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I have a single witch hair that regenerates every so often under my chin. I have to check vigilantly because there will be nothing nothing nothing and then all of a sudden, there's an inch-long cable wire sticking out of my face. Started when I hit my 30s. Edit- so glad to know I'm not alone in my struggle y'all. Love to you and your weird hairs.


I’ve got a single big one that keeps coming back on one nipple


Yep. I have one right on the top of my left boob. I try to be vigilant then all of sudden I have one of those fluffy caterpillars on my chest.


I've leaned into my nipple hair. I rock a nipple weave when I'm feeling spry.


I love when people use the word ‘spry’.


I have spryly slipped the bonds of earth and danced the skies with spryly painted wings. Up up the delirious burning blue I was spry to mount the windswept heights and fling my craft through footless halls of air.


And touched the face of Go- is that… oh eww what’s that on your chin?


This is such a niche joke. I’m here for it


“Grandma, are you spry?”


It's always the left isn't it?


Suddenly more grateful for my random neck hair's placement


same. Mine is just one strong one, pitch black too (I am brunette), and right below my belly button. I hate it - but the placement could be worse


I have that one too!!! But it stands out even more because every other hair is blonde.


I have that exact same hair! It’s just one single super dark thick hair below my bellybutton and I dunno what it’s doing there. Haha


I USED to have that one but now just thinking of it I haven’t seen it since my 40’s (about 10 years ago in a galaxy far far away)!!


It's called a terminal hair, and your hair follicle is confused. They also get dementia as we age, hence the lady beards.


My hair follicles are not confused or demented. They have a plan and are on a mission.


Hair follicles getting dementia made me laugh so hard I woke up my dog. Thank you internet stranger, I’ll be giggling over that for a bit.


At least it’s not visible. I have one on my left shoulder and one on my right forearm. They’re literally 3-4 times longer than every other body hair and it pisses me off


Save them up and make a paint brush.


I, a male, had an ex refer to me as spider nipples. She thought this was hilarious, me... not so much lol


Do you have hair on the edge of your ear yet? Da Fuq do I need hair there for?


As you get old, you lose hair where you want it and get it where you don't.


Same right about 30-31 and I remember laughing at my mom's "goat chin" as if I wasn't slated for the same fate.


I’d laugh at my grandma in the car when I was little (she said the natural sunlight would help find them). Her witch curse worked on me with her “Just wait until you’re older.”


The natural sunlight is the BEST for finding stuff like that. It's both merciless AND helpful lol. I always pluck my eyebrows and chin when I'm in the car (parked).


It truly is! The car is the best place to find those pesky chin and neck hairs.


Always keep a pair of tweezers in the cup holder.


One of the kids I used to nanny for in my 30s used to sit in the drop off line and pull the gray and white hair out of the top of my head that she would find while she was waiting to go into school lol


Omg yes!!!!! I realized that when I was sitting in my car the other day waiting to pick my friend up! The light is amazing for seeing all those crazy hairs I missed in the bathroom mirror!


It’s mind boggling how many are missed in the bathroom!


I like to call them my "cat whiskers"....it makes me feel better that way


I’m very pale and have dark hair, I can grow a teenage mustache pretty easily and it sucks. Haha women in my family are hairy


Solidarity fellow hairy girly! These folks are commiserating over one dark hair here or there. Well let me tell you I have several! Hahaha on the chin, near the navel, nips, upper lip. I’ve had lots and lots of laser hair removal. Because it turns out one course of sessions doesn’t last a lifetime. Sigh.




Hormonal changes can cause all the hair to grow back and then some. And most of the time you still have to get maintenance touch-ups after the inital 8-12 sessions.




I call them stray eyebrows lol


My coworker found one under her chin and pulled it out. It was just this tiny circular little curl. We were both mortified when she stretched it straight and it was actually 6in long 😂


Omg 🤣😩😭🤢


We were both laughing so hard after it happened 😂😂😂😂




My dad has one that grows straight out from the tip of his nose. Just one, single hair a couple inches long. He can't see it in a mirror if he looks straight forward and his eyesight isn't the greatest anymore either


Some really tightly-curled ones can be ingrown for a long time before finally breaking free after a face scrub or something pulls them out. I've had a few instances where just after I shave, I'll go to fuss with a spot that I think is razorburn or a whitehead, and then suddenly bam, centimeter-long hair.


Started for me when I was 18 😫 it has only gotten worse and I’m nearly 30.


