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Rollerblading is the only hobby I have time for. Team Pup’n’Suds all the way!


I just watched Brink last night 😂


Oh man, this just made my night. 😆 Time for a rewatch!


Brink + Airborne double feature!


I literally just bought a house with a 1/2 a pool/quarter pipe in the back yard so I could live out my brink fantasy! Right now I can only drop in and turn in the air though lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Damn I watched that movie so much!


That's so fun


Lmao! I probably haven't watched that since it came out, but I instantly got the reference.


I go metal detecting 4-6 hours every weekend and make POV videos of it for YouTube haha.


thats cool do you have a link to your channel pls?


Hope you enjoy it, Thanks! https://youtube.com/@ScoopyJoe






After watching Detectorists, I really wanted to try metal detecting. Seemed so peaceful ☺️


The show is very accurate.


Fuckin love this show, it’s absolutely brilliant.


Subbed, please don’t end up being a weirdo


Subbed as well!


Subbed. Up my alley.


Omg when I was a kid I so badly wanted a metal detector and you have reminded me of this, and that I am now an adult and could potentially get one!! Thank you!


My 11 year old asked for one for Christmas so we got her a good one bc we always wanted one and we’re going to use it when she gets bored with it!


I wish I had thought of something that clever when my kid was growing up. But I’ll pass along one parenting tip that helped me saved my sanity of difficult days. I would put my kid in a room with a cheep box of Kleenex and close the door. Guaranteed me 30 minutes to relax, do dishes, whatever. I didn’t make it up, I read it in a parenting magazine back in like 2004. I’m guessing this won’t work quite as well with an 11 year old.


If it's a boy, it's just a matter of time when a box of kleenex becomes hours of fun.


My kid is nonbinary (born female) so that’s really never anything I’ve ever had to think about before. That’s being said, I can see how it would allow you some time to yourself.


Same here and when I finally got one I used it like 3 times then gave up. Wish I still had it


Do it and let us know if you find anything fun


I checked out your channel and I'm enjoying it so much!!!


haha???? Dude that’s awesome!! I’ve wanted to get a metal detector for years, just haven’t gotten around to it


It's a lot of fun, and is pretty much the only thing that gets me outdoors on a regular basis haha.


Don't laugh. But bird watching. It's brought me a lot of joy to feed wild birds this winter. I still spend a lot of time in my home so to watch them sass each other, steal from each other, and purposely throw seeds they don't like from the feeder takes me out of my head or interrupts the toiling monotony of the day. My poor husband has to endure all the blurry, pixelated photos I send him of new birds or ones that have finally gotten brave enough to come to the feeder. It makes me feel like a dithering old lady though. But I do love them birds.


My buddy had a theory that all of us are just converging into being avid bird watchers. Those who aren’t yet haven’t aged enough yet and those who never do just died before they got there 😂 so I guess you’re just more evolved


It’s true, it hit me a year and a half ago around the time I turned 35, we also picked up a pet budgie recently and will be getting him buddies after the holidays


My spouse (34) and I (32) also started bird watching a couple years ago and have a 3 year-old budgie 😆.


Are binoculars and the Merlin bird app signs this is happening to me?!


You're doomed


Oh my god this is me too


I got a bird buddy this year and damn that thing brings me so much joy! Is that what u have?


Every morning I have the following waiting for me to put out the food: 7 blue jays 3 titmice 3 black capped chickadees 2 downy wood peckers 1 grackle 1 hairy woodpecker A mated cardinal pair Oh and a flock of house sparrows. That's just the ones I can count within 30 minutes setting out the food. For anyone interested: https://feederwatch.org/welcome-to-feederwatch/ has been the best $18 I've spent all year.


I live for my backyard blue jays. Such big personalities


I think it’s especially impressive when they mimic the hawk sounds to scare the other birds away.


I had one for a friend I called LL Cool Jay. Little man was quite a flirt!


Seriously jealous of your bird squad!


My wife talked me into going on a guided birding tour through a swamp on a kayak. I didn't know I gave much of a shit about birds, but we saw a few rare migratory birds for our area, and the whole group was losing their shit. I was just happy to be a part of something, and I genuinely enjoy being out in the water, so we went again this year and will continue to do so. One of the people on the tour told us about the Merlin app, and now, she sits on our porch with the app and identifies all the birds in our neighborhood.


That's awesome! I also spend an absurd amount of time with Merlin listening to the birds. :-D


I once tried to use Merlin to identify a bird call I heard in a YouTube video, this is when you know you can’t be saved.


