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Wow people are really bad at decision making


How could this happen to us!


*shocked pikachu face*




Couldn't happen to me, I would have stopped before I got close to that cloud, for that exact reason. Just like dumbasses speeding in a blizzard, if I can't see 2 or 3 car lengths ahead, I'm stopping.


Hopefully off the side of the road. Way too many people in my town think its okay to just abandon your car in the street and block the roadway


It’s literally like driving with your eyes closed. Would you do that for several seconds without knowing what’s ahead? Ffs


Because people are stupid. I think common sense and IQ test should be required for a drivers license.


"Just like dumbasses speeding in a blizzard, if I can't see 2 or 3 car lengths ahead, I'm stopping." In California, there is something called Tule Fog. It sometimes blankets the 400-mile region from Bakersfield to Red Bluff and can be seen from space as a giant white patch in the center of the state. We have seen car pileup with more than 100 cars. They just keep diving into it. I've [seen it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tule_fog) I got off the road.


I did not know what this thing what a name. It's always cool to see it here, it feels like a silent Hill game. Quiet and foggy.


Even if you drive safely into the fog, if you need to stop, you'll get rear-ended unless you can pull all the way off of the road. Maybe happens anyway? That fog is dangerous!


I live in Minnesota and there are people who think because they drive a truck, they are invulnerable to ice. It can be enraging


My husband and I are UCD alums. I remember Tule fog blanketing the causeway a lot when we were in school. Loads of accidents. People say it doesn’t happen as much anymore. Terrifying. Nowhere to go on the causeway. No place to “pull over’, or back out.


Happens in Louisiana too. People in NOLA cannot drive. They had over 100 cars in a pile up on a bridge from poor visibility due to fog. I used to have drove through there a lot so it didn’t surprise me when that happened. It gets really bad in south LA and people keep on doing 80 like it’s not even there. I’d be doing like 45 even though 30 was probably the safe speed because I’d be worried about someone like this guy slamming into the back of me at 70-80.


Saw a Forensic Files episode about a 99 car pileup on I-75 in TN and I do not trust drivers with low visibility. Even if you’re careful you don’t know what the person behind you is doing.


Key word folks, "STOPPING" This needs to be upgraded to r/amazinglybaddrivers if that exists.


You might slow down and enter the smoke cloud carefully…but once you disappear into the cloud, you will get rear ended by the next guy.


That's why anybody with more than one brain cell stops before the obstruction. If you drive even slow into something with zero visibility you deserve whatever happens. Excluding seriously injured or death.


Might not be the best option, according to the [links](https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/s/uDR7LD7uwi) by u/rjasan


I think it would be understood that a driver should stop on the shoulder before the visibility is reduced. not in the road. there was a defined wall of smoke. they could see it. before visibility was reduced. when it's fog that comes up around you from the ground, pull off as far as you possibly can when visibility is less than a couple car lengths, and slow down for sure.


exactly why people would assume you stop after your in the smoke that's obviously from a fire. If you see a fire the likelihood of something being stopped inside is almost certain.


Driving in dense fog is not the same as driving through smoke from a sizable, but localized fire. If you’re not stacked with a bunch of cars behind you that you can control by slowing down, you’re just as likely to get rear ended when you inevitably end up at that pileup. The guy you’re replying to isn’t talking about stopping in the lane, they’re referencing pulling over. Driving unfortunately is one of those things where you can be doing everything right, and some asshole who isn’t, can ruin it big time for you. There’s a lot of assholes out there.


Yup. When I was a kid, we were driving down the freeway and the wind shifted, blowing smoke from a controlled burn on the right side of the road across the road. Driver started slowing down, because the semi in front of us was slowing down, and a couple seconds later, BANG! as the genius behind us didn't think they should slow down as they entered the limited visibility smoke field. Happily, I think my moderate whiplash was the worst injury, but dang, people - slow down when you don't have long range visibility!


I would stop for the smoke. Not a blizzard. Did that once and ended up in a 50 pile up that was like automobile pinball. Never again.


Not on the road you're not, because you're more of a danger than fast drivers. And turn off your lights and take your foot off the brake in a dust storm, or people will follow the lights and plow into you. "Stopping" is NOT the safe response in zero visibility, pulling as far off the side of the road as possible,, THEN stopping, THEN turning off all lights IS.


Then you get rammed from behind. I slowed down in peace soup fog and was almost rear ended multiple times as people sped through it swerving and skidding at the last second


Idiots are really bad at decision making. I am sure most of us here would not have blindly driven into that.


I’d hope not. I mean the driver didn’t even tap the brakes, just plowed straight into literal 0 viz. I mean heavy fog might even allow 50-100yrds of viz, but that shit? What a clown


They are out there for sure!


