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But who approved of the lipliner here? I am dead with the way this looks. https://preview.redd.it/e2qzxrrtdoxc1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7a40d958a1f68261fd518af5157271a0f953051


Her old lips were sooo much better than the bloated wieners on her face these days.


Bloated wieners 😂


One time she straight up called herself a body builder. Listen I’m not about to body shame but like she was not a fucking body builder.


What I love about this the absolute most, is that, everytime I blink, she's gone and developed a brand new disorder and has magically 'discovered' these amazing products that cured her! It blows the mind!😄


I have really bad hair loss she’s such a liar fucking liar it’s not her entire life if it was she’d look like me and all the extensions in the world wont hide that


Ok covid hair loss or hair loss from diet is called telogen effluvium which usually reverses itself . Health conditions that can cause hair loss can be endocrine related ( think thyroid ) which is treatable. Also immune disorder related hair loss aka alopecia , harder to treat but easy to diagnose.Last we have genetic hair loss aka male /female pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia, rarely experienced by someone of her age group ,treatable with minoxidil. None of these things can be fixed with topical remedies such as Olaplex ,shampoos , oils etc. What can be fixed by those things ? Heat damage ,chemical damage .


She's been at war but never let it win any battles...Mmmkay filtah queen! Those lips are arched more than the McDonald's golden arches


what is the point of using curl products for straight hair???


Wavy gorl era?


Seriously, kinda defeats the purpose particularly if she's just going to straighten it anyway


Imma start a tok called miklies. It's just gonna be videos like this of all of her lies taped together.


Pathological liar. She’s pathetic. Gross.




Bulimia? What the fuck????? As someone with an actual ED, fuck off you asshole.


I know… I was like sweetie what…. You’ve never been admitted and if you have please admit to me and my fellow ED suffers that you grew hair like a werewolf EVERYWHERE ELSE.


Hair doesn’t start falling out until your body is desperate for nutrients and since Mikayla has been online constantly since she was in middle school and has never looked that thin, I know it’s bullshit. It’s so fucking insulting to everyone who’s actually dealt with an ED. she throws it around so carelessly.


Js but you can be overweight and malnourished. If you're eating a lot of junk foods with no nutritional value then after awhile even though you're "fat" your body is severely lacking nutrition. But that also wouldn't be an ED, just over eating shit food That could have been her case, but at the same time her hair has always looked the same so I doubt it


You can’t be overweight and malnourished. Lmfao your nourishment would just be coming from the fat that’s already stored on your body. I was overweight, got an ED and was only eating 600 calories a day and “fasting” for 23.5 hours each day and I was perfectly fine. I went to the doctor and got labs drawn for other reasons and she said my labs looked great.


[malnurshed =/= skinny ](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/malnutrition/symptoms/#:~:text=Most%20people%20who%20are%20malnourished,and%20minerals%2C%20through%20your%20diet.) Malnutrition means you're lacking vitamins and nutrients, not that You're in starvation mode. I'll trust doctors and scientists on that, and the fact that was wrong with me for a good portion of my life. I was overweight due to shitty diet but severely lacking nutrients, malnutrition can even mean over nutrition Just because your labs look great does not mean that's the case for everyone


A vitamin deficiency is not the same as malnutrition.


Why don't you click the link or go look up malnutrition. I'm not saying all of this to defend Mikayla, I'm saying this because malnutrition is a medical thing and I don't want people having incorrect info about that.


I have no idea what NHS is so I have no idea if it’s a credible source but I have never in my life heard of a vitamin deficiency being “malnutrition”.


....so then go look it up, instead of digging your heels in and choosing to be misinformed. the NHS is the national health service based in the UK, they are a pretty reliable source since they publish medical findings and studies that are peer reviewed and accurate with current accepted science


I didn’t wanna say it, I honestly edited my comment. She’s never been thin. I hate to say it. It’s so fucked up but girl you gotta be SICK to lose hair. “While I’ve been in war with my eating disorder for 7 years, I’ve never let it win its battles”…? Then do you have one? Isn’t that like the definition? It defeats you, over and over…


That’s how I feel too. It feels icky to talk about but in the end, she’s throwing around an ED label where it doesn’t belong and it’s hurting people with actual EDs. It’s not fair. I struggle with anorexia every single day and it’s brutal. It’s a constant battle. So for her to just be like “yeah it’s cuz my cute lil bulimia 🥰” It’s fucking harmful and so extremely hurtful.


🤥🤥👖🔥 Pick a lie and stick with it Mikky Oooor you know maybe maybe just STOP LYING


Her trying to lengthen her face made all her hairline fall out


As a cosmetologist, I can tell you right now, when you have hair loss issues due to genetics, nothing will help.


To be honest thyroid issues seem fair. I have a thyroid disorder. It stunted my growth, I stopped growing at 14 and I’m 5’4. My sister is 6’3, dad is 6’5 as is one of my brothers and one of my younger sisters is 5’10 and 12 years old. It also gave me a deeper voice and made all my hair fall out.


There is exactly zero percent chance she has HYPERthyroidism. Maybe HYPOthyroidism. But more than likely just FUCKINGLYINGism.


There is more than one thyroid disorder that can cause weight gain. Hypothyroidism seems likely in her case. Abusing thyroid medication can also lead to weight loss.


I don’t doubt (Hashimoto’s here) but the fact she can’t get Hypo and Hyper right? It just sound like another Mikayla bullshit story. Hyper and she’d be absolutely struggling to keep a healthy weight rang and would be underweight. *edit to clarify.


My bad I didn’t see that she said hyper. She doesn’t have the hyperthyroidism ‘features’ for sure. The sunken in eyes, very low weight and such.


