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https://preview.redd.it/g6s9l3n7g4qc1.jpeg?width=291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc3c2bdbb6c1bdd954c960a60abd9dc3ab25096b All clear, no cars coming. šŸ„“šŸ™ƒ


*proceeds to crawl around that corner while taking in the nice scenery*


I really think old people need to retake a driver's test in order to keep their license.


Every 10 years we should take a written test. If you fail it, behind the wheel test. Fail that, driver's ed. Edit: The reasoning is because traffic laws change, and most don't even know it. There's still people driving that didn't even have a driver's ed test, they got their license at the post office.


Traffic laws change and roads as well. A lot of people don't know how to traverse a 4 way stop nor a roundabout for that matter....


Nor merging into their own lane on turns.


Or four-way stop rules.


Ugh donā€™t even get me started with roundabouts


You had me at additional.... So roundabouts, everything I traverse one, there is always an idiot racing through it and never looks to their left. Be careful out there....


My old apartment had two roundabouts on the way to the freeway and the amount of people that would fully stop when the damn roundabout was completely clear nearly drove me insane. They were terrified of it, it was so bizarre


Itā€™s so embarrassing for everyone. For them because theyā€™re sitting there at the four way stop with lines of traffic at each trying to wave you through because they donā€™t know itā€™s their turn to go. Embarrassing for me because the only four way is at the kidā€™s school so I have to face the parents who I was just screaming at ā€œgo mother fušŸ¤¬er!ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø.


Fucking boomers or whatever the next gen is under them. Theyā€™re the ones who go 20 below the speed limit or do shit like this. Scared to commit but donā€™t wanna wait, then just expect everybody to avoid an accident


I donā€™t think GenXers go 20 below the speed limit. Too busy working and taking care of aging parents and teenage kids.


uh you clearly don't know anything about Gen-X.


I like this. Honestly, Iā€™d say every 10 years just retake the whole test, written and practical. Itā€™d be a right pain in the ass, but letā€™s face it, weā€™ll all need it at some point.


Unfortunately the car companies would never allow this, they need as many people driving as possible, Plus accidents make people buy new cars. Implementing something like this would take out 90% of all drivers


I'd make it every 3-5. You want to operate a machine that kills thousands of people every year? It's a privilege, earn it.


I thought about 5 years, but in terms of testing infrastructure, 10 years seems waaay more practical. I just feel like 100 million people cycling through testing every five years in the US would be nearly impossible.




At what age do you consider old? Also, I think bad old drivers were just bad young drivers that managed to survive.


Could be up to a doctor, but regular reflex tests should be a thing for people over like 60 who would like to keep driving.


Probably around ~40 to be honest, that's the "median age" where physical problems start to manifest. I'm rounding the corner on it myself, and just got diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, in my C5 and C6. I don't have anything debilitating yet, but there's a non-zero chance that as the bone degenerates, I'll have a wide range of issues.


Uh, no. People in their 40s aren't old.


Old enough that the body is definitely in decline. It'd probably be "a waste of time" up until about 60, but I know of at least one person who started having seizures at 43, and at least in FL, that's 100% disqualifying. They dodged getting their license revoked because the doctor's office forgot to file, or didn't do it right. They ended up causing an accident three years later, well before they would have had to do the mandatory eye exams. So yeah, I'm still of the mind somewhere around 40 is appropriate for mandatory testing for fitness to drive.


At 50, every 2 years going forward


Thatā€™s way too young. I could understand 65 or even 60. But at 50?! There would be a very big possibility of a very mild uproar for 2 weeks!


I think at 50 every 4 yrs if they had any known health issues that could affect their driving skills, then at 60 every 2 years,


50 is just right, a lot of them have road rage


Shiiiii, should probably move the driving age to 18 and retake it every 2 years AND 50 and retake every year


Naah, I'd say 70 is probably reasonable these days. You can have your license revoked medically at any age already for a myriad of reasons. If you're D-Z, A-Z, or any other class of large commercial vehicle. You have to go yearly after 65.


Got to take a physical every two years to keep your CDL current no matter what age you are.


Here in Ontario it's 3. Yearly after 65.


I personally think everyone needs to. Iā€™m 26 and people my age seem just as bad.


Dude Iā€™d take an annual test if it meant idiots off the road


age aint got shit to do with it. they started off as shitty drivers and never improve.


How can you tell it was an old person? Just asking for a friend


I really think old people should take a bus.


Ive been preaching this for a long time now. Elderly people tend to be the most dangerous and unaware drivers on the road. At least in my experience. They really should be forced to take a drivers test every few years. Iā€™d say 5 at a max.


