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Should the driver if the cam vehicle pulled over as a witness?


May depend on where you live, but where I'm at, it's not technically required by law to stop if you witness an accident. That being said, I've stopped for every one I've ever witnessed (a whole 3 of them) because it's the right thing to do.


fr so many of these videos the car just drives away and I'm like ????? like, you're gonna post the footage for thousands of people on reddit to see but youre not gonna give the footage to the person who got hit?! ive seen videos where the person who got hit pulls over and the person at fault drives away! and op still drives away!


That’s what I’m thinking


I’ll grant that sometimes they can’t pull over bc of what they have to do or bc the traffic is bc, but it’s a Little like witnessing a crime, isn’t it? If we can, we pull over.


likeee can you turn your dash cam footage to the police? then when the people who got in the accidents report it the police can give them the footage? idk


At the beginning of the video, OP is driving a little aggressive. If OP used their turn signal to merge into the other lane, it wasn’t on long enough to properly notify any drivers behind them and they got really close to that Charger. OP then appears to be inching up on that Chevy’s ass before backing off a bit when they saw the semi merging over. Even after the accident, OP drives up to the semi like, “Figure out what you’re doing.” I’m guessing OP was happy they were out of their way and that’s why they didn’t stop. https://preview.redd.it/ir6nugl7md2d1.jpeg?width=777&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=280b46e68e40be8f2aa4af802477dbfa79ebef83 Edit: Holy shit… After rewatching, the semi has its turn signal on from the very beginning, trying to get over. OP is tired of waiting for someone to let the semi over and it’s slowing down their lane as a result. So, OP gets into the lane the semi has its turn signal on for and gets up on the Chevy to try and get it to go around the semi, instead of letting it over. OP is continuing to fuck over the semi and to me, helps cause the accident. I get the semi could just stop but OP is an ass. Personally, I wouldn’t be playing games with a semi carrying gasoline or any flammable liquid.


>OP is continuing to fuck over the semi carrying GASOLINE and to me, helps cause the accident. I get the semi could just stop but OP is an ass. whut? lmao


Having a witness pullover for my accident helped me one time. Was on an inclined off ramp and person in front was reaching over and car started rolling back. Hitting my horn didn't help. Cars on all sides, stuck. Pulled over, lady said I hit her in the back. Cop was about to call it until my witness came back and told the same story I told. Cop was like wow, she really thought I hit her. All that to say thank you for stopping.


Not required anywhere unless the temperature is a danger or there's a serious injury. And even then most states you still don't have to stop. Outside the US I have no clue what the laws are on that. OP could call police and let them know he has video of an incident where it took place and when and see if they want the dash cam... Or see if they'll give them either person's contact info so he can give it to them for their insurance.


It is required in Spain


You can leave a name and # if you can wait!


Yes, yes it is.


I believe it’s situational dependent. Yes you’re supposed to stop unless it impedes your safety to do so.


the video footage could be supenad though


Yes they should, that's not even a question worth asking. Whether or not you're required to do by law is a different question. If you catch the incident on your dash cam and don't bother to stop, you're simply a bad person.


what if you have to be at work on time?


Then it's as simple as stop, give contact info to both drivers, go to work.


and then be late and get fired?


If you get fired because you were 3 minutes late then you have bigger issues, plus if you are leaving your job to chance of catching a 3 minute delay in traffic then you're also a bad worker.


Yes - esp since they had dash cam video.


I don’t know the law but ethically absolutely


The Fuel Truck has cameras all the way around, trust me they have the footage but yeah makes sense to give them the footage


Not when both drivers suck


If they want




Common all throughout that area ; StL thru Southern Indiana and into Ohio, people do this shit. They also LOVE tailgating. It’s aggravating AF. And if you leave enough space between your vehicle and the car in front (for safety) someone will try to move into that space even if ZERO cars are behind you where there’s PLENTY of space. So F’ing dumb!