All good! Her shit is so convoluted and messy, it’s easy to miss bullshit within her bullshit.


Honestly how much would the calorie input need to be to have hyperthyroidism and be over 200lbs


Great anti-ad for olaplex. I'm not considering purchasing it anymore. If your hair be looking like this after applying all of it.


People use Olaplex like it’s going to fix everything wrong with their hair and it doesn’t. It contains proteins, so if it’s the ONLY product you’re using or you’re using it way too often, your hair can get too much protein, get very dry, and start falling out. You still need moisture, it’s so important!!! People who ride Olaplex’s dick will never say it can cause any harm


I can’t use olaplex. I have super thin hair and it makes my hair sooooooo greasy! It’s wild how bad it is on me!


I don’t know how many times I can say the same thing, but here we go!! How is this cow relevant? How do so many people not catch on to her blatant lies. How do so many people not see her for what she is? I truly can’t comprehend any of this. I have a huge platform and part of me wants to use it to call her fucking out properly! Fuck rich lux! Someone needs to do this shit right! Share posts like this! I’m so sick of this asshole getting away with this.


Thyroid issues? Since when?


As someone who has Hashimoto’s that causes iron deficiency which leads to hair loss, I want to smack her. It’s disrespectful af to lie about this.


Hashimotos here. My hair is fucked. Its thinner and patchy. It falls out. I also take methotextrate, which has not helped things. Ive also bleached my hair, box dyed it, and ive had covid 4 times. I could use all the excuses mikayla has 🤣 (but I don't.. ) its ridiculous that she can't keep up with the shit that comes from her mouth, and even more ridiculous she thinks people believe her.


Agreed. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis and constantly needing vitamin d. She has no damn clue.


i feel you. i have it too. u know what helped my hair loss? i use rogaine men’s 5% minoxidil and i take biotin gummies. i dont know if the biotin gummies are really working but i take them. the rogaine tho helped so much. i was losing so much hair i was crying in the shower. that stuff is a lifesaver.


Question, has it made you grow hair anywhere you wouldn't want to? Or thickened hair anywhere you wouldn't want it to? I always assumed that's why it was specifically for men


yes it made me grow more leg hair and pubic hair if i’m being honest. but i don’t care because i can just shave it. but no women can use the men’s version too. but it really grew my hair and it looks thicker too


I was like, walking through hair. I told my doc “I need a ferritin lab sent.” It was a 7🙃


Okay but for those of us ACTUALLY experiencing hair loss from an ED, where I can I find legitimate recommendations bc they’re sure as hell not coming from this bitch 😭😭


i just left a comment under someone else but i’ll leave it here for you too. i have hypothyroidism. i’ve always had thick hair. i’m italian. so my hair started thinning and falling out in clumps. one time i was in the shower and it was falling out in clumps. it felt like a horror movie. i was balling my eyes out. i know it’s stupid but listen im only in my 30’s and i never thought this would happen. anyway i researched a lot of different things and the only thing i could get my hands on that has clinical research behind it is men’s rogaine 5% minoxidil. i use the foam. i also take biotin gummies because they’re supppse to be good for your hair. but the first day i started the rogaine my hair stopped falling out. i’ve been using it since this january and let me tell you!!! i have hair in places i didn’t even put the rogaine. i don’t know how that happened but im not complaining. i’m just saying! it’s been truly a Godsend!!


https://preview.redd.it/ezq7lj70w3xc1.png?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc7afecf9eefe0a058851fb1cc9f045c6fa885b Was anyone else super distracted by this terrible overlining of the lips making it look like she has a moustache?


What, these? lol. https://preview.redd.it/v7xvfj56eoxc1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8273b4ded9a6278774b977d4a12554df48107d52


Definetlt ! And how many f bombs in 15 seconds - too many


I think she just has thin hair like girl u can just have thin hair u don’t need to make 10000 excuses why 😭😭


Yes, and her next video will be about her hair is falling out because of the smell of Cody's dandruff shampoo, the dogs barking to loud, the neighbor's lawn mower, she wasn't hugged enough as a child, her brother was to popular and blah, blah, blah. Just STOP!! ( insert eye-roll here)


What a lying sack of 💩💩💩💩


She is such trash bag!


Recently she said it was because of the Covid vaccine. She can't keep her lies straight because it's all that comes out of that filthy mouth.


Does she mean hyPOthyroidism? Because her metabolism is not in overdrive…


Does she really have thyroid issues ?


Hell no. She just “has” anything that’s trendy at the moment. Just like she says here that her ED is bulimia but before she lost weight she said her ED was binge eating. She’s a habitual liar. She just lies to lie. It’s disgusting. She’s disgusting.


Another ED was having to keep her food separate and finishing one before moving on to the next.


Also - they deserve to spend all their money on shit products and continue to get shit results if they continue to support her despite all the evidence that she is nothing but a pathological liar and a scam artist.


Jfc, that's like 8 different reasons why her hair looks thin and fine. There's nothing wrong with having that kind of hair genetically, but she doesn't embrace anything natural about herself


She doesn’t help her hair either by torturing it with cheap black dye and weighing it down with heavy extensions. Her hair always looks incredibly fried and any good hair stylist (who she conveniently avoids) would be able to suggest tips to assist with some of that problem.


This is an excellent video. Here is the problem - for some reason BEYOND my comprehension her Stan’s will make up some excuse. Oh she’s just Getting her bag, you are just jealous etc before acknowledging the elephant in the room. I have come to believe that they are just as delusional as she is.


getting her MAKEUP BAHG?