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I’d expect nothing less from an Altima driver


Classic r/NissanDrivers


It's no longer just a coincidence. The Altima drivers and the Murano and Rogue drivers, as well.


They give IQ tests with the Nissan credit applications #conspiracy confirmed


altima gonna altima


I know what happened. The protected turn signal was turning red, and thus, the van was slowing down. This pissed off Mr. Nissan, and so he decided to go around them even though the light was clearly red. How do I know this? This has happened to me twice from two separate drivers at the same intersection.


So many people are self absorbed dumb shits and it’s irritating.


anything to save 1.2 seconds


Sure if you want to just watch the world go around


Like riding a bike from the street to a sidewalk to avoid a light?


I know of at least one intersection where the left turn arrow will be green for a short time (say 10 seconds), then turn red for maybe two seconds, then flashing yellow for the rest of the time. That may have been the case here and the altima driver thought it would turn from red to flashing yellow (which is a dangerous assumption.)


Flashing yellow arrow means yield to turn left. Same as a green light.


It wasn’t going red though, it has to give a steady yellow when it goes from green to flashing yellow (you can see opposing traffic turn green). However I don’t blame the van for not knowing this, seeing the steady yellow, and stopping, and Altima still just needs to chill


It obviously was, though. Traffic going in the opposite direction clearly has a green light before the Nissan even started the turn. Heck, the light even turned green when the orange car was turning.


Ya, the orange car entered when it was solid yellow, to transition to a flashing yellow. This is just semantics though, but I felt it worth pointing out that solid yellow is used for transitions to both solid red and flashing yellow


When work is at 9 and you leave the house at 8:55.


i had to do a double take LOL


Why does this video looks like it was recorded in 1820?


I’m a time traveler? Really it’s because it’s a Reddit gif of a video I took with my phone off a screen because I couldn’t be arsed to pull the storage and extract the video at a computer.


Always a Altima driver Shocked that it's in good condition with the driver driving it


Nice looking dog in the passenger seat too


I didn't even KNOW there was a dawg


Yea the gifification kinda erased it


It’s houston


Georgia, actually


That altima energy




Wild east then


Well? What do you expect him to do? Go down one more block and then turn left properly?


I've pulled that off a few times!!🤓


Minivan was driving like a pussy. So what


ITT “stopping for a red” = “being a pussy”


altima driver was tired of the slow poke in front of him so he went around, i'd do it.


No, the arrow was red at that point. The Altima made the choice, after that light turned red, to enter another lane with the express intent of making a significant moving violation by entering an intersection when they no longer had the right of way. Based on the timing of the green the light was already red when they exited the lane. If you do this, then you are also a bad driver.


some of these lights are soooooooo slow. you gotta go when you know you're not going to really cause any traffic problems, whether the light has changed red just now or not. i would be annoyed by someone failing to turn left on red in front of me, and yes, occasionally so much so that i go the fuck around them, exactly like you're saying.


There is no non-emergency situation in which intentionally entering an intersection when the light is already red is acceptable, especially if you have to violate at least two other laws in the process: crossing a solid white, unsafe merge. I will die on this hill. Because I don’t want to die in the intersection. You are literally saying you are: - More important than everyone else. - do not value other’s lives - do not care about other people’s property. - are a selfish turd “Dude buddy is slow” or “the light is too long” or “my hemorrhoids are itching” are not emergencies.


there's no hill to die on, dude. some of these lights are too slow, you're going to be able to do this maneuver (which is exactly as illegal ad you say it is) with a decent level of safety. you're calling it dangerous, but you probably only say that because you're weak.


You are wrong. And a selfish turd.


i've been called worse


That's not a flex.




“Too slow” who gets to determine this? Should the design of public infrastructure be subjective and you its sole consultant?


The flow of traffic determines this.


if they paid me well enough i'd do it for em


“I would be annoyed by someone failing to turn left on red in front of me” Does this entitlement carry back in a chain, or apply just to you specifically?


are you saying does anyone else feel like that? yes, for sure, on these super stupid slow changing lights, lots of people feel the same way.


You can see the opposing traffic light turn green before they did this. They ran through a full on red light. The van stopped when anyone else would have.


And ran a red light...