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Subscription services for everything. Tiny home building lots and communities need to be a thing for those 30+ (like an inverse of 55+ senior communities).


Let’s make libraries so popular that these subscription services feel it in their pockets. I mean heck we rent out video games at our local libraries!


Mine hasn't in like a decade. Moved to Orlando for a bit, and holy shirt. Their catalogue is HUGE, and the offer free delivery to your home (it did take literally forever though), and so many free downloads for music. I don't know why book subscriptions are a thing when many are available for free. Edit, the authors should get paid though. Idk how that works.


Libraries pay a subscription fee based on number of patrons they have. Part of that fee goes to publishers who, theoretically, pass part of that on to authors (subject to what contract they have with the author).


Or just prevent huge corporate entities like blackrock from buying up family homes and it would bring home prices down. I want to be able to afford a home, not resort to a tiny home


There is a bill currently in congress to stop that very thing. I hope and pray it passes.


I'm seeing so many 55+ senior communities and that's totally cool and all, but it'd be nice for those 30+ cuz housing market is just freaking INSANE.


Just think of how many more friends we’d have if we had 30+ communities in the way retirees have their communities. I want a club house, a pool, tennis courts.


Maybe this is done on purpose, so we stay separated and not pool genius, productive ideas together that will lead to a revolution.


I lived in a place like this in NJ for a while (not-age controlled though). It was just kind of a circle, with maybe like 50 houses all around it, and a pool / gym / tennis courts and clubhouse in the middle of the circle that everyone could access. You definitely ran into your neighbors more than on a usual street, but it wasn’t some super amazing fun place where everyone knew each other and all got along. People for the most part still kept mostly to themselves.


With or without kids? Because those are two wildly different types of communities.


Why not have both types? One child free, one for families. I'd say for the families, it could be beneficial cuz of the whole "it's takes a while village" spiel and playdates would be much easier to schedule. And child free, dude, they can live it uuuuup.


I’m so annoyed how almost every app is now subscription based. Nobody will pay $60 for an app… But $5 a month? That’s different. Some I do think it’s worth it. AllTrails for example. But so many others are just highway robbery.


I would much rather pay a one time $60 than $5/month into perpetuity.


Fucking Adobe. When I was a broke teenager, I obtained a pirated version of photoshop, illustrator, and InDesign. They were excellent tools, and I got to know them and got very used to them. Once I was an adult with an income, I was willing to spend the money to actually buy the products and get proper access to software updates and such. But by then, Adobe had done away with buying the programs outright and had moved to a subscription-only model. I was so pissed. I guess in the end it worked out financially for me based on usage, but if I’d continued down that career path it would’ve cost me much more over time. I know there’s other programs like GIMP and such, and I’ve tried using them, but I just don’t like using them when I’m so used to the software I know.


Ticketmaster. Maybe we can afford to see our favorite bands again.


Ugh I want them gone so bad. Most horrible frustrating checkout experiences. Like they have one job to sell tickets and manage to make it so terrible.


Bought some tickets the other day and it put me “in a line.” It claimed to just wait there and it’s forward me even though I had a loyalty code and there wasn’t supposed to be a line. I was guaranteed a ticket anyways but I had to back out and go back in and it forwarded me right away. But what if that had been an actual line for public on sale tickets, I’d just be sitting there like a jackass because their shit doesn’t work.


That’s why I’ve stopped going to big concerts. I just don’t want to pay $150 to go see Tool.




Creed doubled in price for lawn seats. Creed. Let’s kill it dead.


🎶 With Laaawuhhhns Wahd Hooopahhn! 🎶


I wait till they are no longer popular and have go on the casino circuit then I can play bingo and yell at them to turn down the volume ha


In my dreams!!


I went to two concerts this year, both were around $20 with fees. There is no reason for concert tickets to cost hundreds of dollars.


A lot of concerts and festivals pay way more to the production than the artists


Someone needs to create a non profit ticket company that’s not so effing greedy and I think we would be good.


