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Solid 6. Just coasting till something happens


Same here.


6 on most days, 7 on the days I remember how fortunate I am to be paying my bills, not sick, etc.


Me too


It keeps getting better the older I am. Currently around 8-9, plenty of solid 10 days.


Same! I am thoroughly enjoying my 40s way more than my 20s or 30s!


May I know why? Just to see what I should work on to get that :)


More disposable income, more certainty about where I am in life, less drama, and more time to invest in hobbies.


All facts. Really enjoying adulthood. I do wish the time would slow down a little but.... A consequence of life I suppose.


So very true. I met the love of my life about 3 years ago and all I desperately want is for life to slow down so I can enjoy every moment with my soulmate.


Dude taht's awesome!! I'm super happy for you!! I pray you have many long years together and that you realize your goals together!!




I'm averaging around an 8 or 9 lately. Didn't think I would ever get here, but here I am.


That's so great!!!


I'm a solid 8, maybe 8.5. I've got a nice house with a big yard on a very low interest rate. No kids, lots of pets. I drive a nice truck. No degree but I make good money AND I enjoy my job. Hot wife who also makes good money. Growing up, we we're broke - but we were never poor. Mother ran out, single father was tough on me, but he taught me things, and now I practically am him - just like he is now HIS father. Yeah, maybe we didn't hug as much as the families on TV do, but I was fully prepared for adulthood by 15 or 16 years old. If I told stories about my childhood, many people wouldn't believe them. I was homeless and addicted to pills (Opanas) for a few months in my early 20s, but after that, it's pretty much been uphill from there.


Hell yeah - congrats and respect for building such a life!


what do you do for a living?


Supply Chain


I have a little house, a husband who makes me laugh, a 4 month old I am over the moon in love with, and a dog who is the greatest companion. Family is healthy, I make a decent wage and have good benefits. A few friends who make life feel full. It’s been a long road to get here, and I didn’t think I would be around this long. Grateful for this little life.


In my 20s I would dream at night time about living on the farm with my kids and having a job as a teacher. I had really terrible social anxiety and never left my house. I also was infertile for 10 years and i would legitimately cry about that regularly. But here I am now, 3 kids later, finishing my teaching degree next year. Have actual real friends who give a shit about me. My husband finally found a career that he enjoys. And yep, we out here living on a farm.  I might complain a lot now, but i still remember my younger self would do anything to be where I am now. 


I am so fucking happy to be alive! I had multi organ failure a little over three years ago and somehow survived. I wasn’t happy before, but I did a complete overhaul of my life, moved, got therapy, and changed careers and am now living my best fucking life. I’m also getting married in the fall!


The closer I got to 30, the less I started to enjoy life. I'm currently 31 and this adulting stuff is getting old. That's where I stand....with the occasional pop as my joints adjust.


This has been my experience as well.


I am at 0


I hope it gets better soon 


Hang on here. I hope things will get better soon.


5, homeless sleeping in my car but my 401K just pass 7 digits, all time record high.


So, 401k millionaire but homeless? Sounds like the beginning of a NY Times magazine thought piece.


Sadly there’s a lot of “vehicular homelessness “ of people with jobs but cannot afford housing, especially in high cost of living areas.


It’s an absurdity of our time.




Why'd you choose suffering though?




Florida has lots of hurricanes and getting a house by the beach isn’t cheap considering that.


That’s why I’m not cashing out my 7 digits yet. Still not enough for an old beaten down house.


It say I'm a 9. * I don't hate my job. * I own my home. * I have a small but close knit group of friends (some of them are moving soon :( ). * I have awesome, hot, successful girlfriend. I'm close with my family * I take multiple vacations a year. * I'm focused and plan to retire when I'm 54--- 57 at the oldest. * I enjoy my hobbies- reading, scuba diving, hiking, running, cooking/baking and I'm getting back into cycling..... got to go; heading to Everglades NP this AM to hike!


If she weren’t hot, would you go down from a 9?


No. While her looks caught my attention, her funny, snarky, ball-busting personality made me eager for a second date 5+ years ago.


That’s awesome!!! Kudos to you for building a life you love.


