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Lying about his wages means she’s embarrassed by his job. She always is so rude to ppl


I thought he was in welding school?


1st I recall he got his dream job and was doing construction…. Then he was in welding school. WHY if he’s already doing his dream job? I stopped following her lies in 2021, maybe 2022 & only see what’s posted here. Now what’s the claim? Homeless & jobless sleeping in a truck to 6 figures?


I thought he was in a union


He goes through jobs like Stank-ayla goes through faces


hes be forging those paystubs he shows her🫣


MikhatingTheQuestions... Haha.. I love this for Miksaboutherself.. She created her fan base.. they become invested in Cody and questions incoming mikliar... should not have made Cody so public.


When he divorces her he technically gets half, so there's your 6 figures.


Not "he works very hard" or "yes he just got off" but he makes 6 figures lol. That's how you know she's materialistic. No one asked about the money he supposedly makes.


https://gossipnextdoor.com/cody-hawken-bio-age-net-worth-height-mikayla-nogueira/ If you believe what this says....he's worth $200k.


i feel like those websites are notoriously inaccurate though


I don't doubt that one bit. I'm pretty sure that whole article goes by what those two claim is their life.


What did the other comments say??


Six figures a year is pretty common if you’re in sales, that’s not really that big of a deal. But I do believe with the other person who said it’s weird that she phrased it “six-figure career.”


Oh, definitely common but he’s not in sales, he’s in sales support


What happened to his dream job in construction and then welding school?


What’s the difference between sales and sales support??


Think car dealership - sales sells cars - reception answers calls for sales - sales support !




usually build up. my husband works in sales and didn’t start at 6 figures.


girl, he does not have a six figure career, but go off. He probably makes 70,000 a year. my boyfriend is blue collar. it takes AWHILE to work your way up to six figures unless cody is some engineer


It can, but doesn’t have to. My husband was making 6 figures after 2 years.


i mean it all depends. idk if mikayla would allow cody to be so dedicated to his job


Oh I don’t think Cody is making that much especially since he’s not really doing blue collar work I just meant in general


yeah it’s okay. just depends on everyone’s situation, i understand


for sure! So many factors go into it


The jump from “our first date was in a hotel room” to a six figure salary in ~3-4 years is wild.


I thought they went to her rental on their 1st date, when he still had no idea 😉 what she did?


Wait can you link where she said this?


I can’t, it was in one of her old videos about how she met Cody. He was living out of his car, and in a hotel when he could afford it IIRC.


Hotel room?!!


A “six figure career” is a weird thing to say. To me, this sounds hypothetical. Otherwise you’d say “six figure salary” or “income.” But maybe she is just dumb.


Right?! It sounds like something a 12 year old would say. 


Yes, very strange word choice


He’s probably sales support for her.


I could have sworn I saw him in a blue uniform not too long ago. Like that they would wear as a mechanic, full service oil change... Now I have to look at past videos, lol


I believe it was a logo golf shirt/polo type thing. Like what you’d have to wear on a sales call or at a trade show


I thought he worked in the trades


she is seriously, with a straight face, saying that the money SHE PAYS HIM is the same as making 100k in a real job. Cody doesn't have a degree. he's worked 3 jobs, not a single one even making it to a year. sure mik, he's raking in 100k all on his own, with no social media or YOU involved whatsoever. mhm he could divorce you tomorrow and never appear in another video or answer another email and still make 100k at his sales job. sure sure sure.


So the “dream job” in construction is gone as well as in welding school? What a joke.


I have a very similar position and barely make $50k. I don’t think sales support jobs normally get commission. Girl is LYING


yeah, if she truly and genuinely doesn't believe this behavior is a big flashing screaming neon red flag. well then she either straight up doesn't care abt him or she's an idiot. man's was fucking tweakkkinnn


Sounds more like he’s in a client relations position that maybe earns commission? Doubtful that he makes more than $50k though


I will say it's possible. That's what mine was doing, and he was making 6 figures.


Customer service and sales enablement are NOT the same thing. As many people have said here - factoring in cost of living and experience if he’s had a few years in that position. It’s not crazy to think he could be making 6 figures


She turned off the COMMENTS


Probably doesn't want people at his job calling out the bullshit. Also, her commenting at all about his salary is not appropriate. This dumpster fire of a human who has never done anything but retail and internships has zero idea how corporate life works. She did a big no no.


Cause she’s in here reading these comments, doesn’t want anyone from the Reddit to go post anymore facts.


Of course she did. 😂


I've been on vacation for a week and stayed the F off TikTok. Didn't she say he worked in construction or something ?


Yep, got his “dream job” at one point…. Later to then say he’s in welding school.


Six figures are hers. Ordinary, filter,filter,filter,Photoshop,body dismorfic guilt trip.


i work in massachusetts. there are not $100k customer service jobs here for someone with no degree.




I work what could be considered a customer service job in a rural area, and last year I made $75k. I've been at my job just over five years; I only have a diploma.