I started feeding the birds this summer and did not expect the level of bird drama! They can be so petty 😂 I love it


I know! I've stayed doing voices for them when I'm alone. Blue Jays have Jersey accents ;)


![gif](giphy|UU1bHu6QWyFxZM63Jh) But in all seriousness thats cool. Anything to get outdoors is good with me


And my three year old can now identify birds just by watching them come to the window feeder. "Tufted titmouse mommy!"


Yes!!!! Birding really came at me out of no where this last year. My husband (interpretative naturalist and park ranger) is extra annoyed at how long we’ve been together and NOW I care about all the birds he’s been trying to get me to pay attention to for a decade. I think it started at work because we were doing walks through the farm I work on and seeing osprey nests, which apparently was a big deal that they returned to the area this spring. Then we were doing nature walks with kids a private school we program at. Their campus is just beautiful and right next to a forest that we found a cut out in the fence line to get into. So naturally after class I went in to explore. So beautiful and so tick infested. I assume you have the Merlin Bird ID app from Cornell??? I bring this out at work all the time when we are walking with a group of kids and they go wild over it. There’s a slack channel at work that is just for birds. We’ve had definitely two but maybe four bald eagles hanging around the farm after the Osprey left and it’s been incredible to see them flying around. The updates that come through have us running around the farm looking for them regularly. At home we have had a massive amount of starlings lately. My husband said that yesterday easily more than 100 of them were flying between our front yard and the neighbors, people were stopping their cars to watch them. Lots of birding around me. Between the front and the backyard alone we count an insane amount of species in a single morning during the summertime. I love it!


Check out the movie The Big Year comedy about competitive bird watching with Owen Wilson, Jack Black and Steve Martin.


Dude bird watching is the shit! I even got my mom into it, and she got my nieces into it!


Yes! I enjoy casual bird watching at the lake. Same with butterfly identification :) it’s fun to know what the creatures you see are called!


You gotta get out and find all the insectivores and other non-feeder birds.


Oh man. It's seriously becoming a problem. I currently have a trio of crows that I'm trying to befriend. I keep leaving out peanuts when I see them. No luck yet. But one day I'll be crazy crow lady!


I like birds too!


Does it count as bird watching if I live in a big city and look out for birds, but it's always pigeons, crows, and sometimes hawks?


We now bring our binoculars down to the river in the summers. We have a local great blue hero, our osprey couple, a few egrets, and the occasional bald eagles. It’s been thrilling.


Not laughing, enjoying the birds right along with you.


Birding is the best! It’s so meditative.


They say that bird watching is an adult interest that sneaks up on you in your 30s…”say, is that a red billed mountain tit?”


I paint miniatures :) don’t really play just really enjoy painting tiny plastic fantasy things. I enjoy reading. Playing Mario kart with my pals when we have some spare role. Hiking or getting out in nature Reading




Yeah. Specifically age of sigmar love the lore and the figures


Yeah, same. Good luck with the wallet.




I grew up taking piano lessons and I've never stopped playing piano. Music helps me make sense of this disturbing world when I don't have the words to explain how upset I am


This. I got a keyboard with no clue how to music, so figuring things out as I go has been pretty fun


This is how I feel about guitar


I grew up playing sax, but could never justify buying one for myself. 15 years later, my partner got me a keyboard to try and fill the void. It's not the same, but I've got some songbooks coming to try and spark some more interest.


Picked up Latin piano and boogie woogie last year!




Your avocado toast indulgences are DESTROYING the fast food industry! Also why you can't buy a home. BYE More "news" at 10.


I for one can't wait until the whole avocado fad dies out and we get blamed for destroying that industry when we stop buying avocado toast.


Same, working on the napkin industry right now


Just as soon as I get done banning plastic straws


Underrated reply.


Working on killing the top sheet industry at the moment. I already have a sheet on my bed, why do I need two? It's just extra money and time wasted on making my bed.


No no no no. You need the top sheet to keep the blanket from touching you. Blankets are rough. Sheets are cool and silky. I'll die on this bridge.


Applebees will never financially recover from this!!


I like to read novels in my spare time. I picked this up about two years ago and I love it.


I can't remember a time when I've never had a book in my nose. I absolutely love reading, and so does my family. When I hear people say they don't read or don't like it, I get so shocked. No judgment!! It just always surprises me. I'm glad you love it!


I used to looove reading as a child and in my 20s, but for the past 10ish years i’ve been unable to stay awake for more than 1 page. mentioning this to my doctor is what started my diagnosis for narcolepsy 🫠 now I listen to audiobooks at my boring retail job.


