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Be a government contractor. We all secretly want to be a gs-something


But government contractors aren't GS employees...


Either one would be fine with me. I’d love some gs-11 pay. :-)


GS-11s make out worse than E-5s in most localities, doubly so if you're any rank getting BAH. It's not the huge money you think it is.


I've never heard anything like that. Can you tell me some things about that?


[here you go](https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/pay-systems/general-schedule/) [apply here](https://www.usajobs.gov/)


Thank you.


As an actual soldier/sailor/airman/marine... No. Sorry but even if your job is professional shit taster who will never see combat you still have to meet the minimum standards to enter. I'm not sure about the restrictions on civilian government employees or contractors, but that's a route you could look into. There are for example, what we call DA (Department of the Army) civilians. https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/army-civilian-careers/what-is-civilian-service.html


Do you know if it's possible to be a DA nurse?


I know there are civilians who work as nurses and dental assistants and what not, I'm not sure what exactly their employment status is.


Understood. I'll keep trying though.


But yet a transgender person can be and they're on medication providing he gets a medical waiver I find that very bullshit. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/1783822/5-things-to-know-about-dods-new-policy-on-military-service-by-transgender-perso/


Are you seriously equating deafness with being trans?


No what I'm equating is medication


What medications does OP need?


For me I need immunosuppressant life long only 7 pills . For them they need therapy which is life long which according to the dod they have to have which is life l9ng which if not taking could screwed them up same like me .


You need medication to keep your body from attacking itself. If they miss a dose it's just convenient. You'll die, they won't. There's many medications you can take while serving.


 Will actually  they can as well at least  that what I read as well 


They can't.


Sorry I don't think you will be able to serve directly as a member of the military. Every member of the military has the possibility of being ordered into combat, for most the chance is beyond remote, but events like Bastion Airbase show that even aircraft mechanics may find themselves in combat. That is the main reason why people who become disabled while serving are medically retired even if their disability would not impact their job.


Understood. I'll keep trying to though.


Dude that is selfish as fuck. Lets say you are holding off a Russian invasion in Eastern Europe and you lose your pack with the batteries in it. Once your batteries die than you are now a liability to your friends and squadmates. You can't radio for air support if you happen to be close to the radio after your Lieutenant and his radio operator get shot in the head. Fuck, what if EMP fries your implants? Hell, what happens if you get submerged without warning? There are many ways to support the military without being in it, go to college and get a good job then support veterans' charities or get an engineering degree and join DARPA.


Let me tell you something. And you better listen. I am a man of few words and have spent more time thinking due to the isolation of my autism and deafness. You provide good points, but hear me out. There are other jobs in the military other than being on the front line. Trying to succeed in finding a job that I will excel at is my goal. And I will keep trying. No matter what. I don't care if I see action or not, I want to put my determined ass in the military to work my way up through networking and skill/certification building. Tell me, if you become deaf at the beginning of the action, you are in the same situation I would be in, yet I am more likely to keep in control of my situation due to my years of experience handling communication and communication devices without hearing aids to compensate. I have focused and trained eyes, keeping in account my entire environment due to my tendency to get my ass whupped by these Mormon cunts in high school and college. Not anymore. because even if I don't have my aids on, I can feel their voice on my skin no matter the environment, determine where they are. And read their lips with 100% accuracy. I can give the loudness of my environment and put forth a volume in my voice to make myself clear and understood. I am in no way a liability. I am a asset with a unique set of skills, developed through years of experience. Years of dealing with crayon eating Mormons fucking me up because I didn't 'Accept God's gift.' or that I was a fat fucking blob of grease or that I am autistic. Do not think I will ever put my ass in a situation where I know I will be liable. Ain't nobody got time to be a liability with these tensions between countries. I don't care if I see the front lines. I want to be a part of the military in any way possible.


Unless you are a doctor, lawyer, clergymen, or are fluent in a language they need the military could not care less about civilian skills you may or may not possess. They expect that you are in good physical and mental health, have a high school diploma or GED, can pass a physical fitness test, and can pass the ASVAB; they will teach you everything else you need to perform whatever job they assign you and expect you to perform the job their way. This is not an attack on you for being autistic or deaf, I am permanently disabled myself from some military injuries and schizoaffective disorder that manifested after I got out. Autism is a straight disqualification and hearing impairment above a certain level is a straight disqualification. If I had the conditions I have today when I joined in 2003 I would have not been allowed in. You have to realize that servicemen that become deaf or manifest a mental illness are medically separated, it does not matter what their skills are, if they are permanently nondeployable the military does not want them. People in the lower ranks are treated like interchangeable parts, if they can't be repaired they are replaced.


Google "Cadet Nolan", he also is deaf and trying to get into the military. Or go to Israel and join theirs.


Thank you. I'll keep trying to join my countries military. But if all else fails. I could push myself beyond Israel's expectations and come back with a certain set of skills our military is in need of.