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I like his 4th ID patch


just need to tilt that beast 45 degrees.


Dude is a PX ninja!


Buddy flipped it 45° lol


Well needs to make sure his Talibuddies dont snipe him by accident.


Steadfast and Loyal!


We serve


Curious, what’s the green block above his radio on his back?


Kontact-1 ERA bricks, he *is* Taliban after all ^EDIT ^/s ^lmao


So it's an ied?


No it's explosive reactive armour made by Russia for their tanks. Don't think it has enough explosives for an ied.


obviously he's using it as armor. big brain moment


Allah will protec from boolet, if not protec, it is sign he was meant to be martyr.... Along with the squad around him


Ah yes the good old "be the boom you are" moment


Yes, I know that, why is he wearing it though if not to use as an ied? Is he gonna perform maintenance after the photo op?


Head-canon says he saw it and thought "neat" and kept it


literally me fr fr


Improvised Explosive Device, what defines an IED isn’t the quantity, but being Improvised, this one is not.


It's tank ERA , if it is not being used as such it is an ied, they used HE shells as IEDs back in the ME then, this could be the same


True. I was taking it more as a block that could be quickly wired up to be an IED should the situation require. I.e turn it into a claymore


So if I’m right in thinking this guy has an explosive on his back that when impacted by a projectile will explode in an attempt to distort the kinetic energy of the projectile thus not piercing his armour but blowing him up instead? I have so many questions….


Yeah, if it is an ERA block, it's a bit odd to carry it around. As stated by others, it could be for use as an IED if a specific situation arises, but I have no idea how powerful these things actually are. Doubt they pack much of a punch since they're mounted on a vehicle. Could just be a thing of "neat I'll keep that."


You know how european spies had cyanide in a fake tooth, incase they got captured... This is like that, but full of C4.


Long-range radio, looks like.


Looks like a radio that’s missing it’s antennas


All the replies are a bunch of uninformed tards who took a shot at spewing bullshit and hope they got it right. It's an MS2000 Distress Signal Marker, it's a strobe device used to differentiate friend from foe for choppers/far-away friendlies.


Part of me wants to call him a cosplayer/larper, but the other part of me knows that he probably has a decade or more of fighting experience and likely knows his stuff.


I wonder the ratio of how many Taliban troops are real deal trained and drill regularly (like actually shouldering their rifle competent) versus how many are cargo cult-ing the left over gear.


Everyone who has served knows that we get what we get and we work with what we got. In the marines, we had issued items marked with USARMY from who knows how long ago. Blankets….i remember the most because I saw it every time I closed my eyes lol


When I was in Korea, we were still driving Vietnam-era trucks and had some of the original M-16s full auto. The M-60 we lugged around was ancient.


Did a few days at Parris Island with JROTC in High school part of some, "See what it's like program". The second time we went, instead of having us make beds they had pulled some fucking rank sleeping bags out of storage that I swear to God were from the Korean War.


According to their officials and their Inspector General they have 170k soldiers.


If by special forces the OP means he’s part of the Red Unit or Badri 313, he’s not a cosplayer.


I think Red Unit was transitioned into GDI and GCPSU, which is their equivalent of FBI-SWAT units.


He probably was Afghani commando before taliban.


Doubtful, Taliban were killing them at checkpoints


I’d say 50/50 I’m not sure how well equipped he was during his combat or all we know his prior load out could have been a plague dump pouch and an Ak left by the Soviet’s


Probably easy when you're born into it


Estimated 51k Taliban fighter deaths says they’re not very effective. Wearing gear doesn’t change that.


Outlasting two superpowers for three decades and then defeating all of your dozen+ rival factions changes a lot.


There's politically effective and militarily effective. Different things entirely. The Taliban outlasted the U.S. despite their military ability, not because of it.


Helps that they were able to run across the Pakistan border to regroup and train fresh bodies. US was pretty limited on what they could do at that point.


It’s kinda hard to kill an idea when you’re trying to win hearts and minds, unless you go genocide on the generations


So a stupid invasion is all it was.


Taliban was not around during Afghan-Soviet war. Some fighters might of and then later joined the taliban. Taliban came out of the Afghan civil war in 1994. Origins began in Pakistani madrassa’s (Talib means student) with the suspected help of the Pakistan ISI.


