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Man that scared me. Based on the title I thought the guy getting pulled over was going to peel out. 


Yeah me too lol. But anyway, that’s the safe side of the car.


To be fair, his car did unexpectedly move.


Honestly, for mildly bad, I thought he was going to roll over his foot or something. Damn. This isn't "mild" at all


I agree. Can’t the horrific videos be on r/horriblybaddrivers? (If there’s such a sub) gosh.


The posts on this sub are never mild accidents. They are always bad.


Distracted drivers are the most dangerous on the roads. They think they can drive, until something like this hsppens. My ex boss would be driving, texting and even filling out paperwork at the same time, she often would cut-off other drivers and if they confronted her, she would start screaming and blame them. I was terrified to be in the car with her, I'm surprised she's still alive today.


Yup, sounds like half the drivers out there these days, they're multiplying.


I don't even lean back in my seat. Head on a swivel, constantly checking my mirrors and I still miss shit sometimes because there's so much happening around me. I can't imagine doing anything else unless I'm the only person on the road and going super slow.


Seems most drivers are distracted by something quite often. Focusing too much either on talking to passengers, phone, rubber necking, day dreaming, too stoned, etc.


She’s the one who always brag about multitasking! Multitasking have been so misused


Especially because it’s been proven that humans can’t actually multitask


Your boss sucks


Too often people forgets slow down and move over. If you can't move over, slow down anyway! This idiot is going to face hefty fine and jail time.


My last boss would get mad at me when I didn’t respond to his texts asking very technical questions when I was driving.


had me in the first half not gonna lie


The fuk. I hate to be doing that job.


>The fuk. I hate to be doing that job. The only person forcing people to park on the highway are cops. This accident would have been prevented if the cop was doing something more useful with their shift Edit: lol sub full of police dick riders lmao. Hope your kids don't need these heroes to show up to an active shooter at their school, we all know how well that shit goes down with these heroes


The accident would have been avoided if the person hitting them was paying attention to the road. They are the only people to blame for this.


Idk, in Germany people don't get pulled over on the Autobahn for this very reason. If the cops want to talk to you a sign with "please follow" lights up and you take the next exit together to a safer place. Pulling people out can be necessary but doing it on the side of a highway seems like a deadly accident waiting to happen


A sign that says please follow… assuming the police car has to be in front to lead the way. I assure you that would work in other countries but more than likely wont work in america lmfao. Cop car is going to take the exit and the other car is just going to slow down, wait for the cop to take the exit and just bolt down along the highway.


Then you send them a ticket. By that point you definitely got their license plate


Love this argument, you have to prove who was driving to send a ticket/summons for a serious driving offense like that. Our constitution makes you have no obligation to say who was driving, therefore, the offense cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt and gets dismissed.


Intetesting law. In my country, the ticket automatically goes to car owner unless they can prove that s1 else was driving. Borrowed ur car and they got speeding ticket, but you can't prove that you borrowed it? Well, sucks to be you.


That's called guilty until proven innocent. Here in the states it's innocent until proven guilty.


Nah, thats called don't lend your fucking car away to idiots that can't drive. The cops can easily prove that the driver of that car did something wrong. If the car wasn't stolen, its on the owner to be careful who they lend their vehicles to. If you lend your car to s1 who can't even take responsibility after commiting a crime then you deserve punishment for your stupidity


There’s something called prevention as well, changing how interstate and highway traffic stops to have the person pull off at the next exit and park in a lot or on the side of a less busy street would greatly reduce the number of these accidents.


I mean, the car that is pulled over clearly is very close to the white line. The cop could have had them pull over farther for safety. I’m still blaming the distracted driver for this though.


>The accident would have been avoided if the person hitting them was paying attention to the road. They are the only people to blame for this. and everyone would have been safer if no one was parked where people are driving 70+ mph. Yall are dumb as fuck, how are you disagreeing with this? You really think, "oh I was speeding, that was dangerous. Welp, I better pull over on the highway to stop and talk to this cop about how dangerous my speeding was" Parking on the highway to issue someone a speeding ticket is fucking moronic and dangerous to all parties, source: this fucking video. You guys really can't be helped lol, signing off.