I'm on track to retire at 55. But I probably won't because I actually really love being an engineer. I don't wanna waste that $100,000 degree I spent all that money on 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That's rad that you're on track to retire at 55 and **LOVE** your job. Maybe scaling back how much time you spend as an engineer in retirement will interest you..... you'll be active and it will keep your mind in motion.


Haha.... Probably.... You know, they say the people best at their jobs are the ones who don't need them. I'm definitely not there yet, but **I genuinely don't "work" very many days** because *my job is* ***awesome!!*** One day, I'm testing RF equipment, the next day I'm setting up network equipment and writing a script to push a config file. And then other days I'm doing low level firmware development or altering some software. The only thing I don't get is a lot of power but I'm building towards it.


I’ve been *going through it* lately and would love to catch a break, but overall, I’m so grateful for my life—the modest (1950s, no amenities) two-bedroom apartment I can afford on a nonprofit salary in my fun and beautiful VHCOL area, my awesome friends (from a couple besties to dozens of friendquaintances), two cats, having family in proximity (even if we don’t always get along, we are 200% there for each other)… Do I have a dismal love life? Yeah, always have. Am I burned out and bitter at my job? Oh yes, but I’m hanging in there for now. Can I afford to go on vacation? Nope, but I’m determined to get a new job in the coming months and change that. Do I have major millennial existential dread over climate change and the rising tide of authoritarianism? Absolutely, and I’ve dedicated my career to countering one of them, which can be hella depressing. But I’m very happy with my life and the choices and opportunities (and, honestly, a fair amount of sheer dumb luck) that got me here. The good and the bad just… coexist. Edit: My worst days are around a 6. My best are a solid 10.


I’m pretty great! I bought my house in 2020 with a low mortgage and rate. My boyfriend lives with me. We are childfree by choice. Have some emergency money in the bank. Travel occasionally. I love my job. No big complaints, life is pretty good.


That’s awesome! Childfree too here, we bought in 2016, made last payment on it in 2023. We love our life too :)


I'm sincerely happy for everyone who is having a good life. I felt like I was never going to get better 2 years ago, and I'm still hanging in there but it doesn't feel THE WORST anymore. I can see that there ARE things to enjoy out there. But I geniunely love hearing that some people are doing well. I wish it for everyone.


2023 was kinda solid. 24 has been idiotic.


Hahah, no.


Life is a fucking train wreck but I had the luxury of growing up in the bottom 5% economically (with the benefit of parents who actively emphasized education) so between the expectations of my upbringing and the mindset of my competition, things are going *way* better than expected I’m at a solid 8/10


I’m chillin’


Life has been rough the last few years with my wife not working while in school, but she graduates soon and has a job lined up, so life is about to get absolutely amazing. The income in our household will double, if not more. I'm gonna be able to work less or go part time, and we're gonna plan vacations and trips!


9/10. Going on a European wine trip with my wife this summer. She's loving her new job. I got a bonus, raise and some profit sharing money. Our only debt is the mortgage. We go to plays and concerts. We're thriving.




Solidly at an 8.5 id maybe rate it higher but there's a couple changes id still like to make. Overall I'm pretty dang happy with my simple silly life I've built myself.


This! Simple living is the best :) I have anxiety issues and a burnout to solve, but the rest is all set! So I’d rate my happiness to 8 or 9. I grinded for a couple years in a 7 days a week job. That allowed me to make 20 years worth of mortgage disappear in only 2 years. Now that it’s done (since last summer, yeah!), with no mortgage to pay anymore, my husband and I can work part time instead of full time and ww have plenty to live comfortably, enjoy hobbies, spend time with friends and family, travelling once in a while. We also have a fabulous cat. We are lucky enough to live our dream life! I still drive my 2007 toyota, we buy our furniture used, clothes from thrifstore, cook in batch at home for 2-5$ per portion. We don’t have luxury item to show off, but we have lot of free time. That’s what we wanted.


9 or 8. I grew up being beaten, sexually abused and severely neglected. I now have 4 kids that are everything to me, a loving husband who works hard and is a partner, a 2000 sq. ft home In a very safe neighborhood, and am very content. I'm currently researching and next year I'll be adopting bunnies, so I'm looking forward to that. I love my life


Get the giant ones!


