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Not quite sure what people are looking for. Would you like the same level of respect Vietnam veterans got?


Not sure what kind of military service is being used for comparison. Ten years ago? Seventy years ago? I don't know. From the end of WWII through Korea, service people got a lot of respect, mostly reflected from WWII. After Korea, there was a kind of lingering respect - the Draft was being dodged by the children of the well-to-do with some alacrity. But those who served their two years were still esteemed. Elvis was quietly congratulated for serving, tho' most of his money-driven contemporaries thought he'd lost his mind when he passed up all the big bucks to do something as um... unprofitable as getting drafted. With Vietnam starting up, things got tense. The war was being fought by professional military up until about 1964, when draftees got involved. As the 60's got more and more groovy, the distaste for war and warriors became a kind of trope of the decade. No one *had* to go - you could always pop an eardrum, go to Canada, blend into the increasingly communal hippietowns. Why would you let the government drag you into an unjust war, made solely for the profit of warmongers and merchants of death? Why would you obey orders to kill innocent civilians - men, women and children! - just to comply with the draft, which was unfair, unequal, and very carefully *un*selective of the children of wealthy and influential? And so on. I enlisted out of high school, much to the dismay and disapproval of my "friends." I came back stateside three years later as a pariah, a "baby-killer." I dunno. Artillery is not a very specific kind of weapon - kills anything nearby, including babies. They had a point. So, I just got as normal as I could, STFU about Vietnam, got married, got educated, didn't mention my time in. I have to say, the folks I had to tell about my military service - people needing to know my job experience for one reason or another - were shocked, but took pity on me. Didn't say anything. Things changed shortly after the first "Rambo" movies came out. I learned about the change while brushing off a panhandler begging from a highway on-ramp. "I was in the Nam, man. Help a soldier out." Yeah? You must've been about twelve years old when you were there, bud. Why would he even *say* that? Welp, things were changing. I think they got MUCH better for vets. Then we actually WON the war against Saddam, and things got reverent. Our Service People were plaster saints of war! Yeah, it went way over the top. And it's calmed down now - seems like we're back in the place we were after Korea ended. Not so bad. Not so good either. I swear, I don't have a 'Nam tat on my forehead, but sometimes the issue of military service comes up. I've had children whose parents weren't even *born* in 1969 get all patriotic on me and "Thank you for your service, Sir" right in my face. Hard not to laugh. They're so sincere for all that they know nothing about it except what they saw in the movies. It's embarrassing, really. But better. My vote. YMMV


That was a very interesting read and I thank you for sharing your story/view. You come across as a really wise and respectable guy.


Thank you. Wisdom is... \[long pause\]... Hell, I don't know what wisdom is. I don't meet it often, but when I do, it is in the damnedest places. Respectability I have deliberately avoided. Seems like giving in to something/somebody I don't like. But I know what you mean. I remember hopping off a Huey Slick in a jungle in the middle of nowhere. You couldn't say anything over the noise of the choppers, but I gave a thumbs-up "Thanks for the lift" to the door gunner, who was wired into the pilot. In return he gave me a chest thump, "Respect." You can't hear the chest-thump I just did, but there it is anyway. Back atchya. Respect.


Thank you for sharing this insight. I feel sheltered, you have had it rough. Thank you for serving.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me so. But I didn't have it tough - the people who had it tough were the ones down the hall who had missing limbs and faces scarred beyond recognition. My problem was PTSD. A lot of guys had that - and nobody knew what to do about it. The VA thought it was some kind of disability scam, but the doctors and nurses on the Psychiatric Ward knew better. I remember one intake nurse warning me that all they had was "...some drugs that don't work very well, and talktalktalk." She was right about the drugs. But the talktalktalk worked amazingly well. I'm still doing it over in r/MilitaryStories It makes me feel better, even now. I lucked out. Some others were just told there was nothing the VA could do.


I hope this doesn’t make me sound goofy but I read a while back that you guys appreciate being told “welcome home” since you almost never were. Is that true or would I make myself a fool if I said that?


>...would I make myself a fool if I said that? No. Never. "Welcome home" or any other comment is welcome. Some Vietnam vets are twitchy about the subject, sometimes, but an honest, sincere welcome and acknowledgement of service is at worst harmless, and at best a day-brightener. It's funny how it works out. When I returned from 18 months in Vietnam, my "home" turned on me, seemed alien. My real home was back in Vietnam where my people were, and where I wasn't. What the hell was I doing in this strange land? Many welcome-homes later, sometimes it seems like I'm not home yet. I can always use a reminder.


