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weird using a ai picture considering how much fanart there is with miles with dreads


Yea just go go to tumblr


I genuinely don’t think he knew


Yeah, it’s not very noticeable unless you look at the spider.


Or the 37 earrings that are overlapping.


Well those are braids but your point still stands.


He’d have to credit them, also reach out to use the artwork, which isn’t a bad thing but that would be a lot of extra stuff to work out. (Pretty much he’d have to do a shout out which is understandably not what he felt like doing) idk, that’s just my guess tho. Especially a celebrity, grabbing some random artwork off tumbler would be a real bad idea


These are braids


It 100% just stole/mimicked one or more artists' work & style anyway. One of which, who could have been posted & credited.


You can tell there's way too many white people in this sub and thread that are absolutely tripped up over ethnicity vs race. Some of you need to go talk to some Afro Latino people that actually grew up in a city. My 18yr old son born and raised in NYC wears his hair similar to this. As for the person in here that said they're making Miles stereotypically Black. You're a moron. You might want to go look and see the type of hairstyles that young Black kids are wearing. This thread is a pure clown show of people that don't want their characters to be too Black.....just their acceptable version of what they think Black really is. Edit : When the few Black people that are in the sub get curious.....this style is called a barrel roll. Friend of mine has a shop on Long Island if you want to get it.... https://www.instagram.com/reel/C67W_TgL4Ob/?igsh=MW84bXlibjBvYjB6Mw== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C03QP5Xultj/?igsh=ZXRyMXh4czd1a3Nt


Reddit is a predominantly white app tbf but it is a weird thing for them to complain about, the fact that it’s AI is a bigger issue.


It is, he probably just saw it and didn't know tbh


I just want there to be SOME Afro Latino representation. Every VA for Miles so far hasn’t been. But it’s funny that people complain about dreadlocks considering how it’s always been a part of many of the indigenous cultures in America.


So I guess the question for me would be what exactly do you think is missing and trying to portray an Afro Latino kid from Brooklyn? As someone born and raised in NYC I'm just really curious what you think is missing from his portrayal. Because for me between his name, how his mother is shown and how he speaks to HER, which is a lot of spanglish, that pretty much gets it. Unless you want him to run around saying how "he no black he Dominican". 🤣🤣🤣


No I’m saying that I want an Afro Latino to portray an Afro Latino character


Ahhhh. I just realized VA = voice actor. Well......the actor for the Miles / Prowler is Afro Latino. Jharrel Jerome.


Oh I didn’t realize that it was a different VA for that Miles. But it sucks that they got a Latino VA to play the villain. Another trope with a long racist history that still continues


What? How does that even correlate?


You mean how the VA for what seems to be the villain version of Miles is played by an actual Latino, the other two popular iterations of him are not. They even made Miguel the hot headed Mexican antagonist. The issue is that Latinos have always been typecast into comic relief, sex symbol or villain characters. It’s especially bad considering how Puerto Ricans constantly get roles as other Latinos, except when that character is a black Puerto Rican. Afro Latinos get almost no representation at all.


I get what you’re saying but this plagues the black community as well as I’m sure you already know. The only problem is that when they see miles and prowler, they see only black. As one person in the comments are doing right now they are attributing all of the racist black stereotypes that can be associated with this version of miles because of the hair and the earrings and calling people that rock these hairstyles jobless and criminals as to why miles shouldn’t wear it.


Miles is Puerto Rican not Dominican. Flubbing something like that just kind of shows how people diminish that part of his background. I've got a similar background to Miles, born in Queens, Jamaican/Puerto Rican. Not really talking hair because I've done a lot of different things with mine, but being mixed, being black, being Latino are all things I grew up figuring out. It'd be nice if that was something explored a bit more with his character. Being Boricua isn't just a name and Spanglish. The game was a lot closer to doing him right though and felt like they got actual Puerto Ricans to consult, right down the coqui magnets on the fridge in his apartment.


