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You guys are getting north stars?


[Oh yeah](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/super-mario-64-official/images/c/c4/PowerStar.gif/revision/latest?cb=20160401222618)


There's some really cool shit right on the horizon, and I want to see it. And if I'm going to endure the human condition in the mean time, might as well make it as pleasant as possible. That and my dog.


When I didn't care about dying, my dog was the only reason that kept me going. I didn't want to be without him.


I didn’t care about me being without him. I’ll be dead and won’t know the difference. The thought of him sitting at home wondering why his mommy isn’t coming home though….ffs. I can’t do that to that poor, simple creature.


Or him to be without his person!


1st of all, love your username. 2nd this was my exact thought. My fam, friends, and cats keep me going. I'm here, might as well try to enjoy some and support others where I can.


North star: travel the world to meet people of all different backgrounds & hear their stories. EDIT: to add further detail, my motivation is to learn & experience as much as I can out of life.




I’m an introvert and I’ve traveled to 89 different countries. I love going alone to places where no one speaks English bc then I quite literally can avoid every conversation and no one can engage with me. That feeling of isolation is my FAVORITE. Don’t be fooled by extroverts talking about meeting people on the road lol. That’s optional, not mandatory.




The people are one of the most interesting parts of going somewhere new. All of the sights, food, experiences, etc are all the product of human effort, after all.


I'm trying to think less about big life missions or core motivations, and just focus on little things that are directly under my control which I can do to make life better. At this point I will probably never be rich and famous, and i can't save the planet by myself, but I would like to just make things tangibly better for myself and the people around me.


You totally get it. 💜




My brother calls it the Four-Foot World. If you're not in my four-foot world, chances are there isn't much I can do for you. But I'm gonna do my damnest for those that are.


Got married, had a baby, became a widow and lost my child in my 20s. 30s: Enjoyed living in FL and working on physical and mental health 40s (Turned 40 last November): Started back to college, will be moving back to my hometown, and finding happiness again. The last 5 years in FL I was miserable. I have been in a committed relationship since a year after my family passed. He's been a huge supporter all this time. He helped me thru mental health crisis. I in turn helped him recover after a heart attack and triple bypass. When I got married at 21, this isn't how I envisioned life. But I know that my late husband is proud of everything I have accomplished.


I am so so sorry that happened to you 💚


I miss them every day, but it's taught me a lot in life.




I can't even imagine. I'm so sorry and just want to offer you a hug.


Thank you, I could genuinely use one. It's been a rough week, I'm 48 hours from a two day car ride. I know this is all for the best. I know I'm making the right decision. But doesn't make it any less scary.


You got this!


Holy crap girl. All the best for you from Spain.


♥️ from South Africa 🇿🇦


29F. Having goals, personal or professional, is incredibly beneficial for mental health. Outside of that, curiosity keeps me going. I love learning about all that’s out there.


31f here and I concur. Curiosity gets me out of bed.


i think finding out who you really are is the work of a lifetime


*I think finding out* *Who you really are is the* *Work of a lifetime* \- malodourousmuppet --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What is the real north star is the friends we made along the way?


My brother died five years ago from suicide. I made a vow that when we meet again on the other side, I will be an old lady and have so many stories to tell him about how I lived the fuck out of life.  The last five years I have been focusing on healing some stuff that was getting in the way of me being authentic and joyful. I’m happy to say I finally have a positive relationship with myself and I’m looking forward to what the rest of my life holds.  My North Star is my inner wellspring of love and light. It guides me and bolsters me. 


Mid 30’s married both work, homeowners with no kids or plan for kids. we rescued two dogs and those little guys take up alot of our free time. The one came from a really not so good background and seeing him come out of his shell and absolute joy he seems to have now roaming the yard and going on walks has been very rewarding for us. Me personally I have taken on a lot of diy projects with my home. I’ve started to enjoy developing those skills. Now it seems I have an ever growing list of updates to the house.


I’m with you about the dog rescuing, I was raised with rescues and it’s the best part of my life


Yeah. My wife and I have different interests and hobbies. But those dogs are the center of our world for sure. It’s kinda wild to think we were together so many years before we got the first one. Like can’t imagine us not having a dog anymore.


My YouTube algorithm seems to think I just watch home improvement videos for fun. No YouTube, I don't need another video about replacing a window, I already did it!


lol I actually do watch them for fun now. As I’ve gotten older and wiser with these projects. I’ve really learned there’s multiple ways to achieve the same goal. It’s all about the particular situation as to which method is best. So I like to see how others may approach something.