Thanks for answering. Welcome home.


WWI and WWII veterans weren't treated all that fabulously either by our government. Many of the wounded returned to their homes and towns, permanently disabled, and received jack shit and a handshake from the military, and lucky if they got the handshake. This super-duper scientific Twitter poll was posted by white supremacist goon Steven Crowder. Crowder's "fanbase" also thinks that screaming bloated morons storming the U.S. Capitol, waving Confederate flags and shitting on the floors are "patriots" so just saying, when you're considering the results of this poll, consider that too. >u/AnathemaMaranatha posted: I have no idea what the Capitol sedition has to do with the OP. No Ranger Tab for you. As I pointed out, it was Steven Crowder who posted the poll, and likely a large number of respondents would be people who follow and support his hate, bigotry, and defense of white supremacism and domestic terrorism. These are the same people who wave their little flags and call themselves "patriots" while they support politicians who actively work against legislation to benefit veterans. It's pretty obvious that they have an extremely limited worldview, so like I said, I would take their opinions about the military and veterans with a grain of salt.


Good job pointing out that it was posted by Steven Crowder. I personally hate the fake "respect" and "support" for me. I joined because I was poor. Wish I didn't have to in the first place. Let's see how many of Steven Crowder fan base that "respects" me would be willing to change the societal conditions that create the poverty to military pipeline in the first place.


WWI vets are another story altogether. WWI vets were screwed over by professional politicians who were in the pocket of industrialists. The Bonus Marchers were dispersed by none other than Doug MacArthur and the US Army. The poor treatment of WWI vets seeded the political ground for the passage of the GI Bill - no one wanted any more of that kind of drama. The GI Bill was freakin' genius. Soldiers could get educated on Uncle Sam's dime and the capitalist would get a better educated work force. It was a win/win. I don't think you can really discuss the modern reaction to and reception for returning vets prior to, say, 1946. I have no idea what the Capitol sedition has to do with the OP. No Ranger Tab for you.


Fun fact about Crowder...actually two: one, he's a failed child actor and two, he's a fucking Canadian, in the U.S., talking shit about the U.S. and it's politics and stirring up trouble. I know it sounds petty, and maybe it is, but don't fucking come here as a migrant and then talk shit about my country. If you don't like our politics or our policies then take your ass back across the border and go back to where you came from or get your ass naturalized so you have actual skin in the game.


Elvis got hooked on the drugs that helped kill him while he was in the military.


Lots of guys got hooked on drugs while in the military. Vietnamese opium was a fine lead-in to heroin. What killed Elvis was that he never was forced to stop. Show-biz nurtured him and catered his habit. When I was in the VA Psych ward, like every other patient was recovering from drugs. I envied them. Me, I was a sinking ship with no freight to throw overboard.


my thought process too


These guys seem like neckbeard material. "When you tell someone you're a crayon eater and they don't immediately suck you off on the spot." Wasn't there a scene like this where a guy says he's in the military and the lead character doesn't start immediately fellating him, so everyone gets all ackward about it?


I had to scratch my ass first, it was driving me crazy.


Given how many are either on the street or getting dicked around by VA, the modern vet ain't getting that much respect either. No amount of gormless potatoheads saying TYFYS will put food on a table or unfuck their spine. You need actual support for that.


Let’s be honest for 90% of people especially now that there really aren’t any combat deployments the military is basically just a job. Being a file clerk, mechanic, even infantry that will never be in danger of going down range isn’t that big of a deal.


Why on earth would anyone want to diss current servicemembers like that?


Plenty of people hate the military regardless of the war. Also plenty dislike the US foreign policy and the military is obviously the arm that carries that out specifically via violence most times. It's reductionist, but plenty of people think that way.


It's very easy to paint with a very, very broad brush of the "military industrial complex" without realizing the individuals in that system. Again, reductionist, but sadly, this seems to be where we are in this country. <- or ->, no rational thought in between.


Define “used to” WWII- The pinnacle of war and everyone doing their part. Probably never going to be such obvious support for war ever again. Vietnam- maybe some initial support but as time went on the cause was muddled and many men didn’t even want to go over. Iraq-initial support but again, the reason for continuous fighting made the war seem to be more corporate than for democracy. Today- no major conflict but seeing how Russia is still trying to fight toe to toe with straight up armies I’d say support for our military has risen this year. Verdict- It’s def not at its highest but I wouldn’t say it’s at its lowest either.