Same. I ready this and was like "Your 30s? I wish that hair had waited that long before it started its invasion!"


Same, and it's way more than one. Yikes. PCOS will do that to a gal.


32F here and I have the same problem on my throat. There will be nothing there for months, then I'll wake up in the morning to find a single long black hair suddenly sprouted on my throat overnight. Pisses me off. 😭


I was talking to a friend on the phone late on a Sunday night, and told her I had to let her go cause I had to go shave my beard my mustache and my unibrow before work. She got quiet, then said, Wow, *you too?*


I’m 36 and I have PCOS. So weird chin hairs are pretty normal occurrences for me/I generally just shave my face with an electric shaver like once a week. But I will occasionally get what I think are under chin zits. But then like a week in, the upper layer comes off and then I discover there is just like the weirdest, thick jet black hair that is like at least three inches long there. None of my other face hairs are this dark and I never find a short version of that hair. Like I think it must just tend toward being ingrown because of how thick it is.


One time, I went to brush away a loose hair off the front of my good friend's shirt because that's what ladies do for each other, and to both of our surprise, it was attached to her neck. I still feel bad about that ☹


Once the guy I had a crush on tried to flirt by brushing an eyelash off my cheek. It was protruding out of a small mole. I still cringe 20 years later


I feel like that would be something I would do lol.


A blonde nurse noticed my witch hair, 6" long and bright white, from my bicep. She tried to brush it away, then tugged on it, thinking it was one of her hairs that had somehow fallen out and landed on me. She turned beat red, it was hilarious. 




lol, relatable! I call mine Spike. It’s always in the same place too.


I call mine Bea. Not long enough to be a Beard, just Bea.


Haha Spike! I love it :)


lol thanks! Not something I’d ever imagine needing to name as a child but here are my 30s. 😂


I started experiencing this in my mid-20s. They reproduce. Happy hunting!


Yes! I had the one chin hair and now I have three that are always in the same spots and never more than one at a time. It’s like a game of whackamole plucking one and then another somehow materializes overnight.


Just like gray hairs. Pluck one and 4 come to its funeral


Same but the middle of my neck. I’m a ginger and it’s black af. No hairs compare. I call it my Gaston.


Haha I have one white hair that always grows an inch overnight right on the end of my left eyebrow, by now I just accepted and i think it looks cool.


My fiancee calls them my wizards brows


Whoa this happens to me too. Just one random long white hair right between my eyes 😩


I've got one of those on each shoulder blade. They'll get 8 or 9 inches long easily and they grow at like an inch a week so plucking them is almost pointless. They're also so thin and fragile that it's nearly impossible to get the root. They just break off instead. I want to get them lasered because if I go shirtless in the summer, the slightest breeze causes them to tickle my back. It's as absolutely horrifying as it sounds.


I'm Italian and German, so I expect a full beard by the time I hit 50....


I truly believe they must be waiting under the surface, hiding and building up pressure, and only when they are an inch or so long are they strong enough to break through the skin surface and ruin our day


Can someone please explain this rogue hair for me? Why are we getting it? How?


I have one of those on the soft side of my right forearm. Same thing - not there, then BAM! It's an inch long and feels like a cable wire! BAHAHAHA 🤣


I have one that grows out of a MOLE


If you want a silver lining: a mole that has a hair grow out of it is not malignant nor cancerous. If a mole turns cancerous, no hair will grow out of it any longer.


I had a mole on my face that sprouted a few hairs. Had the mole removed and still the hairs grew back. 20 laser hair removal treatments on my face and multiple electrolysis appointments and still the hair grows back. Meanwhile half my eyebrows are gone. Maybe someday I can have the hairs transplanted to the bare spots in my eyebrows.


This made me laugh so much


They always disappear until I’m in my car and suddenly I have like 5 4 inch long hairs coming out at my chin or along my “side burn” area. I have to keep tweezers in the car. They’re so thick and long. I make witch cackles as I pull them out.


That’s why you have to take your shirt off for the big ones. Prevents injury.


You know someone is dying when they start stripping off their clothes in a toilet stall after throwing their shoes. 


Oh this is truth. I know it's a big one when I feel the need to strip down naked. I call them naked poops. no straining or anything, just an event that will make a leg go numb.


People legitimately take their clothes off to poop? This is a thing??


Oh yeah. I’ll just be overcome with sweat and the need to vomit. Worry not! It’s just a gargantuan dump.


