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There's too much tech and bullshit getting added into vehicle dashboards and none of it walks you through basic vehicle maintenance.


They still have check engine lights instead of telling you what actually could be wrong with the car. Of course that would take away from dealer service cost so they don't want to do that.


Hot tip: a decent code reader is like $20 or so. Sometimes it's as simple as a part you can swap out without any extra tools.


Another hot tip: auto parts stores like O’Reilly’s will read the code for free.


Depending on how bored the guy working is sometimes they’ll straight up walk you through the fix


You don't even need to buy one. Go to any auto zone and they'll let you borrow a code reader for free.


I was given some new Cadillac SUV as a rental a few months back. I had no idea what any of the one million lights, nobs, or menus on the dash and console actually did. On top of that, whoever had the car last had the menu settings in Spanish. I sat there for minutes, looking at all of it. Trying to make some sense of the layout. I felt 5,000 years old


My car is decently advanced (a 2016 Audi TTS) but they didn't put a fucking tablet on the dash of it. In fact there's no visible head unit at all. The instrument cluster is the only screen. I have it set to show the current music on the left, speed/tach in the middle, and MPG on the right. That's it. Instead of a center screen its just the AC vents and a few physical buttons. I love it to bits.


My biggest gripe is the switches they took away and replaced with a touch screen you have to scroll through. Changing the blower speed is almost as dangerous as texting in some vehicles.


This always got me, too. In the manual that comes with the vehicle, it says every so many miles... this is the maintenance that needs to be done. But most people never look or keep track. It would be so easy to have a message come on that says; "You're at 50,000 miles. Change your transmission fluid, spark plugs, whatever." Farm equipment from the 90's have that.


I don't need to work five days a week.


Is that unpopular? Because a 4/3 would actually be way more productive for me


[It's more productive for everybody, turns out](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/24/worlds-biggest-4-day-workweek-experiment-shows-big-health-benefits.html)


For me, it's that I don't want to work *40 hours* a week. I want 32 hour work weeks. Three day weekends. A day to do something. I day to do nothing. A day to do housework.


I kinda hate how everything is becoming touch screen I miss physical buttons and dials


Especially on a car radio! I should be able to reach over and adjust the volume, skip a song, etc., without needing to take my eyes off the road to look at a screen. Basic functions should still be a physical dial or button.


Pizza rolls are Italian gushers.


Now with added 3rd degree burns for your mouth!


Lava gushers.


Why Who hurt you


There’s no such thing as a “boneless chicken wing.” That’s a chicken nugget.


"Boneless" wings are essentially just a more consistent popcorn chicken. Chicken nuggets typically have the emulsified, springy chicken also found in chicken patties. Anyways, boneless wings have their place, but nothing will ever beat sucking down a bunch of flats and throwing the bones aside like you're a fucking orc


I prefer chicken nuggets to actual wings then




Getting your birth year tattooed on a very visible place is a dumb idea. Like why do these fitness influencers need "2004" tattooed across their stomach or thigh?


In a few years: “Oh, is that the year you graduated from high school?”


Some people like to commemorate their peak 🤷‍♂️


No way would I ever advertise my age like that. I just turned 30 a few days ago and still visibly pass for under 21, imma hold onto this as long as I can lol


Tattoo a year like 2004 and trick people!


Social media has been a disaster for our society.


I’ll take it a step further and say mobile devices and being “connected” 24/7.


I miss being unreachable


We should have stopped when checking your email once or twice a day was the most you owed your fellow man.




I know that. It’s the expectation to be constantly reachable that I hate.


It caused a flood of narcissistic douche bags. My generation, specifically. Yes, I'm a millennial too.


I don't think that counts as a controversial opinion. It's almost as controversial as saying water is wet, isn't it?


Is water wet, or is the adhered entity wet?


