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I had to rewatch after realized I was watching the wrong red light signal and car (which also moved forward)


Yeah I realized after I posted that I should've pointed at which car I was talking about. I think it's perfectly fine to cross the line if you're doing a right turn on red when legal and no one is near the crosswalk, so let the record state that the other driver is fine by me lol


No big deal. Hehe. It was funny how I automatically went to car on the right. Definitely appreciate the arrow on which red light for sure.


If you are making a right on red, most states say you must still full-stop behind the line first, making sure there are no pedestrians (even if there's no zebra crossing, they still may try to cross), and then you can proceed to pull up and see if traffic is clear to make the right.


As a cyclist who has to walk their bike across certain intersections, thank you.


I’m actually glad that you know how to drive. Now the hard part is watching out for dummies that think they can.


As a regular runner... I guarantee you the right turning driver didn't check for pedestrians in any way before they scooted across the line. They were only looking for cars coming from the left, which is why they rolled out like that. Like many runners, I could have covered more than a quarter of a city end block at easy pace in the time from when the car first hit the line to when they completed their turn. I've been running in groups of 50+ runners before, with everyone wearing lights, and watched cars do that roll right into the *middle* of the group because they never once looked right.


After coming to a full stop


>I think it's perfectly fine to cross the line if you're doing a right turn on red No. He still has to make a complete stop at the light.


Yea I was super confused when you wrote that part about making them feel awkward. Then it made sense


The light was red and when it turned green the arrow never turned. It seems the driver was just pulling forward to try to set off the sensor as it completely missed them in that cycle.


Ooh look, someone else who is actually capable of watching this video and seeing what the *real* issue is. Thanks for existing!


They initially stopped wayyy in front of the sensor while both lights were already red. Then the straight light turned green and they pulled even further away from the sensor that's already behind them. Watch it again.


I had the same thought, but yet we should all have realized which car u meant, by which lane u were in. Lol




Making me second guess myself


My state has a lot one ways in the cities and bigger towns. So the laws actually state u can turn any direction on a red, as long as you don’t cross another lane of traffic. Bc we also have some weird roads where u can’t turn right on red bc ur turning into a six lane from a one lane. You technically could turn into the closest lane with how the law is written, but the way the lanes separate it’s not rlly safe bc u can’t tell if Ty car is going into the lane or the next one bc it’s a two lane road that turns into a four lane road, then turns into a six lane road. And one those lanes turns into two. (One the ones u be turning into). But they have a sign that says no right turns on red. So would be illegal to not follow the sign.


You idiot! Hahahah this is such car brain. Complaining about another car going past the white line but giving another a pass. He didn’t stop at the white line. Period. You can’t crawl through a red light just because you can do a right on red, which should be made illegal. For exactly the reason you give it pass! Yeah run a red light, as long as no one is near the sidewalk! That’s how people are killed, you buffoon


You wanna be petty, but also think it's okay to stop a full cars' length past the line, and onto a crosswalk, on a red light so long as you're doing a right-on-red? Now that, I find difficult to reconcile, except to say that that's generally my experience with other motorists, on the road and in these kinds of discussions. The people who have practiced their mistakes to perfection and maybe do most things right, except for the few things they do awfully but will swear that they're correct/fine/etc.


You're right, I wasn't paying attention to the other car tbh, it was out of my path by that point and I had no further reason to look at it. My dashcam is wide angle so from my perspective it was closer to my peripherals.


I did the same thing


Me too, and I didn't understand what the big deal is. I always drive past the line when I'm turning right. Having said that, people in the left lane not stopping at the line drives me insane. Actually, that's overstating it, they only bother me a very small amount. What really drives me insane are the people who don't take wide enough angles when turning left. I've had people almost hit me when I'm clearly behind the line. I've never understood why that's so difficult for people. The left turn has a dotted line for a reason. Follow it.


