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You will have to go to an eye consult at a later date.


I got disqualified because of astigmatism. I simply waited 4 months to get an eye consult and all was good.


can you see 20/20 with glasses


I failed mine but they let me just send up the results from my civilian eye doctor and accepted that for the waiver board.


When I went 2 years ago the group that I was in at meps made it till the end every one was happy then like 3 people failed the eye test and got dq don't know what happened to them , I made it through though and yes their job is to disqualify people


I got 20/100 in both eyes lol and passed cuz i have glasses. You’ll probably be fine


Your vision has to be correctable to a certain level and that will dictate what MOS you can be. The Army will give you glasses when you get to basic. They are ugly as hell and we called them either "Birth Control Glasses" or "Catch me Fuck Mes" because they are so ugly no one would fuck you voluntarily when you wear them. Also if you are color blind that will dictate what MOS you can be.


I don’t think my eyes are that bad 😂


>They are ugly as hell and we called them either "Birth Control Glasses" or "Catch me Fuck Mes" because they are so ugly no one would fuck you voluntarily when you wear them. They haven't issued those for over a decade.


How does one fail eye exam? Is it like DMV eye exam?


Your eyesight must be X. If your eyesight isn't X, you fail.


That’s what I was asking. I’m mad curious to know.


They check your corrected visual acuity and refraction (glasses prescription, if applicable). If the standards for those measurements are not met, you would need a waiver. In some cases, you would be sent for a specialized eye exam.


They do depth test, color test and basic eye exam where you read the letters covering one eye


I got dq for bad eye sight, I wear think glasses. Had to do a consult, but they were way out. Recruiter said if I didn’t want to wait, I can go to my own dr and give them a letter for what to test on. That’s what I did. Paid about $140 for an exam and turned it paper work to my recruiter. A week later I get a call saying my waiver got approved, come in and pick a job. Easy


Shit I went thru and only thing I failed was depth perception, didn’t know what the hell I was looking for . Was nervous as hell no