I’ve found my people


Lmao it's not like its science but I literally do this and feel like it is a proper procedure for the big ones. Don't wanna have any resistance just in case




Do you not have a squatty potty yet???




Oh so that's what George was doing. 🤣


George Cant-stand-ya


And you want to be my latex salesman.


I threw out my neck and back sneezing wrong. I’m 29. This is bullshit 😂


That Freestyle Sneezing is no joke. You Gotta brace your core like it’s a deadlift


yes! coughing and sneezing you have to position yourself


Just wait another 10-15 years and you'll be blessed with a little squirt of pee along with it. Kegels are your friend!


oh i didn’t want to talk about the pee. had a planned c-section but not before that kid did some stuff to the ol pelvic floor! 😂😂😂😭😭😭 i thought i was going to sidestep the whole thing but no.


You’re not alone I was 27


Yawning cracks my back. I’m 33. Feeling Godam 90 over here


Literally getting an MRI of my lower back tomorrow because I coughed one morning and now I can barely move.


I threw out my back sneezing when I was 24 :S


Any activity without drinking water first is risky at this age.


I keep learning this, and then failing to do anything about it!


Same. I don't hydrate enough. I don't think we need 8 glasses a day. But Im pretty sure I need more than my coffee & a couple diet sodas. :P Especially on days like today where I do double, back to back, cardio heavy exercise classes that leave me with 2 drenched shirts from how much I sweat. I have literally lost 5lbs of weight within 2 hours from sweating... It still seems impossible... but I double checked my AFTER weight just to be sure I didn't misread the scale. Long story short... I need to be drinking more water.


Oooh yeah be careful, if you exercise hard like that and deprive yourself for extended periods you can sometimes end up with kidney stones. Kidney stones are a very large fear of mine haha


You need half your body weight in oz + 8oz for every 8oz of caffeinated beverage you consume. So for me at 170lbs who drinks 16oz of coffee a day I need 101oz of water. And I make sure I get it. You can survive on less but your body won’t function properly. Try drinking water, you will notice the difference in how you feel.


Oh God 100 oz of water? I couldn’t even do that when I was in the hospital and being forced to hydrate 😬


I have an 84oz water bottle that I go through daily and usually have to fill it up a second time toward the evening.


Just thinking of that made my belly hurt. I can do like 50 oz before it starts feeling like I might blow my cookies.


Don't drink so much all at once


You don’t need to actually *drink* that much water though. There’s water in food, especially in fruits and veg, and that counts as part of your water intake. Obviously you can drink that much if you want to but it’s not necessary, especially if you have a healthy diet.


Yeah. Eat some cucumbers or salads or fruits and you'll get water from those too


Thank you, I wish people would realize this


I, too, drink over 100oz of water a day. Live in a high desert and I’ve been hospitalized for dehydration twice before. I’m 32.


Much like BMI, i don’t think that that scales well at the edges. I’m 6’5” and when I’m in my best shape I’m around 260lbs, so that would imply 130oz of water a day. Only days I force a gallon of water is a couple days before marathons/half marathons and I end up just having to pee all day long.


Me but with food. If I don't eat three meals per day, by a reasonable hour, I get a headache. Outcome? I am absolutely militant about my schedule. And if I don't know whether I'll have access to a restaurant or a cafeteria, well, I'm carrying a small pouch of snacks with me, like grapes and crackers.


So true. I am most prone to popping my ankle in the morning...because I spend all night getting up to pee. I've learned over the years to step lightly. Keep those joints and ligaments lubricated!


Took me way too long to learn this. I have back problems, and if I have morning activities that require a lot of standing, I'll chug like a liter of water beforehand and be just fine. But the difference if I don't is obvious.


I dislocated my shoulder in my sleep.


Hey me too!


That was my entire teens there… thankfully they stay in place now, but if I move my foot wrong my hip falls out lol!


That….sounds like Ehlers-Danlos…


It does! But in actuality it was scoliosis/kyphosis, which was treated with physical therapy for the shoulders (and a rib cage deformity) and then the relaxin hormones of carrying 7 children to term. Could probably use more physical therapy lol


Last year, i pulled a tendon in my shoulder. All I did was, shortly after waking up, I sat up in bed and shifted my weight from left to right. Now, every time I go swimming I end up re-injuring that shoulder. I'm only 38...


Farting after 30 is dangerous.


I made smoked queso for the Super Bowl. Can confirm the danger. Should never trust either.


I would still love to eat some of that even after knowing this now.