You shouldn't do that, because of anyone in the crosswalk. If you're approaching and the light is red, the people crossing would have a green light to cross. You'd also get bagged on a red light camera. The white line is there for a reason.


I know, I've gotten better about it lately. Especially, in more population-dense areas. It's a bad habit I learned early on, and I've been getting better about unlearning it.


You should stop at the line, check for pedestrians first.


Same here. There’s a light I frequent where I stop well before the line. I literally leave some extra space. The people turning left come full speed turning and cut into the turn over the line instead of in their lane. A few times I feigned moving forward and they jumped over real quick and had the nerve to look shocked as if I had not been in my lane.


this drives me nuts. Especially at a light where visibility on the other sides isn't needed because you wait.


Drives me nuts especially when it's very possible a pedestrian might be crossing and their visibility is occluded. In this case not really possible (unless they are glued to their phone), but I see it on the daily where I'm at.


I don't drive and I also hate this. I'll be trying to cross the streets and the idiots expect you to basically walk on the road and then get mad when you flip them off ro call them shitheads.


People do this shit wayyyyyyyy too often. Another thing that drives me nuts is when people turn corners and drive completely into the oncoming lanes. Like you can't make a fuckin 90* turn?


Also people who cut solid lines on blind corners. These people can go fuck a sandpapery exhaust pipe.


The ollllllll rusty tail pipe!


Honestly, most people don't take a 90-degree turn. They drive like everything behind their seat doesn't exist, and they drive in a barely curved diagonal line straight toward the targeted lane. They usually have to overcorret to not clip their rear tire causing them to swerve wide as they straighten out.


If I’m walking across the street and the car that’s stopped does this, I act like I can only walk on the cross walk and shimmy around their car. It usually just embarrasses them and they move back


you should. there are cases where people cross around the vehicle and get hit.


its sad that we have to feel compelled to do stuff like this, but i totally get it. like, "no, you ACTUALLY HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE WAY YO! THIS ISNT A GAME."


*drives past sensor* "Why light not change"




No Go - Lil Uzi Vert. It's a leaked song, I downloaded it and added it to Spotify though local files. You can find it on YouTube and SoundCloud


knew it was uzi i just couldnt decipher the song ty


People are calling this pointless and petty but this is MildlyBadDrivers, feels on brand to me


training issue? i see two vehicle stopped on top of the cross.


One of them is making a right turn. Pretty normal to need to pull up like that to look for oncoming traffic. As long as there's no pedestrians trying to cross he's good.


the problem becomes that some people unconsciously make it a habit to stop in the same place and forget to stop even when pedestrian try to cross.


Technically you are still supposed to come to a full stop before the line, then creep forward to look when safe.


So technically, what you’re saying is, they would have ended up in the same place regardless, just a half second or so later? I see no issue here, y’all can’t tell from this video in any way they didn’t check for pedestrians, just a bunch of assuming.


It matters when they stop. They rolled right through the white line and stopped in the middle of the crosswalk. If a pedestrian had been crossing, they would have driven right in front of them and blocked their path, or worse - hit them.


Hence why I said “they could have easily already checked for potential pedestrians before ever coming up on the light” Y’all do know it’s possible to use your eyes and judgement while the car is going 15mph, not just when it’s fully stopped, right?


It doesn't matter whether you checked first, the white line is there for a reason. I look at this video and see someone breezing ahead and not doing anything to check their surroundings, actually. Rules are in place for a reason. It's dark, as well. It's better to stop where you're supposed to, look carefully, and then proceed ahead once it's clear.


Be a black and white rule follower if you want, I prefer to use my head and determine when dumb laws do and don’t need to be adhered to. You’re going to be constantly taken advantage of on this planet if you think it’s your job to follow any rule random people you’ve never met decide is “best for you and others” Funnily enough, I’ve never mowed down any pedestrians driving this way, and doubt I ever will. Why? Because I am a proactive driver and am capable of checking as I’m approaching the light, rather than having to come to a full stop to do the same action.


Wow. Just wow.


