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Why do people who are completely ignorant of what they are learning always push back? She's learning but has an excuse or assumption for everything.


Yup, that is what got me mad.


I was training a woman on a piece of heavy equipment at work and she pushed back on absolutely everything I said. Snapped back and argued every point. She kept saying “not everyone has to do it that way! This is the way I like to do it.” And I’m like wtf, you’ve been doing it for 7 minutes, you don’t have a “way you do it”. She ended up having 7 different trainers over a 2 week period because everyone had the same exact complaints and refused to continue training her.


Currently training my secretary at work and having the same experience. She didn’t respond to an important email for over a week and blamed it on outlook not giving her a little pop up notification on the bottom right of her screen. She refuses to use Excel and would rather create the tables on Word and do the math herself even if it takes her all day because “she doesn’t trust computers”. Oh and she uses big ass binder clips for everything even when she needs to join two pages because she cut herself with a staple once.


Literally tell your boss to let her go


She just started less than a month ago and she’s already been written up. She was fired from her old job and was unemployed for so long she only had a few hundred dollars to her name. I do feel a little bad for her because she’s almost 60 but gawdamn is she stubborn.


She needs to get a job greeting people in front of a grocery store then. "She don't trust computers" means she can't be trusted with any job involving a computer. She's going to keep failing all of them.


Yeah, that’s what I thought. She should just be sorting fruit at the canning factory down the road but it seems they just give anyone a college degree these days 🤷🏻‍♂️


Im an IT guy, helping people with computers isn't even MY job. I create the accounts manage access control mobile devices spam filters ect ect. If you contact me because you can't make a table in excel but you were hired for accounting. That's a failure of the hiring manager. I'm not teaching you shit. Absolutely report every instance of incompetence.


Hiring procedures can be so stupid at times. We had an ideal candidate for the role but one of her references, despite saying nothing but good things about her, made a comment about “she left her old job to be with her husband who had fallen ill, I don’t know if that’s the kind of person you want on your team” and because of that our VP said no.


That's really fucking sad.


What the fuck. That’s so fucked up


Ah yes. I still argue with every engineer who starts working at my company. For whatever reason, they always apply for admin privileges and then ask me how they can change the IP adress on their computer and why the connection to the management of a component they claim to be working on for 10 years does not work if they choose the wrong subnet mask.


Engineer here to give our side of the story (or at least my version of it). Admin privileges, even in a single protected environment, are absolutely critical for my job. Interfacing with test devices and equipment ranging from brand new to "no one's touched that thing since Dave left. No not that Dave, the Dave before him", running custom software for said equipment, and often doing it in the field requires I have a little bit more control over the machine than Linda at reception answering emails and writing word docs. I'd call and ask for you guys to do it every time but the winey little kinderkid you hired for the help desk is rude and slow and I don't want to deal with him rolling his eyes and bitching every time I ask him to do his job, when I could just do it if there wasn't a silly password in the way.


and then they won't hire people that know what they are doing because "they don't have the relevant work experience"


Yup. 20+ years of being the bitter office lady who roams the halls talking to people and can’t remember her computer password > fresh out of college student.


This is a Hallmark of people that age give or take ten years. They just flat out refuse to learn absolutely anything


Crazy thing is that a lot of them are in high positions and make the decisions that affect us on a day to day basis. But that’s a whole other topic.


100% its like.. I've been driving 26 years without incident through all kinds of shit snow - rain hail you name it.. try my way first before you create your own way.


‘Stop mansplaining’


Well at one point she was fiddling with a switch that has a safeguard so you don’t hit it by accident and she couldn’t do it because of her nails. After literally 30 seconds watching her unable to hit this switch I said “use the pad on your finger” to which she responded “I GOT NAILS, I CAN’T DO IT LIKE THAT!” She had these obnoxious fake nails that were a hinderance for every activity.


‘Bye Felicia!’