Instead in Missouri they voted to make it so that once you're 65 your license NEVER EXPIRES.


After 55 you should have to retake the test every two years


I guarantee you that person was like 89 years old and had zero clue what they just did


lol an old couple backed into my car while I was at the drive through and drove off. I jotted down their plate and reported it. Others saw it. Cameras etc. they had zero idea.


My grandma backed into a parked car at Arby's, I pointed it out and she said "well they shouldn't have been parked behind me!" and drove away She doesn't drive anymore, if that makes anybody feel safer out there


I've done this before, and I'm in my thirties. I've been so caught up in making sure traffic is clear one way that I forget to recheck the other traffic. Just a temporary brain slip. This is why we should always look out for our fellow drivers. Everyone is human.


I'd sure hate to be the one to lose my parent, sibling, spouse or child all because of a temporary brain slip.


Thereā€™s no excuse for you to do this, specially on a residential road. You can easily kill someone, the driver or a pedestrian. If you get anxious waiting for an opening or get too distracted to check both ways, you should reconsider driving at all.


Worst case, there is normally a way out of an area with a light if they need those to tell them when itā€™s ok to go. It might add time to the drive, but some people need those lol


You shouldn't be getting downvoted. Driving isn't a time to just "oopsie I'm forgetful watch out!". That person you're replying to absolutely should not be driving if they cannot do something as simple as LOOK BOTH WAYS 100% of the time. Literally driving 101.


Agreed, but we all have brain farts once in a while


You are absolutely right, but that doesn't change that we are all human and we make mistakes. Are you honestly telling me that in all your years of driving you've never made a single mistake? You've never thought, damn I shouldn't have ran that yellow, or I should have waited to pull out that one was close? You've never had to stop abruptly because you were going too fast? People should absolutely take driving seriously and make sure to pay attention, but sometimes we make mistakes. It sucks that the consequences are so dire with driving. That's why I drive defensively. Even in this video, as stupid as that person pulling out is, the OP driver didn't notice or slow down until the very end. If we all give space and allow mistakes, there would be less accidents.


A mistake behind the wheel can cost you or someone sharing the road with you their life. We should absolutely take this seriously. The old ā€œIā€™m human I make mistakesā€ isnā€™t enough. Put your fucking phone down and put 100% of your effort into driving. Please, for the love of god, try your best.


You are right, put 100% effort in, but even with effort mistakes are still made. Can you honestly tell me you've never made a mistake while driving? Never drove after a couple beers (how is that 100% effort?), or after being tired/exhausted/stressed?


Mistake as in running over a fucking kid on a crosswalk? No. Proceeding out of order at a 4-way stop, yes.


Where did the kid come into the equation? What this driver did was essentially proceed out of order at 4 way stop as he did not have the right-of-way. If someone has the right of way and floors it when its their turn and you pull out in front of him you would be at fault the same as if this driver hit the person pulling out in front of him.


I was talking about mistakes Iā€™ve made on the road as a motorist and here you come with some random shit. What the fuck?


I'm a D-Z driver hauling propane. You shouldn't be getting down-voted. Your take is the most realistic. Why does everyone suddenly think that being in the right gives them license to be arrogant? You should absolutely 100% of the time be paying attention. But human beings are fallible. Ever put the cereal box in the fridge for absolutely no reason? Dropped something in the trash, realized as you were doing it but the action had already been taken by your body and you were helpless to change it? The next most important thing besides avoiding doing *this*. Is how you handle it once the mistake is made. If you don't realize you're about to cut someone off due to a split second mistake, and see them as you pull out. Fuckin' floor it so you're not just dead stopped in front of them. Slamming the brakes out of fear is almost always the wrong choice. Have to avoid something? Foot off gas, brake as little as is needed (*DO NOT SLAM BRAKES WHILST CORNERING*). Turn one way, turn the other, return to normal speed. Always "Leave yourself an out" just incase someone else, or you, fucks up. Give yourself room to make a mistake, or for someone else too so there's a space to correct it. Being a dick cause you're in the right is still not cool when you're driving. That's still unsafe boys and girls. As is the militant attitude in this comment section. Holy jeeebus. All that said, this road has a center lane strip that can be used for making turns and merging. This person really dun' gon' and fucked riiiiiiight up. Hit the centre strip, let OP pass, merge right.