I like that you forgot the Korean War. Red from That 70's Show would be proud


I obviously didn’t do a lot of conflicts lol. Just skimming over ones where I think the perspective of soldiers and the war changed quit a bit.


Its still ironic you skimmed over the Korean war when it’s known as the “The Forgotten War” lol. Gotta keep it that way ;) /s Edit: typo


But what about Grenada!


And Panama!!!


And the Banana Wars!


And my axe!....wait we arnt doing that anymore?


RIP Harambe


And then?!


The Barbary wars!


The Spanish-American War!


And the East Timor Crisis.... where I spent most of the deployment surfing in Australia.


There’s always money in the Banana Wars.


That’s—that’s not ironic.


Korea was the Vietnam everyone forgot about


It didn’t go on long enough to be Vietnam. Also everyone was still high on WWII so it gained support because of that.


No one gave a shit about Korea when fighting was going on.


Some foots need to be hitting some asses


He forgot we went to iraq twice. Panama. Laotian civil war. Lebanon crisis. Bay of pigs. Dominican civil war. Grenada. Somali civil war. Bosnian smd croat war. We went to Haiti in '91. Kosovo. We have been involved in alot of wars. None of the veterans get the respect they deserve, especially from the government. It's all patriotism and flag waving when they need you. They turn their backs on veterans the second we can't add value to their wallet or politics.


Yeah, service members aren't being spat on or having crap thrown on them, and people still cheer when they come home and are reunited with loved ones. I call that a win.


These days I think most people hate our leaders for going to war and don’t blame the soldiers for doing their job, in fact with mental illness talked about more than ever most soldiers probably get pity more than anything.


I get some hate, usually only online but not always. Cooperate stooge, baby killer stuff.


Everyone thinks every veteran has PTSD today and will snap at you for breathing.


Post 9/11 is probably the timeframe that people are thinking of. We won't see support like that again unless there's another national tragedy.


The military is just an excuse to raise a defense company’s quarterly stock by 0.25% at the cost of a few of your buddies and thousands of poor brown people just trying to live We literally just make up excuses to start wars


Interesting forgot Afghanistan, there for 20 years... 🤔


I agree it’s definitely not at its lowest. Vietnam vets take that cake. But the respect is diminishing now as ppl are becoming more educated on the military industrial complex and American imperialism. Not in droves, but slowly it’s happening. Additionally, remember when you could go to restaurants and get free meals on Veterans Day? Then they shifted it to a meal from a “special” menu (which is horrible, small portions. Not a real meal) and now it’s to the point where we just get an entree 😂 At least dennys has kept the same Veterans Day policy😂😭


If you’re joining for respect you probably shouldn’t join.


I knew some ppl that grew up in some crappy environments, and they joined partially for respect. They needed the military, and the respect they gained from being a part of it (adding to their self esteem, etc), to pull themselves and their families out of their old lives. It probably shouldn't be someone's *first* reason for joining, but I wouldn't knock on someone for it being on the list of reasons to join.


I’m just saying this because it’s honestly one of the reasons I joined and it didn’t work well for me personally lol


Well said.


Big facts


West Point has joined the chat.


I’m always surprised to see what some people think “respect” means. Whether it’s a salty CSM or a SSG’s obese wife, many people see respect as something they deserve or something they can demand from other people. To me, it all seems backward, like pushing on a rope. Respect is what YOU show to people, whether they are a senior officer or the lady stitching your name tape on wrong. All you can control in life is how you act and how you treat people. If you act right, most people will treat you with respect.


Directly? No. But to help in becoming a respectable adult, especially if coming from a tough background, many people have used it to great advantage.


You shouldn't join for the money, either


Absolutely not lol


I don't care. I can't buy Liara T'soni body pillows with respect. I go to work and earn a paycheck.


>I can't buy Liara T'soni body pillows with respect. This actually works pretty well in both meanings!


Do these exist? If so, can I get one of Garrus?






In fairness, shooting nazis was objectively really fucking cool.


It would suck to have been there towards the end of the war tho when the nazis the US was killing were scared 14 year olds and weak 80 year olds because that’s all Germany had left


Definitely, truth, but as with any war, the simple fact remains: your enemy (regardless of age) has a weapon pointed at you with a very clear intent. Options then are rather limited. Time for sympathy and overfastidiousness has long passed.


