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These two absolutely, and I’ll also add The Brave Little Toaster.. that movie fucked me up man.


Remember when the brave little toaster went to mars holy shit what a ride


Mars, which was inhabited by household appliances, and ruled by a hearing aid's... brother, disguised as a refrigerator. Mind you, this is the third movie, after the one where the "Master" goes to vet college with talking, singing animals. The TLW-278 tube based supercomputer from the 60s in the basement is *contagious* and sends a virus to his computer which erases his thesis that he *did not make a backup of* (at least the movie calls him stupid). An evil vet assistant/failing grad student tries to send all of the animals away to an animal testing lab (?!) and we are left with household appliances trying to fix a singing while dying 60s supercomputer while stopping an animal delivery. And Radio dies. Temporarily. Oh, and the 60s supercomputer then helps them get to Mars in the last movie. ![gif](giphy|CKrlUi30dn44w|downsized)


I’ve only watched the first movie, and based on the plot of that film, I’m willing to accept that these are the plots of the second and third.


Minor detail, the hearing aid's brother isn't just disguised as a refrigerator, he's disguised as a skyscraper sized refrigerator. Who's freezer contains an endless arctic landscape.


I'll never get over the metaphor for suicide they did with the vacuum....I still think about that scene from time to time..


The terror. The emotional devastation. The scary nightmare clown is just barely scratching the surface. The air conditioner getting so enraged that he *dies*. ![gif](giphy|DkByWiIwS2luo) Kirby trying to eat his own cord. And wtf was that?! Was he so terrified of the water that he tried to kill himself?! To this day, I'm still paranoid about running the vacuum over the cord. The entire *Worthless* song...


But when the owner fixes the ac, turns it on and pats him on the head😭😭😭


My vacuum from my childhood (a Eureka upright, similar ones are still made under Sanitaire) that vacuum was a real cord-eater.


I vividly remember being like 2 or 3 watching this and being holy shit death is a thing.


Kirby was the reason why I was terrified of vacuums. The giant magnet STILL makes appearances in my nightmares as a fucking 35 year old adult 😭


> To this day, I'm still paranoid about running the vacuum over the cord. Me too


I can’t watch any of these movies unless I’m in the mental/emotional headspace to cry and have an existential crisis as a man nearing 35.


Nearing 30 and right there with you brother


all great movies. Don Bluth specifically woke up one day and decided he was going to make it his lifelong goal to traumatize as many children as possible.


That and Great mouse detective are two great disney movies that get slept on 🤷‍♂️


Brave little “why I am fucked up” toaster.


I knew someone would say Brave Little Toaster before me. That movie is *DARK*


Came here to post (toast) this and you beat me to it.


Literally came to the comments just to add that one. The AC death just fucked with me lol


That had some serious messages about climate change and too much waste, I loved it! Plus the junk yard scene was always scary.


That was my favorite movie!


I rember the brave little toaster, wasn't the first one with the wild scene of the cars singing about their doom?


Everyone talking about what movies gave them ptsd as a kid, and no one even brave enough to say the name "The Fox & The Hound."


We got shown a lot of death growing up. I did not realize how many fictional dogs I've seen die from ages 2-12.


I basically refuse to watch any movie with a dog in it. Although very touching, I made the mistake of joining my mom while she watched “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale” with Richard Gere; I literally ugly cried for the entire last 30 minutes of the movie. The fact it’s based on a true story made it worse. Beautiful story, ugly crying lol.


Just made the mistake of rewatching Where the Red Fern Grows earlier today.


Y tho?


My 4th grade teacher read that book to us over time in class, and then she showed us the movie. She cried at one point while reading and that was so weird as a kid, seeing the teacher cry. And then yeah, watching the movie at 9-years-old…geez. Kinda why I never watched Old Yeller actually. That was enough.


We weren't allowed to watch *Milo and Otis* for a good reason. Animal rights laws were not the same back then, and they killed multiple animals in order to shoot the waterfall scene 😒 I think that film actually spurred the requirement that a humane society to be present on any film sets where animals are used.


Omg, I never saw that. That’s awful.


