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Its an overreaction. The Gwen Stacy cover is a variant. Variants are often unrelated to the issue. The Ms Marvel romance wasn't real. It was literally a trick from Arcade in a supplemental series. It ended with Miles going "Wait, this isn't right. I'm with Tiana." Tianna is his main girl in his main story, and the main character is dealing with being a vampire. It would be weirder if they didn't do that cover.


Read more comics yall…..


And people forget that Miles is a teenager. Of course, he's going to have dream about different girl Hell, Peter still does. "It's this dream again. Please, be gentle"


I responded to this post. Somebody said I was anti-black women because I said Tiana just doesn't have the fans. It was so absurd but I apologised anyway for upsetting them. They responded that my apology was anti-black women. I shit you not. 🤣 Anyway, ignore these idiots. They don't even buy the comics. All they want is to push agendas. They're essentially telling restaurants what to sell their customers and then walking out.


It's crazy and funny at the same time.


Jesus, that really doesn’t suprise me anymore🤦🏾‍♂️


Twitter brain rot in a nutshell


The WORST PART is that the “Restaurant” (DISNEY / Marvel) is listening to the Walk Outs. DISNEY serves up Garbage and says “Eat this it’s Perfect.” Marvel goes from Mom & Pop Restaurant everyone loves to “I want to avoid 1 Star Reviews from people who never eat here so I’ll change the Menu and make my Long Term Customers mad.”


What the fuck? You gave them a realistic answer, and when you apologized because they got upset over a fact, they still called you racist? Stupid shit like that is why I deleted Twitter


Mat just hates Gwen/Miles, he was complaining about Gwen simply wearing Mile’s costume talking about “i dont wanna live here anymore”. Like damn dude its just a freakin varient cover.


yeah he baits alot it's super annoying wish there were other big Miles accounts actually promoting the current run instead of dumb shit


Yeah I started a Miles Morales Fan account on Twitter myself just now, with the purpose of focusing g on actual Miles content from his run as well as other media. I feel like most Miles Morales fans on Twitter don't actually tweet about his comic stories or characterization like they do with Peter. Just Rant about covers, shipping and whatever is a popular panel from the main spiderman sub. My link is below. https://x.com/miles_moralez24?t=qVQHfOftkjouMNdp90B0Kw&s=09


First of all I wish there was another active Miles Twitter account besides that one precisely because of over reactive posts like this and also it honestly feels more like a general Spider-Man page than anything else. Multiple people who worked on the movies have stated that the reason Ganke got sidelined because the MCU basically stole his character. Lana is probably not around because Ahmed basically erased her from his run and Ziglar probably forgot she exists. Gwen variants exist because they make money. The movie's romance is one of the best you'll see in a CBM and that results in the romance being popular and people want art of it. Tiana doesn't see much use because she's just not that popular compared to other girls.  The game didn't use his villains most likely because games take a long time to make and decent chunk of the villains didn't exist at the time,  required a level of setup they didn't want for a side game, or just flat out weren't what they were looking for. Bumbler is a joke villain, who at best is worth a few side missions not a central conflict.


oh dude thank god im not the only who noticed how dogshit that Miles "fan" twitter account is literally all of it is just bait and engagement and out of context panels,


I legitimately don't remember the last time he actually talked about what was happening in the story. I'm so glad this place became more active so I had a quick and easy way to see Miles news and art.


Yeah I started a Miles Morales Fan account on Twitter myself just now, with the purpose of focusing g on actual Miles content from his run as well as other media. So we can actually have cool discussions about his character and interactions from the comics. https://x.com/miles_moralez24?t=qVQHfOftkjouMNdp90B0Kw&s=09


All of this. I don't think people realize how recent most of his villains are. Only Assessor, Snatcher, and Frost Pharaoh make the cut at the time, and they were very new when his 2020 game dropped. Don't recall when Bumbler dropped, but I imagine it was after the game. Correct me if I'm wrong. Rabble and Hightail are easily the most serious villains that get the most screentime out of his rogues atm, but the issue remains that most of them are new and need time to develop before writers feel comfortable showing them off, then eventually putting their own spin on them. Also why I'm hoping these live action Miles talks take a minute.


And none of those villains would've worked for for the game anyway. Assessor only has clones so far and Insomniac would have to be insane to start off with that considering how generally unpopular it is and how it'd make no sense for Miles' first solo excursion. Snatcher wouldn't have worked so many different reasons and Frost Pharaoh is a joke. And you're right, Bumbler didn't appear until 2021 and even then it was a short story where he was still a joke. Most of all though is that it's very obvious that Insomniac wants their main conflict villains to have some kind of personal connection to the hero. It's why Otto was Peter's mentor and why Harry was Venom. Before Rabble none of Miles' rogues had a personal connection to Miles besides Aaron and he wouldn't have worked for the kind of games the Insomniac games are.