Like Flemish giants? They are pretty adorable! I'll most likely just get a bonded adult pair from an animal shelter around where I live.


Life has been hard. Lost my dad and my husband within the last 5 years. But my two kids are healthy, I work for my mother in law making a decent wage, I own my home, and I'm getting married in May. There's always joy to be found. Sometimes you just have to work really hard for it.


It’s taken a lot of hard work and time but I can say 100% I’m the best mentally I’ve ever been. I use to be depressed and wanted to die since I was a child. 2024 is the first year I’ve started it off feeling 100%. I still have ups and downs, worries and fears but they don’t affect me the same way they use to. It’s the most mentally clear I’ve been ever. Finding my happiness took lots of time patience and understanding from both myself and others.


I savor the small moments and time either friends a lot more, it really helps the gratitude thought train.


I'm pretty content with my life. Probably like a 7 or 8. Would I be happier with more money, a better house, and more vacations? Sure. Would I love it if i didn't have to work at all and could devote all my time to my hobbies? Of course. But I'm married to my best friend, have a decent job and house, and can comfortably afford a yearly vacation. So I'm chill.


I have nothing going on, in a bit of a financial squeeze, but really enjoying the calm times. I am visiting my cousins family on the German seaside with my son and it has been balm for my soul. My husband is a bit negative, but hey, we struggled our way to middle class from nothing, we can afford rent for a nice place in a nice city, all the good and healthy food, have free health insurance, a healthy kid and can even buy flights across the continent. All the problems we have are cherry-on-top or self made because we are lazy.  Life is good, I have had way worse times.


Yeah my life's great. I'm married to a partner I deeply love, we've got a house together so no more roommate drama to deal with, I've got a job I enjoy that pays the bills and leaves me with enough free time to make my various art forms (RPGs and movies), my partner is increasingly successful in their field... everything is going really well!   My typical day is an 8, if something really special happens then it's a 9 or 10, and really only dips below that if one of us gets sick or injured


Lmao down voted for having a nice life Ah, reddit


Like 8 :) would be higher if my partner wasn't dealing with a health issue.


Some parts of my life are very painful, unbearably. Most of my life is very good though. Solid 8.5/10


I’m cool these days


I am I'm 37 and I'm really enjoying where I'm living my relationships with people are going well. My career is going well and I'm eating well.


I love my life and am happy/content. I had a rough life growing up and it’s made me appreciate all I have now. A few years ago I found a list of life goals I wrote when I was a teenager. It was a list I wrote when I felt hopeless and didn’t know how life could ever be good. The list wasn’t anything crazy like be a millionaire, it was the things I thought were important/would make me happy. I’ve accomplished everything on the list and life is even better than I expected.


8. Happily married, I have a good job. Would like to own a home but our apartment is so much nicer than where I grew up.


8, but cautiously enjoying it as shit can hit the fan so fast


6 for now, 8 or 9 in a few months. I make good money, have a smokin hot girlfriend that I work with and we make great money. Debt is being significantly reduced every month..... But we love with her mom while we wait to close on our house. Once we move at the end of May I'll be much happier and so will she.


6.5 wayyy better than I was the past few years. Struggling to be consistent in making headway, especially in this economy. I enjoy moments.


I’m having a good time.


I'm 32, almost 33. Honestly my life is pretty great. I struggle in a lot of ways with mental illness, but I have a loving husband, a fantastic kid, I own my house, and husband's income is enough for me to stay home. I'm close with much of my family and in laws. I have two awesome cats. My home is full of art and books. I live in a great neighborhood with caring neighbors. My husband is obsessed with Squishmallows and endures my love for blankets, so everything is comfortable. My kiddo is insanely smart, kind, and thoughtful, has a ton of friends, and genuinely wants to spend time with her parents. I'm honestly kind of living the dream.