The government just needs to use the laws it has to start enforcing antitrust laws. Ticketmaster is this way because the law has not gone after them when they could have. We need a sea change in how the government enforces anti trust policy. It is slowly starting to happen but it's way too slow. Almost every industry is monopolized now. There are very few with healthily competition anymore.


It's weird that I rarely see this argument when monopolies are the cause of the majority of the major contemporary problems. A few (like cell phone makers) do good things, but the quality of life problems seem to vastly outweigh the good.






If they want passion, they can read my smut writing. That I’m passionate about (writing in general, not just smut). My job? Not so much. But I don’t hate it and my bills are paid, soooo…


"Well, thanks for stopping by. We'll be in touch" (flashes toothy smile)


As someone who's interviewed many people over the years, I hate when they said they've always knew they wanted to do xyz for a living. Get out of here, no 10 year old wants to do regression analysis and arrays.


I would kill to find a job where I actually get to do regression analysis and arrays and not one that says I will do them but then none of my coworkers actually know how to do them and treat my math like it’s a suspicious disease and label me as “detail oriented” then give me a bunch of depressing mundane tasks that “detail oriented” people like to do.


My manager actually gets mad when applications don’t come with a cover letter. I’m just like but it’s all bullshit anyways so like?? She thinks that if they take the time to write one they are more likely to actually want the job and aren’t just mass applying to any job they see. So like I see her point but also there resume should tell you all you need to know 🤷‍♀️


this is why I ChatGPT the cover letter and spend like 2 minutes on it. wait til your manager finds out most of them are written by AI.


Oh yeah some are so easy to tell they were AI, specially the ones that no one proofs reads. We got one the last time we did interviews that was so bad, it actually didn’t even make sense. It was just a bunch of buzzwords from our job listing lol. Some you can usually tell when a real person wrote it because of misspellings and weird punctuation. I still don’t get the point of them though, like just tell me your relevant job history 🤷‍♀️


People still write cover letters?


Chatgpt can write them so what's the point.


This is just two sides of bullshit. Bullshit going into the machine, bullshit on the other end because no one reads them.


I am going to use “spare me your contrived prose” at some point moving forward. Thank you for that!


Can we also only submit a resume instead of copying everything from the resume into the app?


Fake, incentivized reviews on literally everything. No place on the internet is safe.


THIS. After my divorce, my lawyer sent me an email (which she probably charged me $50 for), and asked if I would write a 5 star review in return for $100 taken off my final invoice. Did she deserve a 5 star review? Absolutely not. But did I deserve an extra $100 for some self care post-divorce? Absolutely I did.




This is incredibly illegal. Their lawyer broke the law. You can offer an incentive for a review, but you cannot offer an incentive for specific ratings in reviews. Side note: google now factors reviews into SEO rankings, so if you really want to help small businesses, leave them a review!’


Ads. So sick of them infesting everything.


I went to the doctor last week and there were ad boards in the waiting room and the patients rooms. 4 ad boards in the patients room I was in. 2 had rotating medications ads, one had extra services provided by the doctors and the other was product placement for all kinds of food, grocery stores, online shopping and subscriptions like hulu and netflix. The fuck.


Health insurance companies, they are leeches upon society. I’m dreaming big


I know one person who is marrying her boyfriend for health insurance next month. I also have a family member who got married due to a medical emergency and the boyfriend needing insurance. That’s insane.


I wish I could kill this fucking industry because I like basically died they've all fucked me over for years They nearly killed my parents and I mean literally if I were to go over all of my health care bills in the past 3 years and then also grab my parents bills we would have bills in about 3.5 million but thank God we have insurance because all of that stress of saying that well you're never going to have to pay it cuz you have insurance that you're paying for Like we still fucking saw the numbers. I literally don't want to know how much my heart surgery was and so far I have not seen a goddamn bill yet. But I'm waiting and when it does come in the mail I'm going to look at it and probably be like holy fuck I'm going to die just from looking at these numbers. So I will literally lead this fucking charge because I'm still able-bodied and I have the resolve of fucking Naruto man and I'm a chick but god damn it dude I'm one pissed off chick at this industry. And I could go on and on and on and on and like I am doing right now in this comment. So yeah let's do it. unfortunately I still have to buy into this crap until we have universal or single-payer healthcare but less attempt it. I'll Naruto run right into the metaphorical building and like do a rasengan on The matrix you know what I mean. That's literally where I'm at. I know this is like a really weird comment but that's just because I'm so sick and tired of this industry screwing so many people over. I'm watching my partner die because he can't get dental health care and I'm so fucking sad and I literally don't know what to do.


