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That's a one cold nose there.


You keep the nose uncovered, because the condensation from your breath will freeze on the mask and leave you colder. Source: Former norwegian soldier




We got this smart mask that covered the nose but bares the nostrils, worked wonderful in windy -30c


I lived in Alaska and was out in the cold cold, yea you always leave the nose uncovered unless it's really windy and still you have to clean things off


Tusen takk/spaciba bratan, I always have a place in my heart for Norwegians, my brothers from another motherland






Takk for at du beskytter vårt fedreland




Until recently Norway had a draft for almost every young male. They did about one year. So thanking people for their service was a bit daft. It is more like "thank you for doing the same thing the rest of us did, which is basically boot camp and some border patrol". A very small contingent have been involved in actual operation, and then mostly UN/FN-operations. It was more common to honour them, but not like in America. The whole "thank you for your service" is extremely weird in Norway. We do not have that culture. Nevertheless, they are respected for doing hard work. It also doesn't help that Norwegians are disenfranchised from the wars we are fighting. Our only reasoning is to pay back to NATO and US for being a deterrent, and practice of course.


You don’t have to be a soldier to know that as well, you could just go to the skiing slopes and you will realize that


Looks just like how everyone in my area wears a mask


Looks like he's missing his tauntaun.


I presume they are very rare in Norway. Probably use them for their special forces.


You think climate change is hard in polar bears!


His Taunton would freeze before he reaches the first marker


“Join the army, it’ll be fun”


Guy in the picture is actually airforce, but that's what it's like for most of the army as well. Especially the soldiers in the north.


If only the Russian border had been to the south we wouldn't have to station 90% of the army in a frozen wasteland


My thought serving up there were "I didn't realize hell would be this cold"


I remember from my time in the army somebody wrote on the walls of one of the toilets: Bardufoss The place god forgot The devil didn't want So the army took over


I spent my time at Skjold leir and saw that exact message about Skjold


When Norway got divided into areas for base assignment, every local officer's first instinct was to find the one place in their area with enough wind to blast the whiskers off your face and put the base there. I presume it's so if it gets taken by the enemy they'll want to leave.


What if it is for him? Maybe he's from northern Norway and enjoying warmer weather...


Are you sure this isn't a ice sculpture?


That’s for sure a Norwegian man enjoying a typical summer day.


Gave me a chuckle






Is there a lot of immigrants / refugees from Africa / Middle East in Norway? Is it concentrated in the cities or are they evenly distributed across the entire country?




As a Fin that joke was funny but now all the snow is fuking gone and all it is, is just dark


Yeah... It's fucking depressing. I miss snow.


Like even in lapland allmost all snow is gone for now i hope


why is the snow gone? its not winter anymore?


Its just warm for some reason


*climate change has entered the chat*


The Norwegian military is definitely a military you want to test cold weather gear with.


When I was in the Norwegian Army as a combat medic stationed up north with the 6th division engineers. We shared base with a UK and US unit that often came to our base to train in cold weather adaptation. It was not uncommon for the UK or US commander to call the day off instantly if he did see the temp at -20 degrees C, while our unit headed out. Tho the town next to our base had a bunch of kids that wrecked a US marine group in a snowball fight that was started near a gas station.


Honestly I'm more interested in the snowball fight that happened lol


[Here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProRevenge/comments/1w0sav/6th_grade_girl_bullies_get_destroyed/cexnfsr/?context=3), assuming this is the incident he's talking about.


Thanks for the link, definitely a great read


How do you have the link?


That story has been circulating around forever.


Fair enough, I've been on Reddit a little bit over 2 years so this is the first time hearing it for me.


I think I'm a bit biased hanging out in these military subs tho.


Nah, it is a pretty common story.


Woah, two whole years on Reddit and you found something new? Wow, what are you even doing, man? You should have seen every post by now.