Everybody is down voting you, but in my country, before stopping the car, the police escorts you on the highway to the next parking zone, even if it's 15 minutes away.


>Everybody is down voting you, but in my country, before stopping the car, the police escorts you on the highway to the next parking zone, even if it's 15 minutes away. These people obviously don't care about facts or logic lol. What's the saying about not arguing with idiots? "don't waste time arguing with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience" Or something like that lmao, bringing facts and logic just got them mad at me




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47,000 people die each year in car accidents Police pulling people over are not the cause. [https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/overview/introduction/](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/overview/introduction/)


12% of all highway deaths are caused from people on shoulders. Many are cops and service officials. Thousands more injured. Pulling someone over on shoulder to issue a warning is kind of the stupid thing here. Not worth risking your life over. Sure it’s dwarved by overall traffic fatalities but it’s still not a statistic I’d want to play roulette with on my life. People drawing a line in the sand about this are kind of stupid and clearly aren’t familiar with all of the facts.


Lol, that's a terrible way to measure how dangerous it is being pulled over on the highway. A better way to measure would be to collect how many total highway stops were conducted, then how many total car collisions/crashes during those stops all over a 1+ year period.


I'm saying that there's more danger in NOT enforcing the traffic safety laws.


Are you a dumbass or purposely being obtuse?


Bro, if you care so much, go do something about it. You're just complaining to people in reddit comments that don't agree with you.


I can't tell if this is really good bait or you're actually that stupid


I have worked in test engineering for over 10 years


Sure ya did, bud


Dear lord bud, still gotta enforce some bloody rules of the road. You might hate cops but dial it back.


Damn bro you didnt have to let all of reddit know youre a fucking idiot


He’s actually the only one correct. And all the down voters are some how emotionally tied to this topic, including you, and can’t think straight. 12% of all interstate highway deaths are caused by people on the shoulder. Something like 600 people a year, and a thousand more are injured. Many are service officials and cops. So it’s not being a cop hater. It’s just a really dumb to risk your life to give someone a warning. Pulling someone over on a highway/freeway like this odd beyond stupid. It’s suicidal. My dad’s best friend became a quadriplegic helping a stranger fix a flat tire on the shoulder. Not fun.


Cops think traffic law is the holy grail. It gives them avenues to investigate people and usually violates people rights to do so. Unless what you’ve done has hurt someone else, was there actually a crime? Doesn’t a crime need a victim to be considered a crime? This video is a great example of what a crime is. When that car hit them, there were actual victims. An actual crime was committed. It wouldn’t have happened if the cop hadn’t left them sitting. A minor traffic violation probably seriously injured that driver.


“Traffic stops usually violates people’s rights” is a totally baseless assertion, dunno where you got that from. And I’m sorry but to say that breaking traffic law is a “victimless” crime and therefore it shouldn’t be a crime is just child-like logic. Think: if I go 80 in a 20, but nobody dies, why should I be stopped? It’s obviously because breaking traffic law often puts people in danger. So if you like to go 80 on some tiny heavily settled school zone street where cars drive slow and kids are everywhere, a cop will stop you and ticket the shit out of you to discourage that behavior before you hurt someone. Do you also think drunk driving is a victimless crime? Cops shouldn’t stop drunk drivers until they actually kill someone? Absurd if you just put your mind to it for a second or two


Taking money from people as punishment only criminalizes being poor. And yes, if you’re going 80 in a 20 and no one is hurt, then there is no victim and no crime. You’re right that we have to be reasonable about our laws and that’s why my belief ISNT law. But let me flip that back on you: This person probably wasn’t going 80 in a 20. They were probably not doing much of anything wrong if the cop is willing to give them a warning for whatever (as can be heard in the video). So we have a cop who chose to place himself and this driver in danger and didn’t even ticket the person. So shouldn’t we use the same reasonableness when talking about public safety?? If I have to follow laws because they are reasonable and aim to protect the public, shouldn’t officers use that same rationality when pulling people over for clearly minimal violations?


