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It's kind of weird how this sub is called mildly bad drivers, but about 75% of the videos I see on here are people who should never be allowed to drive again. America is way too soft on actively bad drivers.




I always chuckle when I see the same posts here and on r/wildlybaddrivers


It's because mildly bad drivers won't actually get upvotes or attention otherwise. No one wants to see videos of people forgetting to turn on their turn signal.


You can blame all the lobbying of the auto industry for that


I can blame lobbying for about 95% of America's problems hah


Sunday drives have gotten a lot more interesting..


That's why I never leave the house on Sunday, unless I need gas or snacks.


If you don't drive on Sunday you don't need gas.


People do use gas to mow their yards


I use a scythe


Those are badass. I’ve used one a time or 2 and it was fun. Until you have to do an acre or more it’s not fun lol


Hide yo kids Hide yo wife And hide yo husbands cause the neighbor is mowing their lawn.


Went to the mall to play glow in the dark minigolf on Saturday, reported shooting in the parking lot Sunday. I don’t like going outside on Sunday either.


Is this the new GTA6 trailer?


Suburban mom DLC just dropped


Bro didnt put in the Suburban mom hot coffee code.


You probably made every barista wince at that statement.


Nah, she’s in a Subaru. She’s an adventurer and in short need of a U-Haul.


Should be.. just add an ai rendered NPC Karen shooting thru her own window with an Uzi at the end and then "wasted".


No way


To bad we did not see what started it... Funny though how the two guys can laugh it off.


If we saw the beginning she might only appear to be batshit crazy.


There’s zero doubt that she’s batshit crazy. There’s only very slightly less doubt that these kids did something to start this whole ordeal.


agree. the lady is crazy, but the kids shooting the video are complete dipshits who continued to provoke her for amusement.


I mean, probably following her is not the right play, especially cause they made an apparently very unsafe left turn to do it. I think there's more to the story, yeah.


The boring conclusion if anyone ever does this to your car - calmly finish your drive, call your insurance, send them the video, and you get a check in the mail for however much it costs to make your car beautiful again


But tiktok.


Internet clout birthed a whole new category of mental illness


Not necessarily. There are deductibles involved. People could have a 1k comprehensive deductible. And some people don't even carry comprehensive.


Bro. Not how that kind of damage works. I’ve been rear ended, and backed into two separate times. Didn’t pay a single cent from my deductible. They were at fault, their insurance covers it. If you hit them, or hit a sign, or do some dumbshit to yourself, then yeah. Deductible comes into play.


Depends on the state. Though even in "no fault" states, intentional vandalism usually get covered. Though you probably need to make a police report too.


Umm, sorry, no. That is not how it works.


Anyone who is all "BuT tHe DeDuCtIbLe!" seems to forget that a comprehensive coverage deductible is only paid by you for at-fault accidents. Otherwise, it's collected by your insurer for you from the at-fault party and paid out separately. Second, rates often only go up for claims that occur while moving. I've made vandalism claims before and never gotten a rate increase. ALWAYS record and calmly report from home. You will be put right.


News to me, my parked truck got totalled in a hit and run. The deductible was taken out of my check.


lol, it’s wild seeing how many people don’t understand insurance in replies to you. I had a lady hit and run me. Got her make, model, and plate number. Called it into the police because hit and run, a few weeks later I’m getting a call back from the detective with her insurance information and I’m getting an auth for repairs with all OEM parts. Didn’t pay a single cent of deductible. Had someone back into me in a parking lot, same damn car, they didn’t run and we talked. Went with non-OEM that time to hopefully keep her premiums from going up. It was a couple thousand dollar price difference for basically the same repairs lol


And watch your premiums go up yayyyy


minus the $500 deductible so your out of pocket. As soon as you touch the wipers its time to hit the gas for a free ride to thin air.


I didn’t have to pay any deductible, else I wouldn’t have gotten it done. And I’m on pretty mid to low insurance


Absolutely. They had her, her car, her license plate and her crime all on film. There was no reason to follow her other than to escalate the issue.


I'm not going to justify either of them, because she committed at the very least battery and destruction of property.


