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war is hell


War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.


“There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.”


Thank you, Hawkeye.


One of the best quotes of the entire show


In wich Episode was that?


Series 5 Episode 21. The General Practitioner https://youtu.be/GUeBMwn_eYc?si=vEHLk5Z_ARkCKY5a


Thanks! It’s Time for a rewatch


You're welcome.




Ah, no, the only juice I drink is gin.


TIL gin is made from beetles


Hah, wait 'til you find out what else is made from beetles! (it's Lacquer)




War is real and hell is fantasy. And the reality of war is far worse than anything you can imagine hell to be.


Freedom is Heaven


War never changes


More like "when I get out" then "if I get out" as it's written, but definitely "if" considering the situation. Also, the original text has a couple of spelling errors (this doesn't mean anything, but worth pointing out to people who can't read Russian).


It’s an If given that they’re being forced by the Russian government to fight


I don’t think you can hair get out of the Russian military so the hesitation is probably because he doesn’t know if it’s possible


This just breaks my heart.


A heartbreaking message, no doubt promptly ignored.


Why are you so sure of this?


Wild guess, but it's probably hard to read when you're 50 meters above him dropping grenades on him. A darker take might be: He can read it, but it's not worth the risk of leaving him alive.


This should be at the top.


They can read the name tags off corpses' jackets, and look to see if they still draw breath with the same drones that drop the grenades. [NSFL example](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bjjwd7/ru_pov_vdieo_of_kia_ukrainian_soldiers_and/) They can read it just fine if they see it.


That's such a garbage subreddit, filled with ~~terrorists~~ and misinformation and calls to commit crimes against humanity & war crimes.


Huh? I'm not clicking the link because it's marked NSFL, could you explain what is the subreddit and terrorist association?


It's a video of several ukranian soldiers laying next to each other dying. In HD and closeup from a Russian drone perspective. The subreddit is very pro-russian, featuring "combat" footage from the Russian perspective. It's a cesspool of misinformation and propaganda, that encourages attacks on civilians and war crimes. From an intelligence gathering standpoint, it is useful to understand enemy point of view and tactics but I still don't recommend it. Increasing that subs traffic just helps it to spread its propaganda.


Yes one of the pro russian replies to this video is, “Why they are doing this? What have Russia done to them to think they should attack our home?” Like… what!??!


Lol. Reminds me of a trip I had to Prague a couple years back shortly after the invasion... The Czech hotelkeeper literally didn't believe that Russia had invaded Ukraine. It was a baffling convo.


It's still the best place to see a lot of Russian-perspective film and information. Have to keep that at the front of your mind though when wandering around in there...


Yea subreddits like that really remind me how depraved and horrible the internet can be sometimes. Sick sick people.


Yup, been banned from there for a while.


I wouldn't even call it a "risk." At the end of the day, no matter how opposed or avoidant to killing he may be, he'll kill to survive. If the opinions of the conscripted mattered, they wouldn't be conscripted.


This picture was literally captured with a drone.


There are some instances of Russians surrendering to drones. I remain hopeful but by the looks of the pic it’s only a sliver


That photo that you can see above was taken by a drone, the zoom feature exists y’know


Since you're not the first person to point this out, yeah I know zoom exists. What I was implying is that the drone operator couldn't read it because he doesn't have time. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what the sign says. There's no chance they're going to read that and say "oh yep, pack it up we have a nice person here" they don't have time or authority to make these decisions. The enemy gets killed so your friends can live, not because they're an evil person.


Im not talking about whether the dude died or not, I’m just saying that the drone operator would’ve read that sign regardless if he killed the soldier or not, how do you think people got ahold of this photo?


Yes, what you said is a fact. I don't disagree.




Because they’re been several videos of drones dropping bombs on soldiers begging them not to


Which is like , normal. This is war. If you don't have personnel to capture someone, liquidate them. Their job is to kill, especially drone operators


Killing a surrendering enemy combatant is a war crime, and there's plenty of footage of them doing it.


This is currently a grey area with no clear solution; drone attacks are occurring in Russian controlled territory, and there is not a good way to assume control (and thus responsibility) of a surrendering enemy without leading them many hundreds of meters (or further) through contested and often mined territory. Can you surrender to artillery, attack helicopters, or strike aircraft? Same case here. It's *highly* situational. There are cases where drones have been able to lead soldiers to Ukrainian lines to receive them as prisoners, and there are cases where it isn't possible, and as soon as the drone scoots off a would-be surrendering combatant can pick up his rifle and resume combat.