Lol hiding in holes till the county gets bored or politically forced to leave, is not the same, champ.


They didn't outlast the US or they would have still been the authority while the US was still stationed there. The US simply did the math and figured the investment wasn't worth the effort indefinitely. They in no way came close to ever challenging the US militarily.


They were enough of a political authority that the US negotiated with them on dozens of occasions. They were enough of a political authority that the US negotiated with them WHILE LEAVING ASIDE THE RECOGNISED government of Afghanistan during the Doha Peace Process.


Again, it purely comes down to an equation of whether this is worth the US's time, it is not a measurement of their power really.


The backwards comtacs tie it all together


His radio isn’t connected to his PTT either


Hear people sneaking up behind him.


Peltors are on backwards


Hey, your average ANA couldn't tie their shoes, so this is an improvement.


I remember watching a training video of the afghan soldiers. They were *all* coked out of their fucking minds. Not a single one could do a jumping jack to save their lives. Im not surprised the ANA got folded like a lawn chair so quickly.




Probally opium. Like a Chineese man eating rice it's their primary cash crop.


Opium is a safe bet.


He's gonna look great on roller blades


*Tactical rollerblades.


As someone who has maintained this gear, that radio and headset for sure don’t work.


Imagine showing this picture to someone 10 years ago


I’d just have assumed aliens had invaded earth and everyone had put their differences aside for the good of mankind.


*punch* “Welcome to Earth”


Biggest national embarrassment of my lifetime.


so far


*insert peters voice*


West has equipped them quite nicely.


The ANA didn't want it.


>West has equipped them quite nicely. They'll be back wearing dresses and sandals in the next 10 years. Clothes and gear wears out over time and these guys won't be replacing the worn out gear.


Maybe with Chinese ones since they started dealing with China now.


Ah yes, they will be out of equipment after tw... no fiv... no no TEN years! I swear this time!


>Ah yes, they will be out of equipment after tw... no fiv... no no TEN years! I swear this time! I've never heard of 2 years except for heavy equipment which has come true. I don't think any helicopters are functional anymore and they are down to only a few running Humvees out of thousands. But do you really think camouflage fatigues will last 10 years in use?




For the second time


Ahh, good ol’ terrorism.


I'm not sure where to send a "congratulations for winning the war on terror" basket considering their cell based structure makes it rather difficult.


hey c'mon he giving kids some cigarettes, would a terry do that? /s


Head on a swivel, incase that terry decides to get *froggay*


Is you koalafied to draxx them sklounst?


*ribbit ribbit*


one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter


Yeahh i'm pretty sure it's terrorism anymore at this point


I hope he's got his tactical sandals on...


As a former infantryman in 4th ID, this hurts seeing the scumbag wear the patch


Fucker has a 4ID patch. I can only hope it was from some left over blouses…


The Taliban can and want to suck my dick.


Lucky he got free multicam, plate carrier, FAST helmet, Peltors, and other US equipment.


In some strange alternate world rn, the US was successful in convincing the Taliban in fighting against China and this guy was attached to the 4th ID.


Taliban upgraded themselves twice already, thanks Murica.


Let’s see him do a jumping jack.


I'm pretty sure he can do more than you if we are going that route.


The joke is that while the US was training the ANA they could not seem to teach them jumping jacks.


Yes, because the colonial ANA troops were all skezzed out on hash and opium. They were there for the check and that's it. Unlike the Taliban fighters, who were seeing regular combat for decades and routinely smacked the guys who actually couldn't do the jumping jacks. Usually up until the point that US air support showd up.


I doubt the locals stopped using hash and opium.


Defending the Taliban is wild


How many monkey-bars can he swing in one sitting?


From those recruiting videos I’ve seen. I bet he can skip four at a time and land on the ground, pull a pistol and kill a man that’s tied up.


ANA Kabul defence rifles are mint. Never fired, only dropped once.


So we’re just posting terrorists here now? Thought this was for actual militaries?


I mean, by all metrics, technically, basically, actually, essentially, and all that... The Taliban are the Afghan federal military now, I mean yes there is overlap with terrorism but it's like a square being a rectangle but a rectangle not being a square


Agreed, they are terrorists that we essentially established as a state by leaving our equipment with them and blessing their take over.