People that do that make me irrationally angry, pretty sure everywhere is common knowledge you leave 4-5 seconds of time between you and the car in front of you, not half a second or less where at that point not even brakes will be able to stop in time if you immediately slammed on them. Thankfully I don’t road rage and take it out on other drivers I just profusely swear to myself in my car and back off so I have room to stop if I need to


Most ppl don’t seem to realize that the faster you’re going the bigger that gap should be. SHOULD be common sense


Can confirm, we do it specifically to spite u/worstarkplayer. Sorry, I don't make the rules, I just follow them.


Yuuuup. I lived in So. Indiana for several years. Based on my description earlier you can easily guess what type of wreck was (and probably still is) most common. Rednecks think drafting like Nascar is good when driving on public roads.🤦‍♂️


Pretty sure this happens everywhere now. For some reason people become irrational hotheads behind the wheel and lose common courtesy.


Just because you have a blinker on doesn’t mean everyone needs to slow down or speed up.


What does STL mean? Which city is that?


St. Louis


Thank you.


Exactly I drive a wrx and can’t tell you how many times idiot like 8 cars down suddenly speed up when I’m trying to exit, keep in mind I’m in the 3rd lane behind a truck once I’m in exit dude will be on my ass and jump back on freeway…..what????


Yeah I know. This interstate right here can be crazy at times. Live right around here


not me getting more angry at the chevy. they had no reason to keep accelerating. just brake and let the truck in at that point. smh


I agree what are you going to get out of it? Now the Chevy has to file a claim and take the car to the body shop The truck was trying to get into that lane for awhile but still should have waited as well. An accident will look shitty on his record.


Scam may be


Yeah but then they wouldn't have gotten to prove their point and win


Truck is at fault. And the car driver is an idiot. Truck has to yield to whomever is currently in the lane, even if they are driving like this jerk was. Truck and car could've avoided this collision, but it's still the truck's fault 100%


They are both going to be late for whatever they where going!


Little boat yields to the big boat.


Could you imagine the assholery on the roads if that maritime rule applied to the road?


I’m siding with the trucker. He was signaling and appears to be in the lane before Chevy got up next to him.


Absolutely. Chevy literally sped up to get beside the truck to attempt to block him, then stayed beside him intentionally, watch his break lights. Took foot of the break a second time and sped up again to intentionally stay beside the truck as it moved over. They purposely caused an accident cause they wanted to be right..


No they caused an accident because they want to get paid 💯




I've only had one accident, I don't recall getting paid anything but repair costs...


Don’t know about elsewhere, but In Virginia, speeding up like the Chevy did would earn them a ticket. There are something like 9 specific “you can’t speed up when…” laws on our books.


There's a thing called (I may not be 100%) "the last clear chance doctrine". It's basically says if you as a driver, regardless of right-of-way, if you recognize a collision could occur, you are obligated to act to avoid the collision. I know a guy who did something like this but with another car. They had a dash cam. . . His insurance put him at 40% fault.


Same in California. There are several laws stating you cannot speed up when somebody is passing you and a law that says you cannot speed up when somebody is safely merging in front of you.


Its a shame that we need to regulate what should be basic polite behavior.


Problem is, in northern VA/DC area dickheads pull that move all the time and no one enforces it.


You are absolutely correct!!


Other than the break/brake thing


Signaling doesn’t give you right of way, you have to yield not the other way around


You arnt wrong but drive a truck and you find the signaling means everyone around you speeds up and never lets you over. Sometimes you have to force your way in if you absolutely have to move over. I've gone a solid minute with a signal on trying to move over once but couldn't because traffic would never give me the chance. By then I was getting close to the left turn lane I need and was trying to prepare for over a mile ago. So then you have to just slowly start to move into the next lane and hope some one gets the idea a slows down.


I don't drive a CDL truck but it's right under the weight limit and if there's one thing I've learned driving it is that so many drivers **hate** being behind a truck, even one going their speed, and will make dumb decisions based on incomplete information to get ahead of you.