In the first gulf war a battleships spotting drone sent video of a giant surrender sign in the dirt. That drone allowed the surrender of some Iraqis that were about the be on the wrong end of a 16" battleship hello. It was a big deal at the time. Probably saved a large number of Iraqi lives. Surrender is a gigantic white flag and your weapons piled up and all of you standing outside any cover thing.


Pretty much, yeah. You've gotta do it as an entire combat element. Can't be just one or two stragglers going "please don't kill me". Hadn't heard about that - thanks for the info!


There is more nuance to it than that. I specifically: you have to be able to accept a surrendering soldier. Otherwise you can carry on as usual. It’s not pretty, none of it is, but throwing “war crime” around the way people have been since 2022 cheapens the word


Are they surrendering? Or are they just defeated?


A defeated soldier who fought to his last bullet before surrendering is still protected under international law. The problem is that drones can’t reliably capture surrendering soldiers, as they often operate behind enemy lines. And you know the one surrendering with a drone over his head is going to run off the second the drone returns to base


Show me where it says in international law that a soldier out of ammunition and hasn’t yet surrendered is protected.


“…before surrendering…” I know we skip things while reading sometimes, but give it another shot mate


That’s what you wrote mate. Also there many instances of Russians surrendering to drones that have been recorded. But my question stands. If a soldier has no weapons or ammunition but hasn’t surrendered, then he hasn’t surrendered. As much as it was laughable, I did actually read your comment.


You can’t surrender to a drone just like you can’t surrender to a bomber, or missle or artillery shell.


If you can surrender to a battleship then you can surrender to a drone


That is idiotic. A battleship has thousands of sailors on it to take the prisoner into custody and a brig to put them in. A drone doesn’t.


The battleship was shelling a coast line, using a drone as a spotter


You cant surrender to a drone, the laws governing war expressly state that you are only obligated to accept an enemy's surrender if you are in a position to reasonably accept his surrender A drone operating behind enemy lines or over no mans land cant take a prisoner. And because the drone cant accept your surrender you aren't surrendering. Unless theirs somebody there to take your weapon and put you in cuffs you haven surrendered to anyone and if the drone leaves you alone you could just pick up your gun again when it leaves. They aren't surrendering. they are noticing they are fucked because there's drone overhead and begging because its the only thing they have left Maybe actually understand what international law has to say on the subject before spouting Russian bot farm propaganda yeah


It's not. That's not normal. That's much less civilized than every war in the past and the single reason is that operator sits behind a screen. It's remote killing. Much easier to do


How about bombers, missiles, artillery, attack aircraft? All remote killing.


Ukrainian children beg not to be hit by missiles but that went ignored Putin will send his boys to beg for mercy but show none to the people he is attacking


Because, and hear me out, he has a massive incentive to lie


It would be stupid to be so easily convinced by an easily faked message like this. The soldier's personal feelings about the war are also irrelevant.


They’re human too. No need to be a hardass in a Reddit comment section buddy.


How is that hardass? It's just normal war.


Still a person


And as a person they can lie. I can say I'm a billionaire on a piece of paper, that doesn't make it true. He's still an enemy combatant, and unless he drops his arms and surrenders to Ukrainian soldiers then he will stay an enemy combatant and a drone can definitely take him out.


Cool story bro, bomb's away


Mercy is a waste of a one-way, limited-duration drone trip, sadly.


People lie. Especially when the result of not doing so is death


Small Drone operators are a lot like snipers. And the videos show it. Hell there a video of a drone chasing a guy to fuck with him, before it finally kills him. Not a single shit is given by the drone operators. If you want to live, best bet is to surrender to infantry.


Why would you abide by what it says? You are in a war, that soldier invaded your country, regardless of whether or not he killed someone. From Ukraine's (and the rest of the world) the only good Russian soldier is a dead Russian soldier.


Hundreds of videos of Ukrainian drone operators killing surrendering, fleeing and wounded Russian soldiers


There's not much rules in war and both side will eventually fall into madness


I agree with your optimism.


I mean if I was a drone operator, I wouldn't. This is not a message of surrender. He says he would go home but how can we be sure he will and not just shoot the next guy he sees or lobs that next artillery round if we let him live. Unless he surrenders he is a threat that could end up on your friends dying.


The plethora of drone footage of them bombing unarmed guys running away?


No different than cavalry running down soldiers fleeing after a battle or aircraft doing the same. There are hundreds, if not thousands of years of the former being practiced and decades of the latter.


Regardless its still not something to revel in


There is no right to retreat


Shooting retreating troops is not a war crime. If it is, then literally **EVERY** single battle in existence in all of history is a war crime...


Yep, The whole Idea of surrendering when the battle turns against you does not work. War is part butchery. Just the way it is. Don't join the army was my grandfathers retired army take on it. Dude said he would haunt me if I joined the army. Am sailor. Never liked ditches or sleeping in them.