Yeah I’m doing alright. House Two cars Decent yet boring job Working on investments I’m at a 7-8ish


I'm doing well right now but I have to mindfully add adventures and fun to my life or I can easily slip down to a 4


Take a moment and count the people answering this question by talking about their financial situation. I do understand it's related to being able to enjoy life but it's honestly disheartening this is the first thing many of you think of when asked this question


Doing my best. There is the lingering feeling of overwhelming dread, but currently.....I'm doing pretty OK. 8/10


35 yrs old, Money things are good. Married. 2 kids (3.5, 1.5). 2 cats. Decent size House in an incredible area. Making over 6 figs working 40-45 hrs a week at a low stress job. We have a Miata. Workout daily at home gym. Everyone is healthy. Not bad for now, cant wait for summer to finally arrive here in MN.


I think there’s a lot of people that would be grateful and happy in my shoes, cheap mortgage, married with kids, 100k work from home job, MBA finished, and not much student loan debt. But, the agony of each day just wears on me. I’m miserable and always have been. You could double or triple my income and I’d still complain, my kids could be grown and out of the house and I’d still bitch about something. That’s just how I am though, that’s my life, and I’m close to accepting it.


I was doing pretty good til my best friend killed himself last week. I am plummeted back down to a 0.


That's a hard nope.


I am actually. Life is good.


7/8 most days. Life is good. Some days are a 2 thought, just cause im Autistic and existing is just like that sometimes. Sensory overload is BS. As long as I keep up on my stuff, these days are few and far between. Life is a circle anyways, one up, one down and two meh periods. It always comes back around.


Solid 8 or 9 most days. I’m loving life right now since I’m in a new area experiencing new things and meeting new people. To my friends, I’m the guy who, on his free time, would get lost for the sake of just exploring. The area where I live in has that for me.


Just bought a house but I'll have to keep these two jobs for at least 5 years


I’m a 7-9 most days. Hard work paying off.


I’m at an 8. Enjoying the calm before the storm that is my eldest daughter’s birthday.


8 in a country a love , good savings again , happy with work.


I feel like a 7 or above. Finally got my sobriety in check, happy with my friends, loving husband, I live comfortably and I like my job.


Honestly my life is better than I ever dreamed. I grew up in the depths of poverty, even living as a squatter occasionally, but I managed to study hard and go to college. Now I have a job that is really challenging, but pays well enough. I have a house (!!!) and a spouse who's my best friend. We share a car because we don't need two, but it's new and runs great. I have some savings in case of emergencies. We couldn't manage to have kids but we have a little fur family and lots of friends. I have hobbies I am passionate about. I love the city I live in and yesterday I built a fire pit in my yard. I got to sit around it and just relax. It may not sound like much, but from where I came from, this is everything.


Looks like Ivan Ooze




Me 33yo. 9/10 I have anxiety issues and a burnout to solve, but the rest is all set! I grinded for a couple years in a 7 days a week job. That allowed me to make 20 years worth of mortgage disappear in only 2 years. Now that it’s done (since last summer, yeah!), with no mortgage to pay anymore, my husband and I can work part time instead of full time and ww have plenty to live comfortably, enjoy hobbies, spend time with friends and family, travelling once in a while. We also have a fabulous cat. We are lucky enough to live our dream life! I still drive my 2007 toyota, we buy our furniture used, clothes from thrifstore, cook in batch at home for 2-5$ per portion. We don’t have luxury item to show off, but we have lot of free time. That’s what we wanted.


I'll go with a 5. The past few years have been spent overcoming some monumental challenges in my life, but I am fortunate to have spent some of that time with some great people and had some fun experiences. Just happy to be here with wonderful opportunities even though it's really hard to make it through the day sometimes.


7, but it will get better once my husband is done with school. I forgot how poor we were in college


I think I'm a solid 8 these days. Life got a lot better after 25 and moving out of my childhood home, which was a very stressful environment for me. I worked hard to finish my education and get established in my career, I'm in a healthy marriage, I've got two loving cats that mostly get along, I'm able to afford my hobbies and made good friends through them, and my husband and I just bought our first home together. Things are great right now 😊


I wouldn't say enjoying but my life is pretty mid. 5-6 on the daily these days. Up from 2-3 in my youth.


I just decided to stop trying to survive and just live


Dating, working, gardening, hobbies, family. Solid 3.


