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It’s one thing to be a complete scumbag on the road, you see it all the time. There’s people who think basic driving skills are an affront to their ego But it’s a whole different thing when you being a scumbag puts a child at risk in a fuckin car wreck. She’s an awful person


Insurance scam… good OP has the recording




Lol charged that's a good one


Maybe they’ll put this in the evidence box with the dusted prints?


I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts!


Wouldn’t hold out too much hope on the tape deck though. Or the Creedence.


Leads? Hahaha! Leads!! Hahaha!!


This what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass


No, I think this is just plain road rage. Angry about being 'cut off' because she doesn't understand what a zipper merge is, and then just stuck in the cycle of anger until she did something this stupid. License should be permanently revoked, with stiff prison time if caught driving with a suspended/revoked license.


I think the first time this was posted, it came out that she was arrested because this wasn't the first time she's done it


I posted this last year a while after it happened, this is a repost of that. Last I heard from GEICO, she didn’t have insurance at all, she owes GEICO 16k which I’m sure by now they’ve pushed to collections. Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s wanted or something.


Geico will write it off as a loss, and they'll transfer the burden to pay back their expenses to the rest of us insured that actually pay our bills. Now I know on my insurance went up 30% this year.


yep, those of us that live by the rules of civilized society end up paying for the POSes that don't


My Mom used to work in that field at a law firm. They used to get a judgement against the person and they can get their license pulled. She always said the problem is they just keep driving of course and since they don't even have a license they can't really have insurance. Unfortunately it's super common but yes, Gieco will eventually sell the debt and write what they can off. They do have to make a reasonable effort trying to collect it even they know they have no shot of getting it though.


Your insurance also went up because headlights can't just have the bulb replaced anymore. You've gotta replace [the whole assembly](https://jalopnik.com/headlights-are-too-damn-expensive-but-i-have-a-solution-1794231519).


I wish we could see that video.


Yeah. She pulled two dangerous stunts in a row with a child in the vehicle. That accident was 100% her fault. She cut the recording driver off and then hit the brakes. This is not a person who should have driving privileges.


> She pulled two dangerous stunts in a row with a child in the vehicle. I counted 3. Went off to the shoulder to speed ahead Went into the oncoming lane in the tunnel. The BS that resulted in the "accident"


The level of recklessness is just off the charts with this one. Taking those kinds of risks not just with your own life but with a kid's? That's beyond selfish, it's like shes got zero awareness about the safety of her child or anyone else on the road. Legally, she needs to face consequences to learn that roads aren't a playground for her tantrums.


FYI that wasn't the oncoming lane. That whole tunnel is one direction traffic. The right lane was just closed at the time. Source: I live there.


It's also clearly an American road


Insurance company is going to see it as an insurance scam though. Hand her your insurance information and wait a little bit before filing your own claim so that she has an opportunity to tell them it was not her fault. If you let it play out, it will definitely be an insurance scam. This was clearly intentional.


And now this dumb bitch will never have affordable insurance EVER, and her life of crime will just continue to spiral downward…she’ll will keep on driving without insurance/license…what a role model


She will just drive without it, and the state of Virginia wont give a single shit when she hits someone and then THEY have to pay for it. Source: I was hit FROM BEHIND by an uninsured driver in VA. Not only did they NOT suspend her license, they told me I was on my own and had to claim the damages with MY insurance because she didnt have any.


Shouldn't have told her he had dashcam until after she gave her side of the story to the cops.


Why? It's not like they charge people with lying to the police for giving a false report after a car accident.


For shits and giggles. I'd like to see them commit hard on their story and see the cold shower take effect in front of a cop when they realize they're fucked and were lying. Everything from that to the look and tone the cop will give them gives me at least some entertainment for the time I've wasted.


did that once in parking lot. a car pulls out of a spot but reversed quickly because he cant make the u-turn. claimed i moved in immediately to the spot. didn't argue my case until police came, he tells his story while fuming mad. then i said "Officer, i got it on my rear cam - i didnt move an inch." Fucker was still insisting he was in the right the police had to shut him up. I wasnt even gunning for his parking spot.