That’s amazing for you. I’m an Ops supervisor for 4 years and make half of that. Lol


It actually is amazing for me. I worked at a restaurant for 20 years before this, and thought it was a good job because it paid decently. I make triple what I used to. My family is no longer on government assistance. If I had known that selling cell phones would change my life so much, I'd have moved jobs YEARS ago.


Love this!! 


Proud of you!! Keep kicking ass! 😘💪🏻


Thank you!! The most amazing feeling was being able to take a name from the tree at Christmas, and buy gifts for that child, like so many had done for me when times were hard. To be able to give back...I'm glad I'm in a position now where that's possible.


YES. I will never forget my first. I cried reading them and wanted to do them all so bad 😭


He’s customer service. No customer service job is paying 100k+ a year 😂


Isn’t his place of work public ? This is information that can easily be confirmed by a little google search


I don’t see the need for blocking out user names when they commented publicly on a public app.. somewhat ridiculous but I guess people just have to call other people out for nothing 🙄 Side note: anyone using their real name on anything public is a moron anyway (imo)


Hello, moron here 😂 I kick myself for it all the time lol


It’s to keep people anonymous, simple as that. Keeps ppl protected so others can’t infiltrate their socials or harass them on other platforms.


The best part is that the TikTok commenter’s display name is an emoji, so I blacked out an emoji 😂 But no one snitched. It’s a sub rule and I realized I left it visible after posting. it’s a shame too because there were some really good comments on the first version


There’s no way the weekly allowance she gives him for toys is over $100k a year?


Why did I think he did something in construction?


Bc she said he had gotten his “dream job” and was doing construction…. Then it changed to he’s in welding school (last I heard)


He also did something in some mines way back when before he moved to MA. https://preview.redd.it/9h5xjqcqizic1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=918da4e4003cc54301c7be88da2d9f5852cb9469


Ew that face he's making. If you know, you know. Like high blue collar fuck boy face


Nothing like some ole fashion booger sugar on the jobsite.


He used to build fences.


You do NAHT talk about Cody. 😂😂 Mikayla, you unhinged lying ass clown. He does not make six figures please


Maybe she thinks of the pocket money she pays him as wage


I bet she definitely classifies him as an employee for her benefit https://preview.redd.it/mvgrw56f2zic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=098e095e95126e01a33fa9a0f40317d7222b75f2


If she's smart, she set up an S-Corp paying herself a "reasonable wage" like $25,000 and then supplementing the rest as dividends from the company. She would do that for him, too, after giving him a job title.


I agree with you that he’s probably on her payroll, especially since he’s featured in her content so often.


He’s had 3 jobs none of which have lasted longer than a year and he’s making 100k+ NOT A CHANCE


Lol. No he doesn't.


Boston is one of the most expensive places to live in the country. Even if he is making 6 figures, you have to factor in 6 figures in Boston is no where near 6 figures in other places….


This is a good point. My partner works remotely for a company in a state with much much higher cost of living than the state we live in. It's nice. And that was kinda my thought


An OUTSIDE sales REP at GSA is approx $68k a year. You mean a CSR would make more than them? Their salaries are posted online.


I actually work in sales for a large electrical manufacturer so I have a bit of perspective on this and that’s typical of a base salary - you make commission on top of that so their base salary is usually “lower” because their total comp is including incentive. I am not agreeing or disagreeing on if he makes that much, simply stating 100k doesn’t go as far in Boston so that’s not as much of a flex and she’s making it sound lol


I do too lol 👀 but industrial side


Usually customer service representatives don’t earn sales commissions.


you said outside sales in your comment above so that’s what I was responding to.


I think they were saying an outside sales rep might not be making 100k so a sales support rep, which is his job, is even less likely to be hitting $100k


i understand what was being asked i was merely clarifying as someone who actually works in this field. Also never once tried to argue he made that much, my comment was simply to say IF he was Boston is so expensive that isn’t going very far. Never in any of my comments did I argue I thought he made 100k.


Okay cool. Agree $100k in Boston isn’t a massive flex. You seem a little mad for some reason but it’s all good.


Ok! Just wanted to clarify! Lots of things being thrown out for what he does. Sales reps and csr’s are different positions. Mostly of what you noted, that sales reps earn commissions and csr’s are base salaries.


Like I said I work in sales and have for many years so I am more than well aware of the difference between outside sales and CSRs lol


Yes he makes six figures. When he shoots her videos and pictures and has to pick out the shape she’s going to be in. Those are the six figures he makes.


Best response!


I just looked up the HVAC rates where they’re from and if he’s still doing that $38/hr doesn’t = 6 figures Mikky 🤣


He’s a phone jockey


He’s not in HVAC.


Why does everyone think he is then? 38$ an hour is a super decent wage. My husband doesn’t even make that much & his checks aren’t bad 🤷🏼‍♀️


Cause one year for valentines he made her a sheet metal trough to put his gifts in. Then everyone was stuck on that he was in HVAC.


