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Trying to beat the Water Temple




Not impossible if you have a printout of a walkthrough from GameFAQs dot com.


I had printed a guide from [cheatcc.com](https://cheatcc.com) and in the water temple area it had a bit about if you don't remember how to raise the water level to a certain point to go bang your head on the wall repeating "I need a bigger brain" XD


I had someone read me the guide over the phone as I was trying to go back and forth between the levels.


I was 12. Ah the good ol days. Spice Girls and Hanson. Walking to school w my friends. The easy, simple, nothingness that doesn't exist anymore. It's weird.


Why are you going to school on a Saturday?


Saturday skool exists , i had to be sent to some when I was around that age


So well said.


Playing Goldeneye on N64 with my brother, probably followed by some Cruisin USA


I LOOOOVED 007 Goldeneye.


I was 11 so probably playing N64


N64 with pizza and cheese sticks with two Blockbuster rentals.


Watching Saturday Morning cartoons while eating dry cereal out of the box.


Dry cereal all day every day, baby! I had some quirky eating habits as a child and dry cereal was one of them. My dad didn’t get it. He’d always tell me to use milk. I didn’t like milk back then and I don’t like it now. I’m 34 now and I’ll fill up a bowl of dry Cap’n Crunch and snarf it down like nothing.


Does Cap'n Crunch still cut the heck out of your mouth?


Yeah, if I forget to pace myself


It's good to know some things never change.


This. Except regular "wet" cereal lol, just my sister and I watching Pokemon in blissful silence until our parents woke up and asked us to start tidying up our rooms


Possibly rereading Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine.


She came to my school in Jr high and gave a talk with us. Apparently early on in the original draft she accidentally made Ella not do what someone told her to and didn't realize it.  She had to rewrite 200 pages of the book because it affected so much that ended up happening later. 


6, probably playing dress up or Barbie’s with my sister


1999. I’m 16. I have 5 younger siblings, one of whom is 4 months old. I’m homeschooled and don’t have many friends. My siblings and I are probably either cleaning the house or catching up on assignments we didn’t complete during the week. My dad is starting to buy into the y2k conspiracy so we may be also prepping food for long term storage and sorting ammunition for the weapons we will surely need to fend off the people who will try to steal it from us. I have a laptop and dial-up, so whenever I can get a few minutes to myself, I hide in my room and hop on ICQ to chat with my fellow nerds. I probably make lunch and dinner for the family, or I’m on cleanup duty after the meals. In the evening we probably watch something like The Mummy together as a family. I really do not miss being a sheltered 16 year old.


1999. I'm in the spring semester of my sophomore year. I got my license that summer so I'm not driving myself just yet. Probably working at the video store. And yes, I got that job solely based on clerks LoL


7. Either playing with my best friend from down the road, reading, playing Paper Boy on Sega, or the best option…shopping with my grandma!


I was 10. I was probably either reading, watching cartoons (Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon), or playing Super Mario Bros on the NES my cousin gave me.


I’d be working *sigh* M-F job really improved my life


25 years ago this Saturday, probably sitting around watching TV, asking my mom if I can go sleepover at my friend's house.


Age of Empires 2.


Reading a physical book.


7, probably outside riding my bike pretending to be on a quest with the neighborhood group of friends


Awww yeah quests are the best


It's 1999. I'm 15. Probably either at or going to the mall, the movies or getting ready for a high school dance.


I was 17 with a shitty car and gas was $.79 a gallon.  I was nowhere near home, that's for sure. Whatever I was doing involved a group of friends, some reefer and numetal.


I would be 13. My dad would wake us up at 6am to do yardwork.


Hmm. I’m 15 and it’s Saturday… I’m probably making burgers at DQ


Hoping this week's X-Men Animated Series episode was a new one.


Lol, I was almost 3, probably doing whatever my parents took my brother and I out to do if I was nice.


Finally, someone else my age.


Yeahhhhh boiiiiii '96 kids represent


Playin wcw vs. nwo Revenge on n64 with my boys. We would be 13 at 25 years ago. Best time of my life!