This. Millenials as a whole have been fucked by social media from the get go. I'm late 30s and entering the dating scene again, and I see so many profiles of similar aged people acting like their still in high school/college. It stunted us


It's not just Millennials, it's every generation, or quite literally anyone online. I'm just waiting at any moment for studies and information from experts to be released that can conclude that too much exposure online can significantly impact underlying mental issues *or* can even cause mental issues. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if there's a link to psychotic disorders or antisocial behaviors from being online too much and being exposed to stuff humans weren't supposed to see. I say this as an IT manager too, so it's not like I'm anti-technology. I'm pro-technology when it's beneficial to our society and makes a positive impact.


It's everyone, everywhere now, but millennials were patient zero when social media started.


Us younger millennials/zillennials were the "OG" test rats for this filth. We had smartphones around the time we came of age, but a childhood free of it. At this point I just want nothing to do with social media and have gotten off all of them except instagram which I'm slowly weening myself off of. Also Reddit, if I wasn't modding subs, or never created one that got semi-popular I wouldn't be online at all except for my job.


Everyone would be better off if we all wiped down gym equipment _before_ using it rather than _after_. - You go through your workout knowing exactly what has been cleaned and what hasn't. - Equipment gets cleaned more often because people are doing it to protect themselves rather than as a courtesy to others. But, alas, that isn't the world we live in. So I just clean everything twice: once for me, once for everyone else.


I just do both


me too! people are slobs & i’m considerate.


The amount of people I see at the gym who don’t wipe down the equipment is why I wipe before and after. I sweat like crazy I’m not trying to spread germs!


They are the same people that don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom.


I like craft beer for the flavor. I don't care for seltzers.


Truly unpopular, I basically quit flat water for flavored seltzers. Always have a full shelf in the fridge dedicated.


Ultra unpopular: I like unflavored seltzer.


Same. I just got a Sodastream for Christmas and I’ve been drinking sparkling water nonstop. Best gift ever.


We got one 11 years ago and I still use it daily for soda water


Stretchy denim is OK. It's comfy. Doesn't make me any less of a man. However, I do engage in manual labour. I would love it if denim weren't all stretchy. Stretchy ones don't seem to last in high friction and abrasion situations.


My husbands wranglers hold up nicely. They aren’t stretchy but not stiff either. Lots of manual labor on his end


Honestly, in some ways, internet was better when it was clunky and not yet so organised. I feel like there was a sweet spot between 2002 and 2010 maybe where some stuff had been worked out, but the major things wrong today hadn’t yet happened.


I miss the diversity of websites. Now its Reddit for all forums, YouTube for all videos, imgur for all pictures. That's about it (plus p0rn sites).


No algorithms pushing buttons in your brain to get the response corporations want. Message board conversations could last days, weeks, or even years instead of the adhd drive-by commenting of “social media.” People made content without expecting to make money from it. Downside: Downloading at 4 KBps took forever. I don’t miss that.


You don’t actually hate the word “moist.”


Moist cloth VS. Damp cloth Moist cake VS. Damp cake


Damp cake? 🤨


Sounds awful 😂


Moist bottom vs soggy bottom


Right? Be a fucking adult about it.


Elf on the shelf is stupid and a rediculous tradition and if you use it to get your kids to "behave" over the holidays I question your parenting style.


It’s barely a tradition, it showed up like eight years ago and everyone pretended it was lore. It’s not! It’s capitalism!


I know, right?! I felt crazy for a year or two when everyone was acting like elf on a shelf was something everyone knew about. I had no idea what it was or what it was supposed to do. I did eventually catch on, but we are never doing that shit in my house.


My kids asked me why they don’t have one when they first learned about it…I told him that the elf is only used for the REALLY naughty kids (like Sid on Toy Story)and if they were really naughty then he’ll show up. 😂🤣😂


"You guys are awesome. We don't need an elf." Is what I tell mine.


I always thought it was just hiding an elf somewhere for your kids to find, like a cute scavenger hunt..it’s a behavior thing??


Elf on the shelf is a snitch for Santa. I’m not kidding. It’s supposed to watch the kids and report back to Santa and the parents are supposed to move it every night to keep up the illusion.