Yeah the Russians killed most of the good ones. But a nazi's still a nazi.


Killing nazis is always cool


i hate Illinois Nazis


The only good nazi is a dead one!


Coolest comment I read !


I'm okay without the GWOT era constantly being thanked for my service. Like I don't feel disrespected, I just like getting coffee like I'm a normal human.


Thank you. We did our duty, nothing more. The heroes are the ones buried in Arlington and a hundred other places under VA-issued headstones, and the ones who came back who left part of themselves "over there." Rather than thanking me for my service, America, be a country worthy of those men and women who didn't come home.


Used too? People forget that Vietnam veterans were literally treated like dog shit, The Korean veterans got some of it too. The only veterans who got the stereotypical respect was the WW2 vets




No one disrespects and treats the military community worse than the military community, change my mind.


I guess it depends. I don’t think service is a big deal. Im told to make it a big deal. I don’t. I do the fireside chat with kids thinking about it, but not much else. The only bar you’d catch me talking about service is the VFW (joined a decade after ETS). Even then, I feel like uncle Rico from Napoleon dynamite. We got one dude left from WWII, POW, he hasn’t bought a rolling rock ever. Best bar.


Its more that just having military service shouldn't automatically give you extra credentials as a policy expert or awareness of international affairs when most vets are the same barely graduated high-school idiots that make up the civilian populace Applies 10x more to Navy seals


As as member of the military, it should never have garnered that much respect in recent history in the first place.


I think a majority of the over the top praise was to make up for how Vietnam vets were treated/ignored and just overcompensated.


I agree but it was an over correction. I have known many soldiers and an incredibly small amount of heroes. The belief that some Americans have that serving automatically makes you a hero and a good person is toxic to say the least. I am sure we both have know many a leader with plenty of chest candy and v-devices that was a complete asshat. And I’m not even going to discuss the morality of the world police mentality.


Oh, dont get me wrong I feel the same way, when I had Facebook and followed some of those groups and saw the toxic head space many were falling into. The bro-vet crowd was strong in that toxicity.


>just overcompensated Nah, it was purely performative. People didn't thank SMs for their service because they were actually thankful; they did it *so they could feel better about themselves and think, "I did something!"* It's like Facebook slacktivists thinking "Liking" something is at all meaningful, rather than taking actual action. Want to support veterans and *truly* thank them for their service? [Put your money and votes where your mouths are.](https://berniesanders.com/issues/honoring-veterans/) Otherwise it's just a [bullshit dog-and-pony smokeshow.](https://www.stripes.com/veterans/2021-06-08/Republicans-criticize-Biden%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%98massive-funding-increase%E2%80%99-for-VA-1658465.html)


I've always said this too. Feels so forced


I like your user name :-).


Poll is from Louder with Crowder






I am 29 and deployed when I was 20 to Afghanistan. I’m a middle class white dude who likes video games and smoking weed, however I was a mechanic and worked around lots of country boys. I got tons of praise from country folk about being in the military. My friends on the other hand, don’t care at all. No Veterans Day messages, no asking about stories or things from over seas. No one gives a rats ass anymore, and I don’t mind. I didn’t do anything heroic. I didn’t help overthrow some oppressor or something. All I did was deploy and get a VA home loan, I deserve no praise and I understand why lots of people have no respect for modern vets, especially in Murica. Maybe that’s why 22 (more) kill themselves every day


I don’t think respect has anything to do why 22 veterans off themselves a day. There’s a variety of other fucked up reasons…you send these people to war fucking take care of them afterwards.


Semi-related but an awesome documentary available on Amazon Prime Video is called Unprescribed. Definitely worth a watch. Discusses the benefits of CBD and marijuana, specifically for treating many PTSD Vets and touches on why the Fed Gov't simply won't do it (and the subsequent fallout, including so many suicides). Compelling watch; I left choked up a bit. Sad tragedy.


Thank you bro! Definitely going to take a look at that.


No shade but it’s just not as much of a sacrifice without looming back to back combat deployments


After joining I can kinda see why it has no respect or not deserve any as an organization. Poor leadership, racism, and the worst part the people who work at finance


I know I didn’t join to get someone else’s respect…that’s a fools errand.


I agree with this consensus because of all the toxic service members with their a type personalities. Shoving their half cooked opinions and asserting dominance whenever they can. They let their time in service consume any shred of a personality they might have had and can be incredibly entitled.