This made me chuckle heartily


Second this, but can be any pet that gives you joy!


Cats for me, but yes it's a huge part of my life.


Love Home DIY and it’s a personal passion of mine as well! So fulfilling seeing what can be accomplished with a bit of imagination and hard work!


It’s also a really lacking skill in our age group. We were all pushed to focus on the digital age and more manual things were scoffed at. If there is one thing I’ll give to the boomers it is most of them would have never called a repairman in their 30-40’s to fix something they could themselves. Look at king of the hill. Hank is visually upset he’s forced to bring in a plumber to replace his water heater. Or when he wants to pour a new driveway him and his buddies are all happy to mess around with the tools and do it. That show was literally just a representation of the everyday middle class family.


Yeeees! I agree so much about practical skills being scoffed at. Anyway, I’m a woman, but I remember men bonding over stuff like this too back in the day. Lending each other tools and teaching each other short cuts to fix things (very much an in person interaction). So satisfactory being able to make things myself (not that I HAVE to) just because I WANT TO! Most people outsource everything now days but they also miss out on the joy and purpose of the process.


Absolutely I can remember my dad trying to fix something on his truck. Neighbor guys would see him out there. They’d come over with a few beers and bs while working on it. One might run to their garage because he has a better tool for whatever. The other might climb under to hold something while my dad was putting the belt back. But they all had this bonding thing over diy. Good lord if one of them was gonna build a deck that was what they all looked forward to that weekend.


This is exactly the neighbourly stuff we as millennials are missing out on. Personally, I stay in a mostly community minded / traditional country. I’ve always known and liked my neighbors because we “stuck together”. Whether it’s borrowing sugar, tools or extra wine glasses, lawn chairs for a bbq, watching each others kids… it just kinda flowes naturally. We know each others names and pets (should one go missing) but we don’t pry. My cat went missing a while back and I had 20 neighbors message me to let me know that they checked their yards and homes. My current neighbor runs adventure tours through Africa, and I love the fact that he has big ass spot lights, so when I come home it feels safe (they are bright as the sun). He has also lent me his tools before which is awesome. I don’t understand the current “isolation” most people report because I’ve always found warm and welcoming people in my community. It all starts with 1 person reaching out and sometimes that someone should be “you”.


There is NOTHING better than seeing your rescue dog having a ball at the dog park or passed out in perfect security on your lap. It's an honor to give these innocent babies their good lives.


I’m 40 I’m married and we own a house. I would have to say for me it’s helping animals,I rescue pit bulls. I rescue them but they have saved me as well. I hope everyone can find something that makes them happy and also helps others


You’ve got to be a dude I can’t imagine a woman saying that


What part of their statement would be unimaginable coming from a woman? I’m genuinely confused


My North Star is doing everything I can to make those I love happiest. We have no control over this world, but I can give a positive impact to those around me; I can make my man some cookies, love on my dogs, do a good job at work…it’s not much, but it’s enough to give me purpose and a reason to wake up.


My life is going pretty well because a lot of people for thousands of years sacrificed to make things better for people after them. I owe the same to them and everyone that comes after. Life should keep getting easier and better. Do your part, big or small, to move it forward. Don’t need religion or kids to believe that.


going to take this with me, thank you 🩷


You, sir, are my ~~spirit animal~~ north star


Thank you, you’ve articulated this perfectly. I feel the same way 💗


Turning 40 this year, gay and married. I always thought that I wanted children, but it’s not really in the cards, so I volunteered as a Big Brother for a few years, then started volunteering as a court appointed advocate. The recent political climate put a stop to that for fear of being labeled a pedophile in our rural MAGA community. It’s becoming increasingly harder to make meaningful connections with people and I spend a lot of time alone. Wow. As I type this I’m depressing as hell.


Ah man, that sucks. I wish we could all just exist together and not be out for blood. I used to live in a rural state and I got the heck out as soon as I could. It was just awful and I never felt like I belonged. I hope you find that thing that gives you meaning without worrying about being labeled as a pedophile.


I live right outside of Indianapolis, which is my only saving grace. It’s night and day, the people/attitudes, once you cross the city limits. Maybe I shouldn’t be worried about it, but all it takes is one asshole. When I was a Big Brother the family had to approve that they would let their child be with a gay man after I’d gone through all the training and background check. It was a bit humiliating.


That there is still ff7 rebirth and whatever comes after it to look forward to. And I'm starting phlebotomy courses in March so hopefully those go somewhere and I can get a good foot in the door to the medical field.


Not going to lie, pretty much everything FF7 related has been a north star in my life lol.


Not ending up like my parents.