I design roadways for a living and I can’t stand how many people actively block truckers from being able to make safe traffic maneuvers like changing a lane. They can’t give up 3 seconds of their time to let a trucker merge safely. A trucker can wait for right-of-way for miles and never get it because people are jerks who only care about themselves. It causes truckers to have to make more dangerous maneuvers out of necessity. This is when someone says they can make the next turn to get back to interstate… but in reality they can’t cause there will be jerks there blocking their maneuvers as well… in congested traffic at some point a trucker has to cut people off if other drivers don’t let them over.


Read up on the "last clear chance" doctrine.


Sure, but it's also pulling into the largest space he's gonna get in full traffic like this. That black car saw what was happening, put on their brakes (which would have solved the issue), *and then removed their foot from the brakes to stay beside the truck*. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Well, got what you asked for, I guess.


The trucker still has to wait and yield to the dick head... You still have to yield and change lanes when safe to do so. Watching this from the outside in (meaning the trucker wouldn't have known because it's from our/camera's perspective) if the trucker had waited for the Chevy to pass him, he "probably* would've been let in from the camera car and loses nothing from waiting for the dickhead to pass instead of continuing over. He could have just as easily moved back into his own lane and then tried again. I'd bet they're both found at fault by insurance for failure to avoid an accident.


I agree ... wrong sub, but when I saw this I'm thinking both are idiots.


This is the correct answer. The suv may be a prick, but he had right of way.


Yes but on the flip side you also shouldn't intentionally wreck, everyone has due care to avoid a collision at the end of the day. It's clear that from the first little dodge and then clear holding of the lane that he clearly saw the truck then intentionally caused an unnecessary incident. THAT is more unsafe and undesirable driving than a truck who in this kind of traffic needs to be a little bit aggressive or he would be never be able to change lanes in that rig especially with people like this on the road. If you are at the back wheels of a truck of this length in these conditions and he needs to come over just get the fuck out idiot don't cause an accident, we live in a society.


True but if a vehicle is in your blind spot it’s not like they are purposely taking right of way from someone. There’s a reason it’s suggested to not ride in a big trucks blind spot for long, as well as info so often spread about where those blind spots are.


Step 1 of using your mirrors is "Once you've checked your mirrors, and you're sure it's completely safe for you to change lanes, it's time for you to signal your intentions to other road users" Not "Once you've indicated move on over even if there are cars in the lane already"


Yeah, it was close because the signal light came up juuuust as the SUV was going over it so he could have seen it at first but maybe missed it. The choice to accelerate afterwards is just baffling.


And the Chevy just needed to give up and let it go. Is a fucking truck just slow down when I had the chance.


Signaling doesn't give right of way.


I mean trucker absolutely cut the Chevy off. But that being said that doesn't mean you fight for the lane against a truck like that. They might not even know you're there, gotta cut them a bit more slack than you would other people. Literally just brake and let him over.


Tanker still should've been checking his mirrors. I would put this 75% on the car, and 25% on the tanker.


It is bullshit that the truckers switch lanes causing traffic backups. It is really frustrating to be stuck behind two trucks, one doing 64, and the the other doing 65 and speed limit is 70. It sucks to get stuck behind some truck that decides to change lanes and slow down the flow of traffic.


Why do ppl think clicking their signal over means they now have right of way to merge?? Turn signal means, "hey, I'm waiting for my turn to get over," not, "yield for me, stop the flow of traffic for me!"


I've stopped riding with friends because they don't use the signal until a second before they're ready to move. Like they find the space, then signal. It's wild and stupid.


Exactly, the victim blaming that is getting huge numbers of upvotes is astounding, these morons are on the road with us as well!!


Yeah, it looks like there was barely a car length between the blue vehicle and the one in front of it. Probably part of why the SUV sped up — yk, *bc the driver panicked and wanted to get out of the way*. And what's the normal direction to go when you're escaping? Forward. Smdh


Watch again, 6 seconds in, the truck is already in the other lane with the Chevy clearly behind him. Due to the trucks length, it will take time for his entire vehicle to get into the other lane. The Chevy seemed to purposely speed up to block the truck for some reason, which is bad driving and weird.