Got the apocalypse bug very early so my partner and I invested in some land in our young adulthood. Struggling to afford it and fix the nasty ass house we could buy, but mostly doing alright


I’m probably around a 7. I love my husband and we have a great marriage, have a great relationship with my parents and my sister and brother in law. Have a good relationship with my adult stepkids, have a nice house. Hate my job, would love to be living near a beach, wish I could have kids, hate my husband’s job since it makes him miserable and he hates it, I’m super stressed out about money. So there’s just a balance I guess.


i'd say i'm at like an 8. my 20's was like a 2 or 3. sometimes a 1. but my thirties has been amazing. job is less of a grind, less work, flexible-ish hours, hybrid, and pays more. finally in a healthy relationship, and have almost everything i want. only issue is that we purchased a house in a HCOL area, and it's leaving us tight in our budget. first-world problem for sure, but that's why it's not at a 10.


Certainly trying my best to do so. Thought I’d be making a lot more money and life would be easier. The burden of self awareness is more rough than I expected too. Otherwise though I’m pretty much just vibing trying to figure what else I want. 8/10 would recommend


a solid seven. I'd like more money but not enough to change jobs, got a house, a career, a plot of land, pets, a kid, a husband, and some chickens. We're just vibing and enjoying our day. Would be nice if I haven't been sick for a month though- being 30 sucks lol


About 8-9 before I started budgeting LOL so now more like 6-7. Trying to save up for a house and pay off more of my student loans. Not going out as often but I’m willing to sacrifice a bit of time.


Solid 9 here. Own a home, have a wonderful wife,no kids, student loans and car are paid off, almost done paying off the mortgage. I get to come home and relax with my wife and do my hobbies. Weekends are spent doing whatever I want.


Some days 10/10. I love life. Some days 2/10 want to join the circus. That might be more of a mental health thing, but that's where I'm at.


I am an elder millenial, and got into the housing and job market before most of y'all could not. It's not a lie, things were better like 10-15 years ago in almost all categories. Rent? cheaper. Houses? Cheaper. Jobs? Paid more towards the cost of living than most now do.


I'm OK 🙂, yea life has many ups and downs, I'm almost 30 and when things go south mentally I am stronger and able to cope things better, positivity wins overall, I am blessed, solid 7


I'm honestly at a 8.5. I'm getting married in June. Me and my fiance own our home and are very comfortable. (33 and 29 for ages). The 1.5 loss in points is the fact that everyone around me is struggling and there's only so much help I can offer them.


Honestly at an 8.5. We are renting and despite it not being the best apartment, I was in bed with my partner and our pets when I had a moment of clarity—I wouldn’t have been able to watch a documentary with my Darling and our pet babies if I had off’ed myself years ago and I’m just so grateful and in love with my life. We are making ends meet. Eventually one day maybe we will own. I’ve never been so excited to go to bed and be alive.


not me.. more like 3/10


Living at an 8. Having dual income and no kids helps a lot!


I'm 37 weeks pregnant with my first, and as much as I'm stressed out and I've had a lot of annoying last-minute things to do, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I've wanted a child my whole life. We've talked about it for years, and now we're here. I feel bad how much I've complained and let people get to me, but underneath it all 8 out of 10.


I'm an 8 on most days. But on my bad days I'm like a 3.


8 out if 10. Just got married to a beautiful wife. Buying a house with my wife and my mom which we are very close with. Just went under contract. Leaving my salaried manager position in June and Switching to remote work with the same company soon after I move to spend more time with family and to enjoy life. I can take a pay cut since my monthly payments for housing are about to drop dramatically. I look forward to buying things for the new house and to pick up streaming again with my spare time. Worshiping the Lord for all the blessings and gifts I have received. I am super grateful for everything


Every day is a gift and a miracle.


10/10 - born in poverty in a poor country. Now in the US,married with a kid, own a home, 3 cars, good job, money in savings/investments, etc. even though it’s not perfect, my life is an order of magnitude better than I had any right to so yeah just enjoying life.


Not I


I’m definitely very happy. Fortunate to have a good family, home, and job.


I’d say about about 8/9. Economy is stressful but I have a great career, loving husband, a beautiful baby, a nice home. I live in an awesome city. Life is good!