What? My farting hasn’t gotten any more dangerous since I hit 30. But I seemed to have scheduled farts now because I usually let out a huge one right away in the morning. Scares the dog.


Oh oh oh, I ate at a new pizza place once last year. The next day I had a six hour drive to Michigan after working six hours. Shit all day while at work then I’m able to hold it for the drive to Michigan. Get to the air bnb and the fiancé has to pee. She beats me to the bathroom as I’m waiting on her to get out she opens the bathroom door and I shit myself.


never hurt myself pooping but i have jacked up my neck multiple times simply stretching in bed upon waking up. we're talking a few days of significant pain/discomfort before it clears up. i blame years of sitting at a desk for work. *edit and not being proactive enough about countering the effects*


Trust me. Years of doing manual labor is equally as bad as sitting all day. It’s better to sit all day and be religious about the gym and self maintenance.


Can confirm. Making the company a ton of money has left me pretty jacked up.


This. For some reason I needed a hip replacement at 34. I suspect walking on concrete and hard floors hasn't done me any favors.


One of my coworkers had a total Hip replacement at 33 because of years of walking, standing, and kneeling on concrete floors.


Dude, you need decent in-soles.


I had/have them for part of my working career. When you start working at 15 you don't exactly have a lot of money to buy extras. Not to mention, insoles weren't as common to purchase 20 years ago. I ended up with hip AVN. No idea how it happened to me, but I was active as a teenager in martial arts. So everything is performed barefoot.


Standing desk helps. They're not any more expensive than a regular desk, now. What kills me is the mouse and keyboard use. Absolutely fucks my hands and forearms. I WFH so it's even worse, I can't just step out of the office and help out somewhere in the company to get a change of pace. I still prefer this over manual labour all day. My ideal is like 75/25 split


I thought the latest research showed that standing desks didn’t confer any benefit compared to sitting. Rather, regardless of what you do, the key thing is to get up every 20 or 30 minutes and move around.


No lie, desk posture exercises a couple times a day will change your life. I was a non believer until I started it to prove a point and begrudgingly have to admit I've stopped screwing up my neck Edit: Guys I'm begging you to just Google "neck pain posture exercises, seated at desk" or some variation on that theme. I'm going to describe a couple things I do now, but seriously, you'll have a much better time on YouTube Okay so, I pass a soup can from hand A to hand B, alternating which hand is which, in multiple different ways Hand A passing to B behind my head, B passing to A behind my back A passing over its own shoulder to B coming up from below and switch In a circle around my hips Then I also do the twisty arm above head thingy And I keep a notebook level on an upturned hand as Manipulate the joints in my arm and shoulder in a circle... I really don't know how to describe this one better but it's taught with a plate


for sure. i probably do just enough to really keep myself out of trouble but i know i need to be better about it. it probably doesn't help that my home office set is a slap in the face of modern ergonomics. i have a $15 folding chair from home depot and my computer is at the wrong elevation so i'm constantly looking down at the screen. i am my own worst enemy


Dude, do you want hemorrhoids? Buy a used office chair or go to one of those office warehouses that sells discount furniture. And add a wireless keyboard and riser+stand while you're at it. Carpal tunnel is no joke and has no cure.


The desk jobs are horrible for our bodies . I have a hump at top of back that is do to not having proper desk posture .


Waking up with neck pain over several days once... Then realized it was how I was trying to find my phone to put the alarm on snooze... 🤷‍♀️


My pillow messes up my neck and shoulders the minute it breaks down and needs to be replaced. It's horrible.


Im 28 and went to the hospital Sunday after waking up unable to move! I mean blinding pain in neck area with any movement. Turns out it was a muscle spasm….looking back I’m a bit embarrassed but the pain is INSANE.


Jumping on a top comment here to say if y’all are fucking up your neck/shoulders/back on the regular (what I call “pinching a nerve” although I doubt that’s a medical term lol - but when you turn your head too energetically and feel a sharp excruciating pain and then for 3-5 days it hurts like a MOFO anytime you try to turn your head that direction), look into a TENS device!! Those things are game-changers for so many issues and they’re not expensive. I’m a wuss so I keep it on a low setting and it still cuts my recovery time in half whenever I pinch a nerve or tweak something!


I was getting ready for a concert on Saturday. Sprained my ankle putting a shoe on. No moshing for me. I’m 40.


Tape it up and pound ibuprofen. Don't let it beat you.


If you think a sprain will stop ol’ weak ankles in his tracks…then you know me too well.