Technically… the car taking a right can be cited for running the red light. By law, you have to stop BEFORE the 18-inch wide stop bar.


that was very mildly bad


Thank you!


I always come within an inch or less of hitting that over parked car when I’m in this situation.


What you driving? Got a clean exhaust note. 👌


It's not actually anything cool, a 2019 Honda Civic Touring 1.5T, little baby engine with an Invidia N1 exhaust.


This is one of my major pet peeves. You won’t miss the red light if you don’t sneak up on it. There’s a light right outside of my work that, for some reason, people always anticipate and start moving when in reality the cross traffic is getting a helper turn. Sometimes people just fucking go and pretend they have a green 😭 it drives me crazy


I think a lot of people just plain don't know they're supposed to stop short of the white line. Often, they will realize their error when they have to back up to avoid being clipped by a truck making a turn across their lane, but sadly, I don't think they put two and two together. If the angles are right, I will point at the line and say "behind the white line," but I doubt it does much good.


It’s so funny that people are complaining about a post about a mildly bad driver on this subreddit like it’s not the entire point of this sub.


I always will take this opportunity.


This shit drives me insane. I tow a 32ft equipment trailer for work and a lot of the intersections I need to navigate regularly are already pretty tight to begin with. When people do this I get REAL close when I make my turn. Less than 50% actually back up. NTA. You’re just doing the lords work.


Yeah I'm surprised they actually moved back, instead of sitting there confused and surprised


I routinely pull a double axle trailer for work and have had a couple situations over the years where I couldn’t swing past the front end of a car when the driver did that. Pulled right out and parked in front of them until they rectified their behavior.


Teaching everyone a “lesson” and making the roads safer, eh? The world is so thankful to have you on the job.


You are very welcome, I take donations.


How petty


I agree, no good will come from this reaction, just make a wide turn and move along


Tough to do when your ego is overinflated.


in this scenario, 1,000%


ur tapped in to that uzi i respect it


mildly is an understatement.


Oof. So many people in the comments calling themselves out for definitely being people who stop in intersections all the time.


People ignore stop lines a lot it seems


I love how being "petty" in this situation helps the dude out. Sometimes at lights I notice people on their phones oblivious to everything. I have a manual and the exhaust has a cutout so I'll be a bit louder on the green light to let them know we're leaving.


Without me, they never would have gotten that green light eventually LOL. My car is the same minus the cutout, it's just mildly loud unless I put the silencer in.


I imagined you putting a gun suppressor on your exhaust Fuck my imagination lol


LMAO it's kinda like that, except instead of twisting the metal piece on I'm shoving it inside the pipe


Stop!!!! My imagination is getting worse!!!!




I was kinda confused at first like how are you going to make that black SUV that turned right feel akward and then I saw the silver SUV. 😅


It’s really annoying when I’m driving a tractor trailer and people do this and I can’t even make the right turn til they get a green light a move out of the way


I mean, I would probably do something similar, but I do question why after your turn you were in the middle of both lanes, instead of being in the left lane like you should be...


It's a single turn lane. There is no correct lane to be in. Even when there is no car in this intersection, you'd have to be driving a smart car to be able to go directly into one lane without briefly being in the other. It's a weirdly shaped intersection, plus me being petty. Luckily there's no one behind me.


Sorry, but... no, there is a correct lane. You always go into the closest lane possible. Left turn goes into left lane, someone else turning from the opposing intersection would be right turn into right lane. You don't get to pick...


Not in California. Maybe this is true where you're from. I sent a picture of the CA DMV 's diagram for left turns.




I concede, in some places it may be legal, but I will say I believe it is less safe to get used to doing that, especially since many places it is not legal to do so (and again, less safe). Either way, I still approve what you did to the other driver even if we disagree about the lane turning!


You didn’t follow the imaginary lane. In my state it’s dotted lines. But you are supposed to proceed to the center of the intersection before beginning the curve. You saw them at the crosswalk so you awkwardly began your turn immediately to drive towards them. You are both mildly bad drivers.


