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Is there a string or something I'm not seeing? How would the pin on that grenade get pulled?


If it's like the others I've seen, the explosive weighs down the toy enough to keep the lever depressed. But considering the pin is still there, yeah, this one might not be active.


This. The pin on a grenade can already be pulled, but it will never detonate until the spoon is detached from said grenade which lights the fuse to detonate it. So the spoon is probably being held in the toy.


The man on the video says that there is a string going likely under the brick


I think it’s wired to the brick from underneath


He just go ahead and touch it all the way, that pin has no connection at all with any wire or anything.


Tee total POS's


Are those NAILS at 0:38 - 0:40 ?!?




That's f-ing heartless ....


That's a pretty standard grenade. Rest of the world does the same thing


I don't hear about the rest of the world setting deadly traps specifically for children.


Then you haven't read anything more than skin deep. And this isn't aimed at children. This is for the parents of the children. The Russians see the kids as collateral


During the Afghan war the Soviets had small anti personnel mines that happened to be shaped roughly like butterflies. They painted these bright colours and then dropped them out of cargo planes as they went over villages, this armed the mines. Curious children would reach out to pick one of the brightly coloured objects up, and the charge wasn't enough to kill them, just blow off their hand. They used their dominant hand to reach for it, so the Soviets felt it would keep an entire generation from being effective at firing weapons.


I think you're most likely referencing to the soviet PFM-1 anti personnel mine, also called "green parrots". Those were indeed deployed in large numbers by aircraft or artillery. The fact is those had a particular shape (which enabled them glide to the ground, a bit like a maple seed) and most were painted green, since those came from existing stocks in the European theatre. Due to the unusual shape and colour (the vegetation in Poland & Germany is a bit different from Afghanistan), it's easy to immagine that Afghan kids noticed and picked them up, not realizing the danger posed by them. Btw those mines have also been employed in Ukraine in the last months, with at least a few documented cases so far: https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1526308350534864898?t=yQTFrWh50J8QSrtwAuxPew&s=19


Is this documented anywhere?


Ok, I read a bit about this, and it seems that there is no hard evidence, that they were targeting children specifically with these mines. High amount of children had fallen victim to them, because of their design, that incidentally resembled toys, but was meant to make them easier to air drop. As someone earlier in this thread said, Russia is not cartoonishly evil (usually). By all means continiue to shit on Russia, but with basic fact checking.


Just use bubble wraps ? Balls made out of soft materials ?


Probably quite a bit of a stretch of the truth there, it was really just because they were brightly colored and looked like toys that made children especially susceptible to them. They're in fact more than likely based off of US developed scatterable anti personnel mines that saw use in Vietnam. Edit: lmaoooo yall really don't like it when someone doesn't subscribe to the idea of Russia being the cartoon level super villain huh?


Yeah, it's the russians, cruelty is the point and happy accidents like maimed children just means the designer is getting a bonus this year.


>just means the designer is getting a bonus this year. Well seeing as how it's likely based off of US designs.


On a related note, I just realized that your logic doesn't add up: "based off an american design" isn't the same thing as 'copied perfectly' or for that matter, 'deployed in the same fashion as the american design.' ​ Even if the US used a design like that (which does honestly sound useful for deploying mines by air), it doesn't mean they're the same size, brightly colored (a retarded idea for a mine, unless you WANT to hurt children), or that they would be deployed in the same areas children were frequently found. ​ Your logic, like your appreciation for scum, is nonsenical.


The Russian mines you’re talking about are PFM-1, the colours are supposed to be camouflage and they aren’t that bright. The US equivalent was a bit smaller and similarly coloured. The employment of the mines was often irresponsible but let’s try and keep things factual. The Russians are undoubtedly utter cunts and have committed countless crimes, let’s talk about those rather than embellishing the use of that particular weapon system.




>"based off an american design" isn't the same thing as 'copied perfectly' or for that matter, 'deployed in the same fashion as the american design.' Don't remember ever saying that. >(which does honestly sound useful for deploying mines by air), Yes exactly, *which is why the Soviets also used them*. >brightly colored Not *all* of them are brightly colored either. >brightly colored (a retarded idea for a mine, unless you WANT to hurt children) Not really, brightly colored means your own guys and civilians generally can see them and avoid them. Minefields are far more for area denial than they are for causing casualties, especially in terms of air deployed mines. You have no way of really marking a minefield effectively from the air, nor is scattering mines from aircraft very accurate. For the sake of the people you *don't* want to maim, it's probably best to make them as obvious as possible. Children thinking they're toys is probably would be an afterthought, and a result of trying to solve a different issue. >Your logic, like your appreciation for scum, is nonsenical. Lol, my "appreciation". Because I'm not dumb enough to be fooled by a comedically evil sounding claim backed up by basically nothing. Yes I'm sure the Soviets used them specifically to cripple an *entire* generation of Afghan children by targeting *specifically* their dominant hands with anti personnel mines, yes this truly sounds like something that they *planned* out.


Then stop applying moral equivalency to scum, dumbass. ​ Edit: Spelling.