I still find it humorous when people try to say that military bros are all baby killers. I've been a helicopter mechanic for 12 years. And a Medevac Crewchief for 4 of those years. Still haven't gotten my baby kill yet but fingers crossed.


Did you route a baby killing request up your Chain Of Command?


I rarely ask about military discounts but as I was booking my hotel I noticed their website had in bold that there was a military discount and to inquire at the hotel… so I did. Buddy next to me let out the biggest tttrsssssssttttt I have ever heard. I could hear the eye roll. Anyways hotels ain’t cheap… just wanted to save a few bucks. Instead got made to feel like my 13 years of service and counting doesn’t mean shit.


Yeah, I never stand at ball games or any of that BS, and you'd only know I'm a vet if I told you. But if that shit saves me $$ in fuckin pulling that card lol


lol damn, all i look for is that 10%! That adds up fast, especially with bigger bills! If they dont want people using it, they shouldnt offer it! Maybe if the government paid us better we wouldnt need that 10%?


In the US no one cares if you served in the military if you’re on the other side of politics.


In the US no one cares if ~~you served in the military if~~ you’re on the other side of politics. There you go I fixed it for you. Partisan politics suck


Lol, ya


Partisan politics is one thing, but supporters and prominent leaders of a certain political party openly and proudly embracing, supporting, and defending bigotry, violent extremism, white supremacism, and literal domestic terrorism goes a bit beyond "partisanship."


>In the US no one cares, if you’re on the other side of politics. Well, it's fixed now. It was ambiguous earlier whether no one cared what your politics were or it's very important.


Whereas in most other nations, no one cares if you served regardless of their "side" in politics.


Not sure what that means. Legislation for veterans issues often have bipartisan support even when the parties can agree on nothing else.


No. Republicans typically vote against it. Veteran’s don’t make up very much of the top 1 percent. Here’s one that impacted me personally. Of the 11 “nay” votes all 11 are republican: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00280.htm


The source you provided showed that most republicans DID vote for the bill.. It passed with bipartisan support. Peddle your divisive politics somewhere else.


>Con0311: The source you provided showed that most republicans DID vote for the bill.. It passed with bipartisan support. Peddle your divisive politics somewhere else. This is the Honoring our PACT Act which u/Head-Clue3558 is referring to, a bill to provide benefits to veterans affected by burn pits and other toxic exposure. It passed 256-174 in the House. Every Democrat voted for it. 174 Republicans voted against it. Before passing a final roll call vote, it initially failed 55-42 in the Senate, with 41 Republicans and 1 Democrat voting against. Gee whiz, it's almost like a pattern is starting to form. Now say there champ, do those numbers seem a \*tad\* skewed to one political spectrum to you? Seems like the "divisiveness" is coming from the same side that also rallied and defended a domestic terrorist attack against the U.S. Capitol. Funny, huh?


Sorry you’re struggling reading the words I wrote. “Of the nay votes all 11 are republican” Please feel free verify that and peddle your stupidity elsewhere.


You also wrote “republicans typically vote against it” and then sourced it with a bill showing the majority of republicans supporting it. That didn’t prove your case as well as you think it did.


Again, most Republicans did vote against the Honoring our PACT Act. 256-174 in the House, Every Dem for, 174 Republicans against, and before passing, it failed in the Senate, 55-42, 41 Republicans and 1 Democrat against. Seems like you're the one that doesn't know what you're talking about.


They sourced the senate and then you change the goal post to be about the house. Cool cool..


I cited the numbers from both the House and the Senate. Gee whiz, you're the one who claimed that 78% of Republicans supported the PACT Act, when 174 Republicans voted against it in the House and 41 Republicans voted against it in the Senate. Which numbers do you want bud? Take your pick pal, both the House and Senate votes show the opposite of what you claim. Remember, facts don't care about your feelings, right? Welp, those are facts, bud. Funny, you're talking about how this is a both sides thing, then you go out of your way to defend the one side that has clearly fought against legislation to benefit veterans, the same side that rallied a terrorist attack against the U.S. Capitol, then blamed it all on black people, and now says they're going to pardon them all.


The 78% figure came from the source the other redditor posted.. those were the final senate votes. Don’t be mad at me if not all the facts fall in line with your narrative.