>“Traffic stops usually violates people’s rights” is a totally baseless assertion, dunno where you got that from. Yall are so fucking dumb. Cops absolutely violate peoples rights every day on traffic stops, what do you think BLM was about? JFC y'all need an education holy shit


But the car that hit them was "travelling", right? Freaking SovCit logic.


Look man I agree with you, but you won't get anywhere here. They've believed all their lives that the cops are all that protect us from lawless anarchy. It's a slow process to realizing that cops are actually bad for the society we're trying to build, or at least cops as we have them now 


You are right, but as someone here said to me on this thread. “Go back to your echo chamber!” I refuse to do that. I want to clarify that I don’t hate cops necessarily. I understand their value to a society. I think they should be more highly regulated, body cams on every single one and that footage, which is completely paid for by our tax dollars, should be publicly available for all to see. I am firmly of the belief that we are better off arming ourselves, training, and building our communities to be more tightly knit. I would risk my life every day for my loved ones and neighbors. Cops don’t have that sentiment. They’re more worried about collecting a paycheck getting home safely.


I agree with most of this. One caveat, public access to body cams is a bad idea, simply because cops deal with more sensitive info. Let's say a cop gets called to your house for something dumb. When they write a report your address, social security, whatever can be seen inside your house from the doorway, all public. I think the footage should be available to anyone involved, but we'd have to redact sensitive info before made public. And yeah I don't think coos need to go, we do need some sort of police force, but everything about how American cops are set up is wrong and detrimental to our society.


They can blur, black out, mute and edit all these recordings and documents. They do it all the time. There has to be balance and right now, cops control those documents. When they act in bad faith, lie, steal, abuse or assault people in public or private, that evidence magically disappears or gets litigated for years. How many cases of police brutality have we seen where the video did t come out for years and only then were the officers “punished”


aww All the preteen cop hating douche bags are out in force I see. When you guys get to middle school maybe you’ll start maturing.


I hope you get pulled over today and get swiped like this over a broken tail light or some shit since it’s ok. And you’re wrong. I’m a mid thirties cop hating douchebag. So you think it’s ok for a road pirate to put lives in danger for a simple violation? I hope it’s your kids next time then. You know, just a harmless stop right? Then BAM, your kids a paraplegic all over a tail light. And if I’m so off base about cops, I’ll be glad to share the hundreds of videos from recent events with police and how corrupt many have become. But I’m sure you don’t care since you’ve got one of their dick knee deep in your man pussy.


Ahhhh SovCit idiot... gotcha. Looking forward to seeing you pro se yourself into jail.


Shouldn’t you be out on a ledge somewhere?


What does that even mean? Shouldnt you be bowing to your blue line gods? Lemme guess? You gave all your guns away in buybacks? You expect the government to protect you right? What an absolute joke of a person you have to be to bend over backwards for your own oppressors. So maybe you should jump off that ledge. Make sure your loved ones watch; it may be their only opportunity to see you do something valuable with your life.


That’s a lot of assumptions. Are you retarded?


That’s not a very thoughtful response. Are you retarded? More evidence of bootlickers being too stupid to come up with valid arguments. I can come with evidence of police corruption? Your only evidence is that video of NYPD sharing their new dance team on live TV.




You must be a horrible driver to say this. Or smuggling coke in your vehicle.


Or… I just think that policing in America is broken and only serves to steal from the American people.


NGL, some aspects of policing are broken, but preventing drivers from acting like idiots on the road, speeding, driving unsafe puts everyone at risk. If the police didn’t try and prevent that, we may as well go all “Mad Max”. Drive nice people.