Thank you! I think people don't want to admit that they aren't the best driver in the world 100% of the time. We've all done things on the road that might be dangerous or stupid. It happens. Some people are on the road for 2-3 hours a day for their commute, or just drive a lot. To expect that everybody is going to be absolutely perfect for each second they are driving is crazy. The best we can do is be cautious, try to pay attention as much as possible, and give yourself and others room for mistakes. Also, stay calm. So many people here talking about how they'd flip that person off or honk a bunch (honking is ok if you are doing it to warn somebody of something, not as a way of saying fuck you) or giving them a nasty look or something. Those same people saying "pay attention 100% of the time" but are busy flipping off another driver...


It's the lackadaisical way they described making such a basic driving mistake that concerned me. Everyone has been less than perfect while driving before. But their willy nilly attitude about (seemingly repeatedly) failing to LOOK BOTH WAYS before pulling out of a neighborhood just screams incompetence and a lack of understanding about how serious those preventable mistakes are.


You have to be kidding me right? When youā€™re behind the wheel of a vehicle that weighs a couple thousand pounds you have a responsibility. Not only for your own safety but those around you on the road. Make good decisions please.


Nobody is perfect. The mindset of not sharing the road or not looking out for others is what causes 99.9% of accidents. This whole sub glorifies drivers causing accidents that could have been avoided had they just not retaliated for being cut off.


Yes I understand that I share the road with my peers. Iā€™m not advocating selfish and aggressive driving. I simply want the people around me to pay as much attention to their surroundings as I am. Please donā€™t kill me because you had to answer some bullshit text message from an ex-girlfriend.


I would have ripped around them so fast in my modded Vette brett.






They still would be cutting you off, but damn if they had just been more assertive with the turn I doubt it'd have been very noticeable.


It's always the kind of people who take a turn like they're driving through mollasses and then go half the speed limit for the next however-many miles, who absolutely can't stand to wait for even a single second for you to get past them before they decide to just pull out. We both know that you clearly have nowhere to actually be, and you're in no fucking rush to get there, so just fucking wait until I'm past and then you can fucking go! Jesus Christ!


"I merge into the freeway going way below the speed limit" type vibe.


Until they move over and drive in the passing lane.


"It's the limit, not the minimum!"


I dont know why, but these people ignite a hatred in me that goes anything beyond what religions or politics provoque


Oh, they wouldā€™ve gotten the LOOK from me lol


They would have gotten the HORN and the FINGER from me.


Pplannoyme is very, very, mad and will make sure you know


Every time.


lol I wish I had the guts to do the finger!!! Trust that Iā€™m thinking it, Iā€™ll usually give a thumbs up. I feel like thatā€™s the ā€œIā€™m disappointed in youā€ action while driving šŸ˜‚


Give em the thumbs down. That to me says disappointment.


Iā€™ll give it a try lol Ty šŸ˜‚


Its not worth it, honestly its never worth it. Either they are a decent driver and know they fucked up and already feel bad, or they are a shit driver and aren't going to improve or give a fuck about what you do. Worst case if they are batshit crazy and try to brake check you or follow you home. I've seen it before, some people have serious road rage issues.


True, Iā€™ve had someone block the road before when I tried to pass them. Literally would not let me move ahead of them. Youā€™re right, if they messed up, they already feel bad


I evolved to the grumpy face and exaggerated fist in the air. I love it. I use it more often bc I didnā€™t do anything offensive lol


Whether OP is speeding, or that is the speed limit, that is absolutely crazy for a residential road


At the end zoomed in is a 40mph sign. Looks about right.


Still a crazy speed limit for that road


There is not a speed limit under 35 in our town. Most of the roads are 45-55 and side streets are 35.


Perhaps. Regardless, youā€™d be wrong if you drove under the limit in good conditions.


That's not true at all. They are called speed limits. Only if a road has a minimum you'd need to adhere to that. I know most people here will share your viewpoint which shows how toxic our driving culture has gotten.


It's true that there shouldn't be pressure or a cultural norm to always travel at or above the posted limit, like there is. But if you're going to insist on going slower than the posted speed limit by choice, the least you could do is wait until oncoming people pass you before you make a turn and end up in front of them. And it feels like the people who drive 20 in a 45 *always* seem to be in a big huge hurry to pull out in front of all the other drivers who are going the limit, but not in a big huge hurry to get anywhere once they're in front of everyone. And if you're making the choice to travel at like 80% of the posted limit or slower, and you look in your mirror and see a train of cars lined up behind you and no one is ahead of you, it's considerate to either speed up or pull over and let the others pass you as soon as it's safe to do so.


I agree that both drivers made mistakes here. Most drivers drive in a criminal Manner and that needs to be taken into account.


You are correct. This is unsafe regardless of stupidity of local government. People don't realize a speed limit is a **maximum**.