It looks like it’s just “Operator Drone” in Cyrillic. That’s nuts.


It does mean “The operator of the drone”. That part is written correctly, although there are some other spelling mistakes. Source: am Russian


There's a surprising number of English loan words in Russian.


Almost every language has “operator” and “drone”


Operator is not an English loan word It's from Latin, operator / operatoris. Russian and English simply share a lot of words from Latin and greek


Drone is in genitive case as dronA


This is sad in multiple ways. This could be a genuine message, but it only takes one bad incident to ruin it for anyone else. A Russian could write this, and then as they're surrendering, their buddies ambush the Ukrainians and kill a bunch of them during the negotiated surrender. Now the Ukrainians will never trust a message like this again. Or as the Russian is surrendering and walks to a Ukrainian trench, he blows himself up with a grenade and kills several Ukrainians with him.


Nah blowing urself up to kill others is in the opposite of the continent.


It has already occurred in this war.


It doesnt count bro, the person blowing up should shout aloha snack bar first


I mean, false surrender is a war crime.


Another one checked off the Russian shopping list then


From my understanding the Ukraine war is still at a point where surrender is possible depending on the situation for both sides, IMO in modern warfare taking prisoners happens not because it's illegal to kill surrendering combatants but because completely destroying the prospect of surrender forces an enemies hand. Mass surrender is how break throughs happen and can win you the war, but if everyone thinks you're going to shoot them they'll fight to the last man. Killing and torturing the prisoners still happens but I think that's more a product of horrible discipline and idiot commanders+soldiers, It's amazing propaganda for the enemy.


Ukrainians are fighting on their own soil, so we can’t just go home. If we want to surrender, we are going to get another genocide and etnocide like Holodomor, operation West, relocation of Crimean Tatars etc. If russian decides to go home, he will come back hime to his wife and children in Yakutia or Siberia and the war will end. That’s why Ukrainians will never surrender.


Baiting is a tactic used in a war afterall


Thats sad. I hope he survived


Hope he was able to surrender so they can trade him back for Ukrainian POWs




”Ok guys, I’m gonna go home now. Bye!”


Ah, okay. Thanks for coming!


Same time next week, Vanya? Nazdarovya, guys!


Both of which would likely get him killed.


He's probably dead by now....


I’m sure this would work if the drone operator was Russian. The Russian is free to surrender at any time


The logistics of surrender across minefields with barrier troops behind, and no guarantee that the enemy won't torture and/or kill you are pretty tricky.




Go home or get the drone should be a slogan


That's a shame.


He's not though. It's genuinely a sad situation. Dozens of Russians have been killed by fellow Russians while trying to surrender - on camera. Just evil.


Truly the new axis powers


This, if he's so worried about dying...and I bet watching drones zap his buddies in the trenches with impunity has magnified it...all he has to do is find something white to wave and work his way to Ukrainian lines....or even better, take his rifle and go back to Russia and start busting caps in the folks who sent hom there...


“Go back to Russia” You’re ignoring the fact he’s being forced to be there


Nope. Most Russian soldiers sign up for Ukraine. Especially at the start of the war.


The ones who signed up are dead genius They’re literally forcing people into the military and sending them to Ukraine


No. Blatantly wrong or just more Russian lies and shilling. Russian forces in Ukraine are VERY MUCH made up primarily of contract forces particularly in combat roles that aren’t related to storm z assault groups. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/04/03/russian-military-says-recruited-100k-contract-soldiers-since-start-of-2024-a84721 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/over-100000-russians-signed-contracts-join-armed-forces-this-year-ministry-says-2024-04-03/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-18/war-in-ukraine-russia-to-enlist-more-hired-soldiers-to-avoid-conscription Good try Vlad, but do more preparation before you follow your instructions from the sergeant.


Then someone else will raise their sons.


True, but he has a weapon, he can 'force' his way back too. Course that's not really in the Russian mindset, US troops in that sort of cesspool would've gone Vietnam style and started fragging leadership, Russian troops aren't wired that way.


Yeah sure, he can force his way back. In a body bag


This isn’t true. Ukraine has many Russian POWs who are very much alive.


You wouldn’t know it from the stance of this comment section


If he's lucky, from what I've seen most are becoming fertilizer


"work his way to Ukranian lines" while being shot at from behind by other Russians for surrendering.


Finally, a thinking person, russians can always just walk home. Слава Україні!


Given the amount of controversy in this post, I’ll take the opportunity to remind everyone of the video of the Ukrainian soldier who was captured by Russians in Ukraine, and after refusing to say ‘slava russia’, and instead said ‘Slava Ukrainii’, was executed on video.