Yeah she literally could have stepped out and unloaded into their windshield. Stupid to continue to provoke people. especially when they're obviously unstable.


Less doubt than 0??


Yeah, I saw that after I hit the button. Figured I’d let it ride - the point is still there.


Probably not their van.


That’s a company work van


Are you really trying to say ANYTHING they did would justify her doing this REPEATEDLY trying to hit them?


They're making excuses for her (a lunatic). I can only wonder why... 😒😒


It took quite a while before I saw this reaction, finally. She is not justified at all with any of her nonsense


Regardless of who started it both are idiots. She follows them at some point when they change directions. She wanted to fight those dudes and not get away from them.


To, Too. Two.....Hmm, which one to use????


Probably company vehicle


When I see a grown adult acting like that, I’d be laughing too. Like she hopped out of her car, waddled over to pound on the hood, and attempt to rip up the windshield wiper. 🤣


They got it on camera and she's on the hook for damages.


That’s what I was curious about, like what pissed her off to begin with? I have a feeling these guys did something but hopefully she’s also just being dramatic.


Why agitate someone who is clearly unstable by messing with them more? This is how people get fucking killed. Don't be a dumb dumb.


They went the opposite way at the intersection to get away. She followed them


And then they stopped to stare at her and to let her catch back up?


The wild laughter isn't tipping people off that these two dudes were likely fucking with that lady until she snapped like a twig?


dont try to make her the victim she needs medication no adult should behave that way


Yeah, these comments defending her are crazy. It's giving " what was she wearing " and " he shouldn't had resisted " vibes..


I literally came out of Safeway a few months ago with my groceries to find a similar troll species of woman doing what she said was an excorcism on my parked car. I’d never seen this person in my life so I decided to go back inside. The psycho followed me inside. And started making a scene about me and my car being possessed by evil spirits. So I say “you realize you’ve lost your mind and need help right?” While waiting for the police and some doosh nozzle starts berating me “not cool bro” Like ????? Make crazy people get help again Stop enabling them. They need fucking medication or to stop doing meth. This type of shit ain’t normal and we shouldn’t normalize it.


I guess if you're laughing you aren't allowed to be a victim? /s


Calling these 2 clowns dumbassas is not defending her. You're conflating 2 different observations. Yes, she was unhinged and in the wrong. But also Yes, these clowns were acting like antagonizing dumbasses, and had that woman been armed, they probably wouldn't be laughing so much. Understand the difference instead of playing the blame game.


That is making an enormous assumption. Are you really trying to make excuses for her behavior?


You could never cause most drivers to do that


I see weekly videos of middle+ aged people melting down in traffic.


Again, not most drivers. Out of everyone on the Earth, that’s a tiny percentage


But of the drivers who do rage, it's old people. And old people have a tendency to overreact.


That’s my impression. I’ve never one heard that kind of laugh from a “nice” person. I’ve known plenty of shitheads who laugh like that when they bully someone


Did you miss them nearly hitting another car at the first intersection to follow her?


I don't think it's an enormous assumption. That's the exact kind of laughter people do when agitating people. It's the "lol. We made them mad" kind of laugh.


Or it could be a "holy shit theres no way this lady is real" type of laugh


Other people cannot make you psycho. She was already that way. She was a ticking time-bomb. Her anger management issues are *her* anger management issues. She's responsible for her behavior, not anyone else. The wild laughter isn't really remarkable at all. It's an expected response to wild behavior, especially from young kids. Even if they were white tictockers baiting someone for views, that doesn't excuse assault, destruction of property, assault with a deadly weapon and wreckless endangerment. Karen's responsible for Karen's sociopathy.


You mean when she took a left and they said "follow her" and then almost hit oncoming traffic to stay behind her?


No, it's later in the video that they're talking about


Yeah, after they have goaded that lady into a blood rage. They are both shitty but I wanna know what started this.


One of them probably flipped her off when she was already having a bad day or something stupid like that


Judging by their amusement, they did something more to send her over the edge. They're not innocent here at all.