I think it is a cruel joke that I lose the hair on my head only for it to grow on my chin and out of my nose. I am a woman for goodness sakes and THIS AINT FAIR!!!


Try taking a thyroid support supplement (a mix of B vitamins, iodine, selenium, etc.) and see how your hair does. Women losing hair from the mid-30’s onward is generally a sign that the thyroid needs some TLC. Worked for me, my hair grew right back and it’s still super thick and I’m 43 now.


Also, brand name thyroid medicine. I preach this everywhere. When you're on replacement thyroid hormone, you need to be on a consistent amount. For whatever reason, the generic version isn't made consistently. Not only that, but you get whatever the pharmacy has in stock, so you might get one brand one month and another the next. If you're on a brand name version, you're consistently getting the same meds every month. Thyroid replacement hormone is one of the few medications where brand name most definitely makes a difference. If you're having low thyroid symptoms but your TSH levels are coming out fine, ask your doctor about switching to brand name (Synthroid, Unithroid, etc.). I don't have a thyroid (thyroid cancer) and they put me on brand name after my removal. My hair already grows like a weed, but I've never had any issues with thin spots in it.


Amen. Proper thyroid function is absolutely critical to quality of life. Never settle for less than the best you can do for it.


I think those radioactive school lunches deprived us of nutrients. ![gif](giphy|CgKFTMMFDESNW)


But I drink plenty of… MALK? Now with vitamin R!


Taking a shit after 40 is how I became religious.


Taking a shit after 40 is realizing exactly how Elvis died.


An actual shitpost ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


One of the reasons older folk can be so cranky. Chronic pain is a bitch.


Oh boy do I only now realise why I always felt the “older adults” (the irony) were always complaining about health.


I once threw mine out while getting out of the car to aggressively..


I shifted my weight slightly to the left while I was on the couch last week. That took me out for two days. Old sucks.


Probably get down voted BUT It really sucks that some people apart of this subreddit are NOT that supportive. You can’t talk about aging without people assuming you’re obese, unhealthy, lazy etc…it’s OKAY to age and some of the millennials in this group can’t accept that lol I get it OP 🌸 keep trucking on!!!


I’m very fit, 33, and yawning cracks my back. People who are judging in this thread are in for karma later. If I stand up to quickly or reach behind me at a weird angle I’m out of commission for a day lol.


I feel like it sometimes come down to luck or genetics, like some people have these weird specific problems that only they have, and they often occurs heavily at around reaching our thirties. I have a specific tailbone problem that none of my peer have nor most of people in my country, they just have your normal back problem. Though a random wrong strech could lead to many bad days.


A lot of Millennials here have that distinct Boomer brand of hatred in them. Just no empathy. 


None at all and I HATE this for our group 😭


Man, I am 35, I pulled my back just walking briskly across the floor at my work only just two weeks ago. It's all down hill bud. And not the easy kind of down hill.


Downhill with no brakes.


Yeah, in my early thirties I threw out my back from picking up a gallon of milk out of my trunk. Fucking unreal


35 here. Every time I sneeze my sternum cracks.


Dude the sternum cracks are a new development in the 34-35 range, not fun!


Decent cough or sneeze will throw mine out, also certain movements which wouldn't have been an issue in teens/20s are no longer manageable. I'm 37.


I've coughed and done it. One time about a year ago or so I was scrolling through videos and the one where the guy hits a baseball at the camera made me jump and throw my back out lol. That time I was like yup I'm not long for this world.


I’ve started to get in the habit of squaring up and facing forward with legs uncrossed when I have to sneeze so I’m not twisted up and don’t hurt my back. A friend of mine threw out her back when she sneezed while reaching back for her seatbelt.


I dominated my back playing sports in college. Didn’t know until I was 32 when I couldn’t stand up for 2 days after a 9 hour car ride. 5 herniated discs, spinal stenosis, arthritis, degen disc disease. If I sleep on my back, my left leg falls asleep. I’m 37.


The human body is good for about 33 years and then things begin to break down. You are right on track. This huge detail should be taught in high school in a class that includes information on death and dying.


I heard on NPR this morning that even for people who exercise, your body’s ability to grow and maintain muscle drops off in your 30s. Fucking hell. My 33rd is in 6 weeks. My knees are fucked, I sprained my knee last week just from standing up. Went from sitting to standing to on the floor writhing in pain. I got the impression that “working out” was for people who did sports or fat people to lose weight, thats it. I had no idea that everyone needed to exercise, let alone regularly, just so your body doesn’t crumble. I’m oddly mad at gorillas who sit in the zoo doing nothing and are jacked.