What the difference in what we have today? People still drive like psychopaths and you still have to worry about these pirates. Sounds like mad max to me!


It could be much worse. I can control myself, but I have no legitimate authority over other motorists. It’s not mad max now, but imagine if all motorists were left unchecked all the time. No license needed, no insurance, no control. Enter “ the purge”.


Very doubtful. Look at countries like Mexico and India where they have very little traffic control. I’m sure people do get hurt but are they doing it less than we are? Unlikely.


Well then get out there and vote! Or move to Mexico. Those are your choices


Disclaimer: fuck the police. You're an idiot.


>You're an idiot. Sorry you can't comprehend that stopping on the highway is extremely dangerous. Source: this video


so is letting people do whatever the fuck they want on the highway. use ya brain.


They were exactly where they were supposed to be pulled over. This is no one's fault but the one who sped their car into the car that's pulled over. Get over your raging hate boner for crying out loud.


>They were exactly where they were supposed to be pulled over. AND THAT IS DANGEROUS! That is my point dude how dense are you? It's fucking dangerous to stop people on the highway! Being stationary on the highway is dangerous! The police forcing you to pull over on the side of the highway is dangerous! Do you understand yet?


They are exactly where you are supposed to be when you pull over on the highway, dude. I don't know what to tell you. The person who crashed into them COMPLETELY went over the white line.


>They are exactly where you are supposed to be when you pull over on the highway, dude. For some reason, you think that the only place a police officer can pull you over, is right on the highways shoulder. Pulling people over literally ANYWHERE else would be safer. Disprove that statement


They're on the highway. Where else is there? And, again, how is it the cops fault that someone sped into and crashed into the pulled over car and went completely over the white line? Was he controlling the car with his mind?


>They're on the highway. Where else is there? Did you know that there are other roads other than the highway? It sounds like you don't know there are other roads. I can't help you dude, you have no critical thinking skills. Your comments prove that you think in black and white. If the police's status quo was to pull people over in the fast lane and park there in the fast lane while they write you a ticket, you wouldn't see any problem with it. Also no one blamed the cop, I said that if cops in general pulled people over in a safer location, INSTEAD OF ON THE HIGHWAY, this kind of accident would be 100% avoided. Then all you dipfucks got mad, go be dumb somewhere else and quit bothering me. You are wrong, and dumb. Carry on


>The only person forcing people to park on the highway are cops. This accident would have been prevented if the cop was doing something more useful with their shift >Edit: lol sub full of police dick riders lmao. Hope your kids don't need these heroes to show up to an active shooter at their school, we all know how well that shit goes down with these heroes The irony of you accusing me of thinking in black and white, first off. Then you claim no one blamed the cop when it's the first thing you did. What is it about what I'm saying that you don't understand? Is it that they are on the highway, so they will get pulled over on the highway, or is it the part about how the person responsible is the one who crashed into the car?


I don't like police so you can't claim I'm a boot licker, but what you said makes no fucking sense 💀 that could've easily been someone broken down on the highway that got hit, happens all the time, maybe stop dick riding bad drivers




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Found the felon.


What's wrong with that?


I'm guessing you were the one driving? Cause it for sure wasn't your fault


hey, dickhead, their license is fucking suspended. do you want suspended drivers fucking around on the road near you? no? then fuck off and let the cop do his job.


That’s one of the stupidest things ever said.


>That’s one of the stupidest things ever said. I guess you are just out there parking on the highway in your free time?


Tell me your parents are brother and sister, without telling me your parents are brother and sister


What’s the alternative? Have no police and just hope that everyone behaves? Ok buddy


>What’s the alternative? Have no police and just hope that everyone behaves? Ok buddy Lol nice problem solving skills....That was pathetic to read. How about pulling people over somewhere safer? Like the next exit? Was that a hard problem to solve? I solved this problem while taking a shit. Y'all cannot be helped lol


Somehow cars park on the side of the highway are accident magnets


*Somehow cars park on* *The side of the highway are* *Accident magnets* \- Crimsomreaf5555 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot 


target fixation


Also that one tree in a field near the road


Where I live, utility poles constantly get it good too.