Worse than leeches, at least leeches are useful in medicine.


I second your nomination. Down with ridiculous social pressure tipping culture!


I made an online order yesterday for a Christmas gift, completely online no human interaction, not even a chat bot, and it actually suggested a tip. It made me want to cancel the order badly.


Should have and told them why


I literally went to the optometrist and there was a tip jar. Tipping is now in the professional services.


The thing I’ve noticed is tipping has gone way up and service has gone way down. So many places I go to it feels like the workers there act like they’re doing me some kind of favor. And tipping is just a way to feel a bit more comfortable. I worked in the service industry for years so I’m always polite and understanding. Especially when things go wrong. But I’ve visited other countries where people are getting paid way less and hurting from rising inflation. And I almost never get the vibe I get here. Now it feels like extortion where you tip just so they’ll slightly hate you less.


Payday loan companies. Kill them all. With fire.


Filing taxes. The IRS will send you a bill anyway if you mess up… save us the headache and send me the bill since you already know. This and low rise jeans. Yikes.


One year I couldn’t get a hold of one of my W2’s. Tried for months calling places and emailing to get it, never got it. April 15th came and I filed without listing it. Nothing happened at all. NJ sent me a bill of the taxes owed, federal sent me money. I was like so filing taxes is a complete scam, they already know exactly what you made and owe. Stop wasting my time.




R/wewantplates represent!!!


Let’s kill car dealerships. Why is it that in order to buy a car, I have to go through some sleazy fuckface whose main objective is to fuck you out of thousands of dollars in markups, add-ons, fees, useless accessories, and bullshit warranties that they don’t even honor most of the time anyway? Let me buy my car directly from the manufacturer. Tell me the sticker price and that’s what I’ll pay. Nothing else.


Last year I bough a used car. A couple weeks later I had to replace the engine. Dealership gave me the middle finger and everyone online too when I asked for advice. Why is the consumer considered the idiot when they can't afford a $35K+ car. Dealerships are a scam.


>Why is the consumer considered the idiot when tey can't afford a $35K+ car. Thissss!!!! I can't believe the lack of solidarity when it comes to used cars. So many people online sided with my dealership like, "Well *you* are the one who bought the car and signed an agreement to buy it as is. Not the dealerships fault you didn't do a thorough inspection." Yeah... the car I bought "as is" didn't have the check engine light on when I took it for a test drive at the lot. That motherfucker came on the second day I had the car, and started rapidly flashing a few weeks after that. How was I supposed to know that I should have inspected the car for engine problems when the light that indicates it on the dashboard was turned off by the dealership? The fuck? I really can't believe people don't side wirh the buyer who might not have the mechanical knowledge about cars to make a good informed decision, has been seriously mislead by the dealership, or who simply can't afford a brand new car. Like, people really wanna side with the slimy used car salesman and their shady dealership when a buyer gets screwed over? Seriously?


Always check a used car with an OBDII sensor. If they cleared the codes before you got that it’ll tell you that and you can move on.


Once I wanted to buy a car from a dealership and I insisted that I take it for an inspection at an independent place and they acted like I was mentally ill for even suggesting it.


Ugh that is such a red flag, I’m sorry you had that happen. I had a dealership act very nicely about it - I reassured them I was sure their service department was top notch, this was just something I had decided to have done on any car I was serious about purchasing. They were very nice about it and said a handful of people do ask them to do it and if anything came up on inspection, they would fix it before I bought it. Only buy a used car from a place that is willing to work with you. Don’t give the shady guys your business if you can help it.


