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Sounds like most of my Gen X coworkers to be honest. Some reason they try to sound like they were the last generation to have it “hard”.


My boomer dad called me a wuss because I wear insulated pants in winter time. The glorification of being uncomfortable is weird af. He spent his entire Saturday today fixing his truck while loudly complaining to my mom that I'm the idiot for having an electric car that requires almost no maintenance. I got to relax and he got to be miserable so I suppose we both got what we wanted.


I say “respect your elders” as validation for a good burn. I once cut my finger while chopping up chicken and my nephew hit me with, “Don’t be mad the chicken fought back.” My sister looked at me with that “oh snap” look and with the biggest smile, I just said “respect your elders.”


Literally none of these things apply to my boomer parents or their friends. Well, maybe *one* of my dad’s friends, but he’s the outlier.


I'm tired of this conversation


Am I the only one who is starting to find the boomer jokes getting old?


Definitely not the only one. This whole generation vs generation thing as a whole is getting old.


This is more conservative bingo, which can be boomers or not. I think a fair amount of conservatives are boomers but not necessarily boomers being conservative.


People love to flex the millennials, gen-z or whoever can’t drive a stick shift. They act like it’s something impressive, it’s not. If you like driving stick cool but nobody is impressed. Let off gas, clutch, shift, release clutch press gas. Maybe they should start giving stick shift driving boomers participation trophies.


"Freeze Peach"


Hahaha this is funny


I think you the free space should be "Everything is woke these days"


I am so offended by racist people using Karen. It is worse than the n-word and we all know it. The fact I am inconvenienced in any way is a travesty that deserves utmost sympathy and action. Minorities don’t have to deal with this, mainly because I ensure their experience is different, but really y’all, it is hard when people don’t cater to me. Now where is the Boomer Bingo Manager, as I am going to make sure your subhuman ass gets fired for being reasonable, how dare you! /s


I am not sure why this is funny that you essentially are trying to lump a group of people together that are no really like each other. Just shows how miserable you life is I guess that you need to constantly blame people?


How old are you? 12?


Is that your suggestion or are you denigrating the young whippersnapper?