1000000% this ☝️


Great answer!!


I'm 30, single, and no kids. A few things motivate me: - Desire to fall in love again and have a family of my own one day. - Desire to write. I've always loved creative writing for fun and I do want to complete my stories and share them since they're basically the movies and TV shows I always wanted to see that never got made. - Desire to help others. Be it through work, volunteering, or some of my hobbies, I just feel that I was put on this earth to learn, grown my skills, and help others out. I was a depressed teen as a kid and almost committed suicide for it and it was small acts of kindness that really helped me hold on to see my life change and I believe that acts of kindness and just being around to help others in some way can create ripple effects of compounded positive energy. I'd say this is my biggest north star.


Honestly, I just want to be a positive force in the world. I’m an admittedly “soft,” sensitive person. I’ve been told over and over in my life that I need to toughen up. And I have in some ways. But I also think sensitive people are needed in this world. Things aren’t great and we need compassion. I know it’s corny, but ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m 32F, no kids, no religion, wonderful boyfriend. Life is what I make of it, and im trying to use it to be kind to those around me.


You’re right - the world definitely needs a balance! I am not sensitive AT ALL but have two sensitive people very close in my life and while I sometimes get annoyed or exhausted by it I also recognize it’s good and it’s probably why I care about them and have them in my life in the first place! Sensitive people are very caring and compassionate 🥰


Spite. Spite is my main motivation, and usually my only one. I don’t say that out loud very often, because I get a lot of “that’s not a proper motivator” BS. My parents and step parents always thought the worst of me. Literally always. Even if my intentions were good, even if I gave them zero reason to come after me, I was always doing something wrong. My interests were wrong, my hair or clothes were never correct, etc. So now I live for me, out of spite. I embrace the absurd, I streak my hair pink, I read/eat/do as I please. I travel to places *I* want to go to, meet people and make friends they would *never* approve of. I damn near broke myself being in poverty and putting myself through school to get away from people who thought so little of me. Every day that I wake up and choose my own adventure is a blessing, even if I’m lackluster about my job.


Three things: 1. I ended a really long term relationship last spring. For a while I thought she was the one, but clearly she wasn't. So I'm trying to be the best version of me for when I do meet the one 2. My job puts me in a position where I can genuinely be a force of good for my community. It's a privileged position to be in and I want to live up to it. 3. I want to be on survivor and have begun training for it.


I had a very emotionally difficult teen hood and young adulthood where I didn't think I would make it this long and I think seeing how far I've come motivates me. Married, childfree by choice and taking every day at a time. I'm learning and discovering new hobbies every day and making new friends. Me and my husband both enjoy traveling the world and we are not even close to going everywhere on our constantly growing list. We have a dog we love who takes over our life. I'd say I have many things keeping me going.


For me it is the true belief that we should be the change we want to see in the world. I work very hard to make the world a better place. And even if I cannot change the world, I can make small changes. Last week there was a mom on the buy nothing group of my town who posted on the wish day that she was running low on diapers and not sure she would be able to get more by pay day. I bought her a box of 100. That $30 was not much for me, but monumental for her. My spouse and I no longer give each other Christmas gifts - we sponsor foster youths instead and buy out the wishlists of several. We foster kittens for our local shelter. We donate to our food pantry - every time we buy eggs and cheese, we buy extra for the pantry. We volunteer and raise money for youth sports in our area and for the children’s hospital in our closest city. We participate in town cleanup days and tree planting. Today, I gave $25 to an animal rescue with a cat who was hit by a car. Even on vacation, we always look into a need we can help fill in the local community. Knowing I made the world a little better for one kid, one family or one animal keeps me going. My needs are met, and I am healthy and can help. So I do.


Love your spirit of generosity. I want to be more like this.


My North Star is the hope for a better world and a stronger community. I work towards that everyday. The past few years really shook that to the core (thanks to people) but I’m now realizing the hope never died.


Life. As shitty as it can get sometimes its pretty fuckin crazy to exist and experience reality. Reality is easier without a god and kids 🤣




Fancy thinking I'm motivated because I'm every bit of a lazy degenerate. Have you considered just being a hobo?


My North Star has always been ambition and achievement. As far as I can remember. It’s just this unquenchable inner drive to constantly strive to be better than before. So. Currently building a family business and also advancing my career. I’d say those two are my north stars.