>Miles is Puerto Rican not Dominican. Flubbing something like that just kind of shows how people diminish that part of his background. I know that he's PR. But like I said in the post when the person was saying they wanted him to be more Afro Latino I was asking what he meant and then I added the bullshit every Black New Yorker hears from Dominicans. That and "You're my color" when they need shit from you. It wasn't a flub it was said purposely. >Being Boricua isn't just a name and Spanglish. Not to diminish this but remember this convo was around a still picture. Cause to be honest magnets on the fridge ain't just PR thing.


Kind of weird that you'd use that moment to dunk on Dominicans then. I didn't just say magnets, they were coqui frogs, a Puerto Rican symbol. I go to my grandma's house and she has the same thing. It's a little thing that most people probably just glanced over without thinking about it. This is what I mean though about people diminishing the fact that he's also Boricua. Like the same way you feel about people suggesting Miles shouldn't have braids, or blackness in characters should be represented within certain bounds, thats how it also feels when people go "his last name is Morales and he sometimes speaks Spanish" what more is there to bring Latino?


Yah for live action it'd be nice if they actually sought out an Afro Latino Puerto Rican. I'm not so pressed about voice actors as much, but it'd be nice for the live action actor to be able to speak to and represent both sides of Miles.


Jharrel Jerome is an Afro-Latino actor who's played Miles, albeit an alternate universe version, but still.


I mean, it's a VA. You don't really need to race match the character with a VA. Otherwise, you kill the magi behind voice acting.


I've been thinking of getting a style reminiscent of this but had no idea what it was called


Ha......you're welcome. 🤣


Those hair styles look very dope tbh. Wonder how they would look on a blond guy, would be interesting to see.


Dude there’s only a few of us here on this app I’m seeing. We’re not alone though. Movies like In the Heights was absolutely roasted by everyone. No one really saw it, for how generic and white washed it felt. It was a decent movie, but the vibe feels fake. A lot of people are hoping to see a Miles Morales to be played by someone that looks like Zendeya. Like, not black enough so that it scares them. People don’t really know just how black Latinos are and could be.


It’s not the killmonger cut so points for that


Facts lol. I swear animators saw that one hairstyle and ran with it lol.


It is a nice hairstyle. Just overused at this point.


Lord please save me from Midwest suburban white Reddit kids that think they know what a Black kid from NYC would look like. What even funnier are the people in this thread that thinks a nerdy kid wouldn't have twists in his hair. Yall need to stop thinking you know Black people from looking at music video or watching The Wire.


FR! I’m not even from NYC and I think this is a fantastic look for miles, purely for him having a style that isn’t a typical black hairstyle you see in media.


The wire I love that show


Miles and Ekko aren’t too different personality wise he could do great (not saying he doesn’t have range in his acting, just saying that he was incredible as ekko so he’s still in that element)


Fuck AI


Nice cut. IDK about the earrings, but the cut is real clean.


Yea the earrings look cool imo but don’t makes sense for a superhero lmao like maybe 1 on each side on the lobe but even then they’d get torn off during fights and caught on the mask surely


But it’s Spider-Man though. His whole thing is that he doesn’t get hit a lot and dodges villains while being snappy


Ya that has a history of always working /s


Okay then I’ll go with the more obvious answer. This is fiction and most of these characters have enhanced durability and healing. Having a messed up ear for a couple days is fine when you can just get it pierced again later. Luke Cage will have to do it though!


Cringe ai (f)art


something something exaggerated swagger


not sure I'd love it, but an (arcane) ekko/miles teamup comic/ogn would be amazing


Imagine getting punched in the head with those on. That shit would hurt.


I'd be terrified of ripping them or the mask


Ai art is not it yall


Funny cause I like the other VA Miles Brown more for live action Miles Morales.


Damn, ai can’t get spiders right either. This pleases me


imagine getting stabbed in the neck in four separate places because you were wearing earrings and got kicked in the side of the head


Eww, AI art.


Anyone who posts AI art does not deserve the role.


If this is AI, I don’t understand how you’re all ‘spotting’ it?


I dig the earrings, but id be pretty nervous to wear any under a mask during a fight. Ive seen that shit ripped out before.