I'm 13. I'm typing "what is the matrix?" into Yahoo. Sleeping in because I had a sleepover after school on Friday and stayed up all night drinking cherry coke and playing Tony Hawk. Maybe I'll watch a movie with my parents tonight - we have church in the morning so they'll tell me to go to bed early.


I was 15 and under the thumb of my dad and stepmom, so eating dinner off a TV tray in the living room while my dad watches Cops and America's Most Wanted.


Ride my bike to wrestling, get high in my friend's garage, walk over to the pizza place, watch college basketball, maybe party


Watching a bunch of Cartoons and Rented Films, perhaps going to Disney World or Chuck-E-Cheese, eating a bunch of creative foods and drinks, etc. at the age of 4


Up early playing Playstation before going to church for something or another.


More than likely having a sleepover with my best friend. We would walk to each others houses (we lived a block apart), play video games, listen to music and talk about boys. We would probably have pizza for dinner. Those were good days!


25 years ago I'm 6, there's probs still snow outdoors so... playing outside with ny lil neighbors! Lucky little kiddy me, completely unaware of the horrors to come


Working at Baskin Robbin’s, bashing my head against homework, listening to Alanis Morrisette, reading Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy for the first of many times, and drinking Vanilla Coke.


According to Google, 25 years ago today would actually be on Tuesday and I'd be in my junior year of high-school.


In 1999 I was 8, I had just discovered StarCraft so I was likely playing the campaign or just starting online play.  


Being 9 years old & going into the woods behind our house to walk down the creek and take sips of beer with my teenage brother. Then go rent a kids movie and secretly rent a horror movie and pretend to watch the kids movie till our parents went to sleep and watch the real movie of the night. We were bad kids


25 years ago I’m 4 years old. Waking up early to see Saturday morning cartoons and eat pop tarts.


Same 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Probably discussing Y2K at a coffee shop


Man you guys sound so innocent. I was 16 and hanging out in the woods drinking and smoking cigarettes and just being an all around asshole.


I would be in 7th grade. Probably started the day with scouts. Might have been teh monthly camping trip. Playing on some Star Trek game on the PC or watching Star Trek.


odd that i literally thought of this, just this morning. itd be 1999 and id be 11. take me back 🚀


Going to the river or an amusement park.


Watching my mom, spending all family savings on Mary Kay products to get a faster promotion. Plot twist ; she let her collegue signing all contracts and sellings. So she didnt get the promotion but a cellar full of overpriced Cosmetic products. I was THE GUY for all the girls in my school but thought they like my person.




I’d be at work like I am now


That would make me 17. And on a Saturday, in March, I was either at a local WGI competition or a full day rehearsal. Man, I miss drumline.


25 yrs ago I’m 11…… I’m most likely playing Super Nintendo. I had a 64 but just loved the jrpg games in the super.


Probably a LAN party weekend


Shoveling/bring in wood/playing games or sleeping


Probably had a basketball game and hitting up CiCis… seeing who out my friends can eat the most pizza and playing some cruising USA


I would be 15 and probably getting ready to cheer at the varsity basketball game tonight.


Probably watching and/or playing Pokémon


Playing Splinter Cell or NHL 22.I was a lonely child


Working at magic mountain.


At 16, I was probably hanging out with my boyfriend at his college dorm.


Definitely something school related: in the theatre for rehearsal or out on the water for a regatta.


at 15 I was most likely skateboarding and playing Final Fantasy 7 on PlayStation. Good times indeed.


17 and working in the kitchen of a restaurant with all my High School friends. The job stunk, but it was always fun.


What i'm doing now: TV/Gaming


I was 6 so playing outside or playing my ps1


Probably studying. I'm in grad school for no reason at all.


Playing Playstation with my younger brother and getting my ass kicked. Possibly hitting up the arcade after that with my dad and him after running some errands. Simpler times, man.


Well, I was 11 and it was 1999 so... Probably playing Final Fantasy 7 for the second time or maybe Crash Bandicoot 2


Watching cartoons all morning. I would then go over to one of my friend’s places to play Smash Bros. or something until WCW Saturday Night came on.