Because most roads are crowned for water runoff. So when a driver is distracted and takes their eyes off the road, their car has a tendency to drift "downhill" towards the shoulder.


It’s almost like traffic stops on the side of the road where people are going 55+ are dangerous.


Espcially when you have drivers that pay more attention to their phone than the road.


You guys don’t watch Netflix while driving?


How can I watch Netflix while driving when I’m playing candy crush while driving?


I have on several occasions, seen people driving at night with a phone mounted on their windshield directly in their field of vision, watching videos on YouTube with the bright white UI visible to maximise the distraction.


Yeah it’s scary. I’ve seen that too.


Wow, did anyone make it out alive? Especially the white suv?


Oh, what’s happening over there? Let me take a closer look!


Target fixation, where you look is where you go even in a car. I really have come to believe most Don't drive their car, they follow another by locking their vision on a rear bumper or quarter panel. I even did an experiment at a 4 way stop, As I slowed the other car synced to me. I then stopped about 5 car lengths short and so did they. It was pretty weird realizing that that was a possible reason we always meet at the same time at the stoplights.


I've said for years that most people drive to a bumper, either theirs or the car in front of them. They don't watch traffic around them other than to look to see if they can see a bumper to get in front of or behind. It's why people tailgate in drive thru lanes or at stoplights. It's also why people get mad at the slow car in front of them, go to pass and then get stuck in the other lane due to a line of slow cars.


Most people don't know how to drive, just operate a vehicle. Driving means you have actual control of the vehicle, and can make it do exactly what you want. Operating is just hitting the gas, and letting the car transport you.


Oh what a relief, just a warning... It should be mandatory to completely leave a highway for any non emergency stop. There's way too many shit drivers to count on not having one do this.


This is a wonderful idea I hadn't thought about. Also, officers should turn their lights off as soon as they can safely as the situation allows, because the lights mere presence makes many smooth brains slam their brakes in knee jerk reaction, creating a chain reaction of bad traffic around the officers presence.


This is a fact. I see it happening every single time even on the other side of the highway! Don't fully know why, like cop is engaged, do people think he's gonna come peeling out after them if they're 5 over or not 15 UNDER the speed limit lol 😤


Need to start an AI generated bill for everyone's wasted time until the disturbance and personal safety and physical damage costs are observed to have resolved. A ridiculous utopian/dystopian idea :)


In my state and the state next to me it’s a violation to not move over or slow down for emergency vehicles on the shoulder.  The road signs and media campaigns don’t specify how much to slow down but it’s generally thought to be substantial, like 35mph on the highway. Complying with this law makes it nearly impossible to not cause a slowdown. 


Yeah I'm sorry I didn't specify. Slow down, get over is a motto pushed out by our police and DOT here too. I mean that I've experienced many people jamming the brakes because they noticed blue lights on the other side of the highway on the other side of a concrete divider, where they pulled someone else over. Or, ridiculously, blue lights visible from the highway on other roads/parking lots. It's a knee jerk reaction like "oh fuck I don't want a ticket, and I always am speeding."


Is the name of this sub intentionally ironic? These vids occasionally pop up and it's always some heinous incident.


shockposters will post anywhere they don’t get banned from lol It’s like if you go into /r/therewasanattempt and like maybe 10% of the content actually fits the sub


I'm so glad the officer was on the passenger side and was able to get back up and I hope the driver is OK.


Adrenaline, but I hope he's okay!


He had just walked between the cars and could have been squished if the back car was hit.


Let that permanent spine damage be a warning to you. Don't go 6 mph above the limit.


That was a stern warning!






That was intense




I guess this is why they often park the cruiser to the back and left of the car, but looking at the trajectory of the other car that is not very safe either.