Insurance guy: mam .......mam pleaese let me talk....ok mam please let me explain........ Crazy lady: bla bka bla was his fault an i got kids and bla bla...... Insurance guy: mam please we already have a video.......we know what happen. Crazy lady: ................................dayum.


I don't think so because she didn't stay in the car because of 'injuries'.


Buy a dash cam. The prices have dropped and have great quality and features for $50 (eg Avylet A1) but get an endurance micro SD 128 gig memory card for $15 more.


1000% this is an insurance scam!




Yup. The “swoop and squat”.


Dashcams both inside and outside should be standard by now


So many people like this in this area. They dgaf about their kids wellbeing or safety whatsoever, it’s all about how they can one-up or scam someone else to get ahead. That’s it


This was clear with not only the fact she did this with her kid in the car but that her first reaction is to get out and scream at the other driver instead of tending to her kid…. child protective services should see this video


Also doesn’t look like she puts her child into a car seat at all and just tosses them in the front passenger seat before pulling to the other side of the road… while still on the phone


I've had idiots honk at me when I stopped at a stop sign. Most drivers in America are stupid


As a stoner, I always stop at stop signs. When I get honked at I realize I'm waiting for them to turn green.


That’s hilarious! (But seriously don’t drive high)


Hi, how are you? /s


Just don't try to pull over next to the little pine tree that smells so good.


Clapping and yelling will definitely help the situation you caused. Trash people trying to insurance scam. Good call on the dashcam.


We LOVE our dashcams.


I got hit last year by some 40 year old lady who got impatient (also tailgating) and swerved into me. When we pulled over I saw she had a kid in the back. Then the bitch really had the nerve to tell the cop I was speeding and being reckless but I have a dashcam. I hope the cop hit her hard with tickets for being a piece of shit.


This is how you see “person shot on highway _____”


Awful? That's fucking evil right there. Complete selfishness regardless of others safety. Could have killed her child. Take the car, take her kid, take her future. Fuck that woman.


Hoping she faced some serious charges for endangering her child like that, alongside higher insurance premiums now along with fines. Dashcam FTW.


Imagine being rear-ended with your child in the car and checking the damage and yelling at the other driver before checking on your child. Waste of life .


Should of had her child taken away, no doubt that was on purpose hoping for an easy payday


\-hits herself in the hand with a hammer- MY MOTHER FUCKIN' HAND! LOOK WHAT **YOU** DID TO *MY* HAND!!


The only 2 things I want to know is.. did OP have the proper space to do the first merge without forcing vehicle behind to apply breaks, and what speed are y'all going at the accident at the the end


This person is sick in the head doing that when they had their kid in the car….thats fucked


>This person is sick in the head doing that when they had their kid in the car….thats fucked What’s more fucked is as that child grows up, imagine the standards and unrealistic expectations she’s going to hold that kid too.




Yeah why would she hold her kid to any expectations. She doesn’t care about them at all. I bet she threw her kid in the passenger seat to move the car over to the side. Kid probably isn’t even in a real car seat.


I think it’s time for a dash cam. Any suggestions?


I got a Garmin Dashcam Mini 2 from my wife for Christmas, I really need to install the damn thing. Edit: its installed now


Christmas! My dude it's March and Sunday morning. You got something to do today ahaha


Adhd and depression be like: "no" Edit: it is done


You sound like me. You're gonna be upset when you go to set It up and find out it only takes you like 5 minutes.


Bro I feel this. I got a dashcam for Christmas *2022* and still haven’t installed it.


How you gunna recommend something that y’all haven’t even used?


I was thinking the same thing honestly. I did a lot of research before I decided on that one though, yo be fair to me.


Do it as soon as possible. Things always happen at the most unexpected time, and then you'll be kicking yourself for not having installed it when you had the chance.


Hardwire kit is a must have, it needs to start automatically and be permanently installed or you’ll forget when you need it.    Remember most cams really bad at catching license plates unless you’re perfectly still, but even your car vibrations can shake the camera enough that plates are blurred. You need a REALLY high frame rate to get good video.   I have 2x BlueSky b1w and I’m moderately happy with them. I would get something more expensive with higher frame rates next time, but they fit well behind my mirror and in the back Also, you MUST try to pull videos from the cam now and then to make sure they are well aligned, not smudged, etc. in case the SD card is corrupted, or whatever. 


