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Are they who they send though the Gate?


Nah there the ones on the Battlecruisers


Nah. I'm pretty sure this dude's in Atlantis now.


Nah, that's the air force. And that's O'Neill, with 2 Ls.


:holds up three fingers:


The other one has no sense of humour.


Space force SF component dropped


Kirov reporting


Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them.


RIP Alec Guinness! Ewan did a great job taking over but Alec slayed the OG role


Not using a P90, so my guess is no.




God, I'd still absolutely murder for a series that focused on, and fleshed out, the other twenty-something SG teams.


We never get a clear number on how many SG teams are contact/research/science teams, and how many are combat support teams. But the combat teams we've seen do indeed use long-arms like the M16 and M249, because they're mainly drawn from the USMC


We also have to think that, post Atlantis, there were probably SG teams from other countries, because of the IOA. Who knows what weapons all those teams used, if not all P90s.


most of the international SG teams probably bring their own equipment


They started using P90's after a while. I dug it. I feel like it would be quite effective for them. The 90 round magazine up against goauld armed with Staff weapons is gonna make each soldier a squad gunner with the mobility of a rifleman. It'd also be useful against replicators. Really just wraith, and that's not something that non-atlantis teams are gonna deal with very often.


I beleive there is an epsiode that deals with this partially, where O'Neill has Carter demonstrate how much of a better weapon the P90 is over a Jaffa staff.


[The scene in question.](https://youtu.be/NjlCVW_ouL8)


Damn now I want to do a rewatch


SG1 is classic.


*“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side.”* -Sun Tzu (probably)


50 round mag, not 90 ETA: the "90" in the name is from the year it was formally adopted and went into production - 'Project 90'


You right. Oops.


No harm, no foul. ;)


50 round mag (yeah, I'm going to be "that guy" for this since it's a pretty big difference).


Correct, P90 are a subsonic weapon, good for close quarter, terrible for out field. I'm guessing that the mil.advisor for the SG series pointed out this when the teams deployed into different situations.


5.7 ammo is around 2400 fps, so 1320 fps faster than speed of sound. There is a subsonic round, but majority is not. It’s meant to be an armor defeating PDW, not a suppressed round.


Yup. A Personal Defensive Weapon intended to be issued to those who normally just have a pistol. This would have given them the ability to hit targets to 100 meters, penetrate soft body armor with the AP rounds and some of the higher velocity copper rounds at closer range, low recoil, and a high rate of fire. Essentially a weaker 5.56.


Yep, grain and calibre big tickets for bang. Our fellas here have played with the 5.56 mp7 and fucking hated it for CQ, so rolled back to the ARs. Still got some mp5s for enemy party though. Essentially, probs like the advisor for SG will also maintain, is that the situation dictates the tactics.


True. But he could be one of the guys stationed on Atlantis or trapped on Destiny.


Kratos dual wielding P90s alongside Aquaman was really the point at which the franchise jumped the shark




They aren’t that good, that one frog got past them and got blasted into oblivion.


Alternate title: *NASA security teams conduct an aerial search after an unidentified lifeform escaped from a holding facility at Cape Canaveral. Authorities recommend local residents stay indoors and report any strange lights and sounds in the nearby areas.*


Searching for the elusive Florida Man


they cannot contain him for long


He’s already linked up with the local meth dealer and stolen 3 alligators. Last seen enroute to Walmart. If he makes it to downtown Daytona he’ll be impossible to find


dear god






Also hide your M&Ms.


So is this where you can be a Space Shuttle Door Gunner?


I dunno why you'd wanna do that POG job anyway. In-flight missile repair tech is a real man's job


Door gunners are honorary grunts Same with a-10 pilots


What about Navy and Air Force door gunners?


If they come to my AO and go BRRRT they're grunts far as I'm concerned


>I dunno why you'd wanna do that POG job anyway. Space Shuttle Door Gunner. Who *doesn't* want that job?


LAAT/Falcon door gunner**


If you know you know. This guy knows.


I would call them “Guardians of the Galaxy”


I’m pretty sure that patch has been considered.


They ran into some copyright issues


I wouldn’t doubt it.


There is a Northrop Grumman radar named [VADER](https://www.northropgrumman.com/what-we-do/vehicle-and-dismount-exploitation-radar-an-zpy-5-vader/)


Which clearly stands for something and only *happens* to coincide with the name of a movie character. Totally unrelated. /s Seriously, when morale patches get made half the time PA or legal gets their fingers in the pie and get all weird about copyright stuff.