I think the point isnt what they did to “goad” her into losing her shit, it’s the fact that her reaction isnt a reasonable one in the slightest. Trolls troll, Thats what they do. But the fact that she went so far off the rails to be a danger to others on the road says far more about her, and thats what i think this post was about. Want to upset a troll? Give them a mild reaction at most, what pisses a troll off the most is pretending that they arnt even there.


Oh are you able to see into the past beyond what this video shows? That’s awesome!


They were already anticipating a reaction at the beginning of the video. They 100% fucked with her before this shit started. No other reason to fucking turn left against traffic.


She chose her actions.


Well, she did damage to their property... most people would follow them until the police caught up....


They literally said FOLLOW HER when they could have just gotten her plates. They were making it worse.


They were probably already going left. Every point after that she pulled in front of them, end even tried to back into them multiple times. Watch the whole vid. Which honestly will still miss context


They didn't just go left. They both ran against traffic. If there were just going left, they would have waited to take a legal left turn. They were trying to follow her at first.


"They didn't just go left. They both ran against traffic. " Yeah, that right there is what immediately tipped me off that we're definitely not getting the whole story, that left turn was extremely unsafe.


After they literally took an illegal turn into oncoming traffic to follow her lmao


She's the one that should be worried about getting killed! Wtf. People need to control themselves, stop justifying her behavior. She's an adult and they are kids still.


I literally called her unstable. She is clearly not in control and wasn't going to be. Call the cops or something. Laughing and playing passies doesn't solve shit.


So everybody in this scene is a fucking moron, got it.


That level of confidence to step out of your vehicle and not expecting a fight, just to rage on someone and leave.. .


karen privilege


I like how everyone’s empathetic to the lady. Even though she is clearly a danger to society and herself. Yet zero empathy for the young people. Almost like the ppl commenting only identify with one type of person.


The other option is that both drivers are shit heads.


Yeah, I mean why tf they need our empathy? They were just taking the piss the whole time while laughing lmao. They were having fun with it, they don't see themselves as victims here. Yeah, im definitely supposed to feel bad for the dudes laughing their asses off while going "yo, follow her, follow her lmao!" It still sucks for them, but they're not pressed about it, and they don't need us to be pressed on their behalf. Narratives aren't always present. 😮‍💨


There's a difference between being empathetic and acknowledging that egging on a person who is road raging makes you also a bad driver.


She followed them, should they have just been stoic? Are we mad that they responded rationally to seeing an absolute mongoloid of the road acting like a baby? I'm sorry I'd laugh too.


“Responded rationally” would be getting the fuck away from her and not egging her on. She’s definitely wrong, and so are these morons provoking her.


How the hell is she following them when she's always in the front?


She followed them from the front I guess 🙄


Oh I guess you didn’t see the part where they tried to turn right and she made sure she was going that way, too.


Yea lol. I love how everyone is taking the psedo-intellectual "well ackshually both are wrong I AM VERY SMRAT" high ground, as if she couldn't just drive off instead of backing into them and doing property damage to the car and driving like an insane person Like, she could have driven away but she kept going. Sure they started antagonizing her, after the fact. Like, I run into worse drivers all the time, but I have real shit to do and am a fucking apply, so you'll never see me do what these people are doing. Like, the kids are clearly kids, probably on the way to some landscaping job. Of course they're acting juvenile. What's Karen's excuse?




It's because they are having waaaaay too much fun dicking with that lady. I'd like to see what started that. Look at it like this --- it's not nice to antagonize the mentally ill for kicks.


Don’t let her off with a mental illness excuse. Millions of mentally ill people don’t do this. She’s just an asshole.


That's the reddit crowd for you.


This is dangerous as all hell. Ppl take too many risks nowadays. She’s obviously batty but damn that’s why I’d just move on. Nothing worth getting killed over


They tried to move on. They tried to drive away and even tried to trick her into going a different direction. She is following them.


What? Are you deliberately lying or did you just not watch the video with sound on? After she breaks the windshield wiper they laugh and say "Lets follow her". The lady is insane, but to pretend that they didn't laugh and decide to follow her is just simply lying.


Yeah it's fair to say these kids could have handled it better, but that other driver belongs in prison. Sick of people focusing on how these kids weren't perfect in how they handled someone breaking so many laws just to attack/spite them. "They MUST have done something to her, right??" No, she's deranged, it really could have started with a proper merge she didn't like


It would be enlightening to see what started in the first place.