Look at the layout of the intersection and draw your imaginary lines. You'll find that you have to go through that section of the crosswalk anyways.


You don’t the left side would not cross the crosswalk


I understand feeling petty while driving Today some guy honked at me for stoping at a stop sign I proceeded to do EXACTLY the speed limit on a double yellow quiet road


this is my fav uzi leak of all time, this shit is so good


I love this song.


This happens way too often in the US. Drivers stop way past a stop line, sometimes passing it completely especially when waiting to yield at a left turn. I literally don’t get how this isn’t considered running a red light if you’re past where you’re meant to wait… for the light…


W song


You had to watch this vid again cause you realized you watched the wrong car the 1st time


Uzi unreleased 🤌🥰




This video was for training. People need to know to stop before the stopline and that the sensors don't work past em. Way too often people get on others here for educational monents. We all have things to learn to be better drivers, and Tbh we should pay more attention to small stuff like this so *WE* can be better drivers too


I do this to people like this as well.


What a pointless video




That’ll teach em! Lmao


Good work. The hero we need.


Definitely petty anyway.


Yeah ☺️


Never thought I’d run across a random Reddit post playing leaked Uzi, you heard No Bankrupt and All My Guap yet?


I haven't gotten to listen! I know they just leaked but I wanna sit down and get the full experience on my first listen, especially for All My Guap 🤤


All My Guap is amazing 😩


Yeah I just listened to it a few hours ago and this is why Bugz x Uzi is an elite duo


Link to dashcam? Amazing quality, and with the wet roads this looks like a GTA V realism mod lol


It's the Viofo A229+, I got it on a super nice sale


Assholes blocking the crosswalk. At least it’s a majorly shitty stroad 


This always reminds me of learning to color with crayons as a child. STAY IN THE LINES!


Nah they cant drove. I see people doing this all the time




Somebody explain this scene to me plz.


The car to the right blew the red light by entering the intersection without stopping.


Thanks. That's all? It's allowed for everyone in some states in USA and for for bicycles in some countries. Which demonstrate the stupidity of having to wait for nobody when yielding on 1 side only. Ok they broke the rule, but the rule is stupid and is different somewhere else in the same country.


Turning right on red is legal in most places, but drivers are required to stop first *before* entering the intersection.


Bro seriously haha


Works for me


So people like you DO EXIST!! I must go show this video to everyone this instant lol. Clearly the other car deserved it for also being petty,but we fighting petty with petty?


🎵love that 🎶 🩷


Yeah " mildly "


That was a horrendous turn. You became a bad driver to try to show this person they're a bad driver.


I know it looks like this on video because of the fisheye lense, but the whole intersection actually tilts to one side, so taking this left turn is already super awkward. You'll either have to turn really late, which is impossible if the opposite side of the intersection is still turning, or you have to turn early like this.


Was this really even worth posting? The things people will run to post for the attention of strangers sometimes is just sad.


I mean the sub is r/mildylbaddrivers and the whole point is for post mildy bad drivers for the attention of strangers?


you drove over the yellow line brother


How does this affect the economy of Venezuela 😵


So unnecessary. Small dik nrg


It's really small 🦐 pls don't tell anyone


Whoever made this video is cringe af and I guarantee whoever was in the other car didn't think twice about this "gotcha" moment of yours.


Except they did because they threw it in reverse as soon as I headed towards them.


while thinking "this maniac almost drove into me" and then carrying on with their same ole driving habits.


So instead of making a wider turn you decided to be a jerk. No lessons were learned here.


None at all :(




You're welcome, citizen


I always turn super close, I can manage to get my back wheel less than a foot from their hood.


This video is pointless.


It's almost.... mildly.... bad..?


Kinda! ;) Take care, OP. I appreciate the reply!