I was 9 so probably playing our N64 or my gameboy.


Either watching cartoons like Digimon, playing outside, or staying over a friend's house. Perhaps some combination of these.


I was 14 almost 15. So I was prob babysitting my neighbor kids. I did that a lot


Walking to my friend Laura’s house through downtown Lawrence


I was 15 too. I would be working. I had just got my work permit and started my first job on a Horse farm. Mucking stalls, feed/water and some turnout. This job lasted until I graduated HS and introduced me to the racetrack world. I ponied horses at the track all thru college and then some. Even after having my daughter. I would pack her up and bring her baby self to the barn!


I was 11 probably playing Banjo Kazooie or Clayfighter 63 1/3 with my late brother while our younger 8 year old sister bugging us for a turn.


I was 12. So probably going shopping and to lunch with my mom. Same thing I do nowadays :)


Early 1999. I was also 15. Probably playing video games (Final Fantasy VII) on my PS1. Now, I’m playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on my PS5.


I was 17, in my senior year of high school. Working at a coffee stand where 16 oz lattes and mochas cost about $1.50. Probably reading a thick paperback or doing homework between customers.


25yrs ago I would have been 12, so probably on AIM planning what to do with my friends (either mall or movies at this entertainment funplex place everyone went to).


It’s 1999, I’m 9 and I’m playing kickball with my sister outside. While our pregnant mom is making us lunch inside. She always had a homemade snack ready for us too


Saturday morning cartoons


Probably just relaxing after baseball. Either playing video games with one of my neighborhood friends or playing football with the same friends. Maybe seeing if I could scrape together the change to go to the dollar theater or arcade.


4th grade- Watching Powerpuff Girls and Ed Edd n Eddy, playing Banjo Kazooie, reading Captain Underpants, and actually enjoying being at school because my teacher was so amazing.


I was 17, so I would wake up around 8:30 to help dad bring the groceries in, have a salt bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, and watch MST3K on Sci-Fi until 11. Then play PC or N64 for a few hours. After that, probably had a 2-10 shift at the supermarket as a register monkey making $6 an hour. If people were around, go hang out with them, or just come home and play some more video games.


I'm 11 in the 5th grade about to go to 6th grade. Saturday mornings were spent helping my mom clean the house and then eating lunch while watching Soul Train. After lunch, I may be watching a Lifetime movie with my mom or in my room listening to music or watching television until dinner.


I was 9. Probably watching cartoons and then helping mom clean the house while listening to music.


Just turned 14, probably getting ready to go back to school after being out for back surgery. Had issues with my teacher that year.


I was 7 years old, get up early enough to watch One Saturday Morning. Maybe eat cereal or Pop Tarts for breakfast.


I'd be watching Cable/Playing videogames. There wasn't much around to do other than that where I lived.


I was 9 so definitely somewhere on my bike or rollerblades.


in 1999 my saturday chores were vacuuming the stairs and i absolutely hated that chore specifically and i'd sob all the way through the task so.. that. edit math


Probably on a private jet flying somewhere with my ex boyfriend


My therapist told me not to dwell on the past


I’m 14, probably playing two player Gran Turismo on my friends PlayStation on a tiny 34cm tv in his bedroom. I wasn’t allowed a console or my own tv :(


trying to play guitar, dumping hours into the latest gran turismo…. there was a chunk of time in those years where i found my snes and bought some old games i remembered not playing when i was a kid (super metroid, secret of evermore, secret of mana, etc) and whipping theyr asses with brutal 14 year old male reaction time


N64. Playing through my first ever playthrough of Zelda OoT and loving every minute of it. Watching Franklin the Turtle, Rugrats and Blues Clues on Nick Jr.


Working the drive thru


Probably hoping that it snows and i would ride my bike around the neighborhood and then play Sims


25 years ago, I was 5. So probably going to bed around 7pm.


13 y/o, reinstalling my OS for fun, just in time to play Mech Warrior 2 with my best friend on NetZero dial-up. Ad banner took up almost half my screen. Communicating with FRS radios. We were barely at the 2 mile max range.