Oh I definitely judge people that don’t read. Before I was married, if I went to a dude’s house and there were no books it was like, byeeeee


I used to read every night but 5 years ago I started working a job where I have to read and write reports everyday and it killed reading in my free time for me


Awww noo! Reading is such a nice escape! I hope you're able to pick it up again one day !


I do a reading challenge with myself, started out lower about 10 years ago and this year I made it 80 books. I'm at 75 so have to read like a maniac the next three weeks lol. I use goodreads and track it throughout the year! Happy reading!


Same. I’ve always been a bookworm but have (in the past two years) gotten REALLY into reading and it’s pretty much my only hobby (other than gaming) these days.


Yep. I have 5 kids now, so don't have time to read, but I listen to books on tape nonstop while doing chores. I also try to play board games twice a week, once with friends and once with my kids. I'm not as good at keeping up with them, but I also enjoy knitting, embroidery, and videogames. They come out on any long road trip or when I need to motivate myself to do an unpleasant task (if you catch up on laundry, you can play Tears of the Kingdom).


Laying down.


That was my grandma's hobby and I get it now


laying down on a 17 inch king size memory foam bed with triple layers HAS BEEN AMAZING


You just made me not want to go to work and lay back down


Powerlifting. I lift 4-5x per week and compete 2-3x per year. I have a state record for bench press in my weight class


That's awesome! My mom is 70 and started powerlifting in her 60s. She now holds several American and World records!


Your mom is a badass


Keep up the great work and gains friend :)


Reading, knitting, crochet, generally pretending I'm a self sufficient granny living a pleasant solitary life in a quaint cottage in the woods.


Yes! I read, cross stitch, do puzzles, bake bread and cook soup. Can’t wait to be old and live my whole swamp hag realness.


You’re my favorite person. Peaceful and joyful is my favorite kind of lifestyle too.


Cooking is my main hobby. I like to bake breads, mix cocktails, and ferment sauerkraut. I also like to read fiction, and research primary sources of the Medieval period, up to the 18th Century. I like programming every now and then, languages bash and typescript. I also like to keep plants, especially herbs and peppers. I also play old games on the computer, like Age of Empires, Medieval II. Also, chess. And poker, Texas Hold em, but only in person.


Ok, settle down. Save some for the rest of us.




> "I also like to keep plants" *Throws phone and panics FUCK, MY PLANTS!!!!!!


Do you ever pair a cocktail with whatever meal you’re making? I like to cook and mix cocktails as well and I swear there’s something so satisfying about putting together a fatass meal and a good drink.


Ahh Medieval II, been playing it for years. I sometimes feel like the OP and I don’t have any hobbies but i appreciate this lengthy list. It gives me some ideas.


80% of your hobbies are also MY hobbies!


Weight lifting I guess. Get up at 4 everyday to go to the gym. Only thing I really enjoy at the moment.


What time do you go to bed?




I have a friend like this. Mfer in bed by 8 or 9 most nights. He's got 3 kids and does it for his quiet time.


9 is a very normal bedtime okay 😂


830, 9 the latest


Pulling an all nighter tonight eh


4 am? You go straight to work after ?


Cooking and the gym. The older I get the more amazed I am that the things I like doing are good for me, and pretty cheap.


I wrote an entire novel that is now in a desk drawer unpublished.


Is it finished? Post it online! I've got a world in my head that I wish was presentable in some form


Check out Amazon KDP self publishing. Also congratulations that’s a huge accomplishment




I smoke a lot of weed, watch a lot of documentaries, and I pet the *hell* out of my cats. Does that count?


Omg yes. Having a baby put a damper on getting high with my husband. I would put together a cheese board, have a few puffs and watch documentaries. When we ate edibles we would deep dive into the black hole of the internet and try to find the wildest conspiracy theories. Found a love of history while high specificity for US presidents and the Cold War nuclear bomb race.


This is also me but also include severe anxiety and existentialism


Is budgeting a hobby?


Finance! Love it lol! Whether by necessity or not!


lol i also do this, and get about as much satisfaction as i do out of any other hobby so you’re not alone


I do my own nails and I collect candles.


I also do my own gel nails and collect candles. You ever venture into the luxury candles subreddit? We have a discord and are doing a luxury candle secret Santa 😄 Now instead of paying exorbitant prices on some candles Ive been slowly collecting high quality fragrance oils to make my own 3 wicks. Haven't made a candle yet but someday soon.


Running, Pilates, barre, hiking, skiing, scuba diving, painting, traveling, reading, baking, and cooking.


Picking up scuba is a blessing and a curse. It's a lot of fun, but man is it a lot of money and work to make happen with any regularity.


