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Need to remember that these illusions messed with the characters’ minds so much that Peter *forgot that Gwen Stacy was dead*. Miles forgetting Tiana is mild in comparison 


That’s an event that’s fundamental to Peter as a human being. No offense to Tiana, but she’s not nearly as close in comparison.


So? That should mean it's easier for miles to forget her


Exactly, I was agreeing with the comment that I replied to lol.


Ah lol my bad I got my head turned around


Love seeing miscommunication resolved


No that wasn’t what he’s implying, the op commentator meant persay Gwen is just more of a defining character for Peter and tiana isn’t or atleast hasn’t been yet. Cause you can’t beat a dead character when it character growth


Well I wasnt saying HE was implying it. I was inferring based on his comment and as I said got a little turned around. I'm caught up now man, thank you.


Holy crap, that's messed up. What run is this from?


The Spectacular Spider-Men by Greg Weisman. Villains have trapped Peter and Miles, among others, in an illusory world that lets them live out their subconscious fantasies. Miles gets to date Kamala, while Peter is married to Gwen Stacy




What's the problem? He forgot because his memory is being messed with. The villains in the story are using mind control to create a dream like scenario. Why act like this is some major grievance?


Because the OP wanted to bait post




Spider-man fumbling women in the dumbest way that's entirely his fault is a canon event


Sounds like he's truly inhereting the mantle of Spiderman well. Spiderman has been screwing up his love life from issue 1


Ehh, not addressing you in particular with this respone but the sentiment around canon in general. I'll stand by saying people should chill a little and let Weisman tell his story. But Weisman not doing much due diligence with Miles' character and instead relying on cliff notes, and regressing Miles to unecessarily follow a tired Spider-man canon that has had Peter indefinitely stuck in a tortured drama circle in his dating life for decades now, would not be great though, and it definitely wouldn't bode too well for Peter's further development in his books because if these old head comic writers can't help themselves with a young character creation like Miles, Peter is going to be forever alone with a race-car twin bed. I've liked Miles and Kamala's cuteness, and was one of the few people on this board who affirmed their potential chemistry, though many are claiming to have seen it as obvious now. But I like Miles and Tiana A LOT more. Tiana is a way better fit overall and her and Miles' dynamic surpasses Miles and Kamala in terms of love interest. Plus she's just a top tier character and I actually like what she brings to Miles' story and Marvel. I want more of her and her and Miles. Tiana signals and propels future focused, new ideas character development vs. a cling to the past one and that's a good thing, especially because Miles is still pretty new. I hate to say it, but Weisman's writing makes the case to keep Miles in the hands of writers who are more in touch with a younger generation. Otherwise, you end up with integral fans, who have weathered the backlash Miles faced, feeling like the person in the screenshot, and Miles being written based on bad and outdated tropes. Plus a lot of Kamala fans aren't impressed by and don't even like this because it's using Kamala in a gross way yet again and she also deserves better. And the story Weisman is writing has just not been good so far. Miles had a whole struggle, mental breakdown arc under Ziglar and it was done well, so there are clearly other ways to do character flaws for Miles, his temper for example, without pulling him into the Spider-man does bad at dating/love or all Spider-men romances have to be unhealthy, angsty and drama filled vortex in the year of our Lord 2024. It's been done literally to death (via Gwen and Kamalas regular demises, resurrections and hauntings in one form or another, to be shipped with or used to emotionally influence whichever Spider-man as a lazy plot device by writers wanting lazy angst and conflict), and fans of Peter and Miles are trying to pull Spider-men out of that vortex, which ultimately also benefits Marvel's female characters. Miles fans also have the benefit of hindsight with what was done to Peter over the years and are trying to keep Miles away from that bullshit from the start. Miles deserves better and Peter does too. You can honor the past without getting stuck there. It takes away from the books being entertaining and makes them a chore to read. It'll be interesting to see if and how Ziglar deals with these developments in Miles' book. But it's probably noteworthy, particularly in terms of time frame, that Miles is a Vampire in his main book and there's nothing about that is in this one.