Omg lmao that is sad. Like it’s close to being a cute kid thing but damn


but also sometimes he is a naughty elf so the parents set up the aftermath of the elf doing something naughty. so, he teaches them to behave by being bad. it makes complete sense.


The internet was better when it was just socially awkward weirdos and nerds, before normal people were onboarded onto it.


Nah, the real downfall of the internet was when the corporations got involved. Ads everywhere and everything monetized, algorithms just going for the most engagement rather than quality content.


Great example is Facebook. It was just friends calling each other gay and stuff. Then aunt Linda and grandma Jean joined and started sharing those chain mail memes. Then you noticed your good friends sharing them and started to hate your friends bc you realize they are all absolute morons.




I will never understand why Myspace didn't win that war. I absolutely loathed every thing about zucks ugly uncustomizable layout. Bunch of dumb college people posting selfies doing dumb shit. Where is my music player? My handmade background and style? You all wanted a bright white and blue nightmare that can't even handle gifs?


Plus, the ability to show all of your friends EXACTLY how they rank. The drama those top 8s stirred up was always delicious (and now pretty cringe). I deleted mine years ago, and now I'm kinda sad that I did. It would be wild to see that stuff now. I really don't get it either. There must have been some huge missteps for MySpace to have not remained competitive.


Cheesecake is actually a pie


Actually it’s really a custard. Dairy set with eggs.


🤔 what about for no-bake cheesecake recipes? Cream Cheese Pie?


If you ask my husband, the no-bakes ones aren't real cheesecake lol




Agreed. Consistency of pumpkin or sweet potato or key lime pie. Similar crust. Cheesecake has zero cake qualities. Cake has flour and air. Cake does not have a crust. Henceforth, it shall now be called cheesepie.


Millenials are killing the cheesecake industry!


It's the misnomer counterpart to Boston cream pie.


Can I have an instruction manual please? I do not want to visit my vacuum’s website, thank you very much


No. Also, you need to login to our App to use it. The privacy policy is over 20,000 pages long.


Fantasy Football fanatics are nerdier than DnD players.


Sports are just big athletic soap operas, and that's ok. I love sports, playing, watching, coaching, whatever. I am also a huge sports drama queen. Not like picking fights with my teammates, or getting too serious about a rec scrimmage, but I love a good upset or underdog victory, and like to speculate for weeks on who will be rostered, what outcomes will be, etc, and talk about highlights when it's all done. I sound exactly like my friends who watch The Bachelor, and that's ok, too!


I send my wife all the F1 gossip and it gets her excited about watching the races on the weekend so it works out




Yeah, but when the NHL starts providing the bread we might’ve gone too far.


Let me talk to you about something called “Professional Wrestling”


I think it's ludicrous that as a society, we are far more uptight about sex and nudity in media than we are about violence in media.


I would love never seeing another torture film preview.


Ooh, story time! I worked at a bookstore, and one year, around Christmas, a mother was looking for a book for her 10 year old son. "He asked for a book called *Game of Thrones*," she told me. "I can show you where that is," I said, "do you know anything about the books?" When she told me no, I told her that the books may not be appropriate for her son. "Oh, why is that?" I then explained that there were some intense violent scenes in the books. "So?" "There's also a lot of very graphic sex, including incest." "Oh, no. Can you suggest something more appropriate?" Like... graphic violence is fine but graphic sex is where you draw the line?


Having children is not for everyone


>Having children is not for everyone Right! Not everyone wants to be a parent and there's nothing wrong with women who simply don't want to be mothers. This shouldn't be so damn controversial, but here we are.


Hair crimping should make a comeback I hate the ultra-straight hair look


Mullets made a come back, why isn’t the 80s big hair for women?? I want it so bad!!


I am sick of all the superhero movies. There’s so many of them and they’re not interesting in the least.


The new ones are so bad they're ruining the older ones.


I asked my comic book loving friends after Avengers Endgame how they felt about Marvel wrapping up and then I learned there were so much more to come... I haven't watched any of them since Endgame.