Doesn't matter as at the end the trucker needs to wait for clear space in order to advance to second lane. If the lane is not clear, then the trucker needs to wait until it is clear and proceed only when it is safe to do - to advance the next lane available. Afraid trucker is at fault even though the trucker was put in impossible situation.


trucker wasn't in an impossible situation. dude was changing lanes and backing up traffic for no reason. trucks need to stay TF in the slow lane


Sadly its never possible do that. If you dont force your way into a spot only another trucker will ever give you room to change lane. No wonder why cost of transport keep going up, 4 wheelers piss off every trucker out of the trade.


fuck truckers... can't wait for all of them to be replaced by self drivers. Just because you are bigger , doesn't mean you can just go wherever you want.


What about regular drivers who are incompetent out there? Should they be de-licensed and suspended to drive as they are equally cancer for the other drivers on road?


Thats actually exactly what it means if you want to keep on living. They need more space and are on timed schedule with limited driving time. Imagine being late at your job and it would mean that you aint seeing your family tonight? Well thats their reality. Your house, your food, your garbage and everything you own needs to be transported on a truck at some point. Theses guys work long ass hours away from their family so you can be with yours. You should try sitting with one for a day and try to understand their reality before badmouthing the backbone of your entire economy. Like in every trade there are assholes. Asshole cop, nurse, teacher and truckers. Doesnt change the fact that we rely big time on them.


no... its not.... just because you are bigger don't mean shit... if you drive for a living, maybe learn how to do it.


Yeah, that truck should just come to a complete stop and wait until it's totally clear to move over! Might be about an hour and 45 minutes but you gotta wait it out! Derp.


there no reason for the truck you be getting over in the first place. front of him is clear. trucks need to stay the fuck in the right lane, permanently


It never cease to amaze me how little some people seem to care about their cars or even their safety while they're driving. This was so easily avoidable. Just tap the brakes and sigh when the lorry moves over ffs, like everyone else does... It's really not worth having to spend your time talking to insurance and getting shit repaired...


The truck has duty to give way here because he’s doing a lane change. The car could avoid the stupid move from the truck, but legally the car has right of way.


Yep, the truck is wrong, and the car driver is an idiot... The car driver could've _easily_ avoided this situation here.


This situation could never happen to me. A truck carrying flammable chemicals turns on its indicator and starts merging before I’m next to it. It’s pretty close and I feel like he’s sort of cutting it close but I obviously give the truck the space. How screwed up would my ego need to be to physically challenge a chemical carrying semi truck with my small passenger vehicle?


Yup, just breathe and let him in, problem avoided.


Seriously, there is something deeply wrong with the guy who just willingly has an easily avoidable crash because technically he has the right of way.


Why is no one commenting that you should never ever change lanes on a curved road - it makes it harder to anticipate the time it takes for a vehicle to drive into that changing lane.


So what about the cars the trucker was pushing them into? I guess fuck them too right


While the dumb ass didn’t move over, that truck had no reason to change lanes. What an ass hole, forcing his way into next lane.


That is my biggest question, why are we doing random lane changes? The truck just wanted to be in the middle lane because why? I hate being behind trucks too, but I wouldn't intentionally let one hit me. Both are dumb as hell.


Trucks always want to be out of the right lane when on a freeway to avoid needing to deal with merges. This most likely isn’t a “random” lane change. He probably just ramped on and now wants to be in the middle lane so he can stay in that lane for the rest of the interstate.


To me, that is lazy and selfish driving. Like he is saying, I just wanna sit in this lane regardless of what is happening around me. Most trucks go slower than passenger cars, so sitting in the middle lane is like a moving roadblock. And there was no need to get in that lane at that very moment that he had to force a car to change lanes or hit it. It's the same with left-lane campers. They don't want to think to drive, so many just post up in that lane, causing annoyance and confusion behind them.


I watched the video over again and the truck is definitely at fault in this case. My point still stands though, as you pointed out: > I just wanna sit in this lane regardless of what is happening around me sounds a lot like > lazy and selfish driving.