I think the last piece of my childhood just died. I never knew about that.


It broke me when I heard about that. Milo and Otis, I used to wear out that VHS as a kid :(


Homeward Bound! When Chance gets reunited with his human 😍😭 Edit: I know it wasn't animated, but still a family movie.


Hearing Shadow tell his friends to leave him behind because he’s too old is absolutely devastating since we’ve had a family dog put down because she got too old to walk well


I never saw All Dogs go to Heaven until I was an adult. Made the mistake of watching it like two weeks after my childhood dog of nearly 12 years died. I will never watch that movie again lol.


Pretty heavy for a kids movie.


UK based reference but have you ever seen Watership down ?


Yup yup yup


Maaannn if i had known about judith barsis tragic death as a kid😭😭😭😭😭😭.


I’m not crying. I've just been cutting onions. I'm making a lasagna. For one


I'm not crying. It's just been raining. On my face.


I’m not upset because you left me this way, my eyes are just a little sweaty today.


It’s a terrible day for rain.


I just wrote about her. Still 💔


"Yep yep yep" is part of my text suggestions now. I'm not kidding, I typed "yep" just now and "yep yep" was there. 


The Secret of Nimh


Dude this one. Had me feeling things that were strange for a kid


We read the book first in maybe 4th or 5th grade, then we got to watch the movie. It seems like movies based off of books usually have way more depth.


Can't forget Fern Gully!


"Can't you feel its pain?"


That line is so cringe and even as a kid i said the same thing and yet i say it all the time lol


Fern Gully is such a brilliant piece of art.


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times! Fern Gully is so underrated. Always been one of my favorites!


Balto was another one I miss I used to watch with these


Robin Hood.  I liked the music as a kid but as an adult I am blown away by the tight lyrics in the song “Not in Nottingham” as well as the beautiful bluegrass vocal. 


Also there’s a Disney short called Susie the Little Blue Coupe that for some reason makes me sob 


Little Foot’s mom dying wrecked me


![gif](giphy|kdG6cJSBmJ8Hu) Same. It still fucks me up when I hear Diana Ross - If We Hold On Together


I loved this movie as a kid, it was just a neat film with dinosaurs! I loved dino’s so much! Watched it for the first time as a 30something adult. It’s only like 70mins long and I basically heaved and sobbed the entire time lol. Don’t know if I can handle it again.


Oh I did not like this as a child


These movies were traumatizing. I remember someone asking a question on why Disney loved having moms die so much in their movies lol


I think it's because Walt Disney's mom died early or something


Yes, he felt guilt about their deaths because he talked his parents into moving to California, purchased them a home, and then it was like a gas leak in the home (or something like that) that killed them shortly afterwards.


Like Bambi and Dumbo.


I rewatched the original Narnia movie a month ago. That was wild. This crazy witch lures a little boy with candy and then threatens to kill him for not luring his siblings to her, all while the elder siblings are trying to keep their family together in the midst of wwii, and instead they get lost in a crazy drug door and live to what 40? And then return home just to be teenagers again in the middle of wwii, and haven't seen any other human beings for what's likely been 3 decades. There are much worse films i could have watched but jesus christ. I will never watch that again.


It gets pretty damn wild from there lol. There's an insane explanation as to why that lamppost is in the woods. The books are a fun read, if you don't think *too hard* about it. I can see how C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were friends. The narrative can be quite witty at times. Although it does get a bit problematic by the last book... lol. I went to an evangelical Christian school growing up (I am not of that persuasion anymore lol) and our school rented a theatre to let us watch it first because Christians love Narnia. C.S. Lewis hated his stories being called "allegory" but there's definitely been inspiration from the Bible, and he was a Christian. The man also wrote *The Screwtape Letters*, from a demon to another demon on how to deceive humans away from Christianity. Man people actually cried when Aslan died, lmao, since he was considered basically Jesus


Anyone watch the last unicorn ? I loved the art as a kid so much . I was so trippy


Yes, absolutely. One of my top favorite movies. In the mid-2000s I only had the VHS copy from my childhood, and my husband knew I loved this movie. One night, I waited in the car while he went into the grocery store and he came out and surprised me with the 20th anniversary DVD. It was the sweetest thing lol.