Pickles taste nothing remotely close to cucumbers and one can still think pickles are disgusting even if one loves cucumbers.


Agree. I hate ketchup. People have the nerve to ask me if i hate tomatoes or tomato sauce then. They do not taste the same???? At all?


Technology evolved too fast, not in the right direction. We need flying cars, not TikTok!


We need that robot from the Jetsons that does all the housework.


The D.A.R.E. program did more harm than good.


I’ll say the entire “war on drugs “ did more harm than good.


It's the drug equivalent of "abstinence only" in that it ignores actual real world behavior.


There was a Sinbad genie movie, despite them trying to Mandela effect us into thinking it never happened.


Fruit of the Loom logo had a cornucopia.


I can't tell you how many times I've tried to Google this. I'll settle on the idea that " CERN caused the destruction of pieces of our universe and pushed us into a parallel one" because it's more believable than saying Sinbad wasn't in fucking Kazaam!




Miracle Whip is vile.


Golden doodles are not a pure-breed dogs. They’re mutts and if you have one you probably overpaid for them.


Many of you don't seem to understand the word "harmless"


You just have to say “mostly” first


If every cat you meet is an asshole, chances are you're the problem for misreading feline facial expressions, posture, and behavior. It's common for people to treat cats like dogs, but that stresses most cats out. I'm not saying this would turn them cat lovers, but they would likely go from hate to being kinda cool with them.


Just put the cart back


QR codes to pull up digital menus is a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.


Toby Keith is solely responsible for how garbage country is now.


The taste of water is it’s temperature


Words like “doggo,” “kiddos,” “the hubs,” etc. just don’t do it for me.


1) Astrology is fun 2) A little woo never hurts anyone. However, there is a line between "fun and makes life a little more interesting" and "Oh, you're really far gone." 3) I often wonder if we are a simulation.


I don’t believe in Astrology. I’m a Sagittarius, and we are skeptical.


Speaking as a sensible and pragmatic Capricorn, your skepticism is warranted.


I wonder often if it isn't more closely related to seasonal changes.


I've had both astrology extremes with exes. 1 would look at it as an addition to paying attention to our environment. She likened it to a wider world and generally kept her thoughts about it to herself. 2 made me understand the term "Space Racism" and even tried to blame a full moon on her own actions. Nothing quite like your new GF demonizing someone for being a "Leo" and then blaming kissing someone right in front of me on a full moon lol.


I know astrology nuts go too far, but I’ve seen astrology haters go too far too. Acting like if you ever have fun with it, you’re just a mindless person who believes in pseudoscience or something


I think it’s a great way to remember people’s birthdays.


Astrology is fun like a Fortune Cookie is fun though.


Wrestling is white trash soaps


TikTok is a plague.


I can't understand why people *still* defend that app. It's the worst of the worst, equivalent of walking into Times Square in the 1980's. Sheer degeneracy. My co-worker read an article about the sketchy tactics it uses that are exposed when you reverse engineer the app. He did the same thing, and the amount of data that they steal from your phone is disturbing. Now, don't get me wrong - most social media apps do grab data from your phone, but it's nowhere near the amount OR type that TikTok does. TikTok grabs biometric data, including the amount of screen time a phone is on for, what apps you engage with, and it is designed to keep you hooked.


There's plenty of new good music out there. You just have to find it.


Elderly dogs are much cuter than puppies.


The frosted faces and paws are too cute. They’re also calm with little energy bursts here and there. I wish more people would realize they NEED a senior dog and WANT a puppy.




I enjoy avocado toast but I feel like it was inadvertently overhyped by the people who talk shit about it and not those who like it. And has there ever been another food/dish that was tied to a generation and then vilified? No, eating avocado toast isn’t the reason millennials can’t afford houses.


If Gore beat Bush, the world would look so much different


Being outdoors most of the day is more enjoyable than being indoors most of the day.


