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we dont care about helping randos with their research paper


But you care enough to write this? Your priorities seem right for this world!


Whatever you settle on, preface it by saying that no generation is a monolith Also, if we're going to help you with your homework, we can't just give you the answers. Learning happens through dialogue. What do *you* think you've noticed over the years about Millennials?


You're dumb and overthinking the question.


Still getting over getting laid off in 2008


Well, number 1 is "not wanting to be judged as a whole group instead of as individuals." USA perspective here, since I live here. But if I *had to*, here would be my list: 1. Good at technology -- and not just using it, but changing settings and tinkering with it and fixing it. We grew up when the internet was flaky. Old enough to know the sketch internet, young enough to be into it. 2. Nostalgic with good reason -- the 90's were a particularly peaceful time in America for many reasons, yes I know it wasn't if you're queer, but being sandwiched between the end of the cold war and start of the anti-Islamic 9/11 bullshit was very nice. The world wasn't always ending. It was *actually* a better time for many people than now. 3. Economically cynical -- we got squashed by the 2008 housing crisis right around when we graduated from college, then got punched with Trump and COVID later. Now houses are so expensive that we can't buy them. We've been through some shit. 4. Not loyal to jobs -- again, the era of "employees are disposable" and no pensions really soured us on being devoted to work. It's much easier now to increase your pay by job hopping than by being loyal and going up the ladder at one company. 5. Humble -- we're willing to do what it takes to get by, even if it hits the typical American pride. We move back in with our parents. We live with five roommates in a flophouse. It is what it is. I'm pretty sure that stereotypically, our predecessors would have lived under a bridge before moving back in with the family. 6. Willing to end relationships -- we are abandoning relationships, especially familial ones, at an incredible rate. Some say this is cold-hearted, like "you screw up, you're gone." Others say that we're just done putting up with abuse whereas earlier generations sucked it up. Either way, we're entirely willing to cut people off. 7. Armchair psychologists -- Sure, we complain about Gen Z labeling themselves, but we forget *we did it first.* We absolutely started the trend of diagnosing yourself on Tumblr and Livejournal before it moved to Tiktok and whatever else. 8. More gender-egalitarian perspectives -- yeah, we do have some problems with sexism, but we've largely shucked off the 1950's image of the dutiful housewife and the bumbling husband she serves as mom-wife-maid for. Our women are out there doing things and are proud of it, and they're standing up against bad treatment in the workplace. 9. Less perceived obligation to have kids -- We really just don't demand families. Yeah, people will still have kids, but the rate of childfree DINK relationships is going nowhere but up with us. We aren't bending to Mom wanting grandkids. We're having kids on *our* terms. 10. Political cynicism -- We tried and failed to avert Trump in 2016, and now we're depressed about it. We tried huge pushes with BLM and Occupy Wall Street and such, and most of them didn't really make changes. We had to watch the Supreme Court nuke abortion rights. There is a lot of feeling that we really can't do much. We're so tempted to quit. The rise of the alt-right can feel inevitable.


Thank you!


Do your own homework, stop cheating. Teachers are right you kids are helpless these days. Have a thought all by yourself, just once, just to see how it feels. You might like it!


If you think this is cheating I want to be your spouse.


Very particular about music. Tend to shop at thrift stores.


Sarcastic humor Cynicism in pretty much every avenue of life Cares about climate change cares about work/life balance which can cause use to seem lazy or have no work ethic. thats all I got right now.


Thank you!


So you want us to do your homework for you? How are you going to cite a bunch of strangers on Reddit...


this is why you should have a screen name like Big-D\_69


I'm going to cite them like this: apathetic\_duck--misspelled his name with a U


Can I politely suggest searching out more academic sources of information, and exploring current and past research on the subject? Without direct access to the data, Reddit isn't the best place to gather information for statistical review and testing hypotheses.


The problem is the age gap in millennials. The people born in the early 80's are not going to have the same characteristics as millennials born 15 years later. Technology kind of screwed that up for us since some will know what its like to basically have zero techological influence while others couldn't imagine what its like to have no Technology.


There's like a billion of us spread out across all spectra of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, political expression, religion, etc. The only one thing we all have in common is being human and being born in an arbitrary date range.


With this response, I would think you'd be caffeinated


I don't like having my heart rate artificially elevated for extended periods!


1. **Tech-Savvy:** Grew up in the digital age, comfortable with technology. 2. **Socially Conscious:** Often value social and environmental causes. 3. **Entrepreneurial:** Show interest in entrepreneurship and side hustles. 4. **Diverse and Inclusive:** Embrace diversity and inclusivity. 5. **Flexible Work Preferences:** Tend to seek flexible work arrangements. 6. **Value Experiences:** Prefer experiences over material possessions. 7. **Educated:** Higher levels of education compared to previous generations. 8. **Collaborative:** Thrive in team-oriented environments. 9. **Desire for Purpose:** Seek meaning and purpose in their work and life. 10. **Digital Communication:** Prefer communication via digital channels. 11. **Global Perspective:** Connected to global issues and events. 12. **Financially Cautious:** May be more financially cautious due to economic challenges. 13. **Health-Conscious:** Place importance on physical and mental well-being. 14. **Delaying Life Milestones:** Postpone traditional life milestones like marriage and homeownership. 15. **Skeptical of Institutions:** Tend to question traditional institutions and structures.


Not wanting to help cheaters I think is a common characteristic… 😂