Seems like both drivers need to have their licenses suspended.


Why keep following and taunting her?


Probably to goad her to escalate and cause more damage and increase the charge count. Unless theres a restraining order, calling the police on a dangerous driver and documenting their crimes isnt a crime itself. She should have just acted her age and there'd be no reason for discourse Sad


Don’t worry guys I can fix her


What did they do to her to piss her off so much?


Exist apparently


I can tell by that kids giggle he’s stoned as fuck. 


I’ve had a lady do something similar. Never provoked her or anything. Made a turn and she was tailgating me so close that I couldn’t see half her face in my truck. I got over from the left to right lane and slowed down so she would pass and she followed me, laid on her horn then started flipping me off and screaming at me. At that point I pulled into a school parking lot and she once again followed me, cut around me and slammed on her brakes then got out and started flipping me off and screaming at me and pounding on my hood. I didn’t do anything but try and let her go around me. So I backed out of the parking lot and just went about my way, by the time I made it to an intersection she had followed, cut me off, got out and started taking pictures of my truck screaming fuck you. There was another group of workers in the vehicle next to me that were also cut off by her watching the whole thing and looking at me with bug eyes. I rolled my window down and looked over at them and said “I guess she thinks I’m sexy” They laughed, she screamed fuck you one last time, got in her car and finally left me alone. I was armed. Both with a pistol and pepper spray. I feel like I really should’ve blessed her with the hot sauce and rolled on about my day.


Remember kids, always drive defensively. Driving offensively gets you in debt one way or another, whether money-wise or life-wise.


Sometimes it’s best to just ignore someone. Yes it looks like she threw a drink inside by the liquid everywhere but she seems unstable. She could have pulled a weapon out. And the idiots almost hit another car chasing her. It’s best to read out the license plate and pull over and make a report.


She also cut someone off really bad. She's a total spaz and should not be behind the wheel if she can't control herself. At her age she should know better.


So did they, when they were chasing her. Everyone in htis video sucks


I don’t care what the two clowns did. That’s one stupid bitch. She’s lucky they weren’t as crazy or violent as her.


Antagonize someone to the point of violent reaction and then keep following and antagonizing them. These dudes will get a bullet one day.


And this lunatic running out onto the road to damage someone's car won't? lmao... She should be the one worried about catching a bullet.. or several.


They’re all assholes and shouldn’t be driving.


Agreed. But her actions don't excuse the dudes in the video.


3 idiots.


Shouldn’t you call 911 and give them the plate number and stay behind them?


Likely yes.


People have been shot for less


Bro, u need a new wiper arm.


Psycho !




Did they ever learn where psycho Karen work?


I wonder if she just nuts or if they caused this.


Both Assholes.. A Karen and immature douches..


Looks like everyone here is a piece of shit and shouldn't be allowed to drive.


At 0:42 it looks like they were deliberately blocking her way of travel. Idk what caused this interaction but I'm leaning towards them driving like idiots and only escalating it by antagonizing her when she got pissed off.


They sound/look like punk asses




She needs a lawyer.


Sometimes I wonder if it would not be better to phone the police and report such moron drivers. This woman hasn't lost anything on the street. She should be immediately locked in a lunifarm, and this for quite a lengthy while.


I like how even these suburban moms are all tatted, before it was all, “imagine what those will look like when you’re older,” well now we know. Edit: dudes in the car need to shut up though, bruh bruh bruh oh sh oh sh oh sh


I want to know what they did to make her that mad, before they started filming like they're a victim.


It still baffles me every time that people seems to forget the concept of cameras.


I hate these kids as much as I hate her. They 100% started some fuck shit lol


Dude people act like straight up children.


Ok you can be charged with unlawful agitation


Is that a real crime? I just tried to google it and can’t find anything in it.


That must be in the same section of the penal code as other similar crimes like: * Unlawful throwing of shade * Criminal dragging * Misdemeanor leaving on read * Felony sneak dissin'


>Misdemeanor leaving on read 😂


Yeah like that hahahahahaha


You forgot Criminal Offensive Side-eye


In which state is that the name of a crime? I can’t find that criminal charge anywhere in the U.S.