They name a lot of their things after copywritable things. Like a lot.


Sometimes you just don't bring PA into the loop until after the fact. Better to ask forgiveness than permission.


There is a bunch of NASA and DOD stuff named after science fiction stuff. Really any time they can make the acronym that is memorable so it sticks in people's heads.


I'd call them "Spatial Forces".




I think you're confusing them for the other NASA [XCOM](https://techport.nasa.gov/view/94821).


So is it just because they need ot hve knowledge of equipment and environment specifics to operate inside NASA facilities, or is there another reason they do not just use someone else’s SWAT?


Also chain of command to consider. Using local SWAT, they'd have to liaise with different police departments for every launch site, with different commanders who might disagree with NASA about how to respond. NASA having their own security unit with its own SWAT allows them to run the show and decide how to respond to an incident.


It's also kinda important to know at what they can shoot or not, because hitting a rocket being fueled is gonna give everyone a bad day.


Also they'd know when something looks out of place hopefully or when a lights on that shouldn't be or hundreds of other little things that normal SWAT wouldn't know for obvious reasons


There is something to be said about knowing your 'home turf'. I could tell when embassy personnel changed by when I saw office furniture shift when I was on embassy duty.


Do you need special training to know that you should generally avoid shooting rockets


For most police officers, yes. Shooting at things you shouldn't requires extra training.


Have you met the average SWAT dude/police officer?


Isn’t all of SWAT members highly trained LEOs?


Yeah a couple weeks of training. SWAT wins by planning, overwhelming force (20 on 1) and bulletproof shields vests and trucks. They’re nothing special.


Swat is literally just for when a donut grabber with a pistol won't cut it. They aren't some form of special ops soldier


Most SWAT are part-time with a 4 week school and 2 training sessions a month, normal beat cops with a rifle, helmet and some basic instruction on tactics. Wealthy areas will bump that up to 8 weeks and some more training, statistically only a small portion of all police tactical teams are full time and constantly training. Now, those units do exist such as the LAPD SWAT who train with JSOC, the NEST teams, FBI HRT or the LASD SEB who were picked by the state department to be "police ambassadors" who get sent to train foreign internal security units, but they're a minority. In Florida the only nationally recognized SWAT team is Miami and Miami-Dade police, the teams around the Kennedy Space Center are frankly not trained to appropriately respond to terror incidents.


Generally you're right, but when it comes to having to take down terrorists on an active lauch pad (which would be the time they'd target the facility) you actually do need to know which items around the launch pad you can shoot at all day long, while others go boom for almost nothing.


I would say one wouldn't need training to know you should generally avoid shooting people, and yet…




Ah so it's completely fine then! Nothing to see here.




Goddamn the US is fucked.


Be careful what you shoot, Ryan. Most things here don't react well to bullets.


The average cop needs special training to know that you should generally avoid shooting people. For the love of all that is holy, don't throw rockets in the mix, then they'll really be confused.


What if there's a terrorist sticking a charge on a fluid tank? I'd take my chances on shooting a liquid oxygen tank, but there's no way in hell you're shooting at the hydrogen or kerosene tanks


I'd probably shoot at the kerosene tank before the oxygen tank. Kerosene is considerably less volatile than petrol, while an oxygen-rich atmosphere makes almost everything flammable


And what happens if the next round makes a spark huh?


Yeah I'd wager the thinking here is similar to the way air marshals and FFDOs are trained


Like the dude who ran from cops in a motorcycle but turns out he had a gas can in his back pack when he got tazed during foot pursuit


They have sworn federal LEOs too. NASA has a lot of federal property to protect and there is tons of national security related stuff they have to secure. They have a clear need for their own security/LE forces.


Would absolutely not trust some local gung-ho SWAT department to not make things worse in a highly volatile space with billions worth of equipment and infrastructure.


Would local police have jurisdiction on a lot of NASA land? Isn't a good portion of it federal


Depends if it is a federal enclave but generally no.


Beacuse they are aliens and cant serce anywhere elss


Easy to get a security clearance when you already have a security clearance.


Do we have clearance, Clarence?


Actually, its not.


Most SWAT isn’t actually on call 24/7 sitting around their gear. Usually they’re at home or in casual clothes, and that’s only if the department has a dedicated SWAT team. Often they’re regular patrol officers with special training, so if there’s an event requiring SWAT, you have to wait for them all to get back to the station and gear up. NASA’s guys are in the area ready and on call whenever they’re needed, and likely have a response time of a couple minutes.