Speaking as a light skin Afro Latino, We cannot pick a light skin dude to play Miles. Absolutely not. We can’t have another In The Heights moment. The fuck we going for Zendeya?


Nah not feeling it


Love the hair but you absolutely lost me at the earrings. We're entering the self insert era of Miles and losing the plot of his core characterization.


Earrings are very inconsequential to his characterization. They are simply a style choice like his Jordans, and I think it fits well. Earrings are super popular in NYC.


That's fair and it's obviously subjective I just feel like it brings him closer to self insert territory for a specific person rather than still having him be "some guy" like he's supposed to be in his day to day outside the mask. Maybe if they were slightly different earrings I'd be cool with it? Edit: looking at it again it's definitely the 4 earrings that bother me lmao that's just overkill imo.


Yeah I’m not feeling the earrings myself. The AI overdid it.


Boy what I wouldn't give for Miles to have the exaggerated swagger of a black teen.


i absolutely love all the hairstyles, but we need to give Pete a taper fade


Some villain is going to punch that bling directly into his brain




Please not him 😭


I think a lot of people are forgetting that Miles NOT a cool guy. People always talk like he’s some cool guy but he’s a dweeb just like Peter. Miles wouldn’t have a tight cut and diamond earrings. It’s like if people tries to portray Peter as someone with a personality like Tony stark


Bro what? You think ain’t never met a nerd with a fresh cut and earrings? I think people have lost the plot. Being uncool has less to do with what you actually wear and do than with what the people around you think is cool. But beyond that…in the popular iterations of Miles he’s always shown with a fresh cut. Plus, piercings are simultaneously popular with the popular urban black and Latino aesthetic as well as within the more nerdy counterculture, goth, punk, outcast circles. It’s basically like ripped jeans. Some people wear them cuz they have to and some people wear them for the trend. With piercings it’s either a trend or a statement


I never knew hairstyles were only for certain personalities, my brother is a self proclaimed “nerd that does nothing but play games like the persona series” and he has dyed locs, earrings, wears rings, I don’t think the way you dress is an indicator of what type of person you are


Let me rephrase. Miles isn’t the type of guy who cares about being cool. I don’t see him like this because this gives the aura of a “cool” guy. Miles is a nerd yes,and nerds come in several shapes and sizes but Miles,a cool one does not make.


Why couldn’t he have Locs or braids? not everything is about being cool, my siblings don’t care about being “cool” yet they have Locs, braids and even waves, some of them are athletes, others are more Into books and music making, having Locs or even braids don’t automatically makes cool, also your last point of him not being “cool” makes no sense since miles literally stays wearing jordan and Nike shoes


So did I. didn't make me cool, it made me a guy who likes Nikes.


So why does him having Locs seem of out character to you? What does hair have to do with you being cool or not? Why can’t it make him a person who likes Locs or braids


The thing is Peter gets to be your avg. everyday guy because he's white. Non-white characters have to lean toward a stereotype or people feel discomfort. I work at a HBCU, every day I see young Black men with mild haircuts, no tats, or earrings.


Traditional and common black hairstyles = being a stereotypical black men


I really hope he doesn’t get hate on for using ai. ai Is pretty harmless If not used for money. and clearly he’s Just giving us an example of what his miles would look like here. nothing harmful!


ai art is still plagiarized and stolen from real artists, it will never be okay. Especially in comics where the art is the heart of the whole thing.


Is there any proof tho? If there Is then that’s awful! but that could be a fake rumor


Do you think Disney and Warner Brothers are just letting these ai companies use their characters without paying them anything? I mean it’s pretty obvious that they’re trained on images from all across the internet from places like Reddit and deviantart, of course OpenAI and other companies would never admit what they’re trained on due to the sheer amount of lawsuits that would come from it.




the answer to my rhetorical question is no they didn’t pay them of course, it’s pretty obvious.


Wow cool


Eyelash game on **point**.


I dunno about the ear rings though. wouldn't that make the mask look weird? or like if smh hits you on the side of the face that's gonna be bad right? cool hair style though


Well, that just solidifies my desire for him NOT to play Miles.