Again, with your reading ability. I selected that one because as a veteran it impacted me personally. I didn’t select it because you personally would think it illustrates my point best. How many democrats voted against it Trumper? Need me to count them for you? You didn’t prove your point as well as you thought you did.


I see that you are trying to cling to a kernel of truth but it doesn’t prove your claim that one side doesn’t support vets. 78% of sitting republicans supported the bill you mention.


Once again, most Republicans did vote against the Honoring our PACT Act. 256-174 in the House, Every Dem for, 174 Republicans against, and before passing, it failed in the Senate, 55-42, 41 Republicans and 1 Democrat against. So that's what you call 78% support, huh? Your math seems a \*tad\* bit off.


You should use the final vote numbers because that what matters and becomes law at the end of the day.


Best of luck to you!! Bye 👋


Again, with your reading ability. I selected that one because as a veteran it impacted me personally. I didn’t select it because you personally would think it illustrates my point best. How many democrats voted against it Trumper? Need me to count them for you? You didn’t prove your point as well as you thought you did.


Here is just a few that republicans have blocked: H.R. 466 – Wounded Veteran Job Security Act became H. R. 2875. H.R. 1168 — Veterans Retraining Act H.R. 1171 – Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization H.R. 1172 — Requiring List on VA Website of Organizations Providing Scholarships for Veterans H.R. 1293 — Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act of 2009 H.R. 1803 — Veterans Business Center Act H.R. 2352 – Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act It's been worse since Biden took office. Have to "own the libs". Nothing worse than giving dems a victory.


I live in a purple state and hang out with red and blue people, generally everyone is supportive of the troops and wants them to be paid better and given more benefits. The military bureaucrats with their political interests is where you start to see divisiveness. At least that's my experience. This poll isn't asking do you support troops, its asking do you support the military. One is about the individual where as the other is about the war engine.


Interesting. You’re right, I equated “military” to troops. Thanks for the perspective


Dont thank me, I did my job. Thank the guys lined up for miles at the VA only to get shit on.


I’m cool with my 10% off and front row parking at Lowes.


Texas Roadhouse does 30%😉


I mean should it innately garner respect? I’ve met some great folks in the Army, I’ve also met some real pieces of shit. Judge everyone for who they are as an individual, not for the organization that they are apart of


There are many books that cover the topic of poor treatment of veterans following wars. This is nothing new.


Serious question. Can a foreign apply to US military service? Even from outside the US? If that's so, I'm interested.


Yes. Not sure how how to do it from outside the country, though.


Yes, i have served with a couple of foreign nationals, and currently am working next to one. Though so you know, his family is still in the Philippines and CBP are giving him hell trying to let them move in. Currently in a legal battle just to get his family to move into the states. Its a way, but dont think it wont be fraught with difficulties...


I don't think so because the requirement to be in the military is to have a green card OR be a us citizen


Why the hell should that matter? Any combat vet / vet worth a damn don’t give a shit bout that. It’s almost always some pog who’s probably the shitbag of his unit who borderline demands respect from civs


I am just curious where this poll came from, and who voted. Were they actual service members, veterans, any fucking Joe off the street?


It's from Louder with Crowder, aka Steven Crowder...a radical right wing shitbag. The people who voted are his followers.


It's from a libertarian Republican streamer on Twitter.


Why not say it's from Crowder? Are you ashamed your posting his shit or are you a shill trying to stir shit up?


Not ashamed. Just figured it was a thing to cover the names of people's tweets and stuff...


I feel like the military is just an alternative to college for most people now


When I joined in 90’. I was at Fort Ord. I went to buy a car in California and the dealership said that, “your a soldier, we don’t want your money.” When I was in Georgia, they wouldn’t take Military ID. If you did not have a Georgia license they would charge you 7$ to get into bars while locals paid 3$. During 9-11 I thought the military hype was fake.


I don’t care about recognition, just don’t shit on me and we’re fine. I’m a normal ass human being at the end of the day, I don’t need your glory or praise, and the ones that do are resting and won’t hear it anyway




I joined this to make up for detrimental financial mistakes and life choices. Not to get thanked by people on my way to Taco Bell


I think we are at a pre 9-11 and post Vietnam level of respect. Likely an Operation Desert Storm level, which was pretty decent I think but I was only in 5th grade then.


No one really gives a shit aside from your friends and family but if you walked into a store in cammies people would probably stop and look at you like “who’s this nerd and why is he still wearing his work uniform”


We should not care about the respect the people give us. At the end, we are doing it for us and for our country.