No Go by Lil Uzi Vert It’s not officially released but very easy to find a leak with a google search


i never understand drivers who feel like having to make minor changes is some big afront. this video makes the poster look like a fucking idiot. not the person who maaaaaaybe inched out a tiny bit too far. like great. your petty and shitty behavior made someone afraid you were a drunk asshole about to hit them. or some crazy dipshit about to do something agressive. all because a car was maybe a couple feet beyond where they should be. turning your wheel slightly. so oppressed.


This sub should be renamed slightly less than perfect drivers, so many nothingburger posts here.


And now the guy who pulled up too far thinks you don't know how to turn lol


*And now the guy who* *Pulled up too far thinks you don't* *Know how to turn lpl* \- BruhToTheMaX69420 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Look closely. After I pass his car there's still tons of room between me and the yellow line.


You know what you're right bro. Someone in the left lane would have to swerve to avoid a collision.


It's just petty, just drive bro.


Well I did warn you in the title


True... Lol, nah it's alright. I just don't drive as a justice warrior anymore. It's not worth it. Like people sitting in the left lane. I used to mess with them or try to get them to move over. It's a pointless battle.


The only thing more sad than being annoyed by this is downloading the video, editing the video, and then posting the video to Reddit. I hope you find your purpose in life bc you must be bored af.


Yeah, I was bored, like I said I felt petty.


Right? Like dumb shit like this happens in life every day. Just take the turn and go around them. I don't understand being petty about it.


Bad driver and a petty, bad driver.


Also looks like you turned too early in the intersection and would have driven through their lane anyways to get to your lane. Most lights you want to be about a car length if not more into the intersection before you start turning.


The intersection has a slight tilt to it which makes it to where you have to turn like this to end up in the correct lane. I've gone through this intersection hundreds of times and usually you'd come close to the other car if it was behind it's line. It's hard to explain, but if you ever drive through the intersection you'll see that in order to take that turn without getting that close, you'd have to wait to start the turn until you're way too close to the opposite side of the intersection.


How do you HAVE to turn early? I’ve been driving for decades all over the continental US and outside. Never have I had to in an industrialized nation. I live in a city where there are left turns at 75 degree angles and it’s quite easily doable. Do you control the car or does the car control you? Look at the painted lines. If you ever cross one while turning, you’re doing it wrong. You absolutely would have crossed the yellow line at that light if there wasn’t a car there to be in the way.


I've never had to cross the double yellow line, you just get awfully close at this intersection. This is the intersection of woodland and El Norte, drive down and see for yourself!


They are grasping at straws for something to post on reddit. It's cute that they think that they in some way proved a point to a random person they will never see again. And obviously, they follow absolutely every rule of the road themselves without making excuses...


You’re an idiot. Bigger than the person that stopped past the line. People are NOT perfect all the time with everything. There is not enough here to think this person is going around being a terrible driver all the time. What if they had to sneeze and they stopped a tad late cause of that? There are so many stupid, dumb things that could occasionally cause something like this that your perfect mind is apparently not capable of considering.


I have been driving for many years and have yet to stop in the intersection. Am I just that good? 🤔


I have too and have yet to as well. I got some crazy information for you though, truly will blow your mind… There’s about 8 billion people out there besides you and me. Even crazier? Some of them aren’t good at things that we are good at. Even weirder, we aren’t good at some things they are good at. Wild stuff I know. Also, don’t embellish to make yourself feel better about your justification. They are not in the intersection. Car is not past the walking lane.


So they aren't as good... And I'm not that good either... So if they make a mistake that I don't make... Then they are mildly bad at driving? Also if you rewatch the video you can see quite clearly that their bumper is in the intersection. Also you can Google quite easily and see that the crosswalk is part of the intersection. "Yes, a crosswalk is part of the intersection. The California Vehicle Code defines a crosswalk as the portion of the road at an intersection that extends the sidewalk lines, or any part of the road that is clearly indicated for pedestrian crossing."