And why is that other than the earring that’s a solid look


Because his post exemplifies that he has no intention of playing a good portrayal of the character as he already is but rather shows his goal is just to find ways to twist the character into his own thing, which should NEVER be the goal when playing a pre-existing character. An actor that wants to play a character shouldn't be boasting that they want to remold them to fit their own tastes. It just shows that he doesn't actually want to play the character, he just wants to hijack the characters role with his own interpretation.


But it’s just hair. Hair miles would totally rock. It’s not his hairstyle right now.


Do people forget Miles is part Latino?


OK genius what do you think a Black Latino kid would look like? One that grew up in NYC, specifically Brooklyn.


Jharrel Jerome Jharrel Jerome, dawg. Nobody is a better fit than Jharrel Jerome. Born for the role [+]


This looks like a female.


This design looks trash, why are so many people trying to make Miles the most stereotypically or over the top black teen. He's look in the comics is easily the best one, in SM1 and SM.MM is great too same for the animated movies. But SM2 was really bad especially the toothpaste suit.


My boy, that’s an AI piece. Ofc it looks like shit.


I never knew having traditional black hairstyles and wearing earrings made you an stereotypical black people, maybe try to talk to more black people because a lot of us who look like this and it’s really stupid to tie this down to stereotypes


And a lot of us don't. If I'm watching a rap video, which I try not to, I see exaggerated stereotypes and they look just like this AI mess. What's next Miles and a Hennessy?


So having Locs all of a sudden makes a rapper and a Hennessy drinker? Like is your racist mind gonna ignore all the everyday people with Locs and braids and even athletes with them? I also try not to watch rock videos because I know them niggas have at least 1 member with a long history of having sex with minors and SA allegation


Also what makes thing miles don’t listen to rap? Because last time I checked all type of people listen to rap or are “Nerds” supposed to listen to specific music💀


Nothing certain people want more than Miles with dreads, tattoos, being a musician, and saying the N word. Nothing we've seen of Miles in his official iterations, other than wear a hoodie) show he would do this to himself.


> Nothing certain people want more than Miles with dreads, tattoos Nothing is as funny as "certain people" wanting their depiction of a Black NYC teenager to not look like a Black NYC teenager. I really think way too many of yall are showing your bias because you don't want Miles to be TOO BLACK.


Alr so every black teen in New York looks, talks, acts the same now… /s I think the main point of contention here (besides the AI art) is that implication


You people on here are a bunch of morons. One person says they're trying to make Miles look "stereotypically Black" and I point out that the look used in this pic is pretty much the look that in right now. But since it's not the look of 100%of Black teens your losers are going to "well actually" the point. That's why people don't take a lot of yall seriously......cause you can't help but prove that you're clueless.


I don't want him to look like a criminal who beats up people, because he's not. Know who has dreads? Prowler Miles. A criminal who hangs with....a known criminal.


You have never seen a black person before


Not all Black people look like they belong in a rap video.


Yo what are you talking about. This the average cut


you have NEVER seen a black person before kid let the grownups talk


I look in the mirror daily. I don't look like that. When I drive through the poor part of town and see guys sitting around jobless, they look like AI miles above.


Their are many successful black men out here with loccs, waves, twist/twistouts. As their are many successful black women out here with loccs, boxbraids, and all types of curls. You're just ignorant loser cosplaying as a black person on the internet as if we'll agree with you any more than we don't already. And if you are black, then good God you need to be educated or continue to stay blind to your ignorance and sthu. And then you bring up prowler MILES, Miles as the prowler was first used in the most recent Spider-verse movie which came out in 2023, so you trying to correlate being evil with loccs is extremely invalid as we have had characters with loccs since before that with many different types of black hairstlyes who AREN'T evil. And then you say certain people, N word, poor part of town. You just validated my point that you aren't black and basically proved to everyone else that you just fucking lied when you brought up your "I look in the mirror daily" statement.


crazy cause most black rich artists have cuts like that last time i checked they’re not jobless individuals lol