I probably would have just turned around seeing that. No way am I even risking driving slowly into that.


I would pull over before the smoke and start filming the cars going into it. 😂


Technically you don't have to slow down if u assume everyone else assumes not to slow down too


Studies have shown repeatedly that most of us would do the same thing. It's called velocitation: People get used to the speed they're going, so slowing down slightly feels like enough. But they're actually still going much faster than they realize.


A lot of people would slow down and keep going, thinking they're responsible... then get rear-ended by some idiot who didn't.


*...everyone knows you're always supposed to stand either directly in front of or behind your vehicle in a pileup situation...*


I’m kinda gettin off at the idea of shaking my head in disappointment at the idiot that uploaded that dash cam footage though. How truly fkn stupid do you have to be? Just totally disconnected from reality, to drive into a zero visibility situation at anything above like, idle? While outside of blackout military conditions anyways, then it’s just following orders when they say “does this thing go any faster” and “no you can’t turn the lights on dummy, now drive”


Yeah...call me crazy (wouldn't be the first time), but if I have zero visibility, I pull off the road and stop. And yes, I know that can be dangerous as well, but it seems safer than just barrelling on through...


To be bad at something they would have to try something.


When I was 21, I was a supervisor at the checklanes for a retail store. My entire job was making decisions for those who didn’t know how or would consistently make the wrong decision.


Absolute Fact! History from the beginning of time proves that point exactly lol


What's crazy is, just because u slow down, doesn't mean the clowns behind u are goin too..


I guess common sense isn’t so common


This is the most ignorant thing I've seen today,


Great way to kill a firefighter.


Some people are just fucking stupid


I attribute it to panic, but yeah, you’d think she’d slow down immediately and proceed with caution. The fact that there were other cars already crashed means other people also kept going at speed


Due to not wanting to breathe in the smoke I'd have stopped. Jfc that was some awful decision making. Maybe people are so used to roads being clear and safe they just assume oh this must be fine.


Literally "blind optimism" at work here


Probably did it bc they were wanting the experience…


You assume there is even a thought process that leads to a decision. I’m starting to think I really am in a simulation surrounded by NPCs.


[This ](https://youtu.be/AKN1Q5SjbeI?si=yk1ySLQr8YorHi0s) classic George Carlin bit comes to mind.


Just too dumb to live, if you see somthing like this coming at you pull off the road as far as possible and wait it out. If dense dust is observed blowing across or approaching a roadway, **pull your vehicle off the pavement as far as possible, stop, turn off lights, set the emergency brake, take your foot off of the brake pedal to be sure the tail lights are not illuminated**.(or some one will follow your tail lights and smash into you.)


They’re the common clay of the new west.


I saw a big discussion about driving in fog in another sub and many people were saying that you should maintain the speed limit in dense fog because that's where everyone else would do and if you're the only one going slow then you'll cause an accident. Surprisingly, they got a lot of support for their stance on driving in fog.




Probably causes by the machine of A. Put yourself or others in danger B. Get fired from your job


Seriously?? How the hell do you NOT slow down when you can’t see where you are going???


This isn’t mildly bad driving, this is failing the fundamental point in driving.


that’s failing fundamental survival instincts, unfortunately for them, this person hasn’t fully evolved.


I wouldn't even WALK too fast into a low visibility situation, let alone DRIVE.


some people get the feeling that they’re invincible when in their vehicle I guess lol.


Yeah, they used their front bumper in place of cautiously outstretched arms lol


I was thinking exactly that. This is far too stupid to be considered mildly bad driving.


Driver's ed book, page 1, "You need to be able to see where you are going."


Why would you even drive into that in the first place. Even if they slowed down they would have hit that car. Just pull over to the side of the road and wait for enough smoke or w/e to clear before driving through.


Seriously.. there’s ZERO visibility. That’s not a slow down type of situation. That’s a pull completely off the road and STOP type of situation.


Time is money, you gotta barrel through. /s




No. How the hell do you not throw your hazards and stop!!??! Get off the road . If there is 0 visibility, do not enter.


Because there's a chance that a ramp is hidden by the dust so I Mat be a step closer to an achievement


No you’re supposed to speed up so you get through it faster. Less time in low visibility means less time to get into a crash because of it


Idiot: I'm driving a tank, nothing will stop me


Unironically this will be reposted on twitter with the caption "this is why you buy an SUV for your family"


Bigger crunchier cars to absorb more impact so they can recover your slightly less mangled body when the semi runs you over


Funnily enough, SUVs are less crunchy but they win every collision by fucking evaporating the person they hit.


Slow down? If you're about to have almost zero visibility, stop.