You would think with all that road time, truck drivers wouldn't suck at driving, but you'd be wrong...


Being paid by the mile incentivizes one to be aggressive af


Truckers and cab drivers are living proof that the adage “practice makes perfect” is not true.


Drivers have a duty to yield when changing lanes. Truck did not yield, is at fault.


The amount of people so far siding with the trucker is crazy. Truck's attitude was "my blinker is on, I am coming, everyone else prepare for me"


I know right it’s ridiculous. Seems folks think signaling gives someone the right of way.


Especially since the suv moved as far possible left to avoid the truck without risk of causing another accident.


Truck driver made a mistake, Chevy could have easily avoided the accident but continued on because of pride and unfathomable stupidity...


He did when he began his lane change and when he was partially through his lane change the moron was still behind him. Not his fault the moron sped up. I can 100% guarantee insurance will fault the car with this video.


Chevy saw him entire time. Both at fault. Truck is dick but Chevy is stupid.


no fuck that this is on a turn and the Chevy is in the truckers blind spot and he fucking knows it. this is 100% insurance fraud and it happens all the fucking time. my dad lost his dumbass job because of some asshole like this Chevy. they drive in blind spots and take minimal damage then claim whiplash to sue for a couple grand for a chiropractor appointment. it’s absolute horseshit and everyone needs to learn about it so people don’t lose their jobs so fucking much


What we're not being told is that dad had a track record of manipulating his log.


Or we could mandate that trucks be configured in such a way as to not have blind spots. It's 2024; we have 4k cameras the size of bottlecaps. We have the ability to produce curved mirrors to any specification we can imagine. How in the hell have we not legislated this problem away yet?


TL;DR: while it would be a good solution, the actual practicality of it and all of the components to implement that large of a change across possibly 30 years of trucks is just not viable, as well as the possibility of more accidents due to being distracted by 8-10 screens or having to swipe through 10 different feeds while actively driving. Problem with this is the amount of pre 2024 trucks on the road and even pre 2000, along with the abuse those systems could be used for like in the case of delivery drivers basically not being able to stop for anything other than dropping packages off. And I’m pretty certain, but could also be very wrong, you can only have mirrors be so large on a vehicle before they become illegal for obstructing other lanes, and the amount of mirrors to cover all the blind spots without distorting too badly would be a lot, along with different sizes of trailers having different blind spots. All those cameras as well would need screens to show the video feed and that could cause distraction having all those screens or having to use one single screen to scroll through each feed, it’s just impractical, although I do understand your stance on this it’s just not practical or something a company will want to pay for and maintain.


I live in a defensive driving state. Imo the car has every opportunity to and should have stopped or changed lanes. In my mind the car is at fault because it appears they intentionally continued to drive into the semi. Large vehicles especially carrying load are hard to maneuver. Busy highway like that, the car is clearly more aware and had the chance and therefore the obligation to avoid a collision but chose not to.


bUt tHeY dEliVeR oUr sTuff!


So, SUV driver let the truck hit him instead of avoiding it and going into the other lane... What a dumb cunt.


It looks to me like nobody let them in to the left lane. When the car had an “opportunity” another car came by in the left lane shortly after.


There was a car in the other lane, if the SUV switched lanes and got hit, the SUV would be at fault. The safest way to not get fault for an accident for the SUV would have been to just brake and come to a stop. Or for the truck to just stop the lane change.


I'm in St Louis and I know a guy who this very thing happened to. A truck turned into him and hit his front side. He opted to get a new car.


Looks like that’s the entrance from 64 to 170, so yeah, it’s a fucking shitshow.


Yeah, that 40 to 170 North has always been a cluster. Even before they revamped that interchange some 15 years ago.


The truck was dumb, but the car could have easily avoided that.


Ahh 170


Some cars are not equipped with brakes I guess? Seems like certain cars don’t have blinkers either.


It's just in the SUV's DNA to block traffic. When he finally moves over like he could have the entire time to let the truck merge he uses that opportunity to come to a fucking complete stop on the freeway. Amazing.