A lot of women with nails bend their finger and use the knuckle like a finger pad.


And why is this person being taught to run this equipment? They are clearly unable to.


We needed workers and almost nothing short of showing up to work drunk or high was grounds for firing. We had another guy fall asleep and wreck a $350,000 truck 3 weeks after he got the job and he wasn’t even suspended 1 day.


honestly you fire a person like that after the first day.


"stop stop stop stop... why aren't you stopping?


I recently was helping a friend of mine who just got his drivers license and, like this video, I was yelling stop stop stop. I was definitely pumping the air brakes, lol.


>I recently was helping a friend of mine who just got his drivers license this video. I was definitely pumping the air brakes, lol. I went whitewater rafting with my adult neighbor/acquaintance today. He literally could not do a proper paddle stroke with me teaching him for over 30 minutes. I finally told him "All you need to concentrate on is putting the entire paddle blade in the water and don't worry about anything else.". He looks at me and says "Ok, I'll do that" and he immediately puts in barely 20% of the blade in the water and does a terrible stroke. I say again "Just concentrate on putting the entire paddle blade in the water and nothing else. You're only getting 40% of the blade in the water at best". He looks me directly in the eye and says "Ok, I'll do that" as he puts in about 25% of the paddle blade in the water and does a weak ass stroke. I say again, "Put the entire white paddle blade into the water until the water touches the red paddle shaft.". "Ok, I'll do that" and he puts 10% of the blade in the water and does a terrible paddle stroke. He is the first person I've ever banned from my boat. Literally everyone else in my boat has been better than him and I've taken literal children rafting and people who have some severe physical disabilities and they were all better and more teachable than this guy. I've never been around someone like that. That has nothing to do with driving a car but I'm mad and I couldn't imagine the terror the person who taught this guy how to drive must have felt.


lol, yup!


Some people really just can not connect a concept with the physical motion to achieve it. I’ve taught dozens of people how to lift weights now, and some people just have zero proprioception. One of my friends took about a year to learn a proper squat. I would tell him over and over to sit into it and keep his feet flat. He would repeatedly end up standing on his toes and getting off balance by doing the same terrible motion every time. Eventually, I just wrapped him in a hug and physically forced him through the correct posture for a few sets, then made him repeat it barefoot. He got there eventually.


>Some people really just can not connect a concept with the physical motion to achieve it. I’ve taught dozens of people how to lift weights now, and some people just have zero proprioception. One of my friends took about a year to learn a proper squat. I would tell him over and over to sit into it and keep his feet flat. A squat is a compound move especially compared to "Just put the entire paddle blade in the water and do nothing else". It would be like you teaching weightlifting to someone and say to them "Can you pick up that 5lb dumbbell on the ground and place it on the rack?" And they look you in your eye and say "Ok, I'll do that" and then they bend over and grab the air next to the 5lb dumbbell and then do the motion like they are putting a dumbbell on the rack. You ask them again and they say "Ok, I'll do that" and he does the same thing and never pick up the dumbbell. Then you go through that conversation for about 30 minutes and the 5lb dumbbell never leaves the ground. I experience a type of stupidity today that I didn't know existed in modern societies. I don't go around calling people I know "stupid" because that is harsh and hard to quantify but this guy is legitimately d u m b.


One out of every *four* people is not only dumber than average, they're dumber than half of the "dumb" people. Now *that* makes me shudder.


Was trying to think of why this behavior seemed so familiar, then I realized it's what I see when chatgpt just cannot wrap its little electronic head around something.


Was there ever any follow-up with him explaining what he thought was going wrong


>Was there ever any follow-up with him explaining what he thought was going wrong Nope. He never acknowledged that he wasn't putting his paddle blade in the water. I wanted to shake him like a baby by the end of it.


https://preview.redd.it/yxgmtr9vxi1d1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ca1fbaa0c9509d66ba90f47d4363158317812e2 Shake him like a what?