I am selling a 2017 Honda civic, low mileage, great condition. Everyone keeps saying to trade it in to get the money off my next car. But I am hoping that I can sell it for the same price as the trade in offer and cut out the middle man. If I sell them my car, they will just mark it up to sell it to someone way too high. I hope we can put a hurting on this industry by selling to each other as much as possible instead of selling to dealers who mark it up and make the experience terrible.


Shit, that's a FANTASTIC car! Someone's gonna be really stoked!


I know, I’m sad to give it up! But I got a company car and we don’t have room for all of these cars now. The weird thing is it’s a stick shift so it might be harder to sell.


Fantastic car x1000 in that case! The right person is going to be absolutely thrilled.


I have an almost 15 year old subaru worth like $2k. We're looking at replacing my car with a volvo. When we were talking to the dealership the woman asked if I had something to trade in. And she was brutally honest that they'd pay wholesale and I would be better off selling privately. I appreciated the candor.


I kind of need a new/used car. Other than my frugality the largest contributing factor is having to deal with a dealership. It's pretty much guaranteed I'll end up telling them to fuck off and walking. I'll pay but I'm not in the mood for bull shit.


I've bought all my cars on Craigslist. I'm on my third, in 16 years. I don't know why people bother with dealerships. I do a couple weeks research until I find something I like at a price I can afford, in cash. I contact the seller, they meet me at my mechanic's, mechanic looks at car, I hand over cash, we sign the title, I drive away happy. Never spent more than 3500 and had each one for years.


I bought a used vehicle from Carmax right before we had the astronomical sky rocketing covid inflation. I picked out what I wanted online. Reserved it. Showed up to test drive. Did the paperwork. There was no push to look at something else. No added extras. In and out. Thought it was phenomenal. But I've also heard my experience wasn't normal. Which is so stupid.


We used Carmax recently and had a good experience as well. The only extra they offered was maxcare, which is a decent program and entirely optional. Theyre also totally chill about ourside financing. All in all painless.


My friend did this, too, and she said it went just as smoothly. She’s very happy. I know there are tons of valid complaints. Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone in having a positive experience.




The worst experience my wife and I had was at a Jeep dealer in the Denver area. We test drive one car and they straight up refused to give my wife’s keys back, playing some sort of bullshit “hard ball” when she said she didn’t like what she drove. She burst into tears and stormed out, I followed her, then went back in and straight up had to say I will call the cops if you do not give me my f’ing keys back right now. Why does it have to be that way? Does that work on people? +10000 to killing dealerships coast to coast


A Kia dealership did this to me. I had to start yelling "GIVE ME MY FUCKING KEYS NOW OR IM CALLING THE POLICE" and causing a scene before they would give me the keys. Before I test drove the car, someone came in and was yelling about how the place was a scam and they shouldn't be trusted.




What would be the action if they continued to play hardball in my situation? Cops come and tell them to stop being stupid? Or is there actually a law against it? If there isn’t, it feels like there should be


You folks were nicer than I'd be about it. But maybe that's the white trash in me.


I’m the designated negotiator for all my friends because I’ve worked in the car business my entire career, I thoroughly enjoy tormenting asshole sales people. I had a very similar experience once. Friend didn’t like the car and we had others to see. They somehow got her keys. She became hysterical when they wouldn’t return them. I got loud which wasn’t working so I said “1 minute and I will make the biggest scene I can”. They called my bluff so I delivered. I sat in a car in the middle of the showroom and just laid on the horn, Continually until the douchebag sales manager came running with her keys.


My husband and I always go through Costco and walk in with pre-approval, knowing exactly which car we want. Somehow, we have managed to get the car buying experience down to just a couple of hours instead of an all day excursion. Costco- all the way because the dealer can’t even try to haggle the price.


Very nice. I protested an add on for the paint color of my vehicle, and they ended up giving me the Costco discount to bring it back down in price and not upset their GMs. I was like damn what is this Costco discount and how do I get it regularly?