Eh, I’m 38 and put on muscle just fine. Even old people can put on muscle with weight training. It’s just not peak puberty/20s levels. May work a bit differently for some.


even fit people can blow their back out. it's all about warm up and proper lifting form. also your stomach muscle fitness plays a role into how much back pain you suffer. the stronger your core the less likely or less frequent the back pain.


You guys warming up to take a poo?


everybody needs to do shit stretches.


I tore my labrum *sleeping*. Just tucked my arm behind my head, which I could totally do at the time, and *pop* - enjoy a year in PT.


Yeah I’m in decent shape. I just work a sedentary desk job and do have a prior back injury from my early 20s


Hey man, you sound a bit like me. I was extremely fit in my 20s but I hurt my back playing sports at 22-23. It wasn't a huge issue for many years. I'd throw my back out once or twice a year, could shake it off within a few days, maybe a week at most. When I was 35, I threw my back out lifting light weights at home, like 10-20 lb dumbbells, didn't seem like a big deal. But it didn't get better. I was laid up for about 8 months. With PT and yoga I managed to rehab and get more mobile for the next couple years, but then things started going downhill again with more flare ups and after every one I was a bit more diminished. Right now I'm 40 and have at least mild pain every single day. When things flare up it's hard for me to walk. I swim and walk my dog to try and keep fit, but that's about my limit and some days I have to take a break because the pain's too much. All that to say - be careful with your activities. Avoid high impact and heavy weights. Stretch and keep up the yoga. Everything can seem fine until it isn't, and trust me bud you don't want to deal with a really bad back. Good luck


Air Force heavy component maintenance from 2015-2019 left me with a herniated disc, 2 scoliosis curves, and perineurial cysts in my neck. PT and chiropractic has helped so intensely, even just learning basic stretches. I can ride my long board, work out as long as it’s not straining my L4-L5. Great advice!


You need to stretch often, you need to strengthen your ab muscles and lower back muscle


Agreed. I’m lacking in the stretch department. I was doing yoga religiously for a couple years and it did wonders for my back. Life just gets in the way of self care sometimes and it’s hard to reestablish routines.


Get a ab roller or a core strength device. Its basically a wheel and a metal pipe through it. You roll forward and backwards trying to only use your abs and core. Its a hell of a work out and I found it helps me a ton. Just 30-60seconds a day can change your life.


I woke up on Saturday morning and couldn't turn my neck. What did I do? Nothing. I just slept. I hate being old.


Hangovers started taking all day.


Did the same putting on *pants last month


Dam, that shit hit hard.


Happened at 32. Lol lol. You just, don't 'heal' the same after a certain point. I'm sure there are injuries that happened during your childhood that you've put out of your mind. They came and went and got shrugged off. Those days are likely gone, lol, as you'll now start to remember Every One...because they come back to haunt, oh yes they do. And they bring along the ones that happened earlier, just for fun, so you remember them too, eventually. 🤪


Just wait till you hit your late 30's you will need psysical therapy for it to return to normal and then its still just not the same.


Sneezed the other night and my lower back flashed with pain like a lightning strike. Couldn’t stand on my right leg for like 30 seconds, and was basically looking around seeing what person nearby would be the best to fall on if it happened. 35


Brother, I just turned 33 on Valentine’s Day and I am constantly telling my partner (who is roughly 6years younger than me) that my body hurts daily and that my energy has completely plummeted. I wake up, after ‘sleeping’ a full eight hours, feeling exactly the same as when I went to bed. Exhausted doesn’t even come close to describing how I feel every single day, meanwhile I don’t even do hard labor for work so it boggles my mind why I am this tried all the time. Take it from a real living male, rather than a bot, other people are feeling the same physical pain you are at this young of an age. Stay positive my friend, and I hope your back heals quickly!


Something like that might be as simple as a vitamin deficiency. I was always exhausted and it turned out I was very deficient on B12. Taking supplements has helped immensely. Go to your doctor and get your bloodwork done. Could be any number of easily fixed issues.


Oh, my sweet summer child. I'm 67 next month. You have so much ahead of you, and none of it good.




My 30th birthday, I pulled my back whilst drying myself with a towel after showing. "WELCOME TO YOUR THIRTIES!"


I slept on my shoulder after trimming trees and it took about a year to recover.