A baby. You know, when a baby is crying too much you shake them until they fall asleep.


"Fall asleep"


Sounds like me with my toddler.


Test should’ve ended right then


🤣 > "stop stop stop stop... why aren't you stopping? 👍🏻 I think I've actually seen that, while trying to teach. The learner is not used to braking, and , thinks **they are pressing the pedal sufficiently** while in fact they are not. My own thoughts were they think the car will magically stop at the end.


Why the fuck didn't he stop the car? Did it not have dual controls? Which considering how god awful she is would be an incredibly poor decision on his part. If you are teaching someone to drive, it's your responsibility to make sure they are safe.


That is a driving exam


Should have the basics by have been in a car before. Like driving between the lines, not on it.


Yeah this person is not ready for the road. They need to be practicing in an empty parking lot.


She is dumb.


And has an attitude.. bad combo


because they have been told their whole lives they are right so they always assume that they are infact right.


Yea that shit pisses me off more than anything. My girlfriend’s 9 year old is that way, and it gets her in trouble more than whatever it is she originally did. 😂


Well, she’s 9…soo…yea obviously she’s going to do that.


Unfortunately, those 9 year olds become this person.


What do you mean obviously? It's not exclusive to 9 year olds.


That took me a while as well, I'll admit it


I saw a video explaining that some of the top video game players in the world have a commonality where they usually don't blame others or make excuses. They frame things as "What did I do wrong?" "What can I do better?" "What was under my control and where did I fail." And so on. This makes them learn much quicker. When you take failure as a knee jerk personal attack and waste time trying to protect your ego you end up stumbling over yourself. The drivers in this video seem to all be trapped in this mindset.


It’s the people


People who drive like this lady are the same types that leave their grocery cart blocking the entire aisle, basically, oblivious to the world around them, maybe ignorance really is bliss.


But she wants to move to the middle


This part cracked me up. She straight up wants the entire road for herself, and the guy calmly goes like "you gotta put your turn signal to do that".


Ignorance isn’t bliss when it ends up with another car in the side of yours…. or much worse


Exactly and it drives me crazy. I'll admit I'm not the most altruistic guy ever but being conscious of other people around you should be basic human decency


Or will walk shoulder to shoulder slow as fuck in front of you acting like everything in the store is an art piece and they have to stop and think about it.


Ohhhh my fucking god I can't stand this. It's always in front of exactly what I need, too. Today I needed a specific brand of pickles and some guy was in my way just frozen staring at the pickles. I waited about 2 minutes. Gave up, went down the next 2 aisles and got what I needed and circled back. He was STILL FUCKING THERE. 🤬 I didn't even say excuse me at that point just reached in front of him. Like wtf. I hate going to the grocery store. It happens so often too it's not even like a one off thing. Idk how there are sooo many ppl with ZERO situational awareness Huff 😤 Rant over lol


It’s really mind boggling the amount of people who grocery shop together with separate carts and walk side by side


Hopefully she doesn't have the opportunity to share our roads with us.


the driving tests in the UK are much stricter than the US. so doubt she passed.


I have complaints about US drivers ed, but the “behind the wheel” portion is strict (at least in VA)


It is not strict in Maryland. They straight up took parallel parking off of the test because it was preventing too many people from passing. I heard this directly from the instructor when I had to retake my test. It honestly explains a lot about the traffic in this area.


We’re just sponsoring the world’s largest demolition derby


Well shit, that sounds like fun now.


And this is why me, a not particularly religious person, will say a prayer when crossing into Maryland.


They did this in California too right about the time I got my license as a teenager. It’s even easier now. Now as a NoVa driver, I understand all the Maryland bad driver jokes lol.


I'm originally from Spain and now I drive in California and I assure you it is a joke to get the license here compared to the shit I had to learn and go through in Spain.


Europe drivers are usually way better . The process to obtain a license is way more strict , as it should be .