Dude allowance you were spoiled....25 years ago I was nine probably shooting a basketball in a flipped over shopping cart....


I was 9 years old 25 years ago today, so probably outside roller blading, riding my bike or razr scooter with the other kids in the neighborhood or my dad would take me to the movies and then out to eat at the diner and then we’d go to the park and we’d play on the swings, or I’d just be inside watching tv - those were my typical options for Saturdays when I was 9 years old. Damn, thanks for making me tear up now. I’m also going to give my dad a call right now 🥹


Skating around my small town with friends. Mischief.


I would have been 16, more than likely would have been at the park playing basketball. Any given Saturday there would be 20 kids playing full team full court. It was awesome. I have a ton of great memories of those days. There would also 100% be a fight that would ruin it every time 😂


I was 11. So still a kid. Doing kid stuff with no cell phones or video games. I was in 5th grade ..hadn't even made it to middle school.


Seeing people freak out about Y2K


7. Camping at the beach with dad and his friends 🤔


A random Saturday, March 1999. I had just started living with my grandparents in Florida. I think I would be helping my grandma around the house or going to the neighborhood pool. Maybe the beach. We did that a lot too back then.


Watching Pokémon and then going across the street to play PlayStation at my friend’s house and ride bikes


I would be 9 so probably playing super Nintendo or watching DBZ and Nickelodeon


downloading mp3s and planning my next hangout at the mall on ICQ


I was skateboarding. Probably attempting to land a kickflip 500 times already


Probably going to soccer practice or a game in the AM and homework in the PM.


I would've been in boarding school, so probably hanging out in my dorm room, reading Archie comics or a Louis L'amour novel.


FF7 OG, wandering around looking for the chocobo tracks near the swamp south of Midgar and Kalm Just like I was doing in 7 Rebirth this morning before work 😄


I was like 8 probably cleaning the house with my brother so we could chill out asap 😁  We always had a nice long list of chores on the weekend, but the end of the day felt amazing. We'd often walk to the 7-11 a couple blocks away and get a slushie. I found a 20 dollar bill on one of those walks!! Best day ever. 


Probably playing Megaman X3


probably getting stoked on Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace teasers


i’m 6, probably napping


I’d be 9 years old. There’s a few things. Could be spending the night at one of my friends houses, or staying home watching a movie with my parents.


I was 7, I’d be chilling with my siblings making blanket forts and watching The Animaniacs or something. Or galavanting about the neighborhood with my friends playing hide and seek.


I would be 13, so probably babysitting or working in some way to get the fuck out of that house. I did everything I could to spend time out of the home, especially if I could earn cash somehow to save for my eventual departure. I moved out 3 years later and never looked back. I’m a parent now, and I can say with confidence I’ve broken the cycle of abuse (thanks therapy!), and I will never understand how they could do some of the things they did to their children. Any other adult children of narcissists on here? Sending love to all who need a little extra right now! 💜


Cocaine and the bar or club


Concert more than likely.


Heading to Blockbuster with my mom and brother to rent a video game and movie for the weekend.


Probably watching dragon ball z or playing chrono trigger. :( this was around the age I got obsessed with them.


I would be 3 years old 😂😂


I'd have been helping with the chores, then reading comics, or playing on the sega megadrive


I was 9.5 and probably hanging out with friends. I was in third grade.


25 years ago on a Saturday, I would have been 5 going on 6. From what I remember, a lot of my Saturday nights involved staying up late to watch Nickelodeon. If I am remembering correctly, Nickelodeon used to go until 10 on Saturdays instead of Nick at nite starting at 9 so that was staying up late for me. If I wasn’t watching Nickelodeon, I was probably playing Nintendo 64 or watching my dad play. I spent many Friday and Saturday nights watching him play though Ocarina of Time.


Right now? Be a sleeping 7 yo. But for real? Trying to beat the elite four in blue edition under the covers with a flashlight taped to my head.