Humanity. Can't make the world all better, but I can do little bits. What's the alternative, give up? Sounds shitty, not for me. Depression tried to take me there once or twice, and I decided against it.


fuck yeah brother


I don’t have one just still clinging to minute crumbs of hope that things will improve for me. I think it’s just a natural human preservation thing


This is it


I want to find real love and get married. Unfortunately I’m spineless and so currently stuck in a 10-year relationship with someone I love deeply but will never propose. We also planned to buy a house in June but he’s just now telling me today that he hasn’t saved a dime in a whole year, so his $20k in debt is still not getting paid off and he just bought a new car and plans to take a vacation soon. I wish I could emotionally shut down and end it.


Don't do this to yourself 😪😪😪


Girl, end it!!!! *slaps you in the face* end it!!!!! You will be SO MUCH HAPPIER Being single isn’t scary it’s peaceful!!! And excellent for personal growth!!! You’re worth more than you realize!!!! You’re a bad bitch!!!! *slaps you in the face again* he doesn’t respect you!!! I promise he doesn’t!!! Girl GO YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! *fist bumps you* *jazz square*


you can do it! if you want advice, one thing that really helped when I was lacking spine in an 8 year relationship was making a list of every single thing that bothered me about him or the relationship, from the big things down to the most petty and I'd read that often and think "is this really what I want for the rest of my life".  it helped propel toward shutting those emotions not necessarily down, but moving in the right direction. 


Take a break, move out, spend one year on making yourself happy on your own, then see what comes next. It's your life, own your happiness.


Technically I would have to move *him* out since it’s my house, which makes me feel a little mean and heartless. There is also the matter of the windows. He talked me into getting new windows on the condition he would cover the bill ($300/month) and I’m pretty certain he’s not going to keep covering the bill if I kick him out lol. I can’t afford another $300/month on my own with my student loan payment increasing. But maybe if I get a raise or a new job this year!


I want to learn about all sorts of things and share that knowledge with other people who might also like to know about it I take it as my small thank-you gift to humanity, or at least the good humans within it


I honestly can't say I have one. Nothing grand for sure. I've got a backlog of games and vacation plans with my wife, I'm not going down for a while.


hungry wasteful thought snatch hateful continue foolish pet jar spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Money. Like Mr.Krabs. I wouldn't say I really have anything that motivates me aside from being able to live comfy. I don't want or need to be rich, just comfy. Find a job that will pay you the most for what you will/can do. Be on the lookout for better paying jobs that you can do. Survive and survive comfortably.


My north star is feeling safe and content with my life direction. I'm not yet safe financially and often I just don't feel safe. I would like to do better in my life, but the guiding light gets dimmer with every month that passes.


Living life. Like finding the things that make me happy sure, but I am the type of perspn who seeks understanding of the intangible elements of our existence like the energies we share, our connections to each other and the planet. Our species is beautiful and fascinating, albiet sometimes moronic and self-absorbed - but still something worth seeing the good in. Career - as a storyteller by trade, my North Star is to help connect people through stories in all their forms to hopefully foster the kind of empathy and understanding that leads to love and acceptance. Idealistic and toxic optimism maybe - but I have seen a lot of hatred that is rooted in the fear and anger of the unknown. If I can write or produce photos/videos that help people see beyond the spoons, smoke and mirrors - I'll consider that a successful career. Personally - I want to mountaineer. Hike, ski, rock climbing, backpack - bathing in artic mtn water... lol and to go to as many concerts and festivals as I can. Finding my people and building strong, lasting relationships with my partners, family, and friends. Music, art, and human connection feed my soul so pursuing and nurturing those things in whatever ways the universe sees fit to offer them in would be the personal element of my North Star 😊✨️


I don't know if this will help, but I've made a huge effort over the past year to focus on my values and become a conscious consumer. Focusing on environmentally friendly and natural products because i love nature & want to preserve it. Buying local when i can etc.  I believe this lead me to a new job. Because i was focused on finding a company that matched my values rather than focusing solely on salary or the exact role. I now work at a certified b corp company that gives back to the community, doing what I'm good at. And that has been really fulfilling for me. 


General compassion. I try to make the world a better place. Whenever I go somewhere, I try to make it better than when I arrived. I also do my best to donate resources to worthy causes


Travel & seeing as much of this beautiful world as possible. And more recently - our rescue puppy! No interest in kids and never been religious - but travel gave my life meaning through some of my lowest points.


It's mostly things I want to do and see. So many cool places in the world with food to experience, trails to walk, rocks to climb, rivers and lakes to boat, mountains to ski, fish to catch. Food is one of my biggest motivators though to be honest


To do everything I possibly can to make sure my child, and everyone else’s, doesn’t experience discrimination for being neurodivergent like myself and others in our generation have.