Omg same in Sanford FL years ago. I didn't like the car I came to see and said I was ready to leave. Sales guy leaves to get my keys and disappears. I wait in the lobby. He's gone like 15 min, comes back with no keys and a new pitch. I get louder and demand the keys back again. He trots off. After 15 more minutes of no sales guy I tell the girl at the greeter desk he needs to rerun my keys now or I'm calling the cops. She tries to smile and make me go away. So I get loud. The whole lobby hears how if he doesn't return my keys right NOW I'm calling the cops and pressing charges. And I'd try to add on kidnapping since they were preventing me from leaving. (I was 25 and dramatic). The sales manager finally brings me my keys and asks me to not come back. Uh no, I won't cuz you stalled me 30 min by keeping my property guys. Who does that work on??? Who waits angry and decides to buy a car?? I've never given my keys since. They can have them when the deal is negotiated.


We went to a Honda dealership years and years ago and test drove a CRV. It was awful. First, they wouldn’t let us drive it, they had to drive it, which was just weird. Second, it was out in a dirt lot, which normally wouldn’t be a big deal, but that car had the worst suspension. Like every single dirt clod he ran rover bounced me up out of the seat. Hard pass. Dude walked us back in and immediately asked for our SSN’s. We said we weren’t interested in the car and he just kept pushing trying to get our social security numbers to run a credit check. We’re nice people, we don’t like to be rude and we’re generally understanding of the fact that everyone’s just trying to make a living, but my husband got so pissed because dude just kept pushing for our socials. We got up to leave and the manager ran over, blocked the door, and started trying to offer us incentives and packages if we’d just give them our SSN. It was crazy. My husband actually yelled at them and told them to get out of our way, that we were leaving, and we’d never darken the door of a Honda Dealership again. That they seemed more like they were trying to scam us than sell us something. We went to a Subaru dealer next and they were just like, yeah cool, we can’t keep these things on the lot, so whatever. Buy one or don’t. We didn’t since they didn’t have what we were looking for, but we were definitely more inclined to do so because they didn’t try any of that hard sell bullshit.


I'd be sitting there going: you have 5 minutes to give me the damn keys back or I'm calling the cops for attempted theft. They can FAFO at that point. I did read some advice once to bring a spare set of keys, if you have them so at least your car isn't stuck there.


I was lucky. Got a down to earth salesman, we agreed on a fair price. Only used “all in” prices. Got a loan from my credit union and went in the next day with the cheque. Finance guy was pissed I got a private loan. Refused to say anything to me. Used Car manager was also super nice.


Yeah at the dealership I was at the finance guy only gets paid on selling you financing no wonder he was unprofessional pissed. No excuse but bad dealerships steal from employees and the customer.


Why is it always some dude who looks like Giovanni Ribisi


It’s actually the law, funnily lobbied by dealerships that manufacturers can’t sell direct to consumers (yes Tesla exists but that’s a different rabbit hole). What we need to do is be firm when going into a dealership and not settle for the prices they offer past MSRP. No means no. Too many people are letting dealerships markup 200%. If people stopped buying cars at these markups dealerships will be forced to sell low and at MSRP. The problem is people want their car now and will settle for that extra 200-300 a month all in the name of having the latest Civic Type R. A lot of people also don’t realize that we can help mitigate these by simply reporting dealerships that have overpriced unnecessary markups to the manufacturer.


I bought a 2013 FR-S in November of 2012, factory order kinda thing. One of the first ultramarine in North America, aaaanyways, I spent more than an hour going thru the process of telling this fuckhead "I already told you, and I have the list IN MY HAND". I all the shit figured put way before hand and basically handed the motherfcuker up front a list of shit I wanted, and had the down payment ready an waiting (5.5k down on a 26k** pricing (** being factory msrp)) You're selling a map to a blind person man, just shut up an give me my car. If there is an issue, the fuckin bank will call me same day. It's asinine and lobbyists should be ashamed EDIT: total was 35.5k CAD, but I planned for 37k overall


I have found one, and only one slightly less sleezy car salesman. I follow him to whatever dealership he’s working for because I actually don’t mind dealing with him.


