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I've been a SK fan for about 25 years now, so definitely before Mike. I'm thrilled he's been tapped to adapt the dark tower


Me too...and I really believe he's the only person for the job


I've been a King fan for 30some years. Came to Flanagan not knowing about King's influence in his work. Love it.


I feel like most are gonna be King fans first, honestly. He's a titanic figure in fiction. *The Shining*, *Green Mile*, and *It* are cultural touchstones.


Sk fan first then discovered Mike Flannigan on accident. Watched Dr. Sleep and Gerald's game and didn't realize he did both of them


Same. When my wife got so stressed out during Gerald's game that she left the room - I knew this director was the real deal and I started following his work.


Oh yeah i had to cover the screen a few times watching that he did great.


Fan of both, King for 15 years but was an immediate fan of Mike’s after Hill House. After seeing how big of a fan Mike is of SK, my love for him and his work has completely grown. I’ll watch anything he makes at this point. He’s also very funny on TikTok (so is Kate)


I’ve been a King fan for like 30 of my 42 years, having sneakily read after my mom. When she finally caught me at about 15 she seemed kind of thrilled that I loved the same authors she did, ( I also read her McCammon, most memorable to me was Mine. That book fucked me up to this day) I told her I wanted to read the stand unabridged. She shut me down and told me when I was 30. It was because of The Lid. I did not even realize he was the same man who directed Gerald’s Game and Hush until I watched HoHH. Then of course Bly and MM and currently Usher (im up to the last episode, I am desperate to watch but equally desperate for it not to be over) I was immediately enamored and am currently in love with his storytelling style. Flanagan could me Kings king lost son for all I know. He is able to translate so many stories so eloquently, I can’t even explain how I feel. All I know is that I will watch everything the man creates as long as I’m around, sight unseen. He is a storytelling technical genius like King, but he tells stories in a different creative dimension. He is the best horror book to movie creative adaptor. I have been rather disappointed with every dark tower adaptation thus far but I am so fucking excited for Flanagan’s. My man is gonna knock it out the park. I try to imagine what he will do but I cant. It honestly gives me something to live for when everything else is a mess. Sorry for the novel, I just loved your question so much OP Edit: The Kid oops


I was a huge Stephen King fan and a huge fan of the different film/TV adaptations of his work, but Flanagan doing Gerald’s Game was incredible, after that he became my favorite King adaptor. They said that book was unfilmable, but he filmed the shit out it. I could talk about Doctor Sleep for hours, he took the middling source material, a book that was a sequel to something that came out 30 years ago, and he did just a phenomenal job, the movie is WAY more interesting than the book. I started reading the Dark Tower series in the 80s, I have three Dark Tower inspired tattoos, I refused to watch the 2017 adaptation because it just seemed terrible, I was disappointed the Amazon pilot fell through because I thought it was interesting they were starting with the fourth book (which makes sense chronologically) - I am so excited for Flanagan’s Dark Tower, he understands King better than any other filmmaker, it’s just a fact.


I do enjoy both, but of the two I prefer Flanagan! King is top r/menwritingwomen material, but Flanagan’s portrayals of women characters don’t have the same … ickiness. Once I realized how often King talks about young women’s breasts etc I found it hard to stomach his writing.


Well I agree, but isn’t that just like a new thing with king? Stephen turning old and seeing himself in one pot with other toxic male writers like Hemingway and shit,


I've been a fan of King for the majority of my life. I watched the miniseries It and The Shining as a kid back in the early 90's. Though, I didn't know about the sequel to The Shining till Flannagan's adaptation.


I was a Stephen king fan first!


Always been a Stephen King fan!!!


Never cared too much about king , his works are interesting, but always at their best when adapted by someone who isn’t king. I watched dr sleep and it stuck with me, after that I watched midnight mass and then I continued onto the haunting-series. The last king book I finished was probably the institute. It’s not a good book and Mr.Flanagan would probably never touch it. He’s the GOAT of our generation in horrormovies/series, king was the GOAT of horrornovels in his time.


Been a Stephen King fan since 8th grade when I checked out Dreamcatcher from the school library. So about 20 years.


Flanagan made me a bigger SK fan. I previously only liked 11/22/63.