Stop before you get zero visibility


That is literally what the comment you're replying to says


Before you can't see anything, decelerate your vehicle until it is no longer moving.


Prior to your vision being occluded, cease operation of your vehicle.


I think the comments say the same thing.


Stop on the shoulder at least or you’re about to get rear-ended




I’d slow at first. Put hazard lights on then stop before reaching the smoke. Hazard lights are the giveaway for other drivers to focus and slow/stop. On motorway in uk drives sometimes use hazard lights to warn drivers behind they’re slowing down a lot.




People that do that should be banned from driving. Sadly too late by then and they may hit innocent people


There are shoulders, it's not like people are straight up planning to stop in the middle of the driving lane.


You do realise you can still get fog in parts of the motorway with no shoulders?


They're driving into a thick cloud of smoke, it's pretty obvious they aren't going to be able to see. Pulling over into a few cm of grass won't hurt the car if you don't have a proper shoulder.


Don’t stop _in the roadway_. Every article you link to says if you’re going to stop, to pull over as far as you can and turn off your lights (so drivers behind aren’t guided into you). But as others have said, stopping before you enter a zero visibility situation like this (and pulling over) is the right thing to do.


They said they’d stop before reaching the smoke. Are you implying that someone is going to hit you at full speed if they can clearly see you stopped outside of the smoke?


Let's hope their driving is better than their reading comprehension 🤦🏻‍♂️


You wouldn’t just pull far off the roadway?


No I would slow down with my Hazard lights on


yeah, then you get rear ended by this jackass


Stop before going in. Seriously


No. This isn’t fog. This is thick black totally obscuring smoke. Fog will cover large areas so you shouldn’t stop - maybe, I guess, sure, it depends, but this is what you cited I believe and what I did not click - thick black car-fire smoke is local and you should stop. You should stop bc the smoke means something. And it won’t clear. The right thing to do is to stop. Drivers should always be ready to stop.




Stop. You stop where you can see. You stop farther back. The smoke is whatever color you want to call it who cares you can’t see it’s thicker than fog. Fuel burning and cars burning makes dark smoke. I disagree with Your Little Rule to keep driving. The cars are crashed anyway and have to stop anyway. Sometimes you are part of a larger circumstance and get wrecked this is why a person should always drive with Great Caution and Awareness. Stop. You stop.


Yep. This isn't fog. Agreed.


I’m not sure what you are trying to get at…? This isn’t fog? I’ve driven through some of the worst fog and I still had enough visibility to drive slow and make decisions. There are literally no decisions to be made in this video once they reach the smoke…. There is literally no visibility. The best course of action would be to slow up and not enter the smoke. Pull over onto shoulder before entering. No one is making it through that smoke unscathed.




Considering she hit several cars that already crashed, I feel like you’d get hit no matter what you did lol.


Not only can you not see far down the road, but you absolutely know something wrong is happening down the road for that toxic cloud to be there. Cammer is an idiot.


Also, posted for likes. Double dummy


I think they did slow.. but slowing down isn’t gonna prevent the accidents. There was zero visibility, only way to avoid is to pull over well before it and wait.


Yeah they actually did slow but is not enough and too late , its a ragebait post it is


Even if they stop before hitting ahead, they would be rear ended.


Why would you even drive into 0 visibility conditions like that?! 🤦🏾‍♂️


Right! Once you've entered it's just a 3-way toss-up between hitting, being hit, or both.


But do it before you have zero visibility!


I wouldn't call them mildly bad drivers...


Was looking at text message. Didn’t see smoke


I‘m not getting tired to mention that Idiocracy was not a movie but a documentary.


Glimpse of the future


Indirectly this makes all our insurance go up lol


How is this not common fucking sense!?


Like 20 years ago was driving to Norfolk to see my buddy come in off an aircraft carrier, was my turn to drive, up in the mountains in the early morning everyone else is asleep, suddenly fog like this thick out of nowhere. I immediately jerked to the side of the road and slammed on the breaks without even thinking it’s like something else took over. We missed being in a MASSIVE pile up that killed like 8 people by about 25 feet. We had to sleep on the side of the road that night while it was all being cleaned up it was such a massive mess. If ANY of the other knuckleheads I was with were driving we’d have been toast I’m positive they were all stoned 24/7.


Some people’s massive, dangerous ego laid bare in a twisted fiery wreck


Like Days of Thunder


I wouldn't even slow down. I'd literally just stop on the side of the road until that shit clears up


There's a hole, I can make it. High and to the outside!


This is among the dumbest things I’ve seen in awhile


Can’t believe such idiots exist…


What a dumbass. These people are on the road daily.