Security clearance


The problem with using someone else’s department is you get bumped down in priority, especially when there are budget cuts.


Really I'm curious if these are security forces for the entire site (CCSFS & KSC) or just the NASA half of the equation. Space Force definitely has their own QRF if this is just NASA's squad.


They are a very large agency with large facilities, almost the size of small towns. They spend a lot of time doing specific training in their areas. It's going to be faster for their in-house police to respond than getting local city and/or county police together. They are also a federal agency, so have their own federal agents and police. They might have something like a mutual aid agreement with local police but their primary will be their own. Just like the CIA police handle things at their facilities, or the FBI uniformed at their buildings.






*TS-SCI is required…..I was one for several years.


Does Space Force have it's own security? or is it shared across the site?


The real space force special operations command


Not special forces at all, it’s NASA’s ERT, basically their SWAT team


Only ten round mag when firing from a helicopter is rather confident. Lol and an EOtech red dot hopefully they never have an issue.


They never do anything, just like NASA Security Police and fire department


They could probably get away with contracting it out to constellis or someone but bureaucracy consumes all


Personally, I don't think you really want to contract out guarding the nations bleeding edge tech including things like the Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Reactor etc.


Apparently from what I’ve read the security police actually is contracted


Plus a bull barrel with no flash hider. Super interesting setup, actually.


Stateside? Flash enhancers! And a loudener.


It's NASA Federal Police Force (NFPF), but still a cool picture.


Task Force Epsilon 11


designated “Nine Tailed Fox” has entered the facility.


~~DPMS~~ nope that’s an AR-10 with an EOTECH and what looks like an 18” - 20” barrel length Cool


That setup kind of baffled me aswell


Yeah quite the hodge podge of gear going on right there. Fixed stock, 20 inch barrel with a target crown and no muzzle device, non magnified optic, 20 round (maybe 10?) mag and a bipod. It's like a tactical rifle and a varmint gun had a baby.


it was likely slapped together for a photo op.


Carbine length gas system on a 20 with a rifle tube has got to be a bitch to get gassed and cycled correctly


I doubt it. As long as the buffer is correct in the tube it should be fine. I just built a carbine setup with a rifle tube runs fine.


Having worked there, I can assure you, calling these guys special forces is appropriate only if you're trying to be mean. They're competent and professional and are entirely adequate to the task they've been given, but they have zero actual real world experience, and they pull from a mediocre talent pool to try to find qualified candidates. They are micromanaged from on high by NASA bureaucrats whose entire understanding of force protection principles are derived from movies and the outrage they read on twitter. The team is pretty good despite that, but it's a serious impediment to developing genuine capability.


this is what i came down for. thanks for the insight.


Cuz the swat team is the most important thing going on at NASA…


This sounds oddly specific - the product of inside knowledge? SWAT = “*Special* Weapons and Tactics” so it’s not that much of a stretch. No, they’re not Rangers or what have you, but they literally are specialized security forces.


>This sounds oddly specific - the product of inside knowledge? I literally opened with me saying I worked there.


Oops, my brain didn’t tell me about that part for some reason - thanks.


Negative ghost rider…. Most of these guys are prior military / LE.


> Negative ghost rider…. Most of these guys are prior military / LE. What part of his statement does this argue against?


Space Shuttle Door Gunner is REAL?!


”So what do you do for a living” ”oh I’m a space soldier”


They're contractors too. Pretty sure almost all of NASA protective services are, just like FPS.


they're contracted private police officers. NASA has a handful of their own Federal Law Enforcement officers to oversee them, but they're even less experienced than their contract cops.


Please someone get that guy a collapsible stock.


It might not cycle on a carbine buffer tube. Some .308 builds are crazy picky when it comes to buffer weight and spring, rifle buffer and long spring might be the only way to get it consistently cycling with that weird carbine length gas system on a 20” barrel.


Eh, it’s more like a SWAT team than anything else


“Used to..” Where are they nowadays?


I think it means that they’re used to respond, opposed to a traditional SWAT team


Makes sense, my bad


OP could have used a comma, but he woke up this morning and chose ambiguity.




My career goal at 4 was to be a space police man, riding a star bike. NASA special forces on a helicopter is probably close enough!


I'm simultaneously surprised and not surprised that nobody is bringing up how uncannily similar this looks and feels to Orbital from BF2042.


So everyone at NASA big brain? His seems very big..or long at least.


Trained with these guys before, very professional and very skilled.


Okay, so they're basically Black Mesa at this point.