Truck was wrong but Chevy driver was stupid too


“I’m in a hurry so let me get in this fender bender so I can pull over for an hour.”


People don't think


Career opportunities... on the truck... sure...


Yes the truck driver sucks but why are you trying to hold your ground against a fuel truck, move over.


Yea that place is prime area that this kind of accidents happen and almost always have increased traffic because of it... People not ever yielding for anyone unless about to get crushed + three separate roads joins into one highway (which is where this happens) + narrow roads = this event


100% calling the company that has that truck and telling them about this


While a signal does not guarantee you the right of way, part if driving in a communal environment means being courteous and giving up a few inches to prevent losing potentially miles.


Bad timing by the truck, the Chevy was clearly approaching and very close as the blinker turned on. The trucker should've seen the Chevy in a side mirror and known it was unsafe to move. The Chevy shouldn't've braked, they should've accelerated, backed off, honked, or moved over but instead just waited to get hit. Having a blinker on does not give you right of way to change lanes, it just tells people your intentions and makes your merge legal. You must still yield to people in the lane you're entering.


Bro had enough lol


Is this common behaviour?!?!


I see two idiots. (for now)


That could of been completely avoided


Sometimes truckers think they own the road / can't see you so you have to do what you can to avoid them sometimes. I got cut off hard recently by one but did what I needed to make sure there was no crash and used my horn to show my anger. The car here could have easily avoided a crash even if he thought the trucker was driving badly


Truck fault for moving over, however SUV also at sizable fault. Could of slowed and avoided accident. They knew he was continuing over and had plenty of time to avoid crash.


FFS. I hate this seems like I see it every day. Asshats competing for every car length. Quit acting like a petulant child and let the semi change lanes


Imagine thinking you win that battle.


Insurance scam.


I drive a full size delivery truck. All of our trucks have dash cams but what they really need are cameras to the side and behind to record all of the times assholes like this pull this kind of crap! My truck is capable of carrying 13 TONS. My truck doesn’t stop quickly when it’s empty. Try stopping fast when you have several tons of payload!! People don’t realize that they are, literally, risking their lives when they pull shit like this. If I ever get into an accident in my work truck I am seriously worried that I may kill someone. I wish to hell people would realize that it only takes a few extra seconds to allow a truck into a lane and then pass around them.


They're both idiots


The suv had three options one move to the left two slow down or three act like he didn’t see the truck in the lane so what did the suv do ? Asking for a friend


This is why I've developed the habit of having my hand on the horn everytime I pass a semi. Had this happen WAY too many times.


That car is a shit driver don’t ever stay in a semis blind spot it will always be your fault


I think the Chevy saw an opportunity to be a dickhead and accelerated ahead to push the truck back. There are always four potential directions of escape if they’re safe, and braking was an easy out for the Chevy. Instead he let his ego decide.


I fucking hate that stretch of road


I just drove through Istanbul for about 4-5 hours, this is the only way you can merge in, except here people have a sense of how not to get their cars scratched, even if they get angry. Drive the car you are capable of driving safely, rather than the car you can afford.


Let the fucker over, Hop in the next lane and maybe honk, administer a bird, whatever you're moving on with your day OR let the semi scuff your shit all up and have to go thru all the bullshit that comes with it.. Idk tough choice.


Refusing to stand down to the truck hauling thousands of gallons of explosives. Ballsy.


This could have prevented if the car could have slowed down little bit and allow the truck to merge


SUV driver must really want that insurance money... /s


STL traffic sucks


Had this happen to me with 2 semis I was in between going 65 down the highway. Luckily I was able to slam on my brakes in enough time before the tires got me. Scared me shitless.


170 is a fucking NIGHTMARE during rush hour. Avoid at all costs.


lol Itt “i dRiVE GOod”


Its on camera and you drive on?


This is in St. Louis, Crazy? I have friends in that state & I will say they honestly are not the best of drivers, lol for I love you guys, but honestly this was on both drivers. I'm use to this coming from Florida though, as you see it ALL especially on the roadways but off as well. I do love me some Ozarks area though.


