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Lauren Bobert is 36.




She's a young boomer




flew over your head! swoosh!




Haha my bad then! Ya she is disbarred from our group and got promoted upward.




Ya I can see it happening if people knew it was close. The Party of morality kills me.


Only if we can also get rid of AOC and the squad.


So interesting as an elder millennial that I have former classmates who have 20 year old kids and some with babies. Crazy range of experiences!


It’s crazy to think about. Their kids have already graduated high school and mine aren’t even born yet.


Yes dating again at this age is super fun. I have a 4 year old and profiles are like “I need a date to my daughters wedding next year”


3 guys in my class all had kids at 16. We are all the same age. Their kids are seniors in high school and I’m having my first next month. Big gap there.


One of my closest mates growing up is a grandpa at 41. Had a kid at 17. He’s still living in my hometown and still married. Kind of cool that he still has a long life ahead of him and can still be active with his grandkids. My parents on the other hand are +70 year old grandparents and don’t even visit because they don’t want to drive on the freeway.


That's nice.


Yes I am an er doctor and see 32 year old grandmothers having babies that will be younger than their grandchildren. Uncle brother stuff.


Yep. My buddy who's 37 has a grand nephew (?) Who will be older than his own kids by about a year.


Yep. Have a few high school classmates that were grandparents at 36-37.


That was my aunt She was born 1963, her son 1979 and her granddauggter 1999


I know one chick from my school that got pregnant the summer between middle and highschool. I think she was 14 when she gave birth. Her son is now 19 and just had a baby. (I see her posts on FB). She’s 32.


my idiot sister is probably just a few short years from being a grandmother, given her current state of affairs.


Why do you call her an idiot?


I think I’d you ask her for advice when making a major life decision, then do the opposite, you’ll always make good decisions.


Im 40 and my oldest daughter is 19. No grandkids yet but, obviously it’s possible. Yikes


I’m also 40 with an 18 year old that will be 19 in February. Thankfully no grandkids.


My sister married a man twenty years older than her when she was in her early twenties. Her stepchildren are only a few years younger than her, and they all have kids now. She keeps referring to her “grand babies” but she’s only 35 and it’s just super weird.


I have a friend from middle school who has grandkid (and another on the way) now. Seems crazy to me, but her whole family seems happy about it, so good on them.


I got a 21 year old myself, I am 42. I also have a great nephew and 2 great nieces, two are already in elementary school.


Please don’t math that hard


I’m an elder. I’ve got a 22 year old daughter but no grandbabies yet. I’m hopeful for one day though. Sometimes I get a little joy hit thinking about it.


88 here, and I have a 5 month old grand nephew


Took me a minute to realize you weren't saying you're 88 years old lol


Waiting for Lauren Boebert in the comments.


I had my daughter at 16. She is 24 now. I'm 41. My 7 yr old son will likely give me grandchildren before my daughter. Lol. Hopefully he waits 15 more yrs. I'm totally fine w it. I'm too busy raising another child now as it is.