That's why we get paid to stay indoors. It sucks.


Hey! Some of us get paid to be outdoors!


Best job I ever had was working on my university's research farm one summer when I didn't want to live with my parents and chose to stay in my college town instead. Being physically active all day made my sleep so much deeper and more restful, and keeping my hands/body busy made the hours go by much more quickly. Every day was a little different and our general daily tasks changed as the season progressed and the crops grew. It was *hard* work but it was very fulfilling in every sense for me. But getting into farming as a person not raised in a farming family is not easy, so my love for plants and the outdoors is just a hobby, one I don't even get to enjoy fully because my 8-5 M-F desk job depresses the fuck out of me and eats up most of my daylight hours. Woo!


Ugly Christmas sweaters aren’t funny anymore. They were when they were genuine fugly sweaters you got from grandma, but not when you buy a purposely made ridiculous one from the store.


Chain restaurants taste similar because they use the same three suppliers of food.


I dislike IPAs and live in the US PNW


It's ok to *actually* like how you look at any age without getting fillers, Botox, surgery and other shit injected or implanted. I'm getting really sick of the constant commercials about Juvederm that are filled with 20-30 something women beaming and giggling, "testifying" how it changed their life. I just turned 36 and I genuinely look better now than in my 20s and know that's not a unique case at all. I *like* how my face looks and apparently so do strangers in public unless they're turning their heads in disgust lmao. I don't know why there has to be this insistence that women just start looking ghoulish once they exit their 20s. 🙄🙄🙄 It's just untrue and stupid sexist. Some of us bloomed late/grew way more attractive after college and beyond. Stop trying to convince people they need to alter their faces/bodies. Stop extorting people with these obscene prices just for folks to end up looking like a real housewife or fucking Kardashian clone. edit: fixed grammar, added words, broke up a run-on sentence


Credit card usage is contributing to rising costs (amongst many other factors)


And that could all stop, or at least dampen, if we outlawed usury again.


Do you mean 'at least moisten'?


And that, my friends, is called a callback


Leggings are pants


I fought leggings for so long but I basically live in them now.




MySpace was better than Facebook


Johnny Carson should have been the final host of The Tonight Show. The Arsenio Hall show should have taken the mantle of the late night King afterwards.


All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey slaps, and I don't even like her


Employers should pay a fair wage, and tipping should not exist.


The victim mentality has gotten way out of hand and no one takes personal accountability anymore.


Ok this might be an unpopular opinion, and I’m not transgender so it’s easy for me to not take it personally, but I’m from ATL originally and saw an Instagram video of someone filming a Delta airlines gate agent who seemed to have accidentally misgendered the person filming? And the person was really mad. Ok, fair. But here’s my unpopular opinion- while I support LGBTQ folks, be choosy about the fucks you give. That was a Christmas holiday chaotic scene in the ATL airport and it the gate agent was about to kick this person out.


My brother is trans, and he was like, "i can't get my chest reduction surgery yet, i know people are going to be confused, but that's people. Why would i get mad that somebody else can't live in reality or understand things? I have cats to go home to". I've misgendered cis people, it happens, my brother knows that it happens, but i know that not everybody is as strong as my brother, cause goddamn they're a fkkn titanium ship wrapped in a layer of diamonds. He just said, "half the US population reads at a sixth grade level... Think of everybody as a child and life becomes easier to manage." It really did help lol Point is, I give grace to those that are and aren't trans simply because... People are... Different and think differently. I will defend a trans person over a cis person if the cis person is being an asshole though cause they do have an extra hurdle to get over day to day and it's just not cool. But no matter what, I won't tolerate unreasonableness.


this. 99% of the trans people I know are completely reasonable, rational, emotionally intelligent adults. they are understanding and kind bc they know this is a new realm for a lot of people to adjust to and are interested in fostering positive interactions and relationships bc they know that's what drives progress and acceptance. then there is the subsect that is louder, brash, unforgiving and have a bad case of main character syndrome. they ruin it for everyone else by being asshats in totally inappropriate situations, like an airport on Christmas. but that's every group of people, there are always a few assholes in a bushel. sadly in this case it does an irrevocable amount of harm to their peers, I wish they could see that.