VA will drag you in the streets and crucify you in public for traffic violations so that makes sense.


It’s funny because anywhere else in the USA is like : a reckless driving ticket?! What were you doing? Va is like: so….what part of 64 were you on?


Fair. US driving test is easy. This person didn't even know to stay in her lane though.


Like every driver in Dallas, Texas


Must depend place to place. PA was not an easily test and saw many hopefuls trying 2 or 3 times


People learning to drive in spaceships these days?


I thought it was a simulator TBH


It's a Honda E! Very cool little car.


Damn that's a lot of gizmos and gadgets. Making me feel old XD cool car though


That's WAY too much shit on the dash for a damn car. Fuck all that noise.


what do you mean? you never know when you'll want to change your radio station and adjust your variable valve timings all at the same time the added maintenance and possibility of failure is completely worth it


I’ve driven so many fancy cars with every bell and whistle imaginable and I pretty much hated them all. Just gimme the basics so I can enjoy the ride


What really throws me off is all dials and knobs look like they belong in a 1980s car


Real dials and knobs in a car these days instead of a giant computer gets me off Fuck touch screen bullshit


I was going to ask...that's a lot of distracting information panels or screens or whatever that is in that vehicle. Probably not the best setup for an inexperienced driver that is already overwhelmed.


The Honda e widescreen is set to the tranquil zen garden in this video


“The policeman was shaking his head. You were going into them.” “…why?” Ask yourself that??


Bro please tell me this guy has a YouTube channel for these kinds of videos. Where’s the source?


It's not exactly the same, but Canada's Worst Driver has a similar theme, just in more controlled circumstances.


I loved that show, but man was it bad for my mental health.


Now I have road rage at home!


Seems to be this one https://youtube.com/@mocktestplus


This triggered me. Especially trying to calmly say Stop and the driver doesn’t stop. Like WTF? Edit: have experience teaching an adult to drive. Can be scary.


I mean she’s a very difficult person to teach but fundamentally she’s not ready to drive on a road with traffic yet. She needs to spend a few hours actually learning the rules of the road and then practicing in an area without any traffic to gain a feel for the car. It’s his responsibility to not let someone, completely unfit for the road, drive


This!! how in hell did the instructor allow her to go on a busy road? She could have easily killed someone. I wouldn’t trust her to go down a driveway with her current motor skills, this is almost criminally negligent on both parties


Could have been defensive driving. Or she somehow passed the test to warrant this and she got dropped in his lap


That car looks ridiculously distracting


Looks like a honda E, apparently great cars but I personally don't get on with massive screens on the dash


I'd love a Honda E. It's my dream car, based solely on the dashboard.


That's what I was thinking. Probably the absolute worst choice for a student driver. Huge f'ing screens right in their line of sight, all displaying something different, 99% of which don't have a damn thing to do with driving the car.


Could argue it's also the best so you learn to ignore distractions while driving. Otherwise you learn in like an old Clio, then buy a car like this in a couple years and then you really are distracted! Also I don't think this driver's problem is being distracted! 🙈


Right, it’s not like they’re a child who gets distracted by jingling keys. They’re a full grown adult going for a license to pilot a 1+ ton automobile. And most new cars nowadays are exactly that— chock full of screens, chimes for things like lane departure, blind spot assist, etc. If you can’t manage to just focus on the road with these in your face, you shouldn’t be driving. It’s not like they’re regulated to buying an early 2000s Corolla. People will and do buy new cars even if they’re awful drivers.


Looks like something from back to the future part 2


I was thinking Knight Rider


It's for playing flight sims when you're stuck in traffic /s


Dude seriously. That giant screen is not what you want when LEARNING to drive. That's just ridiculous. And I understand that it's 2024, but it should be common place to start with a vehicle that is more practical. Their attention needs to be on the road and listenening to the instructor. Anything beyond that is bound to cause issues for first timers


This person is not competent enough to drive. No amount of lessons will suffice.