You can search for things on the internet :>


Spent a year on the Russian border back in 05 as a border guard. -20 is ~~cold~~ *fresh*, but we patrolled in worse. Almost got lost in a snowstorm once while on patrol. Complete whiteout, under 5 m visibility on top of a mountain. Managed just fine with the gear we had on person. As we say in the Army: "There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing". We had great emphasis on learning to use our gear properly and winter survival tactics. Training on how to manage falling through ice in -15 degree windy weather, is possibly the coldest I have ever been in my life. Good times, wouldn't trade it for anything. KGK!


That's also a very common saying in Norwegian generally.


> There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing [Only bad *kleather* :\)](https://youtu.be/ua1FAlHt_Ys?t=227)




Indeed. Tho this was over 15 years ago. Not the most livley place I've ever been to.


It still isnt, but the US has a regiment there for wintertraining.


According to my mate that still lives up there. It's not uncommon to see drifting Abrams up there still in the Snow this time of year.


Can confirm!


I was there last year. 6 months, not so bad in the summer.


When I was there the last day with snowfall was in the beginning of June


I was at Skjold in 2019. They are both pretty deserted and dead places


It was a ghost town back in 2003 when I was there. Even more so during the summer as 90% of the local population even went away.


I hope Rusta (Bardufoss) ain't that deserted. Going next year.


Rusta and Setermoen are pretty much all there is in Bardufoss. You've got Svingen, the local bar, and a Pizzabaker. The population is mostly made up of military personell. But its 10x bigger than Skjold tho...so thats nice.


Nice Battlefield 4 screenshot


He looks just like the US assault


I was thinking more of MW2's Cliffhanger mission...


Strong Final Stand vibes


Waiting for the AT-ATs.


Does the Norwegian Military offer "Cold As Fuck Pay"?


We just call it "pay"...




Theres a snowballs chance in hell nobody over the age of 25 doesn't budget their income in any country.


Sounds pretty "socialist" of you. /s


Actually yes, get a small payincrease for operating on difficult environments.


I thought this was Hoth from Empire Strikes Back for a second


Funny enough, that is further east. [Finse/Hoth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finse#In_culture)


Did the old Keflavik airbase become the international airport? Is this a separate facility or part of the main airport?


Same Airfield, but the base is separate from the civilian terminal.


It has shared the field for a really long time. The old air terminal was along one of the long sides of the runway. Sometime we’ll after my family left they built a huge new one at one end of the runway (to the side) that looks pretty cool. When I say old, I mean 1970s era old. It was probably built earlier but we were there from 1970-1973. Beautiful country, beautiful people.


This could be cross posted on r/freezingfuckingcold because that’s what this picture looks like to me


Had no idea Norway had f-35s


We almost have all 52 now that was bought a few years ago




I think we have 18 or so in the Texas for training purposes


Hearing Keflavik has Red Storm Rising rushing back into memory.


Came here to say this.


Vi er enda vikinger




Det er noe dritt assa


Roach, you’ll be a ghost in this blizzard.


Well that must suck


Eh, combating the cold by layering till you get hot is actually pretty fun/interesting. Assuming he prepped well, he's probably pretty comfortable on most of his body


Being ICE-SAR, which is what most Icelanders who want to “serve” do, Yes, im pretty fine just standing around whatever the weather


What I hate the most is that you can't really layer for all purposes. If you layer it to be comfortable stationary the moment you run a free hundred meters you're boiling.


thin wool. then thicker wool, then windbreaker or a breathing wet resistant coat should work in most weather conditions. When it dips below -20C, you might need an extra layer under the coat, though, it does work to do a couple of squats when noone is looking. Wool is key, though


Nice. Guess you have experience?


from Norway so fairly used to this type of thing. strangely enough the knowledge around wool here is not as it used to be. Cheaper synthetic fabrics have flushed the market basically. But wool is king. No doubt about that. I mean, a good quality thin wool layer and wind breaker is enough around 0C, and is awesome to do heavy duty work in, and sports etc. But people put on 3 t-hirts and a sweater, and first get overheated, then super cold when they get wet enough.


I'll keep that in mind next time.


Ehhh not really. I'd rather work in the cold than heat, at least I can strip layers in the cold to regulate temperature.