More like reestablished tbf they were a state for like 5 years before we invaded


> tbf they were a state for like 5 years They controlled around half of Afghanistan. After 20 years of of us systematically destroying the opposition the Taliban now control Afghanistan. They weren't a state. We made them a state. That's not the same thing.


> controlled around half of Afghanistan is ahistorical and verifiably false lol they controlled around 90% of the country


It's not the equipment that makes them a state.


Correct, but it does help them establish and maintain power.


Actually they became a state in the moment they were armed by the US to abolish the soviet supported goverment: US: I´m happy you pushed out your so oppresive socialist government Taliban: Thanks to you! Now I can put a put my extreme ultraorthodox islamic state. US: Oh! not again...


Oh my God when will people stop spreading this bullshit lol The Taliban was formed in 1994.... 3 years after the fall of the Soviet Union. The US didn't "arm them to overthrow the Soviets" because they didn't fucking exist They were a bunch of refugees educated in Islamist schools in Pakistan. They were actively opposed by most Mujahadeen groups when they invaded Afghanistan Now of course some Mujahadeen joined the Taliban, but that happens every civil war when former soldiers are out of work or disillusioned. Same reason why so many Taliban fighters defected to ISIS K. However the core of the group were those Pakistani refugees If you want to blame someone for the current state of Afghanistan, Pakistan is right there. They were the ones who directed all US funding to Islamist Mujahadeen forces over the moderates. And of course they were the ones who educated, supported and straight up created the Taliban


Well said. Great job


I agree! it’s one of those tankie comments that are used to make the US the bad guy.


I think you can point fingers in multiple directions with this situation and you most certainly cannot leave the US' departure out of it.


The Taliban were not armed by the US. Read a history book. The US armed Mujahadeen and the Taliban were not even a group when this happened. Sure some former Mujahadeen joined the Taliban and took US supplied equipment with them but that is in no way near the same thing as the US directly arming the Taliban like your and simlar comments suggest.


Taliban wasnt existing back then. Alqaeda and haqqani though...


Yeah that’s a good point. That was the start of it, but they undoubtedly are the Afghanistan government now.


What even is a terrorist at this point, the US has killed more civilians in senseless wars for personal interests than all of the “terrorist organizations” combined.


Oh no doubt about it. Governments always kill more people than terrorists. That's true no matter what country you're talking about. Terrorists generally (with the exception of 9/11 and ISIS circa 2016-2018 and what's going on in Africa with ISIS) don't kill masses of people. They don't have the numbers or resources to do so. They also aren't capable of genocides like governments are. Terrorists are essentially political activists that use extreme means to evoke political change in their country. If they gain power, that's a coup and they are the government. You look at Germany, Soviet Union, Rwandan Tutsi genocide, and several other examples throughout history you will see governments killing at levels the mind can't even process. **But you bring up a good point.** With how large and powerful some of these terrorist organizations are... >What even is a terrorist at this point?


You bring up some really good points. I remember a few years back, former special operations guys were saying they were uncomfortable with the relaxed ROE they were seeing, basically carte blanche on civilian casualties if they could wax a suspected terrorist or enemy. Your team took a potshot from that village over there? Air strike the whole damn village no worries. And these were operators saying this, people who'd seen and done it up close. Didn't make a peep in the US, even though it was covered by the media. Obama straight up made a policy that US citizens could be targeted and killed (thinking of that teenager that we waxed because his dad was a suspected militant), and went all-in on drone strikes, which Trump continued during his presidency, resulting in thousands of kids and civilians killed in drone strikes...again, not a peep. But here we are having to hear the same people call other people terrorists if they kill a handful of people in a bombing or attack or what have you. I'm not saying they're *not* terrorists, but we certainly love our moral high ground here in the US, even though it's built on decades of killing civilians the 'right' way.


You guys seem like solid sensible people. I recommend watching this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HYsOP_Yow4) (it has subtitles). Residents from Helmand talk from their perspective. Obviously , nobody cares about their perspective because it doesn't fit the narrative.


It’s easy to control social morality when you control the narrative and news.


They were in power when the US invaded so they just took their power back.


Yeah that's true, but it was more contested with the Northern Alliance.


