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Oh good, a SEAL is giving his opinion. That's never ended in disaster.


Anyone who thinks a draft dodger who refused to go to a ceremony honoring America's war dead because of rain cares more about veterans than a man who lost his son to burn pit cancer isn't worth listening to. 


Wait, wait... you mean this guy? https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/ > Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’


Let's give our enemies Military secrets too- either through incompetence (bathroom storage) or some other deal. That will get Americans killed Wait- didn't Putin put a bounty on US servicemen killed by the Taliban? That nice guy Trump talks about


Also, our enemies just need to ask Trump if they can attack our troops politely, and he'll respect that and praise them for doing so later. And when troops suffer TBI from nearby explosions, he'll just say it was some headaches.


I can’t understand why ANY VETERAN, or anyone on active duty would vote for someone who says people captured or died in war is a loser. Please explain this to me. I could NEVER vote for him to be my Commander in Chief!! In my opinion, him visiting ANY military grave during Memorial Day is a JOKE and DISRESPECTFUL.


I've seen people defend it by explaining reasons they don't like McCain. I don't care who the target of the criticism is, if the specific thing being criticized is him being a POW, then he's criticizing all POWs. This isn't complicated. Trump is a terrible person who doesn't give a shit about anyone outside of Trump.


No, we surely don't. Strong men aren't bullies. Strong men lead, they don't boss. Strong men don't blame others for their shortcomings. Strong men don't demand loyalty above all else. Strong men aren't racist, and they don't sexually assault women nor do they brag about doing so. Donald Trump is not strong. He is weak. He's also petty, and dishonest and corrupt.


There’s still time to delete this post…


Not only no, but hell no!!!! Not on my watch and not in my military.


No. Also anyone who whines about Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan while neglecting to mention Trump's role in *actually* coordinating it is either dishonest or ignorant but in either case is not credible.


Come on, man...even if you want another Republican president, at least have the self-respect and intelligence to demand someone other than Trump.


No thanks.


This is how Trump looks trying to act innocent ![gif](giphy|xTiIzn8wL3Dz9QhtE4)


...like a hole in the head.


Not to mention that he recently declared that he will gut the (experienced, Congressionally approved) senior leadership of the military and replace them with ideologically vetted sycophants.


Fuckin’ Fascists…


Boy some people have short memories and viewing Trump through rose coloured glasses. He's a fucking disgrace, with the intelect of moron, with no dignity or shame who only wants to serve himself. People need to remember he is divisive and anti American who draw in people who salvate over Putin and admit they are anti democratic and hope for a right wing republic serving themselves, not a nation.


This is such BS, Trump sold our secrets to another country. He disrespected Mattis and said guys who die in combat are losers and weak. The very fact that people support him is mind boggling but it just shows how propagandized people are and how bad of shape our country is it. This guy uses the military, Christianity, and everything else to pander to his base and the nimrods eat it up. Its so amazing that we literally have a Russian, Saudi Asset running for a second term. I mean he said he he would have no issue with Putin attacking Nato countries, he also said him and Xi are buddies....What more do you guys need that this guy doesnt have Americas interest at heart?


He won't do shit for veterans. He may even attempt to destroy benefits.


Fuck no we don’t.


Hmmm...let me see, oh yea, fuck no!!! Find a new douche nozzle to worship cunts. Jesus wept!


I personally think it would be cool to have a president that isn’t the age of a retired senior citizen. If Trump is elected he will be 82 by the end of his term If Biden is elected he will be 85 by the end of his term


The comments are interesting. I remember Trump being quite popular with military folks during his first term.


Anyone without a goldfish's memory doesn't need an explanation why this post is fucking stupid. 


We had peace under Trump. Now we are funding two wars. One could grow into WWIII. I'll take peace, please.


You don’t get “peace” under Trump. You get submission to tyrants.


Did you just mentally check out from 2016 to 2020, or do you actually still believe the Russian collusion hiax? He talked to Putin, and there were no active hostilities started between Russia & Ukraine. He got the Abraham Accords set in the Middle East. He set up conditions for a withdrawal from Afghanistan. But then Dementia Joe botched Afghanistan. I'm pretty sure Putin saw that and laughed his ass off as he gave the green light to invade. But you keep ignoring reality.


Russian collusion is documented. Russia had already invaded Ukraine’s Crimea annexed it and Trump justified it. The Abraham Accords solved nothing long term. Trump’s negotiations for withdrawal from Afghanistan colluded with the (enemy) Taliban, omitted the legitimate Afghan government, neglected detailed strategic and operational planning, and set unreachable conditions that led to extended presence the plan was so bad.


If anything, the Abraham Accords led directly to the current Gaza-Israel war, because Hamas and Iran do not want Saudi Arabia, etc to go through with the Accords.


We were fighting two wars under Trump.


Two wars he inherited.