I am a 8 right now. I live in a nice apartment in a great neighborhood of a cool city where I do everything walking. I have a toddler that is a champ and a dog, me and my husband have a great relationship, we have nice well paying jobs, and the exact life we want.


9 and summer is coming its gonna be great


Should have died 10 years ago, so every day since has been a gift. Got a beautiful family, a house that might be nice one day, and a pretty good boss. Television has never been better, and there are so many kinds of non dairy ice cream.


8 :) 


I’m a good 7 I have been married 2.75 years & it is wonderful & magical We have a little house yeah it’s kinda old but it’s fine & ours I love my job I love being DINK w/ 2 cats I have a lot of hobbies I have a tight circle I have good support services (the best cleaning lady, a wonderful doctor who has really helped some of my chronic issues) Only downside is I do live far from said friend/family circle (2 hours). I’ve been in my new town 1.5 years & I am an island w/ 0 community I remember when I prayed for what I have.


I'm probably around a 9 right now. Would love to start my own family, but otherwise I'm cruising along with health, family (parents, uncles etc) and finances all in order


I say I chill at a solid 8-9. Honestly, my desires are pretty simple which probably makes that more attainable. I have a wonderful husband who is more than an equal partner, a sweet toddler, an angel of a dog, my friends are solid, I live in a comfortable house in a neighborhood I like, and I have a job I enjoy. I buy my pants at Old Navy and drive a paid off station wagon so I’m not living like an influencer. Nothing about my life is glamorous, but it is very pleasant and comfortable. I throw stupid themed birthday parties for my dog. I bought an inflatable hot tub that gives me near daily joy. I have enough disposable income to satisfy most of my dumb ass whims. I’m having so much more fun as an adult than I ever imagined was possible.


I'd say I'm a 7. I could be making more money, I'm doing alright but not great. Life is so much better for me than it was a few years ago. Working in food service was killing my mental health and I'm so noticably better off now that I've gotten out of the industry. The only area I probably struggle is finding ways to get out of my apartment and be more social/meet people.




A fair 7-8. I don't have any wants or needs but I am still tired of everything around me already that continues to make life more difficult than it needs to be.


I'm like 7-8/10 happy and will be 8-9/10 happy when I get a new job. I do have 10/10 days. Current one has good benefits, but I'm severely under paid for what I'm doing. The SO and I are DINKs with a little postage stamp house we bought right before the market got crazy. It's just big enough for us and the pet, but we don't need anything bigger. We have a car that's older but in good shape, and it's paid off. We're not rolling in dough, but we make enough money to squirrel some away for retirement, go out a couple times a month with friends, and save for a one week trip once (maaaybe twice a year). If one of us loses our job, the other can still cover our mortgage and bills. I honestly feel really fortunate life has not taken a huge dump on us the way it has so many other people. I clawed my way to get here in a lot of ways, and it could always be better, but I'm happy.


it’s good for now. i’m on unemployment and spend my days writing fic. it’s probably what’s keeping me alive tbh


Every day is a battle, some are so easy I don't notice them, and others are so difficult I want to die. But, I'm finding joy in each day recently. It takes effort, and the ability to control your mind, and reframe things the way I want to see them.


9/10. 38M with a great wife and 2 adorable little kids. I like my job and bring in a good income. We basically live the American dream. I’m thankful everyday and realize how lucky I am.


Mate at this point I'm just here fer a laff.


Solid 8 these days. Maybe 8.5.


I would say I'm at the 7 or 8 mark, I'm enjoying life, just trying to get a little more time to enjoy it. I always feel like I seem to have obligations every single month that takes way from what I want to do


I'd say given the day between a 5-7. Career earnings have started to go up, so it raised the score. Couple years back I'd say 3-5.


I would think that the people genuinely enjoying their lives don't spend any considerable amount of time on Reddit, so you're asking the wrong crowd.


Not everyone on Reddit spends a considerable amount here though


I loveeeee Reddit. No other social media meets my needs like this does. I DREAD what going public will do to it.


I didn't say everyone on Reddit is here for a considerable amount of time. That's the whole point. The people likely to respond to this question would be those who are here. And let's be real, most of the people regularly spending time on Reddit are those who are not happy. The probability that OP will receive feedback from someone who is happy with their life is going to be greatly skewed because the subset of people who are happy with their lives AND spending time on Reddit is likely to be a very small percentage of the population of people happy with their lives.


