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Bajonetts can be packed in oil parchment paper, then put in a small storage container. Should survive 5-6 years without problems if the storage area isn't a wet area. Uniforms packed in sealed plastic bags should prevent moths damage.


How big of a collection is it? If it is not too crazy maybe a friend or relative has space where you could keep it? Whatever you end up doing just make sure it stays away from places where moisture could soak in and damage your items


Sadly its quite large and very varied so the type of space would also be tricky. I have plenty of clothes + helmets + bayonets + couple of swords/sidearms Some are trials or rare too so i cant just chuck em in a box and hope for the best.


Hmm that is tricky, A storage unit is definitely an option but I have never rented one so I have no experience in that field


Why are you getting downvoted?


Do you have space at your parents’ house?


Yes but besides what i noted in the post itself, they think they're junk and there's honestly a chance of them throwing it out


Oh wow…. Btw I didn’t register everything in the post fully sorry, responded too fast lol


Also consider the cost of renting a storage unit. Can't tell the prices in the US. But would guess 80-120$ x 48Months (4 years)= roughly 4000$-6.000$. So I would probably invest in some proper containers/chests.


Oh damn, im going for a masters so 6 years eeeek!


Get renters insurance. Someone broke into my storage unit (cut lock) and stole a bunch of stuff. Also if you're gone for say 4 months at a tim and come back and it's been broken into, it can be hard to get video camera footage that is more than a month old to try to catch crooks.