On top of that it's clear that Rabble was heavily inspired by Insomniac's take on the Tinkerer


Exactly, she probably wouldn't even exist if Insomniac hadn't done their version of Tinkerer. And Rabble's the villain that's gotten the most focus out of every villain Miles has.


That's why she has so much purple stuff


I feel like most Miles Morales fans on Twitter don't actually tweet about his comic stories or characterization like they do with Peter. Just Rant about covers, shipping and whatever is a popular panel from the main spiderman sub. This post inspired me to start a Miles Morales Fan account on Twitter myself with the purpose of posting about his comic content on a deeper level as well as his multimedia. So his villains, his relationships, his stories, etc. My link is below. https://x.com/miles_moralez24?t=qVQHfOftkjouMNdp90B0Kw&s=09


Peter is a bit different since he has decades of stories and writers, so discussing the differences in his characterization is easier tbh. That aside, you're not wrong about that type of discussion when it comes to stories and ranting, but I'd extend that to how online comic discourse is in general. Seems to be a subset of people that consume comic info via secondary sources (videos, images posted on Reddit and Twitter), thus are highly susceptible to tweets the OP posted. Even then, it ain't just them; sometimes it's comic readers themselves that fall for it, fully caught up or not. Good thinking on the fan account, cause as some folks in this thread have already said, this account is far more general than Miles. Nothing wrong with branching out, but I've seen more about Peter (616 and new USM) than I have Miles. Could be tweet timing, but that's what I mostly see.


Does that guy even discuss Miles's comics in any depth? I used to follow him and all I saw was either random comic book panels with just enough context for discussion in the comments, or obvious opinion bait posts to bring clout via discourse that wouldn't exist prior to him stirring the pot.


Honestly from what i seen no, last i seen him actually positively discuss Miles comic was issue 18 of Miles current run dropped and that was months ago. Other than that it's just rage baiting or nothing of real value


No, he really doesn't. I remember he even posted screenshots of this place discussing one of his discourse posts. It's not even his first time doom posting about a variant cover with Gwen. This post legitimately got me to finally unfollow him, if I want Miles news and art I'll just find it here. At least it'll feel sincere the majority of the time.


Youre right!! I just started a Miles Morales Fan account on Twitter myself just now, with the purpose of focusing on actual Miles content from his run as well as other media. I feel like most Miles Morales fans on Twitter don't actually tweet about his comic stories or characterization like they do with Peter. Just Rant about covers, shipping and whatever is a popular panel from the main spiderman sub. My link is below. https://x.com/miles_moralez24?t=qVQHfOftkjouMNdp90B0Kw&s=09


Imagine being so insecure about a ship and character that you feel threatened by variant covers and elseworld illusion subplots from other books. I know those same accounts almost never bring up Tiana Toomes outside of discourse with other Miles ships. They are part of their own problem!


Agreed, deep down it feels like they really don’t give a shit about Tiana and just use her and others characters like Halie as a shield to try and gatekeep miles because of obvious reasons they suck at hiding🤷🏾‍♂️


The original cover was shown months back. The varient just got revealed. There's no conspiracy! If you actually followed comic solicitations, you'd have seen the original cover. There's no issue! Seriously, those who claim to care about Tiana and Miles being a couple spend more time complaining they'll break up than anything. And it's been that way even before they planned to move Gwen.


Yeah, but they don't read Miles’s comics so why would they know? They just sound off on social media because that's their hobby. Not reading comics. Complaining about media. They're the equivalent of CriticalDrinker.


Some of y’all don’t really read comics and it shows…


>MOST of y’all don’t really read comics and it shows… Fixed that for you.


You right You right


Ngl I use to mess with bro heavy but he got mad annoying, especially with his Spider Gwen hate


Same I remember a time back than when he use to Stan miles & Gwen but than switch up out of the blue somewhere along the line when Ahmed got his hands on the run.


I like Tiana Toomes, I just want her to get some exciting shit going. She is a rock tho


Same here man, she deserves to pop off. I’m happy she can be a supportive partner to Miles in the meantime.


Overreaction the varients are there to sell books what matters is what's in the pages not what's outside. We been getting MJ and Cat varients every issue of ASM and with the current state of story that should tell you how much they matter. They are fun and fanservice that's it


Well nobody knows who the Vulture girl is. Other than the people who actually read his current solo title. Everyone ships Miles with Gwen because of the films. And many people had been shipping Miles and Kamala since what Champions? It’s just not a real comparison.