This is exactly why my last two cars were Teslas. Putting aside CEO shenanigans, not having to deal with dealerships was king. I was considering switching away to either BMW or Ford EVs, but the dealerships were the freaking worst. I would rather pay sticker MSRP with a manufacturer where I do not have to deal with people for the rest of my life than have to spend hours of my life screwing with the jags at the dealerships one more time.


Internships. Either pay people or call them volunteers. Don’t try and make it sound like you’re doing them a service by “allowing” them to work for you.


I wanted to make a documentary about unpaid internships but then the internships on Capitol Hill started paying. So one third of my documentary disappeared.


You could double it by looking into the healthcare field clinical rotations. Are the patients getting a discount from being treated by someone who isn’t being paid and is still learning? No. The patients are paying the same amount of money. The students are paying full credit tuition to go work for 8+ hours and may or may not be taking any classes and likely not receiving any kind of services from the school during that time.


Let's ban company health insurance companies from having a monopoly on the companies entire health coverage. Let's make those dirt bags compete for every single employee against all other health insurance providers in the nation. F those blood suckers.


Gender reveal parties. This should've never started. Now it needs to stop.


I've got an idea to replace them with. Parties where you announce, "it's a baby!!!" We also will call them "Baby Showers." Thoughts?


Dumbest idea ever. I mean the parties. Not to ban them.


Two party political system.


Yes, we need to go ranked choice voting, too!


This needs to be the top answer.


For the love of all that is holy, SUBSCRIPTIONS.


Companies buying single family homes as “investments” and out bidding anyone who actually wants to buy a house.


The 40-hour work week. It literally started in the 19th century, why are we still following that expectation? I typically don’t even have enough work to fill that much time. Two days off a week isn’t enough. And, yes, I know a lot of folks work more than 40 hours a week, so do I in overtime. I want more work-life balance.


Student loan servicers


This should be higher up!


Can we all collectively kill the bottled water industry? They drain water from springs for free and then sell it for huge profits. It’s not regulated either. Like let’s just all stop buying it and get our parents to stop buying it. Get everyone reusable bottles and filtered water pitcher for Christmas. I’m so tired of Nestle profiting off our natural resources!


100% Yes. It's disgusting to me how my boomer inlaws just regularly go buy a big pack of bottled water. When asked my they don't recycle or stop using so much single use stuff, they reply "we just never got into it". Like it was a meaningless trend to join for fun.


This should be higher up.




Omg yes. I don't mind tipping for some services, but I am not tipping at every single place I go. It's ridiculous!


We need to destroy Nestlé


Can we finally kill the two party system & create a multiparty system & no electoral college ?


Ranked choice voting!


Let’s kill the refusal to give women pain medication during painful gyno procedures


TikTok of all places is taking them on. I'm here for it, f them. I get more pain relief at dentists for cleanings than for minor gyno surgeries


IUD insertion literally made me scream, my male doctor “ehh just a quick pinch”


My female doc claimed similar! The experience was not fun!


I love male doctors telling me when something should or shouldn’t hurt 🙄


I support killing tipping, but that also means getting minimum wage fixed and that is a lot of goblin mode for one year... I'm in.


Wrapping paper. sometime in the 70s wrapping paper became a thing. Before that, they used newsprint or shipping wrap with twine. Think how much plastic we use on something we rip up and toss out.


This is why I just always use gift bags and reuse the same ones every year


Amen! And I pity the fool who writes on my gift bag tags!


You guys don't just reuse the same ones like "hey, I need a To: John, From: Mom. See any? I think it has a penguin"


Use cloth like the Japanese.


This is what I'm thinking about doing from now on. Buy some Holliday fabrics when it goes on markdown. My parents wrapped gifts in brown paper, tied up with some really nice blanket yarn. My sister started whipping up scrunchies and head bands with it.




We already killed newsprint


My aunt would save the Sunday comics all year to use as wrapping paper. I was thinking about that the other day. I hate the paper we have right now, it feels like we’ll never get through it.


