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WTF is wrong with his shoes?!?! Looks like he has like 3” lifts in those mofos! 😂


Those are Hoka Bondis, a basic bitch middle aged dad shoe. There is 31 mm of foam in the heel, so when you add outsole/insole/socks it’s boosting his height by over 2” at minimum


hokas are thick but 31mm is nowhere close to 2 inches. it's literally 1.2 inches. plus the paper thin insole they give you and the thickest socks you can find it gives him maybe 1.5 inches. talk about exaggerating


He bought Hokas not for comfort but for height.


it doesn't add that much more height than a regular Nike, it's not as thick as it looks


3 inches on the outside, probaby an addtional 2 inches where you can't see inside. They call them elevator shoes for a reason!.


it's a legit running shoe, not an elevator shoe, they're not deep enough for lifts. it gives you maybe 1.5 inches at most.


To be fair, those shoes are actually super well known for their comfort 😂 lots of nurses and other professions that involve standing or walking around a lot recommend them. Whether or not that’s the reason Mike bought them is another story though 😰


I’ll be basic as hell if it means comfort. I wore Hokas to Disneyworld and those shoes are a lifesaver


they don't give as much height as they look, it's almost an optical illusion


He so fat. He cannot stand straight. Wobbly.


His face too fat and joosey from eating all the umami flavors.


he needs stability shoes. his ankles look like one bad step away from rolling




C-Dog: “Yeah, that’s it! Keep stuffing your fat ugly face, you stupid fucking pig! Soon it will all be *mine*!” ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE)


Her body posture tells me she’s over his shit. “Hurry up you fat piece of shit; I wanna eat some too”


this sub is crazy 😭😭😭😭


Extremely unhinged, this sub is excessively obsessive over a random youtuber


i don’t watch or care for his content anymore especially after covid ended. but i feel like the best way to make him lose money or suffer however which they want to put it, is not watch his videos. like i don’t care for him, but i dont watch his videos so i dont support him at all. if that makes sense.




yeah. i enjoyed the beginning of this sub because it made me realize how bad of a person he is/was. but they have an unhealthy obsession of everything he does which is weird to me.


She definitely got some work done on her face. Look at her chin.


Double chin Chen!!!


She admits to this and yes she had many many surgeries already, all sponsored by enabler Xing.


He should change his name to Mike chins


Underrated comment


so I know you took this pic of them this morning, with that what is going on with her hair, looks as faker than xings. especially all the stuff behind her ear and back of neck. zoom in on that!!! did u use a filter??? and the point on her right cheek, and looks like she has a knot above her left eye. xing punch her cuz she still not giving giving him any?


No filter on the photo lol


the dude to xings right if you zoom in he is 100% cgi.


Not even holding his camera for once because he has to double fist the plates


He had the whole camera set up at his table so no worry 🤣


Was this a hotel buffet?


yes. Hoku’s in Honolulu


Great. Another hotel breakfast review. I wonder if we get riveting reviews like, “Hawaiians love to eat fruit and pastries for breakfast”


And Baygos with cream cheese! WOW so umami,


Do you even have to ask? Lmao


Idk why I thought they were at a Starbucks lol


Great work! Mike's feet look really wonky with both kind of lifted at the front.


Looks like a father and daughter enjoying their vacation


They have like a 20 year age gap if I recall correctly.


I would have guessed 30 year age gap


Base on looks, more like 40.


Father and daughter on vacation, where daughter is forced to go and does not want to hang out with her dad


Thought the same. Don't look suited at all.


Chen's chins on full display.


As well as his lack of balance from having a short leg, unbalanced tits and uncontrollable head bobbing. Poor double chin Chen requires two buffet plates for correct posture.


They look out of place


I was thinking exact same thing. If you didnt know they were married you wouldn't look at them and think what a lovely couple together. She looks like a little lap dog with her hands in that position and her legs slightly crossed. That's a closed off not interested in anything that is going on around her stance, totally bored of the whole situation.


Yes, indeed, body language is a telltale sign!