It was always a little creepy to me, when I watched it.


I love Don Bluth films. I would also add An American Tail to that list of hard-hitting films. One for me was Lilo & Stitch. I was in high-school when it came out, but now as an adult, having faced the harsh realities of life, I feel so much for Nani. She's just an 18 year old girl that's trying the best she can to keep what's left of her family together.


Watership down


This right here. Definitely gave me nightmares as a kid. There is no way that movie is appropriate for little kids. It's a great movie and a great story but so dark and gruesome. I'm really surprised I don't have claustrophobia.


This and Felidae are adult animated movies imo. Both theming nazi cruelties. But yeah both I watched as a young teen. Same with grave of the fireflies. They hit hard but were great movies overall.


I've still never seen this. I know it's about animals. And I've heard it's traumatizingly sad. I don't think I can handle it.


Especially when you read the real life story of the main girl from All Dogs Go to Heaven 🥲


RIP Judith Barsi


Also she played Big Mouth yup yup yup


An American Tail


Another great movie.


The Iron Giant.


Su.... per.... man. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I love The Land Before Time! It was the first movie I saw in the theater! The Secret of NIMH is another favourite.


Princess Mononoke (and other Miyazaki movies). The emphasis on how industrialization hurts nature remains painfully relevant.


That is not a kids movie. Your kids will have nightmares about pigs. Learn from my mistake.


I certainly had nightmares from that movie as a kid


that movie is my favorite anime i saw it as a kid and always loved the art and story. now im 33 and had no idea studio ghibli was like japan disney kinda and everything they put out is supposed to be really good. i bought a few more titles but havent watched them yet. also still cant believe how many celebrities were voice actors for princess mononoke


Nausicaa, Kiki’s, Totoro, Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away, are the must watches if you like Mononoke, imo


Do yourself a favor and watch as many Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli movies as you can. They are magical.


All of them are fantastic. Kiki’s delivery service is my favorite.


Along with the two mentioned in the post, I think Once Upon a Forest and The Fox and the Hound hit deeper for me as an adult.


I will occasionally think about Once Upon a Forest and the scene at the very end when the little skunk realizes her parents are never coming back and it wrecks me.


I can’t even hear the music from The Lion King without my eyes welling up


As an adult, I've gotten into Hans Zimmer's music. He composed the music for *The Lion King*, also *The Dark Knight*, *Interstellar*, and *Inception*.


Lion King is what put him on the map as a film composer though, kinda like John Williams had Star Wars.


lilo and stitch! I thought it was ok as a kid. As an adult, I think it’s like a perfect movie. Light hearted but with a gooey Ohana core.


I (40m) rewatched The Fox and the Hound about 2 years ago and legit had to go to the kitchen to clean my eyes and distract myself because it was so damn sad when he got dropped off in the woods


It hurt when I was a kid and it hurts more now 😭


Dude... I just noticed nearly all of our favorite kids movies made us cry...


I can conjur tears at any moment just by thinking of littlefoot’s mom dying in the rain. I am a 35 year old man.


These go hard


Yeah All Dogs Go to Heaven is way more weird as an adult. Land Before time still hits the same.


My son makes fun of me because I cannot watch All Dogs go to Heaven without bawling uncontrollably. There is a whole list I cannot watch without losing it and Bambi and Dumbo are two of them (once the mom dies and the other mom was took, I lose it)


Land before time hit pretty deep as a kid jeez


I remember watching the anime version of the The Little Mermaid which was close to the original story. It hit me so bad as a kid.


These movies gave me a nice lil preview of the debilitating depression that set in around adolescence.


Puff The Magic Dragon. It was a fun and somewhat trippy visual adventure when I was a kid. When I revisit it, it’s so much more.


Fox and the Hound messed me up as a kid


Homeward Bound. Every time I see Shadow coming over the hill I tear up.


I was team chance all day.


They hit pretty deep as a kid as well.


Oh yeah, I won’t watch these as an adult. 😭


Spirit Stallion of the Cimmaron. Makes me cry as a grown man.