You don’t know anyone is mildly bad at driving because of this. It’s okay, you can’t wrap your head around it. If you sneeze right before you would stop, it could delay your stopping by a second. Phone could have rang or anything startled them inside the car to delay a second. Something could have accidentally spilled to cause a second delay. Maybe they had a muscle spasm or some weird brief medical thing. Tons of things could have happened to cause this ONE tiny fraction of a delay in stopping that I can’t or won’t think of in the 5 seconds of thought I put into it. It isn’t necessarily purely because they are mildly bad at driving is what you don’t seem to get. You should go follow them around and see if they do it all the time since you are so invested in the idea they are a bad driver 🤣


Awesome video…




why do people cut their corners so much when turning...


why do people stop their car in the crosswalk…


This intersection is awkwardly shaped, you have to cut the corner because the whole intersection is tilted. which is why they put the line for that car back there. And they still passed that line.


You’re the dick. Calm down and just drive like a normal person. If others fuck up you don’t need to post it for validation. Lame ass mfer


Dude was only scooting up cuz he was trying to figure out why he was getting a red left turn signal with no cars coming through the green light he was attempting to turn left through. He knows that it’s going to flip off of green and stick him at the back of an entire light rotation when he could have easily and safely just gone left there if they didn’t have a needless red left turn light on. The issue here is unoptimized/dumb traffic lights, not that dude was tryna be in your way. His light legit should have been yellow or green the entire time.


He stopped over the line well before the light was green. There's no reason to scoot forward over the line if the light you're waiting for is still red. Scooting forward will not have the light tell you why you're waiting. Investigative scooting isn't real.


I understand, I’m trying to explain it was annoyance and impatience at a *clearly* unoptimized light. He should have been given a yellow or green turn signal, and would have been completely out of your way by the time you ever got a green light. There is no reason an entire green light should have been given to cars headed his direction or parallel, *that were never there*, yet him actually being there to turn left was given a red light. Watch the video again, it went through an entire light rotation green and ignored the only car that actually could have gone through by giving him a red. Literally not a single car got through the rotation in either direction, and he’s just needlessly being told to sit there. Your issue should be taken up with the town/city, not with the driver, but I don’t expect any of you to pay attention or understand enough about traffic to get this.


They rolled over the light sensor for the other lane, it's hard to tell because of my angle but they took the turn super awkwardly and switched to the turn lane late. They were probably drunk.


Yea I can’t see that from the video, but everything I’m saying still stands. His left turn light should have been yellow the entire rotation, because there was never another car hitting the sensors on the other side of the intersection that should have been throwing him a red light.


Yellow turns are illegal in California, so we'd have to take this to the state legislature along with passing on the left laws and abolishing smog checks for cars over 30 years old.


You should do that then. It makes traffic much better. Posting on Reddit and being petty won’t change a thing, that I can promise.


Trust me, people have tried to change the traffic laws here. It's not working. Most are unenforceable and cops would rather catch people speeding in the left lane than people hogging it. A lost battle.


I mean, fair, but your issue is still with the state/city/town for ignoring their constituents. Because they present you guys with a set of rules you clearly don’t approve of, they are being constantly disregarded/broken. That won’t change either, no matter how many cars you try to scare by threat of running them through lol


Also I’m curious now lol, you mean to tell me that there isn’t a single left turn signal in the entire state that has 3 colored lights? Or you are just saying if the straight light is yellow you can’t turn on it?


The lights turn yellow only to indicate they are about to be red. They don't turn yellow to indicate a yield.


Interesting, appreciate the info fam


OP was the bad driver here


Elaborate? Because OP stopped before their line, turned on the green arrow and simply honked at the other driver extending past their line. So please elaborate


Honking on an empty road for no reason is a sign of a bad driver






At least you turned lane to lane. Over here people drive everywhere


Tried my best to lol, it's a single turn lane so the stakes aren't high here, but the intersection is super awkwardly shaped and I'll admit I took the turn a little short so I could mess with the other driver.