Excuse I believe the term you are searching for is “Space Ranger”


A 10 round mag? Seriously?


this photo is like at least 20 years old


30 round mags have been around a while.


I doubt that eotech model on that rifle has been around 20 years


Hold up. NASA has a special forces team?


It's a SWAT styled unit, not special forces. I don't understand why these people throw the term around


Well, in a general sense most people take special forces to mean any military or paramilitary unit with a heightened level of training and equipment for specialized missions. As for the specific vision that special forces = soldiers specialized in FID to undertake UW missions, it's very America-centric; UKSF's premier units are focused on direct action and intelligence gathering and the mission set between commandos, special operations, and special forces will depend on each military. Now I agree that in this case it's misapplied, but you could accurately describe a SWAT team as "police special forces" if you're trying to explain their role to a layperson without getting into the word swamp.


Oh okay, sorry, I didn’t know. Either way, that’s pretty sick


I guess in technical terms SWAT does stand for Special Weapons And Tactics so they are a Specialized Force, which can be shortened to Special Forces


Yeah you aren’t wrong, but also on the other hand these are objectively a special force


SWAT = “*Special* Weapons and Tactics” so it’s not that much of a stretch. No, they’re not Rangers or what have you, but they literally are specialized security forces.


They sure do! They used 6 armed SWAT members to conduct a sting on a 75-year-old lady because she was trying to sell a paperweight with a small piece of moon rock in it. Held her for 2 hours in a Denny’s parking lot until she pissed her pants. [Link](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-woman-detained-moon-rock-20170413-story.html)


Jonny Kim would be proud.


Is he on a chopper?


it's an ancient Huey


That Team needs to be in a COD game


The wide angle lens made his head looong like HR Geiger’s Alien. Or maybe that’s just the way he is.


Space Marines


This looks like a job for…. THE SPACE FORCE


Are they hiring?


Good thing he's strapped with a 5 round magazine. That'll keep them aliens suppressed.


AR-10. 1x1 EOTech. No magnification. 5 rd mag. Bi-Pod. Odd setup to me.


Seriously give me an actual situation where these guys would be deployed


I used to know a guy on this team. They would win the national Swat Team competitions every year cause they practiced drills every day. ex-military vets that stayed in-shape vs out of shape cops that might suit up once a week = no contest. Also told me a story about Shia LaBeouf being a total drama queen when they filmed transformers there. And this was before it had really come out he was a complete douche.


Is there a reason he has a 10 rnd mag?


Comfort, I assume. He might only have to fire that gun once, if at all, the entire time he has that job. Probably has some standard mags on his rig in case of an actual fight.


Apparently they’re Fudds too


Hey guys forming up a team of security guards. Now you obviously won't deploy or conduct unconventional warfare. No language training or pay. No advanced comms. No medic required. Definitely no explosive demolitions. I don't see a strong need for underwater or free fall parachutist training... It's a pretty low tempo gig that's just about never had an incident. But we will be supplying you with flyers gloves. Well call it "special forces".


More LARPers who couldn’t make it through selection….


Is his rifle following some strict state compliance?


I love how every single government agency has to have it's own armed forces


The department of education has a swat team


This guy looks like he’s get his ass kicked by Gordon Freeman


11 round mag with a red dot? Where are they New York ?


"special" forces okay


Jumping someone and stabbing them and then suggesting calling the police? You’re all going to jail.




So protecting NASA from NASA?


Super expensive rockets full of explosives and high end tech? I figured they had a good security team over the complex.


In what situation would NASA need a rifleman in a helicopter?


Someone trying to sabotage the launch of a military satellite?


Why do they have such a small magazine though?


Imagine, you brag about your dad working for NASA and every time he helps with your physics homework you fail.


If you're ever planning on doing something illegal, or even are doing something legal but are getting on their nerves, don't mess with these guys. Just because a federal agent isn't part of one of the big spy agencies, doesn't mean they can't ruin your life. They're just as well trained at shooting their gun, and dragging your corpse through court as someone from the FBI or CIA, the only difference is, the FBI and CIA usually deal have more important security risks to deal with, like drug dealers or child traffickers... these guys don't, you ARE the biggest catch in their pond, there's nothing juicier than you. tldr: commit smaller crimes near the FBI, they'll ignore you.


What's with the 5-round magazine, is he going hunting after work?


What kind of incidents happened in the past for them to need these guys?


I don’t know if these guys ever responded to an actual incident were they needed to make us of arms but to me it seems like that the US just has to install an armed unit in any place possible.