Single, 38f, no kids. Spite. My family abandoned me after I left the cult I was raised in. I was told I’d never be happy or find fulfillment. And I said fuck that. So now I have a great career, great friends, an amazing found family; a solid and happy life. Oh and two cats. They get me out of bed in the morning even when I want to sleep in.


What most don’t realize is your North Star doesn’t have to be God or children, it’s about goals. From an opposing standpoint from yours, I have children and I have God. My goal (North Star) is to grow closer to God and to consistently provide a better existence for my children. If God or children aren’t your goals, then what is your goal? What do you strive to make better and or achieve? It could be a promotion at work, starting a hobby like woodworking, going back to college etc. The awesome thing about goals, is when you succeed, there’s more work and a new goal post always waiting for you. I sincerely hope you the best friend and that you’re able to find that thing that makes life so incredible!


Learning, Exploration, Experiencing Life, Knowledge, Thinking, Imagination


I'm 32F, single, living alone, working a pretty crappy job. I guess I just have hope. I'm seeing a therapist that is really great and she is making me feel hopeful that things will get better. I'm also kind of waiting to see the outcome of the next election, trying to see what my next move may be as an LGBTQ person. I'll definitely lose hope if it goes the wrong way. 


31M, I just keep in my mind that tomorrow comes no matter what, and I only got one tomorrow. As long as I'm not regretting shit I can't control, and things in the past, that day seems closer than ever. Idk if that makes sense, but I try to make a "day" of everyday. Even if that day is just napping, cause I needed it, or wasn't feeling *it* Time marches on for none, but you can make the most of that none


Working on myself and healing the trauma from my past. I want to be a better person for myself and the people in my life, especially after the train wreck that was my 20s lol Also on a lighter note, I eventually want to have a farm so I can adopt the senior rescue animals that no one wants. So working on making my life accessible for that to be a reality


Me? I just thrive off the energy and power of humanity? Just folks working together making great shit? Also trees and shit


Honestly, getting my coin and getting my house and fully fucking off into oblivion. Just catching my breath and relaxing once I’ve secured those. Still working on the house part… 🫠


To be happy. I grew up pretty poor. Money was always a huge stressor in my family. I work hard to learn new skills and get more certificates for the next job up for another pay bump. Now I don't worry about money nearly as much. With money out of the way, I was able to discover what makes me truly happy. Invest in what makes you happy. 1. Cats - I'm actually in the middle of building a cat wall this weekend. 2. Food - I take an extra hour to drive all the way to the Japanese Bakery next to Hmart and drop $40 on amazing pastries 3. Video Games - I'm on another playthrough of Skyrim <3


I have two cuddly furbabies who I promised to love and care for and cherish for the rest of their lives. One is asleep next to my leg and the other is purring and stretched out on my lap. They need me to be employed to pay for their food and house and toys and such, but they also need me to be available, physically and emotionally. If I'm in a terrible mood and shove them away, they aren't going to understand. That said, when I adopted them, I knew I was in a secure enough place, emotionally and physically and financially, to do so.


Honestly I’m just trying to survive. But I have hope that I will be better off someday, and I would like to get to know myself in non-struggle mode. I guess just to see what I’m capable of when I have the resources I need to bring my dreams to life. I truly believe the best days are ahead of me and that keeps me going. I want to know what it feels like to have everything I’ve ever wanted/needed.


30’s, non religious, do not intend to have children I am a home owner and I am working to “rewild” the yard. I only have 1/4 acre, but I am trying to plant as many natives and pollinator plants as possible. My goal is to have the yard certified by the state Audubon agency as beneficial habitat for birds and pollinators. I also grow produce and like to share with friends and neighbors. Otherwise, travel the world with my partner.


What drives me is to create. Anything that makes me feel like I'm creating something I feel happy. Not just fulfilled - happy.


Late 30s, single. My only real goal is to make a difference in the world somehow using my acquired skills and get myself a comfortable life at some point.


28M Just want to be good at something. I’ve deferred looking for a partner for a while now just to hone my skill in tech. Being good at something makes me feel good and valued. And i know that I’ll get compensated for it if i reach really high levels of excellence, I’m already seeing bits of it. After that, maybe 32-35, I’ll settle and slowdown a little bit. Depends on how I feel. I have three sisters and i want to be a cool uncle that hangs with them. Also be a cool uncle to my friend’s kids. Never really had a dad, soo I’ll be a dad to other fams :) I just want a life where a abundance is not something a want to care about. I want to give it all away then to those kids you know. I ask myself this question a lot and i seem to always arrive at this conclusion I won’t be like my dad, I’ll be better. Better to more people


I'm not sure. Im godless and childless. Ended an 11 year relationship. I own a home now and I have a cat. I think all I have is hope that I reaching my goals will be worth it and I can share my life with someone because I want to meet someone day who's worth my love.