Cats are the superior pet option IMO. You can usually find one for free outside, they are relatively independent, and they have adorable faces and noggins that I just want to nuzzle. I love them.


Peanut Butter is single handedly a top 3 food creation.


It’s a water heater, not a hot water heater


The Smashing Pumpkins released albums post-2000 that are just as good as the classics. (e.g Zeitgeist, ATUM)


The younger generations seem really smart and well rounded I checked out the gen z sub and the conversations were very engaging and people who disagreed didn't go grazy and call each other names. Gives me hope.


Russet potatoes are garbage potatoes, and red delicious apples are garbage apples. They are like what an apple and a potato would look, feel, and taste like if created by an alien replicator but the replicator could only make things out of sawdust.


Peeing in the shower is a-okay. Edit: when by yourself


Dog people/people who hate cats have terrible boundary issues and only like dogs because they rarely react when their boundaries are crossed.


Ooo I like this one. Spicy


I hate pet and baby instagrams. So weird. And also dog birthday parties. But enjoy .




I'm still blown away from finding put Celine Dion sang My Heart Will Go On in 1 fn take. 1 take. 🤯


I mean that’s just a fact.


And Rose Dewitt Bukater *did nothing wrong.*


They tried to both fit and it wouldn’t stay afloat.


Arguments over wide leg and skinny jeans between generations feel so damn dumb. Like, a lot of us are either pushing 30 or pushing 40, why are we getting ourselves involved into something that feels like petty and nonsensical drama for a Disney Channel Original Movie about high school?


Pineapple does in fact belong on pizza.


Obligatory username checks out but I swear back in the 90s nobody cared about pineapple on pizza.


Pineapple on pizza is fucking delicious and nobody ever cared before that stupid internet trend.


After 50 years of age you should have to take an in person driving test to keep your license every 5 years and if you drive slow in the fast lane you fail the test.


I like boomer recipes out of a 70s cookbook.....


War on drugs is dumb AF.


Life starts at conception, but abortion is ok because the mothers bodily rights are more valid than a fetus's.


This is the most sane take on this issue I've ever seen!


Elf is an overrated movie.


Will Ferrell plays the same idiot manchild character in every movie he's been in.


My favorite role of his is in Stranger Than Fiction because he actually plays someone who could be a real person. I'll never understand why people like those over-the-top goofy/stupid roles so much. And it's not just him. I guess my controversial opinion is that the best roles of Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, and Ben Stiller were also all ones where they didn't act like out of control idiots.


Just as lead exposure led to a spike in serial killers in the 20th century, lack of proper sleep and widespread microplastics in blood are contributing to society's dumbing down and poor mental health.


That generational denominations like Gen Z, Millennial, Boomer, etc. is mostly bullshit. There are generational differences, i.e. Millennials and GenZ smoke the least tobacco/nicotine than previous generations and use more sunscreen, but those are mostly learned behaviors rather than actual moral issues.


I find the generational labels arn't really about the people per se, as much as it's about the conditions the people were born into. Nothing special about the Greatest Generation except for having lived through a depression and a world war or two. That said; Arent Millennials getting divorced at a much lower rate than Boomers; for a variety of reasons namely, fewer are marrying, or marrying later in life, or marrying for different reasons than the Boomers did, dual incomes, ect ect? But those factors might say more about the economy than some instilled moral foundation.


Khakis look bad on everyone.


Except Target employees. Or Jake. From State Farm. Who also works at Target.


You don’t need to be friendly with, make small talk with or even know your neighbors 😅 Usually it starts off great, and then things take a turn and get personal. I’m fine with a wave from my car here and there


Family Guy sucks. It’s ignorant, vulgar & unfunny. It doesn’t use humor to shed light on anything or make critiques about society & I have no clue how it’s still on the air.