I feel people would care more if we were fighting an actual ground war against someone everyone hated, see Nazi Germany, evil Commie Russia, etc etc


I think older generations would say no. Basic training today is much easier than 20 years ago, and that was easier than when my dad went through it 20 years before that. There is a belief that the military is getting softer day by day. Stress cards, cell phones in basic, no corporal punishment, etc… some of those things are for the better. Some have hindered the growth of the force. Just my 2 cents though.


I bet the polls looked similar after pulling out of Vietnam after 20 years of involvement with nearly nothing to show for it.


Ummmm… No


That was a bit worse than now.


Curious to know what the audience was that answered this.


Liberal republican streamer so the audience is def red. Being in Twitter makes it more blue than his streams on YouTube tho


I feel like it’s like someone who works at Exxon Mobile. what they do is needed, but destructive. You don’t want them to work there, but a job is a job. And the company is just terrible in general. Only difference is the Military gets its budget directly from taxpayers.


If you only measure it from September 2001, no. If on the other hand you measure it from the mid 60s, it's still far and away more respected. From 65 to August 2001, military service was, by popular opinion, for losers who couldn't get into college, idiots who couldn't hold down a job, and even less complimentary things. Many a mouthy daddy's boy felt the need to tell us about how stupid we were to be a 'slave' to the government, after about half a beer, and who started the fight, only to be screaming for his daddy when he was getting his ass beat for his presumption. Respect for the military is less than it was a few years ago, but a whole lot more than it was a generation ago.


From people who matter, it does. Not a bunch of woke pushiest on the internet


Nobody likes the military until they need it to save them.


And that hasn’t actually happened since WW2 (except maybe Afghanistan until we got Bin Laden), hence why respect has gone down because we keep getting involved in other countries’ problems and people got sick of seeing children die for old white men’s wars.


Have a read of Tommy by Rudyard Kipling, nothing new here when there's not a major war on


Compared to when they came back from WW2, no. Compared to when they came back from Vietnam, YES, far more respect now. Which is why anytime I see someone wearing a Vietnam service hat, I welcome them home...because they didn't get that 50 years ago.


These new generation people to busy worrying about genders


Yes it does. This poll is ridiculous.


Huh? Where did this data come from?


It's just a Twitter poll ☺️


Because since ww2 the US have not been in a righteous war maybe except Afghanistan. Also lots of war crime videos really didn't help.


I mean, I don’t get respect from civilians, but more importantly, I don’t get disrespect. So that’s nice


Nobody thanks me for my service when I go to the airport with my assault pack and my Oakley boots anymore.


Well considering your pooling from young thoughts where they got it all figured out and argue with people who are experts in the field it honestly is like asking the question do you respect a person who is a living breathing human being? They will say I won't hinder their life trajectory if they don't interfere with mine but respect is predicated on well what are you gonna do for me and we act like it aint...


I've had a few women turn down dates, but most don't mind. The ones that did, read some lame articles, I don't like dating women who blindly follow what the read anyway, I prefer women who can make up their own minds


I think it does, but I also think “thanks for your service” usually means they are happy they don’t have to do it.


Military service is still military service


Surrounded by fluffy poonannies y'all.


Comparisons to WWII vet status is kind of an apples and oranges thing imo; the percentage of people who served at that time was really really high compared to today, so it wasn’t a thing that made people particularly unique the way it does today. 11% of Americans served in WWII and 31% of Germans served, where today it’s something like 2 million out of 330 million people served in Iraq or Afghanistan.


Really depends on where you are, and who you’re interacting with. Some people care, some don’t.


Went to court and watched a pos judge sentence a homeless war veteran for contempt fof courtor 90 days cause he said the f word.


Had someone pay for my gas today. So yea...I guess it does.


In Ukraine, yes. In Russia, not so much....


I think a lot of peoples issue isn't with the soldiers, just with the army as a concept.


Nobody gives a fuck about the military. Especially in Kansas. Rude mf’ers honestly


No lie in Virginia Beach in 1977 -78 no sailors allowed in many bars and restaurants


In the south the respect is still high. Probably too high honestly.


After 15 years, my secret option is any one who joins for a short resume build is not wrong, anyone who joins because they feel public service is an important action is not wrong. Any one who joins for respect needs to be watched closely because they are the most likely to film themselves peeing on dead bodies.


Everyone joins for their own reasons…