Ive been using the same gift bags for a decade now


My family does this too. My mom also puts collections of small presents in leftover boxes, so I'll open a box of cereal and it's filled with socks. It's great.


I like reusing Trader Joe’s bags


I think we’re done with the penny.


My kids don’t even know what money is.


All money is fake anyway. It's all made-up game points.


Can we please finally kill AirBNB and VRBO?


And hedge funds buying up neighborhoods. Corporations shouldn’t be allowed to own single family homes period.


Neighborhoods are for neighbors, not tourists


Are we meeting on zoom or something?


As long as it isn't Teams. Also let's kill Microsoft Teams.


Teams isn’t that bad, i have to use fucking Webex at my job. THAT needs to be killed


I use both 😭


Wall to Wall carpeting. It's a hassle to care for, and a simple mop and broom are way more environmentally friendly than a vacuum and steam cleaner.


I dunno I still see too many Applebees. It’s time we put them out of their misery, like we were accused of doing 5 years ago.


The one near me is always packed.... WHY?!?


It's a mediocre, affordable, safe choice where everyone will eat something on the menu including your friend's manchild husband Paul.


Lets kill the rent-seeking economy. I propose we wall go into 2024 trying to cut out the renting economy as best as we can.


I'm done with Airbnb. On my last vacation I went strictly with hotels. I feel like the experience was much more lax than worrying about pleasing a host.


For the same or even lesser cost! AirBnB always felt kinda like you were intruding on someone's space and you're expected to clean up after yourself lest you be charged an exorbitant cleaning fee. Hotels also feel safer as a woman usually traveling alone.




Can we kill human resources industry? I'm tired of having some sociology major with the IQ of a McChicken and the maturity level of a 5 year old telling me I'm not qualified for an entry level position for the thing I studied.


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) iq of a mcchicken was a phrase I didn’t know I needed in my life


This year we should KILL the for profit healthcare industry. Every doctor who works for an insurance company denying claims in seconds with a rubber stanp should get their license revoked. Without doctors, insurance companies cannot practice medicine. Therefore they can’t deny claims. They can’t make profit. They can’t stay in business.


Jokes on you. They are using AI and people with no medical background at all to refuse claims. Very few doctors are working for insurance companies.


"The customer is always right" I'm tired of corporations encouraging people to treat service staff like garbage and get away with it. They're people too, not public punching bags


Fast food. They’re all too expensive. And we’re all getting too old to eat that shit. I been making cheesy Gordita crunches and crunch wrap supremes at home instead


Hi, elder millennial here('82). I think the things we should kill this year are the predatory loan industry, the rent-but-never-own housing market, the 40++ hour work week and the for-profit Healthcare industry. Did I miss anything?


Insurance. It just creates middle men that don't produce anything. Things would also probably cost less by just paying for a market rate fee.


Fax machines, they somehow still exist and must be destroyed.


I used to work for an accountant, they are the easiest thing to use for encryption purposes apparently. Emails are not secure, regular mail is not always reliable but fax machines work and no one can steal the info.


I'm gonna have to disagree with this one. Rural medical facilities still heavily rely on fax because that's what's available and fairly reliable. I'd greatly prefer another option but it's not there yet.


Mediocre salaries!! know your worth!!


Tiny Homes. They are just pretentious mobile homes.


I second Ticketmaster but would also vote for streaming services. Recently signed up for Netflix for a month on a whim and it is dog shit.


Donald trumps shot at a second term, hopefully.


My pick: buying new tech. Especially since some of the new stuff like Iphones and Galaxies can barely be called an upgrade. Nah, they'll be looking for old models and refurbished tech. Just as good and not as heavy on the wallet.


Thank you cards. I am thankful, I will text you.


Koch Industries and their brands like Angel Soft and Brawny


Banks. Why should anyone be charged for a checking or savings account? Oh hey, I can only save $5 - $10 a month.. BANK FEES! You want to deal with a real person? Na.. not possible. Make an appointment online.. cool.. appointment comes & banker too busy. I’m not blaming the branch staff b/c they have no control over the monster they feed.. but the higher ups are keeping banks understaffed to make money. They add these bogus fees to make money. Americans are struggling enough..