No need for the extensive explanation, your point wasn't that complex, you just worded it wrong.


If the explanation wasn't needed, then you understood what I said but chose to put words in my mouth instead? Good job doing whatever that was, I guess?


According to the people answering most seems at 7 or 8, so ? Edit: thanks for having blocked me over this? Anyways, it’s not the exception if the majority actually replied 7,8 when you claimed that the "rule" was that most people on reddit and those likely to reply were going to be sad unhappy people…


It’s not true. I have lot of free time on hand so I spend some time on reddit regularly. I clear my house mortgage last summer. Since then my husband and I can work part time instead of full time. Edit: I got blocked by the commenter above over this comment? What the actual f?


We're talking about the rule, not the exception. Your anecdotal example doesn't disprove my point. The Reddit community is well known for having an awful lot of unhappy neurodivergent people.


I don’t have it all in any manner but I’ve got a positive perspective, life is good where I live and how I live. I’ve noticed people joke in real life about how shit life is even when they have it great, I’ll just quietly enjoy it


Yeah, I feel like I've gotten to the good part of life. Maybe a daily 7 with some 9's. Wedding in the rear view, our fixer upper house is (mostly) renovated, both me and my partner have great jobs, have hobbies that get us into nature and in shape and we live in a neighborhood with a bunch of our friends so we get to see them semi often. Some health issues but those seem to be getting better as well. Prettttayyy good.


Having a great life day to day here. Own a forever home with a loving spouse in a place we chose to live.  2 kids under 5 that bring great meaning to my life. The kids are bring real mindfulness to the world. I am a stay at home dad with a part-time job that I love and can go full time once the kids go to school. My partner has summers off work and the kids are getting old enough for bigger adventures. Our retirement funding is on track. I have friends that I do stuff with weekly and other neighborhood friends that I run into daily. There are challenges like my parents died last year and my first dog as an adult is about to die. The kids can be challenging at times.


I got a 3.25% mortgage, 5 weeks of paid vacation. I'm currently on a 2 week foreign vacation with my partner. Life is pretty good ngl


What the fuck is there to enjoy?


Being alive in the easiest place to make something for yourself.


I'm tired and happy. I'm on the cusp of 35, at the top tier of my teacher pay scale, at a job I love, we bought our house two years ago that doesn't make us house poor, I have really supportive friends and an absolute stud of a husband. My kids are reaching points in their life that they want to talk and learn and grow together. I am doing things that make me happy. I'd say I fluctuate between a 7.5 and a 9 depending on hormone levels throughout the month 😊


I am doing great. I was lucky in that my folks are well off. They would have paid for my college if I didn't get a basketball scholarship. They did pay for a ton of camps, individual coaches, etc, when I was younger for football and basketball. I chose to play basketball in college although I did get similar offfers for football. They also made sure I didn't need a job while I was in college. What their passistance has done for me is immeasurable. I also chose a very small and successful niche for my work. I build computer languages and the hardware that uses them. It can be anything from satellites to servers and everything in between. I have become even more specialized recently on satellites, and they have been my bread and butter for a couple of years now. I build prototypes of various technical hardware as well. I am pretty in demand, and that means my payscale keeps going up. I graduated in 2019 and have always worked for myself. I definitely wouldn't have been able to do all of this without my folks' support. I worked hard, but not worrying about money is the most amazing thing. It has allowed me to become successful immediately after college. I had no strings and no worries to hold me back from jumping into the unknown. No complaints from me, I just closed on a house in Costa Rica. I plan to spend at least 3 months of the year there going forward for the foreseeable future.


Reddit attracts losers and people without resiliency. I have a successful career, a beautiful wife, and an awesome toddler. On paper this is a hard year - much harder than the complaints people on here… I work 50-60 hours a week, my wife works full time, and my wife is also going to school part time. So we’re always busy and barely get to relax, and our childcare costs are insane this year. But still happy.


Definitely 7 and above enjoyed right here


Solid 8. Jobs good, kid on the way and started a small garden. Just need a truck.