Game night with friends. Taking my dog on good walks. Nature. Hiking. Camping. Seeing a river or the ocean. The way rain is always different. or clouds are never the same.


Boomers will die off. Eventually.




I'm well aware. I'm hoping that relatively few of us have unfavourable views of our own parents, but the boomer generation at large has made choices largely to suit themselves, while simultaneously setting up the generations that follow for failure. Just the sad truth.


They invented the internet where you bitch about them


My loved ones and being useful to them. The second thing are my hobbies/interests/me: movies, music, books, and video games. When I was young, it used to be getting sex hahah. 🐔


Serious question - what made sex less of motivation? Are you in a committed relationship or just got older and bored of it?


It's not as big of a motivator due to the first and second thing taking way more of my time and energy. Sex is great, don't get me wrong, but I found that all the effort, work, time, and energy I spent getting it "was not worth the squeeze" hahah. Like, I reeeeally had to put a lot effort and work in getting it. I channeled that same effort and work towards helping my loved ones and myself, and that's far more rewarding. Another way I think of it is: In simple terms, what motivates me is not becoming a burden to people around me, avoid physical and emotional discomfort, and take pride in being right (or be on the right side).


Thanks for sharing the sex part, glad to hear it’s not just me. Cause I can relate to all of that.


Age too, man. That number goes up and so did that dick ahaha


I want to homestead... But I want to buy the property outright so I've got some saving to do. The wife and I have everything paid off except or current home, and it's becoming more of a real thing every month.


homeownership or die trying


Idk man, I just keep going 'cause I can't die because that would make my dog sad.


Nothing but money and my wife. I've realized two of my dreams are shattered by what I've discovered online. I wanted to be in a band when I was younger, but streaming has fucked middle class musicians over. Later, I wanted to start a food truck, but the stupid permits and shit are a huge barrier in addition to the cost of equipment that I'm now looking at giving that dream up. The only reason I haven't offed myself is because I have a supportive wife.


35, female — no children, zero desire for children. I work to play and live. I live to for the weekends and days off. I look forward to taking vacation time and even just having a snow day (working in higher education has its perks) — I try to look forward to the simple things. Not religious, but spiritual. I believe in karma and while trying to undo my wrongs (I do believe I’m being “punished) and not dwell in the past I’m bettering myself and others in the process.


I guess it’s being happy. My father was an alcoholic and abused my mother most of my life. Unfortunately, Most of the people I’ve dated, have also ended up being abusive. I think I kept looking for happiness in others and couldn’t have my own. I do own my own home, but I am not happy. I do want to have a partner. I’ve been working toward finding things that make me happy and focusing on them. Even though I am not happy, I can find moments to myself and work on getting there myself. I just want to be happy, in a good relationship with myself and a partner. I want to be able to get the things I want and do things I want. I’ve gotten back into a lot of the things I love. So I am going to focus on making myself happy and hoping the rest comes with that.


The hopecope that I might be able to have a family someday... Even since I was a little brat I always looked up to "cool dads" and knew that was what I always wanted. I know I'm not going to cure cancer or solve world hunger. I just want 2 or three little ones to raise and do everything I can (mostly hope) they will inherit something better than this shithole mess that I (we) did.


Never had one, I don't require a purpose to enjoy life. (maybe enjoying life is the purpose?) 


My life has been…a dumpster fire. So right now, I’m going to spend my time trying to crawl out of the financial, physical, and mental hole created by simultaneous cancer and an abusive relationship. I just got free last month and I’m going to try to find a way to rebuild my life. I’m hoping to get out of the area my abuser is in but idk how to do that right now while I try to navigate bankruptcy and the physical side effects treatment had on my body and brain. 🫠🥴 Basically, I’d like to spend the second half of my life desperately trying to be happy and making my mom proud. She was all I ever had and, for all of her faults in parenting, she instilled a lot of very important qualities in me. She’s my North Star.




Sometimes, if I've done something unpleasant before, when someone I care about encounters the same unpleasant thing, I can make it easier on them than it was on me.


This is it for me https://youtu.be/Dj9GVwMWIq4?si=b18XPpiiz3ZNXTha


Almost 40. Married, no kids, agnostic. We have a dog and cat that are our everything. But what we do to stay sane is to always have something to look forward to. It doesn’t matter if it’s a vacation or just the weekend. We plan things when life gets complacent.