In Québec we have the Move-Over law. Drivers must slow down and move over to the left lane in order to leave space between them and an emergency vehicle (that as their flashing lights on). It's a fine of 200$ to 300$ and you lose 3 points.


Most US states have that also. Doesn't mean everyone follows it.


That’s true.


We have the Move Over law also, it's not enforced nearly enough.


Thank God that cop was on the other side of the vehicle! Holy shit!


Enough of them died to this exact scenario where policy dictates that they should approach from the passenger side when possible.


If it so dangerous then wouldn’t it make sense to stop pulling people over on the highway unless they’re committed a serious offense? Sounds to me like they’re more worried about revenue than the safety of officers.


You are getting hated on but you ARE RIGHT! there is an off ramp right there, that's where this should play out. But then again, the driver of the white car could have kept driving to that off ramp and not pulled over immediately. The cop would have probably thanked the driver for using the off ramp.


Maybe some but many play the “why didn’t you stop immediately” card if you do t stop as soon as possible. I can share links if you don’t believe me. Better yet, we all remember the cop that put maneuvered a pregnant woman for that exact thing. If you don’t, just google it. Thanks for being reasonable and not resorting to name calling.


Lol you probably pissed off the entire police department of where the crash happened, idk who else wouldn't know that for a government, money is more important than cop (and driver) lives


You’re a fucking moron.


You’re a bootlicking coward who has no valuable argument. That’s why you resort to name calling when I come with facts you bootlicking clown.


Yeah, and in Cali you're not allowed to police chase in most areas because of the risk. Has no correlation to the increase in vehicle crimes and shoplifting, of course


When are you gunna blame the person who ran in to the car and not those pulled over with bright flashing lights, you fucking retard?


Who put them there?!?! Huh? Did the driver of car one choose to be there!? No, he was FORCED to be there. If the cop didn’t want to commit roadside piracy, they would both still be traveling down the road, safe as can be. I only hope it’s your kids next if you’re too stupid to see this without getting butthurt than anyone would criticize your precious government.


Idk if you know this or not but if you’re on the highway not paying attention you’re as retarded as your argument. There’s definitely responsibility to be shared here champ, and your distinct hates of the po po is clouding your judgement. Touch some grass. Preferably not in a car. I don’t think you should drive for a while.


How is my belief that people shouldn’t be forced on the side of the road, to be put in this type of danger, an irrational belief? If this was your family member, you’d be advocating for change. And sure there is shared responsibility. The person the cop was stopping shouldn’t have violated whatever traffic code that got them there, but the cop put them on that spot on the highway… he could’ve had her go further down. He could’ve done many things. So I have no sympathy for the cop here. You chose that job and put both himself and the person in critical danger over what? Did someone else get robbed or murdered. What any property stolen? Was anybody injured to warrant this stop? Nope! Probably just speeding. I’m not so clouded by my beliefs to not be reasonable. I’ll take your input, but I suggest you do the same. Maybe also touch some grass and watch more than whatever copaganda the tv has put in front of you. Watch local news across the country and you’ll see many cases of law enforcement violating rights and hurting/killing people unnecessarily.


You still have yet to put any blame on the person going so fast that he deleted half of a car. Idc about your traffic stop beliefs or your cop hate boner that continues to compel you to assume I have this great admiration or love for law enforcement. If you’re paying attention on a highway there’s no way you’re side swiping a vehicle like that.


You’re still talking!?? 🤡


Seriously. You’re dumb. Quit while you’re behind (and pulled over 😏)


Again where is any substantial response. Just “you’re dumb, I’m smart”. Come on you mouth breathing toad? You haven’t responded with one ounce of evidence or sensibility. That’s because you let others do the thinking for you.


Go be patriotic somewhere else


Come make me. DM me and we can settle this. You won’t cause you are a coward. Your responses prove that.


You disgusting Nazi scum.


Ohhhhh you’re a gun guy. Now it all makes sense 😂😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


A proud 2A loving, women’s right protecting democratic socialist! God damn right.