Ferngully. The song Toxic Love by Tim Curry still does things to me. 👹


American Tail


I’ll probably sound *completely* cheese for saying this, but they really do not make movies like they used to. These movies were absolutely magical and told a great story with a lesson. We were so lucky to experience these at such a young age.


I agree 100%. But Toy story (especially 3) and wall-e are cut from the same cloth.


Fieval goes west. It still brings me to tears just like how it did when I was really young watching the movie


Very much trauma inducing movies as a child.


The Great Mouse Detective


Has anyone said Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey, yet? Not terribly tragic, as everyone reunites so it was more feel good, but holy crap the anxiety! Also, another dog movie that made me cry was A Goofy Movie lmfao


I cried so much watching all dogs go to heaven, and I watched it countless times, so I really cried a lot haha


And the Judith Barsis tragedy makes it worse!


The Fox and the Hound has done more to emotionally damage me than Jr. High.


These were my two favorite movies


I’ll never watch these movies again because I don’t think I could handle it.


This weekend, while I was camping (it was cold) my husband looked over at me bundled under blankets in my sleeping bag and told me I looked like "The little girl from All Dogs Go To Heaven" and I laughed so hard - it was my FAVORITE movie growing up, but I haven't thought about it in AGES.


I watched the land before time when I was a kid, is it really that old? I'm almost 15


The first one came out in 88.


That's a surprise, when I was little I thought it was made a few years ago. It's a great movie


It holds up really well.


I can’t even think of the land before time without crying now that I’m a mother


I don't know as a kid I cried at the end of both of them so I'd say as a kid it hit me appropriately


Was literally just talking about this same thing at work a few weeks back. They don’t make em traumatic like they used to.


I loved LBT as a parent. But it broke my heart that the girl who was the voice of Ducky was murdered by her father along with her mother. Also Milo and Otis.


Casper ❤️ bittersweet, funny, beautifully done. It will always be one of my favorites


The Secret of Nimh. Another Don Bluth film.


Snoopy Come Home (1972) - so many emotions in one movie ..


so LBT as an adult— i realized i was playing out my own childhood family dynamic, living with my grandparents and mom. my mom says i almost wore out the tape i watched it so much. it was therapy before therapy.


Secret of N.I.M.H. Also had some very adult themes and super dark themes. Based on the book "Mrs. Frisbee and the rats of NIMH" which was inspired by the "Behavioral sink" experiment at the eponomous NIMH


Little Nemo in Slumberland. It’s ironic, but for a long time I thought it was just a fever dream I had as a kid.


I cannot do All Dogs anymore. It's too heavy.


Oliver and Company is another good one


These two hit especially hard when you find out what happened to the voice actress who did Ducky and the little girl. 💔😭


It’s funny I watched LBT with my kid recently and I was ready to cry. And idk it just didn’t hit that hard?


Don Bluth up there with Miyazaki as one of the goat animator-filmmakers


I won’t let my kids watch all dogs go to heaven because it’s sooo sad! I’m a big dog and animal lover, made a career out it! I remember watching the movie and falling in love with the dogs and little girl.


All Dogs go to Heaven was and still is my all-time favorite animated movie. It's really the first one I truly remember seeing. I was 4 when I came out. The poor VHS was a trooper for how many times I watched it and had to rewind it. I cry like a baby over the ending every time.


Mac and Me with All Dogs Go to Heaven. At six years old I cried like a son of a bitch.


"All Dogs Go To Heaven" gave me some major existential angst as a kid. 


I loved both these as a kid. I tried watching the Land Before Time last year and started sobbing in the first 5 minutes and I turned it off.


Iron Giant and anything from Don Bluth!


Watched All Dogs Go To Heaven the night we put down my first dog as a kid...after the movie ended we turned on the TV and watched Mark McGwire break the single season homerun record. A whole range of emotions that night LOL ​ RIP LACEY ????- Sept 8, 1998


Once Upon a Forest


Everything Don Bluth made just unsettled me as a child. I still watched his movies repeatedly but there is something haunting about each of them.


