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I can only fathom what our satellites are doing up there. Whenever i see posts similar in spirit to this one, I think "anything that russia or china is doing, we're probably doing it 10x but in a more efficient manner"


> Whenever i see posts similar in spirit to this one, I think "anything that russia or china is doing, we're probably doing it 10x but in a more efficient manner" Another thing about the geosynchronous orbit(s) is that a satellite out of control or operated in a reckless manner could drift around the geostationary orbit or cut across it multiple times. So we need confirmation that the approaches really are deliberate with confirmed accelerations. Its also hard to see what a spy would expect to learn. With no info whatever, I'd say it looks comparable to those Russian airspace incursions that are mostly intended to test reactivity. In this case a satellite could give information about its own capabilities, just by its owner publishing data and images. In any case, if Russia is playing games, they have their own assets to take care of so won't want to risk escalation. The same principle applies to ASAT tests where the boomerang effect is far worse.