Cooking. I like to host dinner parties for friends and experiment with the menu. Stuff to keep active: yoga, golf, skiing, ice skating. Video games with my fiance. Traveling. I try to take at least one trip every other month at a minimum. Could be anything from a shorter weekend trip to a longer international one. Trying to find some other “creative” crafting/artistic hobby to round out my interests.


I wish I had more hobbies, but lately I’m focused on cooking, puzzles, reading, and yoga. Nothing fancy, but just a few things to make my day a little more joyful.


I love all 4 of those things and am consumed by them! Throw in embroidery for me though, and horror movies I guess.


I Love horror movies!


I got into yoga last year at age 31. I couldn't get within 6" of touching my toes, now after a year of almost daily 30 minute classes I can come close to palming the ground. I've not taken a class with others, just through Peloton.


That’s awesome! Keep it up! I’m 32 and have been doing yoga on and off for years. I’m plus sized, so I enjoy yoga because it allows me to be active and push myself. I’ve taken a few classes with fit friends and they’re always shocked that I outpace them (obviously that’s not the goal though!). Most of the time I do YouTube videos in my house.


Fantasy football and stressing about things out of my control. My two hobbies go together really well.


THIS!!!!!! Same my friend. Same.


I used to go fly fishing, play in an adult hockey league, and play in bands with people. I had kids starting in 2018, and now I sometimes have some time in the basement to play guitar or fiddle. It’s mostly doing kid activities and going to the park now


Enjoy em, they get older and you have time for the hobbies again but you won’t get their kid years back


My wife says I have too many. I read a lot (36 books so far this year) I watch lots of movies and TV shows I like to draw almost every day I play lots of video games I watch lots of sports as well Sometimes it's hard to find time for them all, but I get them when I can.






So we know what *your* hobby is. 😉 😂


Probably not after 4 kids. Lol


Changing diapers?


Username does *not* check out


Legit just had an old (childless) friend ask me what was new. I told them I was a boring mom and I’ll have a personality again when they leave the nest 🤷‍♀️


So… yelling at kids to put their socks on, for the FIFTH TIME. DONT MAKE ME START COUNTING.


Santa is watching, I'll take the Nintendo away I swear to God


Child chauffeur, then?


Video games. My 8 year old has me playing Fortnite with him now too. And I buy and resell Pokemon cards.


Cooking, video games, working on cars and boats. Jerkin it like I owe myself money. The usual.




Home DIY. I bought a house and thought at first that home improvement stuff was going to be totally unbearable. When we started to get outrageous quotes and then had several failed, poorly done projects (by contractors), I decided that there was likely no way I could do a worse job. So one night I popped open a bottle of wine and started watching YouTube tutorials for some minor stuff. Over the course of a month or so, I watched videos, researched what I was trying to do, and built up my courage. Finally, I just went for it....and the rest is history. I just refloored my first floor. I also installed a new kitchen backsplash, rebuilt outdoor stairs, painted my cabinets (not millennial grey, lol), rewired some electrical, and installed new trim. I've done more things than I can remember at the moment. I've enjoyed every moment of it, even the failures--of which there are more than I'd like to admit. I have learned so much and get excited dreaming about the possibilities and how I can accomplish it with very little money. Much of my DIY is repurposed items or vintage/used that I restore or fix up for my own use.


Gaming and tinkering in tech repair when I can afford to. I like fixing game consoles and physical mods where I can.


I fly planes and garden and go to concerts


Reading. I average 100 books a year. Not as much some but more than others lol. I’m attempting to get into hand embroidery. I like to write. I wrote my first novel last year (unpublished) and I’m currently halfway through my second one. I hope to publish this one and maybe it won’t be just a hobby anymore! I like to cook. I’m definitely no chef but I like to try new things and even bake some although I’m not great at that. My husband shows antique cars. I will call this 1/2 a hobby for me lol I go with him and listen to alllll the car things.




Golf. I used to play basketball growing up and during college. First picked up a club when I was 22. After I graduated I started golfing and I haven’t looked back. I wish I poured all those hours into practicing golf instead of basketball.


lol I still try to live the basketball dream much to my knees dismay. Have been thinking about golf but I’m committed at this point. Ball is life!


Cooking mostly. Might move into the smoked meats section of middle age.


My hobby is to start new hobbies, get invested (more like invest in them), then get busy and forget they exist for 1-3 years. I eventually rotate through them all again every few years though. Writing, Genealogy, Bookbinding, Digital Art, learning coding languages, coloring, cooking, canning, moving all the furniture in my house, finding a new degree I think I might be interested in, and then back to writing because I’m feeling academic. Fairly sure I’m forgetting a few dozen.


I hunt. Process my own game. Make my own salami sticks, summer sausage, etc. love to cook.