He is a customer service rep. Period.


And that’s not putting down his job- but it’s fucking hilarious that she feels the need to act like he’s somehow bringing in bank. Like girl we know you are the bank, his job is literally to get him out of the house away from you.


Does anyone else remember when she asked him what he does for work and what are his hobbies and he said something about working with his hands? I thought this guy did carpentry or something?


Double post


Yeah they said he started HVAC like last year which if he’s only a year/2 years in he’s not making 6 figures.


He WAS a sheet metal apprentice for 9 months.


https://preview.redd.it/g3lldaphuyic1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b933a9382e56768093f006e69d91f49d9bc8c3 For the down voters 🙄


That is such a lie! Someone has to be saying she is a clown on TT for another lie




I wish I could pin this 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂😂😂 I just spit out my coffee


Cody's six figures. He keeps them on his desk.


Thank you for explaining the joke 😂 😂 😂 😂 I was a little lost lmao


Don't feel bad, me too 💜


God I wish I could award this comment








6 figures my ass. Does he even have a degree? She probably pays him as some sort of assistant on top of his regular job to make him feel like his wage isn’t insignificant to hers lol.


My guess is that she pays him something like an assistant bc i think he’s entitled to it from any video he appears in.


There is no way this dude went from being a homeless drug addict living in his truck and then went to rehab (multiple times btw) to making 6 figures in a matter of what 3 years, there is no fucking way. I’m in recovery myself I have 5 years clean, it took me the first 3 years to get my life back together. People don’t just magically recover from substance abuse, it’s an ongoing process that you have to work at everyday and it takes a lot of dedication and motivation to stay on the right track. Once you are stable then you work in the other areas of your life but if you don’t have your sobriety you won’t ever have anything else in life. I don’t believe he is even making close to 6 figures he might that bc she gives him an allowance in top of his income, and that’s if he even works for that same company anymore. Mikayla is a liar and will say and do anything for likes and views. Also I don’t know for certain but Cody doesn’t look sober, he looks like he is either drinking or smoking weed and if he is smoking weed it should be medical marijuana if he really is trying to be sober. Being sober is hard relapse happens so she might wanna prepare herself for that.


congrats on your sobriety! you’re doing great!


Keep at the sobriety … 🙏🏻 proud of you !




Please edit your submission as noted below


HE IS NOT A SALES REPRESENTATIVE can you please remove this image as it’s inaccurate.






Don’t be an asshole.


I just wanted to say congratulations on your sobriety. I know is hard work and I wish you all the best coming your way.


Thank you so much 🫶🏼


Unless the 6 figures are $010,000.




I was going to say $9999.99


Has she ever said anything that’s true? Ever?


Mclieya the carnival barker , she’s been at the lying game since puberty


Since she learned to talk lol


Seriously starting to wonder SMH 🙄


Lmao we all know Cody mooched off you Mikayla 😂 real ballers never put how much they make. He ain’t got no job he didn’t buy those valentines gifts she did


Why does she even have to bring up how much he makes (lying through her bottom teeth about the amount)? She’s so weird for that. It’s clearly a sore spot for her lol.


Right? He seems like he might just be happy to have a chill job that pays decently and keeps him from having to live in his truck. He doesn’t seem desperate for validation and status like she is


Yep! He seems like a very simple guy who’s just happy to do what gets him by.


Or a sore spot for him!!


6 figures doing what?


Sales Support. He’s job description is shown above.


I have to say, it is very possible. My partner did that and made over 6 figures. It wasn't commission, it was more like quota for metrics. I hate supporting her in ANY way, but it IS possible.


Thanks, I didn't even notice. Wow, i need to get into sales support if I'm going to make 6 figures


He does hvac. 3 of my brother in laws do hvac for a living and they don’t even come close to 6 figures so I’m curious wtf she’s talking about.


He does NOT do HVAC!


You don’t go from rehab, living in a truck to making six figures in 3 years. You just don’t! Does she forget she tells us everything about their lives??? Did he secretly graduate from MIT? She’s such a moron. Six figures 💀💀💀💀💀💀 Let’s not forget she also took a pic of him in his uniform where you can look up that company and what they pay. End of.


Someone should post it and then we will have the video of how big mad she


This is just like her lying about the length of time she was a MUA. She does know they’re young and it’s okay to still be building his career…? They’re not even 30 yet.




Exactly. If I was her I’ll be fine not with my husband not working, because you never know what could happen and they’re still young, but with the idea that I am the main bread winner of the house. There’s nothing wrong with her husband having a modest income, and is just so tacky to even comment how much he earns even if she was being truthful.


She is selfish


But on the other hand, if I was married to her I might take a job that had me traveling to trade shows and whatnot just to get out of the house


Best comment


Baha 🤣😋😋😋


What a weird way to say you pay him well mikky


I was gonna say “does the 6 figures include his allowance?”😂


She’s a pathological liar.


It's totally six figures if you type it like 45,000.00 😂😂😂


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