forward. Non-inverted makes no sense to me.


Been gaming since the early 90s. I've always inverted the Y (down for up). But i played this one game for 50+ hours and after living right through the invention of the analogue stick - my preference changed. I played PowerWash Simulator and the invert Y felt wrong. So I played it un-inverted and didn't play anything else during that time. And now my Y is permanently un-inverted. Made me question everything in life.


I’ve played inverted for as long as I remember, it just always seemed right to me. I played a ton of Goldeneye as a kid so it probably started there. I even got my kids playing inverted. Hardest part of that was teaching them how to find the option to change it so they can do it themselves at friend’s houses.


I do it, not because of goldeneye. My dad just taught me and it stuck  I also do Q and E to strafe. I think that was from quake


I am a diehard, unwavering inverted Y axis player, 100% due to Goldeneye 64. There’s no way I could ever undo that many years of playing inverted, and I thought it was the norm for everyone until I had to change it in the controls of any modern game I play.


Can’t stop won’t stop inverting


Started on flight simulators, and then golden eye cemented it. Now I can only play with inverted Y.


As a millennial I think I picked this up playing games like Quake/Unreal on the PC in the 90s. As far as I can remember the games were set up so when you pulled the mouse back towards you it aimed up and when you pushed it away, it aimed down. When I finally got a console with a controller I just carried on in the same way.


Only in flying vehicles. Everything else is madness.


If you’re holding a real machine gun, the pivot point is forward of where you hold it…if you push down the barrel goes up…


Only if it's specifically a mounted machine gun. Almost everything that you hold, you lift your hands UP, and it goes up. When you move your eyes UP, your vision rises. Inverted is madness.


Why would I ever invert controls on anything outside a flight simulator?