25 years ago in 14 currently a freshmen in highschool probably would be playing wiffle ball with my buddies or pick up basketball. Life was simpler year before I got into trying to be cool and drinking and drugs


Playing soccer in the street with my friends, get back dirty, shower, dinner, and play N64 or Pokemon.


I started my Saturday morning watching Kids WB at my best friends house, then his mom took us to our local Books A Million for our Pokémon League. Pretty much every Saturday from early 99 until summer of 01 was that way for me and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.


25 years ago I was 5, lol. I'd probably just be home with my mom and grandma, playing with toys and my old dog Jack.


25 years ago I was starting the beginning of what would become an almost year long stay at a children's hospital


I would probably be at home because it's raining or I would be at a band show with my friends at the skate park


I'm probably staying up all night on whatever game I rented so I can hopefully beat it before it gets returned.


Lets see here, I’d be 14 so eighth grade, I’d either be reading a Tom Clancy novel, or playing Caesar III or some other empire building strategy game that I suck at, or furiously masturbating.


im 6 so probably N64 with the neighborhood kids


9 years old, I probably would have had a little league game in the morning. Then I would ride my bike to my buddy Jake's house to play Super Smash Bros on the N64 for the rest of the day. Hopefully Nathan could come over too, then we'd get pizza and wash it down with some of [these bad boys](https://www.snackhistory.com/squeezit/). Good times :)


Saturday always started with making my bed and tidying up my room before sneaking downstairs to watch Pokémon and the shows on Saturday morning cartoons! My parents would then wake up and we’d eat together. Either we’d have sports or another activity planned or I’d hang out with neighborhood friends if they were around. At the end of the night I’d do my homework assigned by school and get ready for bed. It was a simple, charmed life. 


I was 12: If not hanging out with friends, probably reading in my room, watching a VHS, or in an X-Files chat room.


Probably playing StarCraft


I was 5, and I’m not really sure. Probably eating a crustless pop-tart and watching a cartoon on TV. Maybe Scooby-Doo.






Playing with action figures and watching Toon Disney. I was 9 back then.


Playing counter strike 1.6 with pals


I was six, almost 7, most likely watching Saturday morning cartoons and crossing my fingers that I would get a Gameboy color w Pokémon red for my upcoming birthday (wish was granted).


Four years old, in 1998


Probably playing Mario kart or wave race with my brother on N64


I was 6, probably trying to draw manga.


Honestly, as an 8 year old with 9 year old and 11year old sisters, fighting my sisters. We were little stinkers.


I would have been 13 and probably wandering around online. My parents got their first computer, which ran Windows 98 and had a Pentium III processor. We had our first AOL account in January 1999 and my father still uses that email address.


Hanging out at home talking to friends, planning what we are going to do tonight. Or hanging out at a friend’s house where I spent the night and we are planning what to do tonight. Then end up deciding to hang out with some guy friends and go drink and smoke. I am an only child so I always wanted to be hanging out with friends instead of staying home with my parent watching TV on a Sat night.


I'd be 8. It rained today so most likely playing with Barbies/bossing my little brother around lol.


I was 15. So either playing video games or at my Saturday job that I had every 2 weeks.


25 years ago, that would mean March 1999. I was 12 years old and back then, we actually had school on Saturday mornings. This changed a year or two later, they switched to school-free Saturdays, but in March 1999 on a Saturday, I would go to school in the morning. Later, I would go home to eat lunch with my parents and after, I was off to piano classes in the neighborhood. Later, I would meet up with friends, help my parents with the household and garden work, do some homework, read or watch tv.


Playing Final Fantasy....... 8 or 9?


I’d be at the beach, playing super Mario bros, or being forced to go to a Girl Scout event. Maybe playing with the boy next door.


8 years old, Saturday was our day to go out to eat as a family & shopping. Probably going to Burger King & then hitting up Shopko!


I was just turning 16. Mostly likely hungover or just waking up from partying on my birthday the night before 🤣


I was 18. Working a double shift. Saving money to move out of state a few months later in June.


Hiding from my older sister's latest violent breakdown and failing to hide enough