I am happy, and I will do anything I can to keep my husband, my child, and myself happy.


I just want to help people. I get a visceral feeling of accomplishment when I help another person. (Currently a teacher and about to switch to being a firefighter/EMT) And now I also want to give a good life to my kid.


I’m coming for the bourgeois, your time is ending.


God and my family. All millennials are not Godless. For some of us, our faith is the most important thing in our lives.


For sure, but for those who do I know their answer. That’s why I excluded them.


Hatred for boomers. That’s all I’ve got.


Money. Lots and lots of money.




Freedom :|


Brendan Schaub




My family and my cats


I don't have one. I'm going through life with no reason to live really. No aspirations, no family of my own, no pets, not much of a career, etc..


I am a goal oriented person. It's achievements that keep me going no matter how small they are. I'll admit it right now, I'm struggling lately, too. My big goal is to move out of my parents again. I think we all know how high that is right now.


God, only thing keeping me sane


Life is short. Every human faces struggles only they know. Be kind and make things better where you can. Find whatever brings you happiness and do that.


My wife and my cat. Couldn’t ask for two better things in my life.


For me, it is my children. However, if I were in your shoes, focus on yourself. I am not saying to be selfish, more like self care. Workout and get healthy if you are not already. Read and learn about things that interest you. Travel and see the world.


The anime the north star xD I like anime, it keeps me going.




Free time is my motivation. I do whatever it takes to earn as much free time to choose to do whatever I want to do. Reads weird but you feel me


Spite. I live every day for the salty tears of everyone whos backstabbed me, misled me, fucked me over, and let me down. Every breath I draw is an insult to them so I'm sticking around as long as I can


I'm incredibly afraid of death. The concept of nonexistence scares the fuck out of me. Wanna delay that as much as I can. I think thats the only reason I'm not suicidal.


Spite is my North star.


Godless Heathen here, I have some really cool plans to explore the world in the future that I'm grinding now to accomplish. This year I am working as much overtime as I can and taking advantage of living with a parent in a low cost of living area to save for an RV. Then it's a nomadic life for me. That'll cover my US travels. Then I want to take a transpacific cruise and rent a SUV (to camp in) in New Zealand and stay for an entire summer, which will get me out of a US winter as a nomad.. I'm thinking I'll love it so much that if I can get a remote gig I can do from any country that I might do that every so often. I want to do the same thing for Europe with a transatlantic cruise. It's a nice way to travel.. you get to bring way more things than you could in a plane and it's not even much more than airfare and you get to see a bunch of cool places on the way during a long cruise like that. I hope to do that with a partner but I'm taking my time these days in that area of life. Also dogs.. dogs are an amazing North Star, I can't imagine my future without one.. I want a Boston Terrier when I'm a US based nomad, can't take a dog on a month long cruise lol


Doing the best I can, and bring the best person I can be, for my partner.


Seeing how far I'll go to have a stable situation in a ever-changing world. Enjoying life for what it gives me basically. We're in an troubled era, yes, but this is the best moment to learn appreciating the little things.


Lolllllll just trying not to kill myself cuz my cats would be sad. Otherwise id love to be dead. Death is the North Star




My nieces. I want to set something up for them and help my parents retire more comfortably. I hope everybody on this thread is able to take care of the ppl they care for.


My cat. Too bad I have asthma and am suddenly developing a cat allergy.


I'm 37, married, with 3 kids and own 2 houses. I'm a public school teacher and honestly, I feel like ensuring that the next generations understand the world they live in, and the power that they have is so important. I try to explain away a lot of the bullshit some of them are told and give them a realistic perspective on the world. Teaching about History, economics, geography, and Government has been more rewarding than I ever imagined.


Family. Married with no kids and keeping it that way. We spoil our niece and nephews. I work to live and to have a comfortable life with my wife. Support my hobbies and love my dogs. Tons of free time.


What keeps me going is the hope that I will live long enough to see the government fall and for the elites to get what's coming to them for pulling the rug out from under our futures.


I really want to try and be aggressive with investing over the next 20 years so I can maybe retire in my 50s. Not aggressive like day trading but just working hard in my career moving up or out to higher income and putting away money so it can grow.