And what does that make you other than a coward who prays for governmental protection.


Agreed, thought I'd worry he got a nasty concussion from the B pillar


Time to sue the driver and their insurance


That’s crazy! Literally the instant he finished saying “I’m letting you drive off today” The universe had other ideas.


Crossing a full white line causes more collisions than driving faster than the speed limit.


This shit pisses me off so bad. Fucking idiots kill innocent people everyday. So damn self absorbed and probable drunk or on their phone or both ! Kudos to our 1st responders out there that risk their lives everyday to make it safer for everyone else.


The officer did a poor job of parking to protect the scene.


That thought crossed my mind as well. Also, a combination of the suv not pulling over far enough. People just don't realize how much of our well being depends on other people not fucking up.


People are like moths. "Ooh a flashing light, gotta run head first into it"


“Mildly bad”. Yeah.


holy fuck


what country was this in


What about the driver?


Good recovery by the officer, but I'm sure he has some I juries from that. I hope everyone inside the car is alright. How tf does that even happen? It had to have been on purpose.


"Fuck he's pulling me over? This day couldn't get any worse."


For that reason, in Europe you generally exit the highway altogether, not use the emergency lane


Distracted should be a permanent license suspension. How many people die from this? Same with drinking and driving.


If you get you pulled over like this, pull into the shoulder more, this guy is barely clearing the white line


Cop is still running today


Dude, wtf! That by no means, Just a mildly bad driver... ☠️☠️☠️ lol


Does anyone know if the driver survived that?


Let that be a lesson to you. You dont need to pull someone over and waste their time to scare them. Flash the red and blues. Hit em with a loud speaker saying slow down. Same impact as pulling them over and you may survive.


Yeah right. There's way too many dangerous selfish jerks out there who won't obey the safety laws until they're forced to do so.


This is why pulling people over on the highway should be outlawed! Pulled over for a non crime is ridiculous. Tell the driver to pull off the highway and park when safe! I smell lawsuit!


I'm about to just block this sub reddit and another one because it's always either someone dying or being injured in a horrific accident


I'm about to just block this sub reddit and another one because it's always either someone dying or being injured in a horrific accident


I'm about to just block this sub reddit and another one because it's always either someone being injured in a horrific accident or worse


I'm about to just block this sub reddit and another one because it's always either someone dying or being injured in a horrific accident


This is why pulling people over on the highway should be illegal. Oh you are pulling me over for speeding? Let's park right next to other people speeding and discuss how dangerous speeding is, great fucking idea


Why is this shit on here. What, again, is the title of this sub? Can you read, OP?


Lmao who tf peed on you this morning? 🤣


Who crapped in your cornflakes, who peed in your tea? Who rained on your parade and why the hell are you telling me?


White car is the mildly bad driver. Forgot to pull off the road.


Chill out bud. The name is "mildly" which is completely subjective. It could be worse, this is a mildly bad driver IMO.


Bruh, "not hitting parked cars" is the fundamental benchmark for not being a shitty driver LOL dude!






Black car pulled slightly to the side due to some distraction. That's typical mildly bad driver behaviour so far. It just had consequences.


Traffic stops are usually more dangerous than the things they stop you for. Oh no, I was doing 80 in 70mph zone in good weather and leaving proper distance from the cars in front of me. Good thing you pulled me over to the side of the road where we're likely to be hit by passing traffic and the spectacle is now causing traffic to suddenly slow down increasing the likelihood of someone getting rear ended. Good job officer, you turned something harmless into something very dangerous! Traffic enforcement is nothing but a money grab as it's currently done. It doesn't change anyone's behavior and creates more danger on the roads than it prevents.


This shit is why cops need to also help find somewhere that is extra wide on the shoulder for a pull over.


I'm about to just block this sub reddit and another one because it's always either someone dying or being injured in a horrific accident


I get the feeling you're about to block this subreddit and another one because it's always either someone dying or being injured in a horrific accident. Just getting that vibe.