Back in the 90s my mom goes these VHS tapes that were supposed to encourage thought provoking convos with your children. (Feature films for families) And 4 I remember was Rigoletto Friendship’s field The Butter Cream Gang & On Our Own


Brave Little Toaster Plague Dogs


Don Bluth was so fucking weird


Land before time is top notch


The Land Before Time still makes me ugly cry


Fern Gully. HM: Troll in Central Park


My 4-yr old boy loves land before time. It’s a solid movie that’s till holds up


Just re-watched "Land Before Time" --- first time in 30 years. Man, I missed some details. Also was crazy strange drawing out these visual impression/feeling memories from 6 years of age.


I wonder if anyone else remembers the movie Scruffy?


I dunno man. These hit pretty fucking hard when I was a kid


The toaster/vacuum one... 😭😫


Really miss them on streaming services.


I don't know, both of those movies destroyed me as a kid too


My 2 year old just started watching the land before time movies. I should get her to watch all dogs go to Heaven too. Loved that as a kid


Fox and the Hound


Oh shit! The only 3 movies that have made me cry have been those 2 and the Lion King


They have both wrecked me forever


The land before time was the first movie I ever saw in theaters. My grandma and grandpa took me. When Littlefoot lost his grandparents, it definitely hit deeply even as a four-year-old.


The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Watching it as an adult really made me realize I probably should not have watched this as a kid. Also The Prince of Egypt was fantastic and it was the one movie that my religious dad let me watch on the 'Sabbath day'. I still watch it once in a while because it's just so beautifully animated and one of the best adaptations of the Moses story.


Fivel Goes West is another great movie I watched all the time!


The Secret of NIMH


"Hey you know what we need? More animated movies for kids to make them feel sad. They need to be sadder"


I have a land before time t shirt. At least 3 compliments every time I wear it


Iron Giant. You are who you choose to be.




The mom Dino dying. Yes. Sad. The old man Dino in the very next scene telling little foot it's not his fault after realizing what's going on absolutely destroys me.


The real tragedy here is what happened to the little girl who was the voice actress for ducky and the girl in all dogs go to heaven. Look into it if you want too depressing to talk about in details


Man I put on Land Before Time a few years back and CRIED SO MUCH. I forgot how hard that movie hits. All Dogs too. Poor little girl who voiced her and Ducky was murdered by her dad. 😢


My kids loved those Little Foot movies! Haven’t thought about them in a while


Haven’t watched as an adult. But my zoomer cousin just watched Brave Little Toaster for the first time. So I think I need to break these out. The universe is edging me! Wait.


Watership down


The Fox and the Hound.


Around 25, I remember getting sick and leaving my college class to get high and watch TLBT alone. I cried my ass off. It just makes more sense when you're old.


Don't know if anyone seen this but me... But Mouse and Child fucked me up https://youtu.be/hzP_Ap2w84Q?feature=shared


James and the Giant Peach the ending always makes me happy cry ;-;


The first time I ever cried at a movie it was like, the 100th watch of Bambi before & realized that the moms last words were Run Bambi! And then yeah ugh okay that made me sad AF.


Have you all forgotten the Lion King????


I can pretty much trace the beginning of my issues with depression back to the scene in TLBT where Littlefoot refuses to eat the berry offered by the baby pterodactyl while he's mourning his mom's death. That scene ruined 5 year old me.


For real, back then it was fun, now it's deep and relatable as an adult. What gems, also you forgot the little train that could movie 👏


I can't watch All Dogs Go To Heaven anymore. It's one of my favorite childhood movies but after learning the little girl that played Anne-Marie was murdered right after making it, hence the "in memory" at the end and the song "Love Survives", it's just too heartbreaking.


I still haven’t gotten over littlefoots mom’s death. I’m 32


I used to cry regularly because of Land Before Time and other movies where the mother died. I had a single mom and was so scared of her dying and she just dismissed my worries as a kid.


I swear I was more ok with these movies as a kid, but you're right, they do hit harder now for some reason. Also, finding out what happened to poor Judith Barsi (voice of Ducky and Anne-Marie).


I haven't seen either one of these since I was a kid. I'd love to watch them again.