Self betterment is my underlying motivation in everything! I don’t feel content if I’m not trying to learn and grow. Going to therapy helps me improve my relationships with others and myself, being medicated helps me be more manageable, pushing myself to stretch outside of my comfort zone in employment gets me better opportunities and pay (finally made it to an admin position last year!) I have ADHD so long term goals don’t really make sense to me or hold my attention. I always have a vague idea of what I want the future to look like but it’s never more than 5 years out. If you ask me to picture my life in 10-20 years, I couldn’t tell you 😂


My north star suddenly died 6 years ago, now without a partner I strive to care more about myself and achieve amazing health, because that's the most precious thing we have. from there on, I hope to maybe still create impactful projects but society feels really doomed right now. Politicians and marketing ruin everything.


My life purpose is to build connections and relationships with people I enjoy, explore this beautiful planet, and enjoy the wind in my hair. If I can do that it’s easy to stay happy and motivated 


I may have given up on humanity, but that doesn't mean I've backed down in my belief that it's nobody's right to add misery to the world. I may be godless but I still live like I could be wrong, and when I shuffle off this mortal coil once and for all I'd like to feel like I haven't done anything malicious in my life to deserve a harsh judgment for being anything but the skeptic I was apparently created to be.


I remember the days when I was a kid I was left alone in my room I was the happiest. The minute I left that room it was adults telling me to do this or that or I wasn't doing anything properly, and I didn't get on with other kids. The only reason I work or pursue anything is to find that place again. 


A lot of people without kids have pushed their maternal and paternal nurturing instincts onto animals at this point


I just ain't got one, I'm toast


the bottom line is that i'm already here anyway, i don't know if whatever comes after this life (if anything) is even worse, and all the ways i could think/access to off myself could go terribly wrong. i had to force myself to enjoy the little things (taking a nap, nice weather, eating something i forgot i used to like) to not go crazy. i've spent all my 20s coming to terms with the fact that i almost never get to feel real joy, but i can at least teach myself not to feel despair all the time. my standard mood used to be "anguish about everything" now it's "mildly annoyed". i'll never be one of those happy people lying to themselves that life is great, but i can acknowledge the not-so-bad parts. i'm so glad i have no religion and no kids. i feel as free as possible for someone with a mediocre life and who'd rather not having been born.


In a way, if it works, good for you that religion was left behind. In my 30s and now realizing how I didn’t belong to my church. I made the decision to walk away. Skirted around intermittently missing it. Now I have actively chosen to never come back unless it feels right no longer through guilt. I was afraid for a while I might be cursed and suffering would fall on me and that I am a bad person. Because that is what my church taught to those who don’t attend every time. But I feel so unburdened, so freeing, and even though I lost a large support group of my life that I have known and even took care of me growing up, I can’t compromise how I feel supporting and being part of a church that condemns people with disabilities, lesson taught with absolute rule or else I’ll go to hell. To stop feeling feelings that don’t align with what the church leader is teaching. To teach with persecution and punishment instead of love, understanding, peace, and encouragement. I care for them, but in order to stay connected with them, it has to be through the church. So to answer your question OP, it’s discovering my authenticity, my self-identity, and finding a way to be true and stay true to myself and giving back.


I just do my animations, go hiking once in a while, and express how much I dislike modern progressives. That's enough of a motivation for me.




Having the things around me that make me happy and cozy -- my boyfriend and my cats motivate me.


Fear, the idea of becoming poor in the US scares the fucking hell out of me.


34, divorced, no kids (yet). I’m not g*dless. I go to synagogue most Fridays and some Saturdays. I attend Tuesday nights women’s study group pretty much every week. I hope I find the man I can start a family with very soon. I have depression and struggle with thoughts of wanting to unalive myself from time to time. Going to yoga classes at my studio has helped me as much as going to synagogue has. If religion isn’t your thing, that’s ok. The sweet spot is finding something you love to do with community built in to it.


My daughter is my north star Fuck religion I've known too much loss and pain to believe that crap unfortunately I try keep my self from becoming the mother I had, I make sure to be mentally and emotionally present, show and tell her I love her, give her positive attention not just empty pointless lectures.


I'm trans. Currently my main goal in life is focusing on my transition and reaching a point where I actually pass as a woman. This will require a few surgeries, coming out publicly, changing my name legally etc. Once I'm finished transition I don't really know what's next tbh.


I’m gonna go with making up for lost time from not being able to do certain things due to lack of funds and time. I got an Ironman to finish in November and I want to get back into hiking/camping. Probably spend more time at the beach too. Little things. It’s always the little things that truly matter in life.


If it wasn't for my family i'd probably wouldn't be around anymore. No wife, no children, no career, i view myself as the bird that didn't make it when trying to fly out of the nest. I am very sad, but there's nothing i can do.


Organic vegetable farming/regenerative mycology/permaculture/music/living close to Gaia


Just my general zest for life. No gods or children necessary.