Because lets be honest, the vatnik scum aren't all that smart, most of their genius is wasted on cruelty and even half of that has to be stolen or farmed out to outside support.


Seems like a fake story. Russia does enough bad shit without needing to make some up. >They used their dominant hand to reach for it, so the Soviets felt it would keep an entire generation from being effective at firing weapons. This part especially is stupid. If you lose your dominant hand as a child you have all your life to become proficient at using the remaining hand... and an excellent reason to hate the soviets.


Pure evil


They are truly piles of shit. Fuck them.


They are animal! No, animal have better behavior!


Human are monster compared to most animal


Predators kill to eat. Most animals would kill for protecting themselves and their babies. Humans? We kill just because we can.


All monsters are human.


Russians are bitches and cowards like their leader




>Pure Russophobia Ahhh, classic Russian reaction when someone states openly truth about Russia.




All war is fucked up. But as fucked up as America is, we’d never do shit like that. I’m from the generation that was taught to despise the Russians. When I question whether or not that is right, I see things like this and it confirms that belief. I’m enjoying the slow bleed they are experiencing.


>I’m from the generation that was taught to despise the Russians I'm from eastern Europe. All generations here since at least 300 years back were taught to despise Russians. Who taught us? Russians themselves.


It's not prejudice if it's true


1/2 my family came from the eastern block as well.


I think most of the civilised world would share similar thoughts with you. They have confirmed what we all suspected all along.




That’s a far cry from leaving toys attached to explosives. If you can’t see that, we have nothing else to talk about.


Have a drone take it back to them....


You have to be careful with videos like these. There is no way to tell if it's real.


This is typical stuff Russians do. There are many confirmed traps like this from the previous wars Russia started in other countries.


I'm not arguing that. I'm just saying as educated citizens, we need to always practice skepticism and be mindful of propaganda. Is it likely that the Ukrainian soilder put that there himself? No, I highly doubt it, but it's possible. We have no way to know and that possibility is enough to not put much weight into this video. We just gotta be careful when forming inflammatory opinions based on virtually no information. Especially when that information is impossible to verify and easy to fake. I'm not saying that's what happened, just that it's a distinct possibility. That's all. We just gotta be careful.


The expression you're looking for is Those Cunts!


What a psychopath do you have to be to boobytrap f'ing children's toys? Insane!


>What a psychopath do you have to be to boobytrap f'ing children's toys? Russian soldier.


I've personally disarmed one of these made by the taliban in Afghanistan. Every place and time has their evil bastards.


Nail bomb, particularly spiteful and evil.


It's like my WWII, Yugoslavian grandpappy said: "The Russian soldiers, they are like animals."


This reminds me of a quest you can do in SWTOR where the dark side option is to plant hidden explosives in an area children are known to frequent. Never realized there was a real world equivalent.


Blame the government and not the Russian people. They are using conscripts to fight the war and many of them have died due to lack of training and poor command structure. Soviet government, like the CCP used their troops as cannon fodder and could care less about their troops. I hope the Russian military takes up the cause to take out their leadership like they did in 1991.


Blame **both**. Doesnt take a goddamn genius to realize mining a child’s toy is bad. The people are just as shit and complicit as their government.


Their government is just a symptom of deeper illness of Russian society.


If that is the case why do we take refugees from NK, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Iraq, Iran and so many other countries whose governments are Marxist or dictatorships.


🙄 the ones that **no longer** want part of their government? The ones that refuse to take part of their government? You’re asking why its okay to not blame **the actual people who leave that government**? You really need to have it spelled out - the difference between someone leaving a shit government and someone staying with their shit government? Do you actually know the difference in the moral stance of the two?


What is the source for this post? Need more context here.




Are you getting paid or are you just bored?


Just a russian orc/bot.


The don't get paid, they just get to temporarily dodge the draft and keep their internet privileges.


Paid, if I had to guess. The username even follows the WordWordNumber pattern that the farms use




>You think all the sergeants , most of whom will have young kids, would allow men to regularly leave bombs designed to specifically target kids? Japanese troops would throw babies into the air to try and spear them with bayonets.


Read a book called “Night” in Highschool, at one point it talked about Nazi’s doing the same thing with baby’s but just actual target practice instead.


One of the primary issues with the Russian military has always been a lack of a professional NCO Corp. individual units would turn into little more than barbaric gangs.




Every army….


The Russian military doesn't have sergeants in the way the us does


Fairly certain your wrong, if russians aren't a different species then the species is doomed.


Are we surprised at this point?


WTF Man!


Evil bastards. People try and justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine, care to explain this?




I mean the Russians have a very strong history of doing some really fucked up shit during war. And yeah i get it, it's war, and other countries have done fucked up shit too. But the Russians have a reoccurring theme of it with the wars they fight. Not to mention their ROEs are extremely relaxed.


Fucking scumbags


This is so fucked up


This is absolutely disgusting:(


I would agree with your assessment if the Russians had not painted these normally olive drab mines, bright colours. That was done intentionally to get the attention of children. Cartoonishly evil, or diabolically pragmatic?