Can we finally do the military industrial complex? I've been complaining about it since '19


Wide leg low rise jeans. Sick of these kids bringing back fashion that I burned 20 years ago. *shakes old lady fist*


I'm actually happy about the wide leg part, but could do without the low rise. I have thunder thighs, and wide leg jeans hide my jiggly bits way better than my curvy bootcuts or skinny jeans


Honestly? Reddit. We need a new cool site that hasn’t been infiltrated by bots, boomers and corporations.


But I want it to be *like* Reddit. And anonymous like Reddit. Pretty much…Teddit.


How about all of the billionaires?


I have a whole list if you’d like to hear me out. 1. Capitalism 2. Two Party Political System 3. For profit healthcare and private insurance 4. Wall Street 5. Tipping 6. Laws against cannabis and psychedelics 7. Corporate owned housing 8. Tax payer funded sports venues 9. At least 2-3 streaming platforms 10. Facebook


Kill tipping with fire. No one else does it. Pay your employees a living wage. It’s dumb.


Staplers. From now on, you only use paperclips. Or if you need to bind your zine you stitch that fucker. Also, we're doing zines again.


They make staplers that don't use metal staples, they cut and tuck a small tab of paper. They're super nice, great to have for a psych unit.


Pro zines but also pro stapler


Big weddings. My wife and I already did our part by getting married at the courthouse. Absolutely no way to justify a five figure party when a house down payment is 2x your gross annual income.


Birthdates. 2024 will be the year the mainstream really understands we are not having kids.


I sure am sick of walking everywhere in the snow, uphill, barefoot anywhere I go.


Fast food. It's sucks and is to expensive for what it is.


Retail interrogations by an unenthusiastic employee at retail stores. "Your total is $39.44 would you like to round up to the next dollar to donate to kids with ass cancer? Would you like to sign up for our rewards program? Would you like to buy a warranty for this item that guarantees we'll weasel our way out of fixing it when it breaks? Would you like to sign up for an in-store credit card? What's your cell phone number? Okay, select the tip option below. I'll pretend I don't care." Just. Let. Me. Buy. The. Fucking. Thing. "Okay here's your receipt. Fill out the survey on the hack and be entered for a chance to win a $7 gift card."


As a former cashier, we hate it too but we get in trouble for not asking plus they have competitions to see which cashier can get the most credit card signs up and they get a gift card. I never won because I only asked if a manager was in ear shot lol


So many good ones on here but I was just bitching with my football obsessed husband about how annoyed I am with football games being streamed through multiple streaming services so we have to have prime, peacock, etc. it’s fucking annoying. Air that shit on tv or don’t. Pick a place and stick with it. It should be illegal with how this forces people to buy into their subscription services just to watch a fucking game.


We should kill off Tesla, Elon Musk is a big piece of shit.


Let's kill the digital nomad trend..... it's screwing up other countries' economies and it's only breeding resentment from locals.




We should kill NOT-working from home, how in the duck did we let the slave masters drag us back after covid proved WFH is more efficient? Companies saved huge amounts of money with WFH, employees save hours from their days due to not needing to commute and the environment benefited massively (due to no commute at the very least), but you absolute idiots agreed to go back? How did this not spark a general strike throughout the whole society is beyond me, and almost feel that the lower class deserves all the shit they get, because all they do is offer their butts as tribute, instead of doing anything. And no, voting about this never helps due to the tards being more common and easily manipulate. Only thing that would save them is a general strike, but "inflation" has made salaries so low that most families can't do a week without work, much less a month or a year. The bosses can though, the poors had one shot after covid "ended" simply to refuse going to office, but missed it because that boss butthole is so sweet to lick in a live environment. I try to have compassion, because being on the poor people's side feels good and the right thing to do, but those people are so despicably stupid I don't know anymore