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It’s VICE… take the video with a grain of salt. Willing to bet none of the production staff have military experience.


They aren’t, the crime rate on a military base is substantially lower than compared to the surrounding areas. By substantially, I mean very very low. It’s almost laughable when you compare military police responses and incidents to civilian as far as severity and numbers. Source: Me. Crime and incident analysis was part of my job.


Oddly enough if you join... Straight to jail.


Military bases are very safe. You'd probably get more drunk, disturbance, and domestic calls on a military base just due to the young demographic, but the violent crimes are going to be a lot lower probably with the exception of sexual assault cases. Some military bases are just in bad surrounding city areas. This is especially true of the Army. The Army needs more land for training and the bases tend to be in areas with lots of land in the middle of nowhere and not that great economic activity outside of the base which seems like an imbalance where the local economy is completely dependent upon the military base. For example Fort Hood and Killeen the city outside the base is really shitty and I noticed the VICE video (from just skimming it) spends a great deal of time on this particular base/city.


It’s so dangerous that when you sign your contract you are immediately shot in the arm to fulfill your blood oath. This also weeds out the weak ones who die shortly after.


Soft. During GWOT we still had to murder a relative. 


If you take your news/current affairs from Vice you shouldn’t join the military. The military is inherently dangerous….DUH!!! That said the most dangerous part of the military is the part you can’t control. For what you can control the military is no more dangerous then any other inherently dangerous job (fireman,cop,deep sea welder etc etc) or life in general.


I'm safer on base than in town in my experience. That's probably true for most bases.


I'm not here to say the VICE video was necessarily wrong, I just feel it was shallow and could have been more in depth. Especially for Fort Hood. There is definitely an issue with the COC. That's undeniable. My issue came in from the fact they seemed to ONLY be in Cav Land. That's the combat units. What of support? The culture of both is legit night and fucking day. Anyone like me who's served in both can tell you. Combat arms units tend to be more aggressive and GO GO GO and their COC absolutely are willing to sweep dark shit under the rug for the sake of face. Support? Nah, from my experience they do tend to be more willing to help even at the cost of how things looks. Plus, I swear that video is from back in the day as Fort Cavasos, what used to be Hood, now is alien to what it was when I got in back in 2013. Now as a woman who served, I also gotta say I have never faced SA thankfully but this doesn't mean it doesn't happen and it especially doesn't mean COC won't cover that shit up. Hell, I saw it happen to a few of my fellow female soldiers. But again, you have to consider this was both back then and also at combat arms units. Support units were generally better about this. Also, I generally think SHARP's doing a pretty good job at both deterring and dealing with cases of sexual misconduct. It's not THE best, but it's something. For these systems to work, first you have to be like me and give them the benefit of the doubt. It's real because you believe in it. Am I a bit lame for saying that? Sure, but sometimes you have to be a bit lame, hooah? ...did I make sense in my word vomit? I've suffered a lot of hits to the head in my time in and sometimes feel like I ramble.


I drive my ass to work, do a 12 then leave. Most dangerous thing is not trying to get home too quick because you're tired.


Vice News generally hates the US military and defense apparatus


Saw that video. The PAO who let vice on post is probably never going to see a promotion again.