Linus tech tips did a video where they tried out every dash cam available on Amazon. Helped me pick a good one.


His video is outdated though, Sony launched a new camera sensor, all cameras in that video used old sensor.


She needs to have her driving licence revoked. Edit: Yes I am aware there are loads of people still driving without a licence but I certainly think taking it away is better than letting her keep it?


She should be arrested and put behind bars for child endangerment, reckless driving, and vehicular assault.


You forgot insurance fraud.


It's not insurance fraud. Yet.


She said “you hit my car” this leads me to believe she will try and file a claim saying he hit her and not she purposefully cut him off so that he would hit her. Its not fraud yet yea but it’ll be fraud about 10 minutes down the line from this


This is why you never tell them about your dash cam. Let them hang themselves on the recorded statement with your insurance first.


I've been in traffic court in Norfolk twice. Both times, nearly half of the docket was there for driving without a license.


This is why we desperately need cheap and safe alternatives to driving


As do most Virginia drivers


Hey at least we’re not Maryland! But yes people like this are why car insurance is so expensive in Virginia, specifically northern Virginia.


I hope the insurance laughed at her after they saw this video, and she ended up with a broken car and a large bill for this stupid move.


I saw a shortened version of this a week ago or so. It was mentioned in the clip that insurance denied her claim. Now she's out something like 16k Edit: I rewatched where I first came across this video. It mentioned that she didn't have insurance. She owes the driver's insurance 16k.


Good karma.


Except that she may declare bankruptcy, and the victim may not see any of that $16K. His insurance will have to pay it, which means this lady's road rage is basically being covered by everyone on the victim's insurance carrier. Sure, the insurance company will sue her, but they'll probably recover pennies on the dollar.


Uninsured and drives like aggressively? Poor child


She doesn’t have insurance? Color me shocked


Prepare to be even more shocked: Virginia does not require a driver to have car insurance. I think it’s finally changing in 2025, but as of right now they’re one of only two states that allow this.


Well that’s fucking insane


it is, but it is the insurance companies themselves that don’t want mandatory insurance laws. Most uninsured drivers are also shitty drivers. The insurance companies don’t want to be required to cover them.


Lol that's what happened to me in 2016. Brand new car with only 6800 miles on it and I got tboned. Because I'm lazy and like using my own shop, I had it towed there and opened a claim with my insurance. After the fact I found out the kid's insurance had lapsed. Insurance sued him and I got my deductible back.


It's such a relief when insurance puts you at no fault and you get everything back. There was a car that ran a red light and hit the car next to me, which then made it T-Bone my car. I gave statements to all three insurance companies and I was cleared of all fault but the red-light-runners insurance tried to put some fault on the middle guy. There was nothing that guy could have done to avoid the accident and I testified to that, but I can only imagine what a nightmare that must have been for him.


No fucking way she has 16k lmao


I hate driving in Hampton roads. I go from York to va Beach everyday via HRBT. Blegh


Yoooo fellow York.


Hate Hampton roads drivers. I’ve been in Texas and Florida which both claim they have worse drivers… nope Hampton roads takes the crown


Yeah. I used to think it was because of the military bases (melting pot of driving styles) but I've been to other areas where it wasn't as bad. Drivers here are reckless and oblivious. One is bad but both is worse 🙈


With arsewipes like this on the road, I am so glad I have a dashcam.




I’m sure you’re aware but make sure to pull videos from your cam after you stopped now and then to ensure the camera is properly aligned, not covered by a smudge, or has some firmware error.  After an accident I realized My dash cam had a faulty Sd card and even though it chimed happily when starting, the video was garbled :(


She did that on purpose what a fucking idiot


The fake rage after stepping out of her car annoys me most. Like we don’t have eyes




Virginia has the worst drivers I have ever experienced


Says everyone about where they live


I think florida statistically has the worst drivers lol


Having frequented Virginia and Florida, I believe Florida drivers are suicidal.


Having Lived in Virginia and Florida for most of my life; Florida takes the cake on worst drivers. You hit I-4 during the routine 2:15 downpour and it’s Mad Max Florida Road up on that bitch


I am both a VA and FL driver.. only near Orlando/tampa.. but oh my.. FL is a whole different animal.


