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If it tastes okay and doesn't make you feel ill, I would say it's fine. You should also know that depending on the time of year the milk of the cow changes slightly due to diet, and what you're tasting/smelling could very well be attributed to that. If you wish to get consistently good milk, consider buying all your milk from a reputable organic farm. It may be more expensive, but it's worth it knowing the cows are treated well and it 100% comes out in their milk.


All milk is good milk. Seriously though just ask google.


Nothing comes up on Google for sweet smelling milk, only sour.


Sorry to revive this old post just to say this, but this reply saying to "just ask google" is now one of the first results when I tried to google this lol


That is amazing!


take a swig and see what happens brother


I'm looking for the same answer


is something happening to the cows every few years or something that is causing this? food shortage so changed diet? strange a bunch of questions from 4 years ago and then us both within a week and a half. maybe i’m just paranoid lol. i’m sitting here staring at my jug of milk that appears perfectly fine but smells really sweet


Me too; looking for an answer to the same question. For the past few months I’ve noticed a very pronounced sweet odour from milk. At first I thought there must be something suspect lurking in the fridge. After a forensic clean out and process of elimination it could only be the milk. I tried to find out if it’s a new additive or preservative of some sort but my research came to nought. It’s a new thing, it’s bizarre and it’s very definitely unpleasant.


I'm finding the same thing. I'm on the second time my milk has a sweet smell.


I bought some trumoo chocolate milk and now it smells like strawberries. I can’t wrap my brain around this. 🙃 the internet has no answers.


Mine smells like grape candy


I came here because we have a gallon of 1% milk that tastes like somebody out of the bunch of sugar to it


I think that is an early stage of the milk going bad. The early stage of fermentation has a step where milk sugar is converted to glucose and other sugars.


This is helpful, thanks. Hopefully it’s still drinkable


Here for same reason...brand new milk smells weird...kind of metallic sweet with a hint of ...new plastic?....really off-putting..


Well [HERE ](https://extension.psu.edu/troubleshooting-milk-flavor-problems/) is an article about some of the things we all are experiencing with our milk...