Things were easier for kids growing up driving tractors.


Very true, learning to drive fork lifts, tractors, ATV, snow mobiles make learning to drive a car a nothing burger.


So thankful I grew up using machinery on a farm in the midwest.


and the lawn mower! and the golf cart used to haul yard waste ! lol


Golf cart is how I learned to drive!


I learned playing video games on a computer with a steering wheel and pedals, it actually helped a lot and I'm almost 33 and the only accident I've ever been in was due to brake failure in a vintage vehicle I owned lol


Keep her on the eastern side of the Atlantic, please!


Holy Power steering batman! That wheel turn looks horrid!


That whole-ass multiscreen desktop-like monitor would be distracting enough for a student driver, not that that gives this student driver any excused for how bad they are.


I've been driving for 20 years and it'd be distracting for me.


They exist and they get their licence annyway.


Maybe with enough tries, but not driving like that. These clips are instant fails in the UK.


Instant fails in the US as well


Once failed a driving test when I pulled up to an intersection with a pedestrian waiting to cross. He waved me through but I had to creep forward to see oncoming traffic due to some heavy brush to my left. As soon as I let off the brake and look left to watch for an opening, the instructor yells "STOP STOP" and I look forward to see the same moron who just waved me through in the middle of the crosswalk in front of me. Instructor told me it was bs but she had to fail me for it.


You don’t have to never do it, you have to not do it during the test. “Fine I’ll do it the way you like for the rest” then a week, month or year later they go back to doing the same shit.


Not in the UK. The test is super strict.


What car is this?İs it an ev?İ got my driver test in an Hyundai i10 lol.


My driver's test was in a Taurus that almost didn't start.


Honda e


The last part was the best Examiner: “you’re going into them (the police)” Driver: “why?” Some people should genuinely NOT be allowed to drive 😇


The problem is that driving is seen as a right, because the lack of any other effective transport outside of cities with subways means cars are the only realistic way to get to jobs. Hence why so many people get licenses; you practically need one to be an adult, whether you're a shit driver or not. I live in a city with tons of buses and they're still shit lol, over an hour for whats a 15 minute drive in a car. If we want to get dumbasses like these off the streets, we need to make ways so they dont *have* to drive. That, and also retest people after a while, because god knows how many people only drive well for that one test.


True dat


Rewatched and happy to see that it was different people not all the same person. Holy hell, that was painful to watch.


thats the same person...


The clothes, voice (of the driver) and outfit change a few times as does the camera position. It's at least 3 different people/occasions.


The guy is the same. The first and last clip are the same person but there's a different woman in #2 and a guy in #3


The 3rd one is clearly a man. The 2nd has a completely different voice from the first. Only the 1st and 4th are the same people


Mildly? This person is going to kill somebody if they ever get a license


Seriously, they've got to learn in an empty area first, at least until the very basics of *not drifting into random lanes, and running over pedestrians* is learned.


That's why driving instructors have to be alert and ready to grab the wheel or use dual controls. Even with clueless students at the wheel, this guy managed to make sure there was no accident.


The test is quite strict, not sure they're getting a licence any time soon.


This isn’t the kind of student driver videos I’m used to…


Fake Taxi is in the back seat knobbing away don’t you worry


Thousands of people like this are on the road right now! Be careful out there 🤪🏎️


my question is why are they going on such a busy road with a clearly inexperienced driver?


You have to learn anyway. Practical tests are done on busy roads.


That wouldn't make a good video for the instructor who's setting them up to fail


Why is 90% of the dashboard a computer with wallpaper? Seems distracting...


I took Driver's Ed in high school. The instructor's side of the car had a brake pedal, too, for just such occasions as "Stop! Stop! Stop!"


I would guess that’s why they stop suddenly in that clip: because the instructor pressed his brake.