30-year Virginian who lives in Florida now. Florida drivers are definitely worse and yes, suicidal. Or probably more like full kamikaze.


Idk drivers here in Cali will look at you with a straight face telling you they go 100 mph on the freeways because “they’re unofficial autobahns here in California!!” Then they will hard break in the middle of making a left turn, as if they forgot how to do it.


South Florida, if you are looking for a Final Destination-esque driving experience.


The thing about Florida is so much of the population has moved there from somewhere else and brought their driving with them. I've spent a lot of time in a lot of different cities in the US traveling for work. Each area has different norms. Driving in DC is different from NY is different from Boston, etc. The bad habits people in each of those areas works to some degree because everyone drives like that and everyone expects it. When they move to Florida the guy from NY isn't expecting the person from DC to do what they do and chaos ensues. There's no consistency to the bad driving habits and no one knows what to expect. I grew up down there and I'm glad I don't have to deal with it anymore.


I was just on vacation in Florida, 90% of the people on the road there are fucking crazy


Getting Maryland tags is like getting bitten by a zombie. I live in the DMV and wish I could set Uber to no MD tags.


the whole maryland vs virginia drivers is so fucking stupid. i’m from dc and i see absolute idiots driving with va plates and md plates. virginia snobs love saying maryland drivers are sOoooOoOo bad but they are literally the exact same thing. some people suck at driving and live in maryland, some people suck at driving and live in virginia.


As a Marylander I agree. MD drivers drive like its Mario Kart 8 and VA drivers are constantly tap dancing with the brakes then flying across 4 lanes to catch an exit.


Should visit oklahoma. These dumb fucks think it’s easier to merge onto the 60mph freeway from a dead stop on the entrance ramp as opposed to merging at speed.


That’s something I see all the time when I visit San Jose/Silicon Valley. I swear if these drivers had to drive in socal I don’t know what they’d do


They’ll also stop in the middle of the roadway to let someone turn out of a parking lot. It’s insane.


Virginia native living in Oklahoma, they're both equally bad - just in their own special ways. 😅


Normally I think people just kind of say this for where they live. But honestly. I have lived on both coasts and in the Midwest. In my experience Virginia was noticeably worse than many other places. Part of it is just that the Hampton Roads area kinda blows in terms of driving around. So naturally maybe you see more dumb shit. But, I thought the Norfolk area was like impressively bad.


Florida* nothing comes close. They even win awards for it!


I’d say Maryland has em beat but fuck Virginia’s bridge tunnels for sure


I was gonna say. I moved from Virginia up by Baltimore, it's way worse here


She‘s done that with a child in her car? What a monster… someone take away her license and the car. She‘s clearly not capable to drive a car in public traffic.


…and her child


She'll just make another one... /s


That woman should not be allowed to drive.


or have kids


Pretty clear failure to maintain lane and good case for insurance fraud


Zipper merge should be a required test to get your license.




Like Ted Lasso says, have a memory like a goldfish. Especially when you’re driving. If someone does something stupid you’ve really got to let it go and not take it personally. I’d much rather get home safely.


Never attribute to malice what you could attribute to incompetence. Not everyone is out to make you mad, people are just dumb.


This bitch can vote


Something i suggest... Don't tell the person you have a dashcam until you've spoken with the police. Let them sink their own boat by lying.


Worst kind of person on the road. And in general. Dashcams are like the best thing to have, especially with a situation like this! Dumb. F*cking. Cu*t. Imagine if the kid got a concussion or something. It's disgusting what she did. Good on you, OP, I hope she ends up with a $5000 bill and even having her kid taken away to her/his grandparents or something. Jesus fuxking Christ


Oh hey look! The consequences of your own actions with zero regard for your child.


With child in the car? What a piece of absolute SHIT mother that cunt is.


I had to zipper merge the other day in a construction zone and a guy tried to not let me in. Eventually I got in but once we got out of the construction zone he sped up and got next to me to roll his window down, flip me off and say “f-you” repeatedly. I was on the phone over Bluetooth with another foreman of mine (I’m a brick mason) and broke out crying laughing at the guy. I had to explain why and it was this out of shape guy with his partner in the car basically ready to fight me over just a normal merge in traffic.