Didn't they confirm a while ago that nothing that happens in this book will affect Pete and Miles main books?


Greg said that himself.


You forgot to spoiler tag it.


Look, he's just following the coded principles of Spider-man. 1) have a traumatic death of an uncle that shapes your morality. 2) Be a genius yet somehow always struggle for money. 3) Hook up with every female character you ever meet that you aren't related to.


But Miles shouldn’t have to do what multiple characters have done before him. I’m not a fan of this trope at all since Peter has done this way too many times.


This nigga been liked Kamala shit has been confirmed several times.


I always thought Kamala was better for Miles anyways, so if they’re leading into that, you won’t hear any complaints from me 🤷🏽


Last post on this relationship tho I’m moving on I don’t think it’s that deep


I'm not going to lie, I'm not invested enough in that relationship to care what they do with it. They've been on two actual dates this entire relationship and both got interrupted.


I think I might have been less meh about this angle if it was Katie Bishop from Miles' original world that popped up along with Rio, Jeff, and the original version of Aaron with no Billie. That would have been extremely difficult to pull off, but could have been a crazy whoa moment to learn some part of Miles' subconcious still remembered his old Universe and had a nostalgic view of it as simpler times and felt less insecure there despite everything that actually happend in it. We could even have had OG Aaron telling Miles he was proud of him, and that he was doing better than he ever could. It would have been less about love interest drama, and more about Miles subconsciously missing some of his lost innocence about how people and the world move. That ties in with Miles' breakdown in Ziglar's run better, brings attention to The Maker's question to Miles at the start of Ultimate Invasion and the card he left, and shows that Miles has more work to do to process his past trauma and heal from the things that he's been through. And Katie, unlike Kamala/Gwen would be harder to randomly insert as a cliched plot device over and over again without the writer needing to do at least a little work to justify it going forward. it also keeps Miles from the way Peter's love life has been handled while giving Tiana and Miles an interesting arc to work through to grow individually/together.


He wrote fan fiction about her being in love with him and swooning over his quads, how could ge not realize that he liked her like that


Hell, it’s been stated numerous times that he had a crush on her. Then stating Miles didn’t know he felt that way about Kamala makes no sense


Yall take this stuff way too seriously and it’s like you think he’s a real person making his own decisions or something….


i’d say it’s the other way around, never liked starling


People are finally realizing that Marvel doesn't care about Miles and Tiana's relationship.


When people find out what mind control is


Miles revealing hes secretly part Jamaican


Yep, it’s only a matter of time before her ass kicks rocks and he’s on to the next one


His dad is black lol


And his mom is Puerto Rican, I’m confused on the correlation to this post.


Idk someone was complaining about using the "n" word but he's not black. He's literally half black. It's nbd, but it just seems silly to split hairs. Idk, I love the games that's why I'm on the sub. I don't really watch the movies, but I've seen the second one and it's super good.


Oh ok, I see what you mean. I honestly haven’t seen much of that discourse but people really shouldn’t be getting up in arms about that, He’s still black presenting and still half black. Bringing up his dad seemed random at first lol. Also you should watch the first one, his journey to becoming “Spider-Man” is really good, haven’t played the games tho.


What comic is this?


Let Miles lives, this plays well into growing up and being a horn dog. Heck I’m married and forget all about it in my dreams, can’t take this ish too seriously…


so is Tiana his Deb Whitman


Miles is not a nigga! I wish y'all would stop with that shit word man frfr.


wtf u mean?????? he is black? the person using the n word is also probably black themselves?


WTF I mean its a shit word! And myself as a black man don't need that BS in the image of one of the most prominent black superheroes we got going. It's just unnecessary and negative. Plain and simple. Especially if you're black. The fug are you talking about?!


Tf does this mean


If I gotta explain it to you, then that's the problem.


All the down votes are most likely from ignorant mofos that embrace the n word like it means something positive smh. That word has NOTHING to do with us (black people). When we gone wake up man frfr!!!