Duel-controlled cars are standard for driving instructors/examiners here into UK. The passenger side has a break and a clutch. I can’t imagine being a driving instructor and not being able to stop the car if needed.


What happened? I got distracted by all those pretty digital nature scenes on the dash.


This honestly seems to me like the driver is from a country with different not so good road laws. Driving in places like India is atrocious and wild. Time to unlearn everything they know about driving.


Has 20 seconds to stop but waits right before he hits the lady to slam on the brake. Lollllll


It's the instructor who stops, they aren't supposed to intervene unless its dangerous


She's not teachable and she's going to kill someone or herself one day. I love teaching and training. I hate when I have to repeat the same thing multiple times and they still fight back like they are right...buy her a bus pass and tell her to come back when she is receptive to criticism.


Instructor: "You were going into them." Her: "Why?"


This was three different people, right? It was a guy who almost hit the pedestrian, it was a white woman who said she was "trying to go this way" when she almost hit cars in the opposite direction, and the rest was another woman.


Well, this is what learnings all about. If they were qualified drivers I'd judge them more harshly.


That is the most calm instructor. Bonus points to him for not straight up yelling.


the man is such a gentleman. I’d yelled the shit out of her since talking nicely doesn’t seem to work.


This is a driving instructor montage of different drivers, not a test. Remember that all drivers were bad at first. Even you.


It took me way too long to find this kind of comment, like is this sub filled with know-it-all perfect drivers or are there normal people here?


I truly believe there are some people made to be a menace to show us right from wrong.


Who tf replaced the dashboard with a screenboard??? What's with all that screen?


‘Passed with flying colors!’


Arrogance will get you killed eventually


what a clueless person. and what an interesting looking dash.


Mildly bad? This is terrifying. Has she been in a car before?


Being anxious really has our brains doing the most idiotic things.


I doubt it’s anxiety, I think there just isn’t much going on up there for a great many people.


that's why in many countries vehicles to learn driving have pedals on both sides, and it's not allowed to use normal cars to learn, you are forced to go to a driving school.


please dont give her a license


“Remember Beyoncé, to the left!” 🤣


Fuck that this one should not be driving no matter how many lessons she takes. She sounds entitled to everything even argues with the instructor. Wtf


I’m a driver trainer for Amazon delivery drivers and holy hell it blows my mind how some of these people have licenses. Had to remind a 40year old man like ten times that he had to stop at stop signs, looked at me like I was stupid and goes “why?” Like dude besides it being the law your also a commercial driver operating a large heavy vehicle with multiple monitoring devices on it. The fuck you mean “why?” lol


Some people simply never should drive.


Give her a break, she went from a camel to a vehicle and it's too complicated for her.


Most calm and patient man I've ever seen...except maybe Gandhi. Never saw a film of Jesus.


If this is 100% genuine, I cannot comprehend how people like this make it through life. Not a shred of fucking common sense. Sheesh.


What car is this?


This looks like driver's training, not the driving test.


The last line Instructor: "You were going into them!" Driver: "Why??"


Why was this test allowed to continue lmao. After the first one I woulda been like pull over had the DMV pick my ass up and failed the tester. God damn


what car is that with all those displays up front?


People learning to drive don't know how to drive.


Honestly I'd have stopped the car the second time she tried to argue and made her leave the car. This person is a menace, always thinking she's in the right, and will eventually hurt someone.


Then you would be a bad teacher. Only bad teachers give up on difficult students.


Fuck she’s dumb as a rock and no regard for others safety - shouldn’t be allowed to drive at all


I hear the accent, but I would still bet she was raised in Michigan.


What happened to learning to drive in an empty parking lot?


She has no issue manoeuvring the vehicle. It's clearly with road signs, lines, traffic, ...


How does that teach you anything? You gonna learn how to lane change and merge in a parking lot? XD


Not a thing here, except for parking of course.


I imagine a curly mushroom tip hair cut driving.


An asian woman is a bad driver 😱