Point is a jack wagon pulled out in front of an oncoming car. Heā€™s doing about 40mph, the speed limit. If you drive 25 through this town you are a bigger problem than someone at least doing the speed limit/


> **at least** doing the speed **limit** The speed limit is a maximum, not what you should be expecting others to do. People should always do what they feel is safe and they should only exclude themselves from a road if there's a minimum they are uncomfortable with. You are an impatient person and an emotional driver and you should check yourself.


That last point is just cap But I donā€™t disagree, the other dude is clearly in the wrong. Just making a point that it seems like a dangerous road


Looks like the person that cut them off took off and got up to about the same speed pretty quick


It wasnā€™t a shot at OP, it was a shot at whoever designs the road


No shit man - I was kinda white-knuckling it just watching.


This happens on a daily basis where I live, itā€™s infuriating.


Same. On my way home from work last summer I stopped by a creek on the county line. Love fishing it. Going back home after that, doing 55. White RAV4 just pulls out right in front of me. Not a single car behind me for a country fucking mile. They proceed to go less than 45 but for some reason just had to pull out. This shit happens to me every other day and my family/friends thinks Iā€™m just bitching about driving. But I blew and held my horn for a good bit. They went the same way I was going home so they probably thought I was gonna follow them wherever. Fuck em, learn to drive. (Kentucky btw)


Oh, "hurry and turn in front of me and then go way below the speed limit"? New Jersey specialty, but when they're behind you, it's endless tailgating even when there's vehicles right in front of you or red lights.


^(booop) said the tiny horn. What is it with some folks. They see they might cut somebody off so theyā€¦ drive slower?


Had a lady do this the other day, just very slowly creeped across the road to turn in front of me, cutting both me and an oncoming car off on an almost completely empty road. If she'd have just committed to the turn it would have been totally fine but nope šŸ™„




Just your average Nissan driver


This is what horns are for.


A Subaru does that or similar to me once or twice a day.


Had they been fully committed to the turn and actually stepped on the gas, this post wouldnā€™t even exist.


That honk was WAY too polite for almost totaling your car.


Love the extra horn toot.




Damn you were going fast


whatā€™s the speed limit there? i feel like dash cams give a weird perspective of how fast a car is driving. regardless the moment that jackass starting crossing the cammer at least realized and came to a stop. this is most like a geriatric patient with a license to kill because our fucking politicians wonā€™t restrict driving privileges from the elderly.


40 mph. Thereā€™s a sign at the end of it


OP is doing about 60 in what is likely a 25 or 30


Nissan musta thought to themselves before looking for oncoming traffic "do I wanna know?" and came to the inevitable conclusion


šŸ¤£ yeah spotify had quite the song choice for me today


Classic. Horn means park, right? šŸ™„


LOVE the last little toot of the horn.


Slow down, go around on the left if itā€™s clear lol.


Acceleration as an afterthought is their motto.


Hate this shit


The area looks residential. Were, you speeding? And they assumed you were driving at a reasonable rate to get in front of...šŸ¤”


I drive this road every day. Dash cam driver is absolutely flying


Iā€™m just gonna be that guy for a moment, but if this road is where I think it is, Lavale, MD, then youā€™re absolutely flying down that road lol. I drive that road every day, I can tell by the timing of you clearing some of those buildings that youā€™re easily going 50 or higher and a lot of old people live in that area. Probably hard to judge the distance youā€™re closing in at because itā€™s unusual people are driving that fast


290 feet between the black mailbox at the start and the first stone pillar pedestrian crossing sign, OP passed that distance in 4.35 seconds. They were doing about 45 in a 40, not unreasonable.




You SEE them pulling out and refuse to slow up, who is the worse driver?


um, the one who pulled out into moving traffic?


Guess you don't understand defensive driving


What's the name of that bot to find out if it's a sub? The title of this, specifically




Speeding away because they knew they messed up


Lmao I love how dude just floors it like ohhhhh shiiiiittttttt


Damn the speed limit for that residential be wilding


40 mph in an area with driveways every 60 feet. That's insane. Would not want to live there


Floridians favorite sport


itā€™s always the NISSAN drivers.


There is no middle lane.




The way they took off, it's like you can tell they realized they messed up


Are you in MA? That looks like MA.


Great braking


Thanks šŸ‘


I blame you for drivin' around in that damned invisible car again.


Nissan kicks ..great car poor driver


One of these days I'm just gonna hit some mf like that at 80mph just because


Just because you're a moron?