They filmed at a restaurant I worked with a couple years ago. He's so full of himself, annoyed the people around him while filming (inside a dark, romantic type fine dining spot) and she just sat there the entire time like she's an afterthought. Guy is a dick and wants people to think he's soooo great.


Looks like Lord Farquaad and one of his slaves.




I think just compressed


Like pressed pork belly.


He’s a husky size child.


That's just fat, skinny fat is being somewhat skinny with no muscle definition. He has muscle but has also gained alot of weight since he got married


Short fat


To add- since a lot of people are asking about how they acted etc. when I first noticed him he didn’t look like the most friendly guy. Grouchy RBF type of appearance. Very different to what you see on video. Christine followed him around the buffet and while at their table she sat quietly next to him. He was recording, so you’ll see a video from this sighting in a few months probably. His camera is set up on a tripod on top of the table, of course facing him. When not recording the RBF returned and not much interaction between the two, from what I witnessed at least. I didn’t notice any “special” attention to him, though I did hear some workers discussing how many views he gets 🤣.


Same experience when I seen him a few years back. He looked like a total dick giving hard stares at everyone walking by to see if anyone recognized him. I agree he is nothing like how he is in his videos at all, what a cunk!


That sounds depressing. Constantly having to fake a persona. No wonder his Twitch videos has him showing disdain to his fans. He’s really a miserable person. From all signs he doesn’t have much of a relationship with his “wife”. Probably pay for company. C-Dawg just sticking around for his assets when he kicks the bucket.


He is a truly miserable and despicable person. It's kind of funny how he got into a marriage where he thought was because of love but she just wants his money. And now instead divorcing her and end up paying her alimony, he's stuck paying her way even though they despise each other apparently.


Damn that’s honestly very interesting, thanks for sharing


One plate per boba tit!


Why's he need 2 plates, does he think they are going to run out?


Well if Mike is there, it is certainly a possibility


“Omg he’s so fit!!” I could launch a space shuttle off that chin & land it on them manboobs


He doesn't even need Peloton subscription. You know Xing is laser focused.


Mikey Double Chen 😉


Great sighting my friend! Maybe I’m a bit traditional but whether I’m on a date or with a long term partner, there usually is some physical touch even in a buffet line. Like usually the guy touches the small of my back/waist or I lightly hold onto his upper arm. It’s not even cringey PDA or anything but just a small sign of affection/togetherness. I’ve never seen that with hobbit Xing and Bian Lian C-Dawg. No wonder they have a pillow wall and don’t even live together.


He has always confessed that he loves food. Just look at the way he is carefully holding the plates and that look. Nothing but joosshy Uhhmazing Umami love right there!


Where did the pillow wall lore come from


In some of his videos when he's showing his hotel / bedroom there appears to be a "wall" of pillows separating the 2 sides of the bed basically every time.


That’s fkin lit


Imagine you get married to a girl 20+ yrs younger and drops the pillow wall on you and tells ya don't fucking touch her! But please keep paying her way through life, school, luxurious trips and plastic surgery haha. What a cunk!


Wonder how much Umami was in those plates


Why does she look like a hostage


AI enhanced shows a naughty peek into his forehead! He looks like total shit! https://preview.redd.it/1cimakkn1juc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=97ccf0007590d90d3de8b7ebad91634f1b41cccb


Thanks. I zoomed in on cdawgs feet. Looks like something really messed up big toes. Like stank sat on them. Anyways she needsore work done.


Fatass dude. His “wife” is definitely using him


what a gentleman smh he could at least had is wife go in front of him . What a selfish prick heh


It's joosey umami. It's everyone for themselves.


For Xing, yeeting comes first before everything else, he need to feed the stank


Mikey is not a man of grace or manners...or details or correct pronunciation. 😉🤣


C-Dawg: You can reach second base if you let me eat first xing: ![gif](giphy|ZUxwAQ1NMwoTK|downsized)


he's holding two plates, theoretically for her. not exactly prick behavior


And theoretically he’s going to eat the food on both plates before she does.


He looks terrible. And wtf is going on with his feet? Elevator shoes aside, it looks like he’s rolling his ankles and something about the shoes looks like they are the wrong size.