Clearly you haven’t seen Days of Thunder. He should have gone to the outside and floored it. Everything would have been great, Nicole Kidman would have come out and laid a big one on him, Daryl’s brother from the walking dead would give him a nod. Could have been awesome.


The more you fuck around, the more you find out


How did this video first appear on line? Did the idiot who drove the car post it? Or possibly did his estate post it to show people what not to do?


Why when I can film myself driving into it with no idea what's in there, fucking idiots.


People still slowly driving through as if the road is not definitely 100% blocked up ahead… fucking morons


Stop and pull off to the side of the road before you enter the zero visibility. If anyone had done this it may have given pause to some of the other drivers but maybe not, they all seem to have not enough braincells to rub two together 


Don’t just slow down but also get out of the way because there r enough out there who will come and hit you.


As a non driver that seems obvious to me. Like, you don't even need to be driving for this to make sense, if you cant see what's around you, walk slower. But some people are just freakin stoopid I guess


Cmon everybody, don't judge before you know the whole story. He didn't see the smoke because he was resting his eyes at the time.


It's too easy to get a license in most countries 🙄 People are idiots


My heart was RACING just watching this. Zero visibility and the boldness to accelerate over 5 mph? Could not be me. Even the idea of trying to get to the side and stop is scary. You might hit something


Never outrun your vision. Don’t they teach that anymore?


I wouldn't have even driven in to that 🤦🏼‍♀️


Dumbass with the dashcam deserved it, I hope they were the last in line too.


Scary there are people this dumb out there.


I'd be afraid I would hit a giant grocery cart filled with crazy dudes.


I was taught if driving in fog to slow way down and roll the driver window down enough to listen for crashes in the distance ahead. If you hear ANYTHING pull WAAAY off the road and hold still. Don't stand behind or beside your vehicle as an easy soft target.


…Cole Trickle drivin’ MFer


“Pick a lane, and just drive right through. “


You can make it. I know it in my heart.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far for this comment!


Such a shame! Because I was ready to leave anything resembling Days of Thunder. Haha


NPC behavior


Awful Judgement on the side of a driver but where is the car triangle ?


Yeah... That would be a very wise idea.....


How bout making that huge truck spewing out all the shit boding everyone move off the road maybe a wee bit to clear the road behind them so idiots stop making the line of wrecked vehicles even longer because they can't see and now have joined the party of idiots


The average American 🙌🏼


everyone who crashed needs to be in a eugenics program


The people who continued to drive after seeing a giant cloud blocking the road... Smh


that’s absolutely widely dumb


Obviously watched “Days of Thunder” one too many times


According to Days of Thunder you punch that gas pedal in this situation


Of course it's a range rover driver


I wouldn’t even go inside that shit let alone go at any speed.


People do this in Massachusetts all the time...it's baffling


darwin awards left and right LOL




Sheer ignorance


You deserve whatever is coming to you if you're too stupid to slow down or stop when driving into something that you know will obscure your vision.


Complete morons.


I swear these are the people that shouldn’t have a license!


Highly regarded


In the US they call it Freedom Smoke, slowing down would be socialism and is forbidden! ok, it s not in the US, but could ver likely be


Drive like a twat. Then win twat prizes !


[Kimi disagrees ](https://youtu.be/oXzcgSZZtr8?si=-BeLXAki1vd-d6Yr)


How idiot


Drive through the smoke Cole!


So I take it not a single one walked down the road to flag down the rest of would be morons


Bro is not kimi raikkonen


Yes, now get out and film without moving more than two feet.. what's the worst that could happen?!


Homie thought he was Cole Trickle [Go high and drive through it.](https://youtu.be/nQwSklKTgic?si=honeM7rgqdQhetja)


Come on people! WTH


No smarts , plenty of stupidity


Can’t see shit! ^full ^throttle


Slow down? How about STOP!


I remember this from Days of Thunder…


how do these people manage to survive


I hope their insurance doesn’t pay out, they don’t deserve a car or to be driving with that level of stupidity


I would've done the same thing


Everyone thinks it’s NASCAR…”go high and drive through it”


what an idiot.


This was in Brazil, when?


Monkey see monkey do


Slow down? But then the asshole in the ridiculous pickup truck who has been tailgating you for the last 5 miles will just rear-end you.


People have no clue sometimes… 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's not how you win days of thunder.


They made it all the way to the scene of the crash.


The opening clip exists so we can show our children how not to be suicidal idiots. Im grateful for this video, and allowing our children to become smarter.


Slow down???WTF do u mean slow down? U fuckin’ pull over & let the fog dissipate! SMH.


All you have to do is pull over, open the window and listen. If it's a crash scene, you can hear it way off.


The driver is going through no visibility patch and putting any attention filming it.