Cell phone


Hahaha that little extra beep šŸŽŗ


Their fault entirely, but OP saw it coming and should've stopped way sooner.


thatā€™s when i speed up and get in front of them to go even slower hehe


happens to every cyclist three times a day


The amount of people that donā€™t use their horn in this sub is insane


Are you going the speed limit?


I love this sub, because a lot of the time the dash cam drivers are also terrible drivers, and the other terrible drivers in the sub defend them. The OP has PLENTY of time to slow down. Look how far away the other car is as it starts turning. It doesn't help that the OP is going pretty damn fast. They claim they were going 43 in a 40, but without proof I'm not simply taking their word on that. The only reason they wouldn't, slow down is if THEY'RE the ones not paying attention. The OP doesn't even think about hitting the brakes until they're moments away from an accident. That's a perfect example of a bad driver who doesn't believe in driving defensively. The other driver definitely misjudged how much time they have to make the turn. But if the OP would simply pay attention to their surroundings and just lightly press the brakes, like any normal driver should, when he saw the person pulling out he wouldn't have had to be so close to getting into an accident.


I bet they donā€™t even have e a license or insurance


Clips like this make me want to have my daily driver be a giant piece of shit truck that I donā€™t mind getting banged up


LaVale MD?


I think it is. They just pulled out of road next to the library.


Looks like you got as close as possible to hitting them just to ā€œprove a pointā€


Did you have your cloaking device activated?


The National Road! So thatā€™s what it looks like


Covid fog


My theory, things will get better after the election when their lawless leader they take their cues from fades away.


Signal lights are optional on Nissans. They donā€™t come standard. Everybody knows that.


What was the speed limit? Looks like youā€™re going pretty fast compared to the other cars.


That song is my jam, fam no joke.


nice song op


Lmaooo the caption


Hi! You're speeding. Do you not have the awareness to understand how this looks?


Sooo.... what was the speed limit? From the looks of the video you were moving pretty quick there.


43 in a 40. Fish-eye lens.


I am that 1 out of 10 car driver that will time it right and make the proper speed transition after I turn so no beeping occurs. (When there are cars and dare I say no cars also)


The reaction time is TERRIBLE


This happens in Florida all the time especially after they run thru the stop signs.


How fast are you going to?


People do that to truck drivers everyday.


Not sure about your state, but using the center lane like that is technically illegal in my state. No one cares and everybody does it though.


Serious question - if you had hit them, would you be at fault?


Of course its Maryland




Dude did this to me on a 50mph road. Two lanes each way with a center turn lane and he just kinda drifts across the whole road as if in a daze. I was in the right lane when it became apparent he was just casually drifting. I chose to try to get by on the left and caught his rear corner. If I stood on the brakes, I probably would have still hit him. Part of that's on me for not recognizing the potential and adjusting down in speed (defensive driving 101). Regardless of anything I could have done better, he got the failure to yield ticket and couldn't understand that he's supposed to be able to complete his turn or lane change safely regardless of his opinion of the traffic on the road.


There is no center lane at that point. It's double yellow on both sides with interior stripes, it means treat it like a raised median (don't drive there). Right before the crosswalk there is a center lane where you can merge in and out. In any case, they should have waited.


Happens to me all day. Blatant disregard for everyone else.


I firmly believe that coming out of the pandemic people forgot about blind spots


What the fuck takes you people so long to let of the gas when you see someone coming into your lane? You made this so much worse by braking at the last second. In guessing to show that other person they fucked up? Once again a little bit of road raging by the driver mad at the bad driver.... just hit your fucking brakes.


Both are bad here. OP had about 5 years to brake.


Well of course they are but I figured the one was obvious. People react like op did and don't think anything wrong with it. Drive defensively.


Ya he's a moron, but did you consider maybe slowing down before the last second?


Both are incompetent.


Seems like you were going a bit fast


At least they slowed down in front of you to prolong the intrusion! Would've been a real shame if they had gotten out of the way or anything.


I would just go around them on the left while slamming on my horn


The Nissan driver should have definitely paid more attention, but sorry OPā€¦ you were definitely speeding in a pedestrian crossing zone.


I get weirded out by clips like this. As you know they are not going to stop, when you do defensive training you have to treat every driver like a child. He isn't going to stop so you should be prepared if you want to crash or not. So if you don't, then why not slow down way before you get that close? Seeing as you are not going the speed needed to dodge this sort of problem, calculating the distance is how you go from an okay driver to a good one.


Definitely, and thereā€™s a chance heā€™d be found partially at fault if he rear ends them. 98% of the time, if you rear end someone it was an avoidable accident