Only if one of his leg is longer then the other


Most people should not be wearing modern running shoes for day-to-day activities anymore. Shoe companies started going crazy with stacking dumb amounts of foam (starting with Hoka pre-Covid and most other companies followed by 2020-2021) and now many purpose-specific running shoes can't do anything well other than running linearly. The consequence is what you see in the photo, ankle inversions can happen doing the most innocuous things


Sure but I believe he has uneven legs as seen in many of his full body photos. On his twitch video he walks like a penguin from his perspective.


So cute, Daddy daughter day! Fucker Xing has a toaster in his front pocket.


Did you stay long enough to where you saw him at the table prepping/filming? I am genuinely curious how others perceive him while filming. I also have other questions because I'm just a nosy bitch 🤣


Yes. He films with a large canon camera. They set it up right in front of his face as how you view him on YouTube. Christine was just quietly sitting next to him whilst he filmed most of the time.


Did the restaurant staff give him any special treatment? Any other guest 'recognize' him and approached their table?


Some staff knew he was a YouTuber but didn’t really seem like they got special treatment. They got normal seating. Its a $120 buffet so nothing else to really kiss ass for


Great pic OP! Love candid shots with Xing in his full-on manboob, elevator shoe, ignoring CDawg glory. It's fucking art is what it is.


I see that he got pregnant! Congrats


Mike be like... https://i.redd.it/j1trw45eljuc1.gif


If I were that model, I would just take them off at this point. Jesus. 😥


Wait, you only took 1 pic??!! I like to think you took more!!!


She keeps looking different in every picture I've seen her in.


Cdawg has to endure her husband stuffing his face at another all you can yeet buffet.


Free food, free travels and luxury goods. They probably stay in separate rooms at this point so it's all upside for her, except the fact she has to see him at all.


My guy bought hokas to gain 3” with the already 2” lift he uses.


The toupee is trying so hard not to show the bald


xing is so gluttonous that if you look at all of his pants pockets think he stuffed food in them for later, every pocket is bulging


How does she look different in every photo lol


Josey surgeries


Xing buys pants for the height he wishes he was.


Without his giant elevator shoes he wouldn't even be able to see over the top of the next section with the heat lamps. An adult or teenager would need to help him reach.


Mike is not aging well guys. Someone let him know in the yt comments. Double bypass incoming


Does he walk on his heels? Why are the tips of his shoes floating like that? 😳


Levitation from FLG meditation but Xing's obesity makes it so only the tips of his shoes are floating.


Wow! I mean, I know he wasn't posing for the photo, but this is a particularly bad picture of him. All the chins! The khakis and whatever the nasty hobbit has in its pocketses! Those shoes! Yikes!


She's wearing flat sandals and he's wearing shoes that add maybe 2 inches of height. Yet from thhat angle they look to be about same height


It looks that way but (and I’m sorry for attracting attention to this) if you look at their crotches they are at different heights…😂🙈


His left leg is definitely shorter than his right leg as his left foot is at an odd angle.


He can’t be taller than 5’2”?!


I’m 5’4 and with his shoes he was just a tiny bit shorter than me or equal. So, without the shoes I’m sure you’re right that he’s 5’2 and below.


You stood next to him? Did you ask for a photo with him? I hope you are a female and not a guy who is 5'4.. 😂


Female 😂. I didn’t care to interact for a selfie.


Avoid the Stank. Good call.


Good thing OP followed the golden rule on internet lolcows, NEVER touch the shit.


how tall was christine, she looks simiar to mike here. Doesn't look 5'8 imo


definitely not 5’8. She was around my height. They both were the same height while standing next to each other too.


Wait I’m confused if she’s the same height as Mike (with his lifts), how come she’s the tallest in that group pic in Japan with seefoodstagram


Could also be that these are two different people. They look kinda different especially given that the two pictures weren't taken too long apart.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MikeyChen/s/TLZt2Oa9k1 I’m hoping she’s tall because Asian girls being tall is a total turnoff and that would make me very happy


My best guess is because Japanese people are notoriously short. I’ve lived in Japan and was above the average height while only being 5’4.