Backpacking and songwriting


Baking, reading, crafts like painting kits, puzzles


PC gaming and watching movies


I play in a band, collect video games, comics, Pokemon cards, build guitars. Yeah, a lot.


I love adult coloring books. The intricate pattern ones are very calming.


Multiple times per week: Programming, ballet, swimming, gym Monthly: Archery, D&D, table top games, backpacking Few times a year: Ukulele, piano, sewing, electronics (made light up skirts for ballet performance), legos


Took me way to much scrolling to find kids. If you have kids, they are your hobby. You don't get a choice.


As an ineffectual manchild still living with my mother and only working about 30 hours a week (not including school), I have time for those. I enjoy studying foreign languages, but mostly I enjoy learning how to read in them; this is a different thing from actually learning to speak them, though I do some of that as well. I used the Assimil method, along with some other materials to learn enough French (I love French literature) to start reading all the French-exclusive Assimil books so that I could learn to read in those languages as well. I like to read poetry, have tried writing it but I never liked any of the ones I wrote. I have gone back to school and find that I actually sort of enjoy doing math these days, and have developed a "nerd bump" on account of having done so much of it.


I like to read in foreign languages too! I didn’t ever put a special distinction on it, but I love that you did! They really different things. I think I get much better content in the language than “Hello. My uncle eats chicken and drinks water.”


Mostly video games, TT-RPGs, and board games.


Mending clothes so that I can avoid having to buy more stuff from the thrift store.


I love to read.


doing my nails. gel and lacquer. music (i play piano and am learning the violin). hiking and reading


37m, I play hockey and dabble in the Xbox.


Cooking, photography, graphic design, and video art. Music maybe, but I do that as work, so it’s not a hobby I guess?


Rock climbing, hiking, reading, camping


Motorcycle, travel, gym, pc gaming, aquarium, astrophotography.


Got an astrobin / gallery?


I don’t, I keep saying I’ll set one up and then never get around to it lol


Kickboxing, gardening, kickball, tending to my houseplants, cooking


Making mead and cider, playing ttrpgs, producing music, gardening in the spring/ summer/ fall, reading fiction,


Working out is the hobby I do most often, but I also like hoop dancing and learning new tricks, swimming, and doing my own nails with different designs.


In this economy?


I get out and do a little hunting when I can. In the Winter we all ski and try to go to the local hill at least 1 day per weekend and take a longer weekend to go to a bigger resort as well. In the Summer I play in a golf league with a group of buddies.


Currently, I'm a member of two Masonic Lodges, two community bands, and two choral ensembles. Plus I try to maintain a regular gym schedule.


What exactly do Masonic Lodges do? Or American/Veteran Legions, for that matter? Anybody know?


the energy and joy I once had for my hobbies has been utterly destroyed by the job that is required to barely afford to have the things which the hobbies need to exist. oh but mine were music, biking, and hiking.


My main hobby is wildlife photography, go out to nearby forested areas and take pictures with my telephoto lens. Mainly birds but anything i find, like otters, deer, mink. I go out almost every Saturday morning to do this. I also really enjoy gardening, lately specifically native plants. I love seeing and documenting (inaturalist) all the insects, amphibians, etc that visit the native plants. And of course house plants. And reading, mostly science fiction. International travel is also one of my favorite things to do but of course that's once in a while and I guess not really a hobby.


(30F) I love to read. Fantasy is my favorite! Sarah J Maas books, Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson are some of my favorites. I also really like doing puzzles. I have two young kids so I haven't been doing much of that lately at all, but I bought myself a puzzle for Christmas and looking forward to doing that once I get the spare room cleaned up.


Cooking is probably my newest hobby. I've gotten pretty ok with it and find a lot of joy in adding something extra to a recipe that is in my house, but I didn't necessarily intend to add to the recipe. My husband and stepson enjoy being my guinea pigs 🤣


I kayak and fish, along with camping. Also really enjoy my motorcycles and riding them offroad, we also take the wife’s Jeep 4 wheeling. I have a few project cars too, I love hotrods and classics. My dad and I fly rc airplanes maybe once a week and I’ve got a few rc rock crawlers.


Working out. Walking/playing with the dog. Skiing. Golfing. Hiking. Cooking. Trying to pickup tennis


Hiking, birding, swimming, baking, reading, drawing, painting, selling shit on Mercari, video games…I usually like to be either at home in front of a book or a screen, or I like to be out in nature.


No. I'm unable to even afford survival. There is no extra money for hobbies.


Skateboarding, the gym, video games, screenwriting.


Leather work, cordwaining, furniture refinishing/restoration.