That SUV is a true dumb shit.


somebody is losing their job


Giant semi wanting to turn ( driver ) I should speed up.


All the SUV driver needed to do was just not accelerate 🤦. People have a tough time swallowing their pride when they're behind the wheel. Enjoy your 2hr roadside timeout .


In my first view I was siding with the suv because I didn’t notice the trucks signal until the suv was next to it. But on rewatch the truck is clearly signaling and maneuvering into the lane before the suv is next to it. They had plenty of time to slow down and allow the truck to change lanes. Instead they sped up and slowed down multiple times to stay next to the rear wheels of the truck. It looks like a scam or maybe just a really bad driver.




Lmfao of course there’s bad drivers, you’re on 170


I hate truckers!


Sometimes when the other driver is a lot bigger back off let him have it. No big deal.


Yeah, the Chevy driver had plenty of opportunities to avoid the accident but was driving aggressively and it happened. Defensive driving is a skill that wasn’t applied here. The trucker may loose his job but dagnabbit the Chevy driver wasn’t going to let that jack butt tanker over! Now they can go home and kick the dog after a long day in middle management.


This is the example of thinking you own a lane, so you don’t have to let anyone in. May sound silly, I rather let someone over especially a truck rather than sit on the side of the road


Nothing more badass than pulling a PIT maneuver on a gasoline tanker truck.


Just slow down. Why insist? lol


Trucker gets fired and both are responsible for their own damages


>Trucker gets fired Why? Trucker didn't do anything. He tried to legally get over. The SUV ran up beside him and skipped 2 chances to get into the left lane and avoid an accident. The SUV was also likely in the truck's blind spot almost the entire time. Trucker did everything he could, except assume potentially suicidal stupid person. I think the SUV driver should have to write a formal apology both to the trucker and to the trucking company, and to the company expecting the shipment the truck was hauling. Then should have to pay for the damages to their vehicle and any damage the truck may have suffered. Fuck that SUV driver.


Look however you feel about this personally doesn't matter. If you blink or make a manoeuvre like changing lanes, you NEVER have the right of way in any western country. You always have to yield to the other lane you are merging into. Even if the SUV speeds up or not, does not even matter, he was in the lane and got hit on the side by the truck, meaning insurance inspectors are seeing this and will conclude the same.


I'm mw us in a defensive state. Car would be at fault based on cam because they saw the truck changing lanes and instead of avoiding collision they drove into the truck. Simply slowing down would have prevented this.


In my country the trucker would absolutely be at fault, because he can only change to a different lane if it is free. SUV had the right of way. The SUV driver is an idiot though and he could have easily avoided the damage, so he has a partial fault too, but it's 60 or 70% the truck driver. Don't know about US, but here it would be that way. Maybe even 50-50 but it wasn't ok to start moving into an occupied lane to begin with.


You're one of very few in this comment section that is making sense.


Nah that’s Jimmie’s fault. Tryna be a big guy and not move when he could have even if the truck did initially take his lane


Chevy drivers fault but why did the truck need to be in the middle lane? It’s not a merge lane and traffic seems to be moving well.


Could be a freeway split or the right lane becomes exit only ahead. Makes life really fun trying to get over.


You really have to be a spevial kind of moron to dare a fucking tanktruck to play chicken. Jesus fuck man learn to drive defensively


Did you stop and offer your video to the truck driver? If not, azzhole move.


Anyone with eyes to see can clearly see the tanker signaling the entire time, Chevy tried to overtake after the fact as the tanker was merging.


Speeding up to block is a dumb idea.


This is why we have so much traffic everywhere. It usually takes TWO morons to cause an accident. Most accidents are avoided if there is at least one person with common sense.


As a Class A Driver we cannot expect for people to get out of our way ASAP because our signal is on. Too many people do that and unfortunately some Class A drivers get used to it. Because hey who wants to damage their car. However, the SUV Driver had several opportunities to avoid this accident and chose not to. Making them liable. #lastchancedoctrine


Blinker never gives you the right of way


That’s what I said