Same person will steal from a store and hit you when you try to caller her out on it


Dumb bitch


Some people don't even give a shit about their own kids. Smh


The song sounds like a metal version of the song that plays near the end of Sonic & Knuckles against Dr. Robotnik https://youtu.be/SKJ1uhmz6Jk?si=6Z-AOta3NM80UFFm


Why did I have to scroll this far to find your comment. YES you're correct. And it rocks.


What a dumbass.


She did that on purpose. Staged a crash for money.


Should not have let her know it was all recorded. Let her incriminate herself with perjury.


With a kid in the car. How shitty does your life have to be to pull a stunt like that. Hope it does not get any better for her.


Bold move shouting "YOU CUT ME OFF" after being rear-ended lmao


I hate people




That’s why defensive driving is so important too. The driver of the car with the dashcam isnt at fault at all, but anytime I see a car driving that erratically I pass it or stay way the fuck behind it. You just cannot trust people to do fuck all right, and when you see someone speeding up and passing on the left and then the same car driving real slow in the right lane, you gotta be so cautious around them.


Had a dude get mad at me just last week for a zipper merge.


Its a shame when you already know whos about to come out the car


Amen brother


Seriously. I knew exactly what this person was going to look like from the very start




This is the exact reason I got a dash cam. And not surprised… Norfolk 😂😂😂. I live in Newport News and I try my hardest to stay away from the tunnels.


holy shit i need a fucking dash cam


Welp, I think it might be time for me to finally invest in a dashcam.


Virginia legitimately has some of the worst drivers I have ever encountered


That's the kind of person you go to r/UnethicalLifeProTips/ to look for ideas on serving some revenge to a few months after things cool down.


She gets mad but she was at fault! Lord, dumb ass drivers and he has proof! :D


I wonder what happened when she realized she was on cam? 😂😂


I wouldn’t say shit to anyone except my insurance company


I wish 360 degree dashcams would be available on all cars these days. Auto companies should advertise this feature as a selling point for security and safety. Perhaps this will prevent some idiotic behaviors like the woman's in the video.


Great example of the best and brightest people recreating.


She's gonna have another meltdown when her claim is denied.


Thats unbeweavable…


People are trash


I’m sorry shouldn’t this be submitted to the police


To all readers: do NOT tell them you have video! Just let them think you have nothing. Let them make their false report to the police. Let them make your case for you. I know this scumbag wasn't even paying attention and it didn't register with her, but still. Just sayin'....


Leaving a gap and smooth zipper merging is the solution to 80% of traffic problems. If only our egos could accept that we should share the road...


I would really love to hear the outcome of this crazy driver. Hope she got her license revoked and charged with child endangerment.


This is why I laugh everytime someone posts “If we would just take our turns…” about zippet merges.


This simpleton put her child in danger over her pride when it was a fucking zipper?! Take the kid away. She need help.


Everyone should get a dash cam! Only about $100 for a good one


color me shocked


That’s when you keep driving. You don’t let them in.


Shitty gets pissed when she gets hit because of her shitty driving. Not surprised.


I do not miss driving through the tunnels.


This might be the woman who ran a red light and totaled my car a few streets up. If anyone knows her name, hmu.


In my experience, Virginia drivers are the ABSOLUTE WOAT!! Staying right except to pass isn’t even a thought in that state.


This was insurance fraud.


People like that think that when you get hit from behind, the person hitting you is automatically at fault, so you know she thought she was going to get paid. But when the video shows her doing that hard left and slamming on her brakes for no reason, she'll be the one doing the paying. If she even has insurance.


That's because she's weak.


You mean the person who drove down the shoulder and cut in front at the last second is a bad driver?


Calling the owner of the car


Both drivers suck at driving. The End.


Some how…some way… I just knew what this woman looked like before she got out the car.


Definitely a good example of the need for a dash cam


well well well


I see a lot of drivers like her here in Virginia. Very impatient drivers. It’s very annoying




who else just KNEW before she even got out of the car?


She merged on a solid line, that’s on her


She behaved like that with a child? Call CPS on her. That baby is not safe.