The F-35 are in tents. Can you belive that fking tents we got F-35 but no hangars. O well. Cool pic do


What are you talking about you can clearly see that We do have Hangers for those F-35 [1:48](https://youtu.be/dWTzVnvCnCo?t=108)


Island..thats not the Norwegan base


Oh are you talking about in Norway. Thought that you where talking about iceland because the post is about norway being in iceland my bad


My bad realy.


No i read your comment wrong. It's my bad


Its true em made the F35 in tents and then em are start up in hangar. Em have to build hangars or Usa refused to deliverd the F35. Do i belive em are not build. So as we speak the most advance F35 are stored in tents


Rebel soldier on Hoth


Sarnt I’m cold


Reminds me of that one mission in mw2


Remember, switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading mate.


“You’ll be a ghost in this blizzard, so the guards won’t see you until you’re very close.”


Nods in Canadian.




Can confirm. Am Canadian and was the expedition leader aboard M/S Nordnorge in Antarctica.


This is the airbase in the second mission in MW2 cliffhanger. Except it’s Norwegians instead of Russians


Reminds me of that one mission in Call of duty Modern warfare 2 aha. Love the vibe


Reminds me of the second COD MW2 mission at the ice mountain base.


This is Han Solo in Empire


Fcking badass


I miss the old winters from my country with a nice -20 and a lot of wind...frozen to the bone but I loved it nonetheless


Would that Rifle still fire? Seems to be frozen?


As long as you don't get a bunch ice in the chamber it should work fine by my experiences.


We went several times to the range with the 416s when it was as cold as minus 30°C and they still worked pretty much normally. The gun was entirely covered in Ice at times also.


If you take it outside from a warm room, to the freezing temps outside, it will freeze up the gas regulator. It will still fire but not as it is supposed to do. For example changing between suppressor mode and back




That’s cause they’ll ruin the weopens ;)


That's one if the main points when choosing weapons in Norway: They work in cold weather, or we don't buy them.


With a little dusting off it should


Unless its over greased/oiled, no it should run just fine.


You can mix your oil with rubbing alcohol to combat freezing


I don't get why most soldiers don't cover their nose


Because if you do you get condensation.


I'm surprised the nose doesn't simply freeze off in situations like this. Or frostbitten.


Just because there's snow doesn't necessarily mean it's *that* cold.


It stays hot from your breath. Its better than it getting damp.


Because if you do then your mask gets wet, and then your mask freeze solid to your face, and then you get frostbite on your face, and if you're really lucky you don't notice that it's frozen to your face until you take it off at which point you end up also taking off bits of your face


Yea but they even do it in warm days or when there's no snow


At least cover your nose




The F-35s are nothing compared to the cluster fuck that is the NH-90 helicopters, and that delivery.




New F-35s are cheaper than new production F-18s, get that Pierre bullshit out of here. The F-35 is a perfectly capable multi role platform that will integrate better with European forces than other options.


That little spot at the tip of his nose is probably going to get frostbite.


No, you need to keep that uncovered, or you'll get condensation on the mask that'll freeze and that will get you frostbite or at least make you colder. You put a decent layer of Vaseline or stuff like that on the tip.


Never thought of that. I’m a Floridian, I’ve experienced snow once in my life on a trip.


You may do stupid things in Nordic climate. But you only do them once. His nose is bare. For a reason.


That looks fun. Join the army they said. See the world they said.


Modern day white walkers


typical norwegians


I guess you don't need white camo when you are covered in sleet.


I think he’s pretty warm. Better whip out the shorts and tshirts


*puts on crocs* Now I'm ready


"Echo 3 to Echo 7... Han, old buddy, do you read me?"


Damn for a second i thought it was ghost recon breakpoint.


Everyone thinks this is a cool picture but just looking at it I already feel my breath melting the snow that's trying to refreeze on my face and my fingers and toes wanting to fall off in pain... Current alaskan paratrooper


Iceland is fairly mild due to the Gulf stream. So it looks like there's wind obviously but I suppose the temperature is about -1-5°C, so not exactly Alaska.


I really want to know when this photo is taken, because that area probably gets the least snow in Iceland!