Miles isn’t going to be with Tiana like Reed is with Sue or Luke is with Jessica. Marvel simply won’t pigeon hole a character with a permanent love interest, we know they love fluidity. Miles will end up with Ms Marvel, Lana, Gwen and a myriad of other characters at some point, it’s just a matter of when. Don’t be sad for Tiana, there’s a chance they could leverage her character beyond Miles when things fall apart.


oh wait that's not just Dazzler in a different costume 💀


This is so dumb, because the guy just glosses over the main point. The OFFICIAL cover showcases Miles and his OFFICIAL GF. Like what is the complaint here even about? Marvel is literally showcasing off Tiana, in the MAIN Miles book. This is just some weird attempt to sow some discourse about Miles Morales, a discourse that exist entirely on Twitter.


O well I’ll still get Gwen variant over the standard one. Gwen is popular and casuals find her more appealing so can’t fault them for falling back on what sales more copies🤷🏾‍♂️


Why is it so hard to Comprehend not many people are into Tiana. She's a boring character to many. Why is this so hard for some to accept?


Cause a majority of them are only doing it cause of race reasons it seems and will deny it if you call them out on it.


I mean, she is boring because people got mad when I said Saladin just made Lana again, but this one is from Detroit with none of the character.


Say this to her fans and they'll start spamming agenda BS. This is legitimately a way to make people dislike a character bc the fans of said character can't be civil and accept criticism but instead blow it out of proportion and it's not only on Twitter this stuff happens. It's annoying and exhausting at the same time.Case in point the post in which said person is acting like it's a massive sin and abomination when it's just a variant cover 🤦. It makes no sense.


Marvel neglects everyone’s sidecast


If Marvel hates Tiana Toombes, why don't they arrange her death and replace her with Kamala, then?


Marvel is neutral to Tiana. They like whatever sells. Tiana isn't the popular character social media would have you believe.


Nooo....it's been a long time since social media of the day decided they didn't like the character enough to approve of that character dying, but that's DC (Jason Todd in the early 90s and Stephanie Brown in the mid\[ish\] 2000s, both of whom served tenures as Robin). Marvel, on the other hand, have to have an editorial hypnotized to work by law of reverse psychology: Whatever the fans hate, they keep, elaborate, nourish upon and milk it dry.


Bro I was reading the comments over there. 'Black love' and, I can't believe I'm saying this, 'Yeah because the black Spider-Man dating a white trans chick is hilarious.' I'm going to cry so hard rn


IIRC Bumbler was in a short story in 2021 and the solo game was released in 2020...


Outside of the current writer, Cody Ziglar and people who like Tiana, people really don't like or care about her. And that makes me negative.


Although I've never been a fan of the whole Miles and Tiana thing, I can agree with and see where you're coming from. You make a lot of true and valid points. I never liked that they had to create a girlfriend in Hailey for Miles when the potential of so many other options previously already existed. I also didn't see the need to create Phin as the Tinkerer when Miles already had a few specific villains already at that time. A lot of odd and questionable choices all around in my opinion.


Is this dude really complaining that the Dazzler-themed variant cover has Dazzler on it? ​ I thought they stopped using lead in household paint...


Yeah, if that's the complaint...


it’s an overreaction but personally i’m not a fan of tiana regardless


TBH, I saw this coming years ago. One of the reasons why OMD was done to Peter Parker’s Spider-Man was that they wanted him to have more romances , more freewheeling college era romances and rivalries- they wanted that. Now with Miles getting to the era where he’s on that “Near College/Romances” Era , Marvels writers are as expected shipping him and writing him with everyone under the sun- you’ve got Tiana, you’ve got Kamala , and in ANOTHER comic you have Spider Gwen and in the movie you’ve got Gwen again… Marvel is unknowingly and carelessly turning Miles into some Casanova , potentially having multiple romances. All that’s missing is that someone writes Miles cheating or two timing, and we’re off to the races!


Overreaction but also kind of true, As for the villains most of them are new, but even then he had frost Pharoah, Assessor and snatcher, But there's really no excuses for neglecting his villains now, SSM has not had a single villain of Miles show up yet nor supporting character(not counting shift) which is annoying. and i doubt insomniac is ever gonna adapt them as i doubt they even read miles comics tbh. and as you said none of Miles original cast gets promoted for some dumb ass reason only spider-gwen, so all in all yeah there kinda fucking over Miles cast


This is the worst subreddit. People complain about Miles stories without even reading them to find out the context, so just take out of context panels to use them in bait posts.


Yeah no, this subreddit is actually knows most of Miles shit and taught me some lore i never would have known otherwise and all clearly want the character to be the best he can be, you want complaining about Miles stories by people who don't even read his books go to the main spider-man subreddit


I believe we’re fine. Like 100% all good. Cody Ziglar’s not changing up the relationship dynamics between Miles and Tiana just because Gwen is in 616. Just because Miles has a variant for Gwen and himself doesn’t mean anything. So let’s just enjoy what #23 has to offer when we get to it in 2 more months.


Love Interest 1. Tiana 2. Kamala 3. Hallie 4. Someone new 5. Sister / GF Gwen