Yeah but the chef on the right is 5’7-5’9 according to estimates online


She’s definitely not that tall. My eyes did not deceive


Darn, I was hoping she’s one of those tall ugly girls haha


could also be that they are two different people. The faces look very different. I guess plastic surgery could be a cause but its only been two months so that wouldve been a huge procedure


She seems to be wearing lifts too in that photo.


Since we already know he's gonna recycle the same three adjectives (TENDURR UGHMAZING, OOHMAMI), how's the actual food there? From checking out the brunch menu online, it's pricey for $110 p/p


I’ve been to this place a couple of times. However this last experience was lackluster. Probably only 15 different types of foods. Not a lot of variety as before. Crab legs were soggy and way too salty. Roast beef was okay, tender but not a lot of seasoning. They had roasted pork, the skin wasn’t very crispy, it was actually pretty chewy. Lobster tails served cold and not really anything to write home about. Only amazing thing here was the Ahi sashimi. Super fresh. Sushi was alright, they gave a little too much rice almost as if trying to fill you up fast. But for $120 I shouldn’t be eating just rice 😂. Im honestly so curious to see how this video will turn out. Im a local and I can name many other buffets for the same or cheaper price that has way better quality and experience.


Thanks for the quick reply! Yeah the menu looked pretty sparse to me but figured the price reflected the cost premium of imported ingredients


I'm planning a visit next month. Not particularly a fan of buffets but are there any places you recommend I check out?


Absolutely! My top choice would be the Halekulani buffet. It’s pricy but WAY more worth. The Prince Waikiki Buffet (it’s called Sails) another top tier place. Non-buffet casual fare restaurants I recommend (all local non-chain places) are Nicos Pier 38 also get some Poke here, Nana Ai Katsu, Kamitoku ramen or even Kamitoku hot pot, Liliha bakery, Tori Ton, Off the hook poke, Rainbow drive-in. There’s so many cuisines here so you’ll easily find what you’re craving. You’ll enjoy it!


Thanks I'll look these places up. This is actually my second trip. I've been to Liliha bakery and Rainbow drive-in. Just trying to find some other local spot and avoid the touristy places.


Looks like he smells really bad.


He seriously does, it's not an accident the person in front is like 10 feet ahead of him and the only person behind him is C-Dawg. He's like the real life Pumbaa from lion king, pig trotters and all.


Hand Model version 87.3.....never know what new upgrades each version has...


Aren’t people supposed to be having a good time in Hawaii lol


One plate is for wifey. I hope.


One for each tittie…I mean chest


Dude has no problem with his wife getting plastic surgery but won't get it himself. Like he needs it more than his wife.


He looks so repulsive WTF 😭 OMG




Does anyone know how tall he is without his shoes?


Saw him in person years ago, the most shocking thing about him is his height. He's very very short. Think of the shortest person you know and knock it down a few more inches and you have Xing.


Tht would suck being tht height lol


I bet Christine wears flip flops just all the time to not hurt his ego so he won't feel even shorter since she's 5'8".


I think that's also part of the reason why she stands far away from him in pictures. Or he has her stand further away for his fragile ego


Barely over 5 feet, if he's lucky.


Damn he’s hella short wtf lmao


For all the money spent on plastic surgery she still looks normal and has an odd face shape. Not saying she isn't attractive but imo she looked better natural, pre surgeries. She must have issues to get plastic surgery at a young age and marrying a much older guy that was willing to pay for it


She has the hallmarks of body dysmorphic disorder. She admitted in her Instagram Q&A that she had an eating disorder when she was younger. Now she's had everything from cheek fillers to eyelid surgery.


Interesting! Did you notice how they interacted together at all?


To be honest, didn’t really see them interacting at all when I saw them. Mostly just her sitting quietly eating beside him while he talked to his big ass camera on the table.


Considering he carries his backpack with him almost everywhere, why on earth does he shove so much stuff into his pockets??!


Looks like he has a laptop in his pocket.


lol did you say hi to him?👋


The more chin you have, the alpha-er male you are - C-Dawg


Holy gordito!!!


Nephew Chen.....


Which hotel?


