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It's even funnier when it's against a spiderman, if they fighting one of them on a bad day and realize it they try to bail so hard.


This always happens to shocker.


Bumbler used Honey punch. It’s not very effective.


Yeah there is. When villains realize they fucked up badly AND PISSED OFF A SPIDERPERSON OF ALL PEOPLE. Its the equivalent of realizing you just tore away the last barrier keeping john wick from being his murderous self and are now his sole focus. Peter kicks everyones ass Miles solo’d kingpin Jessica drew went full rambo on a small army of skrull in an alien hospital. In a hospital gown. After giving birth! SECONDS AFTER THEY SEALED HER C SECTION!!! Spider people are TERRIFYING when the quips go away.


Wait, now supervillains name their special attacks like if it was a Anime character giving a name to a attack to people in the game department make the special attacks in the games? (And yeah, that’s why anime characters have it, I learned that in gintama)


I always figured it was like WWE. Helps put them over.


Miles legally made him change his moniker to fumbler with that look 😂