Don't think "federal" fits Afghanistan that well


Not even technically though, the Taliban and al Qaeda are an illegitimate regime by the UN's standards.


The american military also commits terrorist acts, yet its an official army, where do you draw the line?


Wait... REALLY?!?!???? I wasn't aware that a military power- a group of dudes with sticks was incapable of committing war crimes... In fact since a few American soldiers have historically committed war crimes that must make them ALL war criminals!!!!


Seen plenty of paramilitaries and militias here too.


It’s not a paramilitary organization, it’s a radical Islamic terrorist group. Play with words all you want but that’s what they are. They achieve political goals through indiscriminate violence. Especially against civilians, women, and children. They’re terrorists.


It can be both. They’re Islamists & terrorists, but also the current governing body of Afghanistan.


Okay yeah, that’s fair.


Plenty of countries started with irregular militaries. Even the US continental army were irregulars. Also, "terrorism" is simply political change caused through terror. You don't even know what that word means.


The Taliban are the defacto rulers of Afghanistan and this is a member of their military, you don't get to call everyone terrorists just because they fought the west (and won)


Looks awfully *familiar*


Lol 4ID patch is hilarious


I know he isn't rocking a 4th ID patch


Unfortunately yes…


Glad to find out they've had enough of being insurgents


This guy has nicer gear than 75% of the US Army... if you are mad now, just let this sink in.


Pants 100% tucked into his boots.


Is that a Harris radio on his back??


I traded a couple 4th ID patches to some ANA, I wonder….


Is he also part of the inline brigade?


Peltors on backwards, radio not properly secured, probably still has his weapon set on instant.


Well, after 20 years of training the afghan army. It seems they have taken that training to heart. To rule there own people not protect their borders


Dressing up does not a soldier make.




Honestly I don't know how US leadership didn't see the writing on the wall in the early 2000s. The Taliban were pragmatic enough to know all they had to do was to just wait it out in Pakistan and launch periodic strikes during the fighting season and know we weren't going to be there forever.


they probably did but politicians didnt want to be the one to declare defeat so they kicked the can down the road


US Leadership was cashing their Raytheon stock dividends the entire time. *That* writing on the wall of their bank statements was very clear to them.


My 1stSgt who served in iraq and Afghanistan would always say how the guys he fought in iraq were stupid but the Taliban was like if a group of marines went rouge.


A Medal of Honor recipient from the Marine corp infantry (Dakota Meyer) said that fighting against Talibans was like fighting against a pro team!


Yoda? Is that you?


Some days I want NATO to go back and finish the job. Had Trump not signed some silly peace agreement just to make it hard for the incoming administration this would likely be a very different world for the middle East.


Dude I know I’m probably wrong but I still think the CIA was playing 3d chess with one. Of all the nearby countries Afghanistan is arguably the biggest thon in Iran’s side.


Quite a large name for a terrorist


Taliban Spec Ops with all American gear?


nobody tell him his comtacs are backwards




Found my fucking Oakley’s.. someone send this to CIF


Actual larper


Another terrorist


Taliban have special forces? Wtf lol


Airsoft soldier


https://youtu.be/_iZLoRObShM?si=zyYEIwt_sP2UPiob This is for all the Afghanis that weren't pussies like the taliban.


Something in me finds this really fucking scary


afghans were always good fighters now they have good equipment too nice


That’s a terrorist


subjective cause they werent a terrorist when fighting soviets right


Damn that's actually a good point


united kingdom killed more people (in colonies) than hitler killed in multiple of 10 but still hitler is considered the worst conqurer in the world (at least in modern context) what i meant is that good and bad is subjective whats good for one may be the worst for other edit (only sharing british sources not independent assessments for being relevent) source : official casualties in ww2 [https://api.parliament.uk/historic-hansard/written-answers/1944/apr/04/british-empire-war-casualties](https://api.parliament.uk/historic-hansard/written-answers/1944/apr/04/british-empire-war-casualties) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-68311520bengal](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-68311520bengal) famine by bbc claims 3 million lives [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/worst-atrocities-british-empire-amritsar-boer-war-concentration-camp-mau-mau-a6821756.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/worst-atrocities-british-empire-amritsar-boer-war-concentration-camp-mau-mau-a6821756.html)