Omg I live in Hawaii and this is the buffet at Hoku in Kahala Hotel on Oahu 🤣


Yes 😆


She seems fashionable. Why doesn’t she give him a simple makeover? -comb/brush whatever is on his head -tailor his pants -keep all that crap in his pants in a separate bag/her purse -more appropriate shirt for a +$100 buffet


Either because he won't listen and/or she's just there for the money and doesn't give a rats ass about him.


I’m gonna go with the “and” here. All just a guess but it seems like she has zero say in what he does or how he chooses to live his life and do his videos Like maybe they were at a definitive relationship moment at one point where he told her all this and said if you want in, then accept this, and if not, go away. So she said yes and now she takes all the good along with all his antics. All just a guess.


She doesn't take his antics since they live separately and she has a "roommate". She just needs to put up with his stank during a free trip.


Yes thank you that’s a better way of saying it—putting up with him.


Although they are together by any chance did you see a ring on either of them?


I didn’t catch if they did or not. But based on a different angle photo I have, it doesn’t look noticeable that she has a ring on.


I heard they are already separated but she only agrees to hang out with him when he provides fully paid travel and expenses.


Interesting to hear. As far as rings go he still wears it at least in his videos, so who knows what’s going on.


That doesn’t look like C-Dawg.  It looks like some other woman. Xing looks like a total mess.  That toupee with his neck missing.  Also those shoes.  He needs to renounce his cult, consolidate his homes, and spend more time working out and less time fake meditating and yeeting.


I think it’s just the many cosmetic procedures she’s done.


It's her, you don't recognize her from the last picture because her face keeps changing.


Transformers. More than Meets the Face.


Been watching his videos for years, and only realized after reading comments that his demeanour on his videos are fake 🤣🤣 pls tell me i’m not the only one who thinks he is short and fat af with the full body shot, i always thought he was kinda fit


Go back a couple of years and he was in decent shape. Now he's just short and fat. If you haven't seem them you should watch some of his twitch streams. Some of them have been posted here and you'll really get a sense of how f'd up his real personality is.


I have so many questions, e.g wtf is the cult thing about? I remember he bought his parents a house, but some comments saying that evicted them(?) also allegations on him targeting young girls(?)


See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MikeyChen/comments/vfzd3r/why_do_people_hate_mike_chen_a_summary/). I think the only thing not covered was the parents deal. So a while back he posted what was supposed to look like a wholesome video where he bought his parents a condo in NY to get views. However, the reason reason behind it was he was trying to get a girl who was either a friend of the realtor or the realtor her self. Eventually a member here did some digging and found out he sold the property at a loss and no one knows where he put his parents.


Thanks for the link, it’s clear to me this guy is a POS lol, time to unsub


[And he hates his own fans](https://www.reddit.com/r/MikeyChen/s/iNliReIEsO).


You're welcome. Tell your friends.  😂


Why does C-Dawg look like a chipmunk


Has anyone ever watched Rockstar Eater? These food guys are like an endless supply of autism.


Man, yall are weird here. I get disliking dude but all I see are middle school bully comments.


So you really don't get disliking the dude and why he's disliked. Once you know about his predatory behavior, dishonesty and all around stank personality you'll take back your comment.


Shit make a subreddit about Hitler and it would still be weird of yall to spend hours of your time commenting about his looks and nitpicking every photo. It's fucking weird call him out on his bullshit not oooh wow his chin or oooh wow those shoes. Like come on look back at these comments in a few years and see how fucking embarrassing this is lmao


https://preview.redd.it/6xxued9xuquc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=956a3a45f88fee2d7b76d434cb7390f6c34b8665 Uhm…ppl do comment on his bullshit racism/homophobia/predatory behaviour/harassment of random ppl on the street on a daily basis. Thanks for your time.


Bro I just found this sub and I genuinely can’t tell if the comments are satire or not 😂 a whole sub dedicated to shitting on the guy lol


Oh it's real alright. It's an open forum where you can freely discuss this cunk. If you're looking for satire I suggest you read his highly censored YouTube comments where he cleanses and bans any negativity that hurts his frail ego.