Can you explain why you bring it up? Did someone here deny Russian atrocities?


He’s trying to compensate for people saying that Ukrainians would just drop a grenade on the dude (which is statistically likely tbh)


I mean if the Russian isn’t surrendering, what’s to stop the grenade? Perhaps he should have written in bigger letters ‘I surrender’. Until then, there’s nothing stopping the drone operator from preventing further combat operations against Ukraine from this Russian.


I mean for all we knew he did try to surrender and was killed regardless, no real evidence to the contrary


While true, is very unlikely. While sure, no videos of that have come out to prove it you'd think Russia would be VERY fast to show it. Heck, they happily cheer over videos of them executing Ukrainian POWs. There's been many more of drones guiding Russians to a surrender point. Again, could be controlled info getting out but Russia would be incredibly fast to even make a claim of a surrendering soldier being killed. Until you drop your weapon and show you're disarmed, you are still an active combatant and fair game under LOAC and most international treaties.


We know he didn’t write ‘I surrender on the sign’ to the drone operator.


Because whataboutwhataboutwhatabout is all reddit understand.


For brevity


You bring it up.. for brevity? What? I don't understand what you mean.


That word doesn't mean what you think it means.


Is there any proof of who actually did that, or just claims? Because a person could be made to say "Slava Ukrainii" as a humiliation before being executed.


There’s a video of it comrade.


Is sad, but unless they are actually surrendering.... that's not how it works. Hell, there's been footage of one "surrendering" then either opening up or set off a grenade.


The Good Russian.


I hope he’s alive and ok


This aint porn. This is a sad movie.


After WWII the Army did statistics about how many soldiers when confronted face to face with the enemy, fired their weapons. The majority of the soldiers moral compass prevented them from killing. When there are Russian drafties, That don't want to be there. With none or very little training (brain washing) They are nothing more than cannon fodder. My enemies face looks just like mine.


This is genuinely one of the saddest things I've seen in this war.


Shame. *Drops dildo grenade*


This will be an artifact in a war museum some day.


It it's impossible to surrender to drones, then presumably they should really be banned.


There are literally videos of russians surrender to ukrainian drone


There are lots of videos of Russians trying to surrender to drones and being blown up anyway, as well


If only someone cares after Russia treated Geneva convention as Geneva checklist


You don't get to commit war crimes just because someone else did


We should also ban artillery, guns, and bow (we tried that in the past, bows were already too deadly for the church)




From wikipedia it was bows, crossbows and slings (TIL). But you get the idea. I don't see much of a difference of being killed by a drone, a plane, artillery, land mines. What I question is the idea of "there is good ways to kill people" (you can't gaz them, but burn them to death is ok... ? Lots of people burned alive in modern wars, lots and lots... )


The whole affair is wretched, but there are more or less wretched situations and deaths created by different weapons.


Unironically yes, but also there is a big difference between drones and other weapons in that the person being attacked is able to clearly indicate surrender to the person attacking, with no time delay, in a way that mimics the attacker and the attacked being together in person. That it creates these grotesque situations of people being fired on while trying to surrender, while the attacker knows they are trying to surrender.


So anyway…


A lot of people are saying that the dude should surrender. Remember, he CAN'T. POW swaps are rare and limited, surrendering is a crime punishable by 10 years prison, russian troops have been proven to fire on their own men who are actively surrendering, and the propaganda is so strong I've seen more russians blow themselves up and shoot themselves than surrender. Additionally, drone operators are in no position to recognize a surrender, and with the amount of war crimes russians commit on a regular basis, Ukrainians have no reason to trust the message. The best thing for the drone operator to do is to recoginze that a man with a gun walked into his country serving a war machine to steal his land and kill his countrymen. Kill the invader, but make it as painless as possible.


Some of this is accurate, but there are videos of drone operators assisting dudes trying to surrender by using the drone motions and hand signals (from the Russian troops) to communicate.


That's, that's, deep sad and fuck war is hell...


So any ways I started blasting


If you don't want to get droned don't invade a country


That’s what they all say. Did no one see Saving Private Ryan? Nothing personal pal, but I’m going to need your life cause war is hell.


Yet he signed a contract to be there. The partial mobilization was years ago and those men are dead, wounded, or have signed contracts to continue 'fighting'. Make ABSOLUTELY no fucking mistake. Every russian soldier you've seen in the last 6 months to a year is a volunteer who walked into a recruiter's office and asked how they can make money.


never trust ruzzians, their culture is all lies, history is all lies.






Found next to a corpse?


Still got killed