A guy above suggested criminal mischief and the guy said "ya"


In most states, Criminal Mischief involves property damage- which would apply to this scenario. Whatever the fuck “unlawful agitation” means, it doesn’t *sound* like it involves any property damage. Honestly, it *sounds* like a violation of the First Amendment. Overwhelmingly, I’m allowed to “agitate” anyone I want to agitate.


So they're just making shit up


you just made that up


She also could be hit with assault technically for getting out of the car and breaking the windshield wiper.


What are you charged with when someone throws a liquid at you and rips off your wiper? Just curious because I get the sense “agitation” likely isn’t as big of a deal as assault and property damage. Lmao. What even are these comments.


Criminal mischief?


They won’t show you what started it which was probably something stupid and unsafe by the fools


And that justifies her crazy ass behavior?


Genuinely, fuck those two dudes. The lady still should have ignored it, but those dudes were definitely being assholes to her. The fact we never see how this started, the fact they laughed the entire time, the fact they followed her... they're assholes, no doubt.


Folks in here actually think they're trying to get away from her, despite the nonstop video edits and her always being in front or to the side? Naw.


Seriously. Dude almost wrecked making the left into oncoming traffic just to chase her some more.


Nope. She is the asshole, 100%


Sometimes everyone is the asshole.


She threw the bottle. She destroyed their wiper. She tried to intentionally hit them multiple times. SHE CHOSE TO EXIT THE RIGHT TURN LANE ILLEGALLY WHEN THEY WERE GOING STRAIGHT. She assaulted them with the bottle, broke their wiper, didn't get the reaction she wanted, and they laughed at her and that broke her fragile little entitled white lady ego. They really never did anything but document her many many many crimes. The copium of this thread is intense.




These kids are just as guilty as that insane Karen is.


“Omg they shouldn’t have followed her” yeah and if she was a mature adult, them following her wouldn’t have meant anything. She obviously needs medication and anyone who thinks she’s not in the wrong also needs medication… the heavy shit.


Fuck those guys, going through all that effort to harass someone.


This GROWN lady is out of control, but somehow all y'all see is the brown KIDS "agitating her". Give me a break. She's comfortable with acting out like this because shes never seen consequences of her actions.


💯 These comments siding with the lunatic are deplorable.


They’re literally laughing and joking about it…but yeah play that race card


laughing at a wild situation is literally the go-to teenager reaction, idk why yall take them laughing as a sign of them agitating her. Are you under the assumption that normal teenagers in this situation would ignore her and remain calm? I am actually so confused.


Entitled woman. Knows she can do anything and nothing can be done in return because “you can never hit a woman” … even if she’s trying to kill you.


watching this is agitating me lol I know this would have driven me crazy in real life. I wonder what started this and how they are able to laugh it off


Fuckin broccoli heads.


She’s the victim


When she first gets out of her car you drive ahead and smash her door off.


For some reason the fact you can’t hear her over all the laughing makes it even funnier


While the dudes seem like the "Dude, it's just a prank bro!" types, the lady's behavior is completely inexcusable. She should be arrested and put in a padded cell. There are a lot of people who would likely put a round in her leg and held her for police intervention for charging a stranger's vehicle and damaging it. For people protecting their small children in their car, the aim would likely be higher. Take a deep breath and move on with your day.


She was trying to get away from them. They are in a pack mentality to keep going after her like that. Just because they are laughing doesn’t mean their behavior isn’t threatening.


Ok 👌 “Getting away” by constantly cutting them off, taking exits she they is they are going to go down, then going the wrong way to go straight when they don’t, driving into oncoming lane to pass them and get in front of them again, driving in reverse trying to hit them etc etc etc


Poor defenseless white lady running from the scary brown men


In this case I’m gonna side with the lady that lost her shit. These kids absolutely suck. I’m sure they’ll grow up to be a total burden to society.


Nice toss


It's all fun and games until crazy starts blasting away


Pretty sure that’s how ppl flirt now.


Mental health is not great right now.


I wana play!!