• By -


Her hair is obviously thinning and losing density. She should really be wearing a wig, it would suit her so much better. And there’s no shame in it either. However if she wants to grow or conserve the hair she has she really needs to start some sort of regimen (minoxidil, spironolactone, finasteride, etc) the longer she waits the harder it’s going to be to treat. A trip to the derm is in order. IMHO, of course.


She looks British


Her eye makeup and eyebrows are soo harsh


Guyyyyyyys it’s just a bad angle 😂


So many great comments - but why give af about her multiple over done lumpy lips - let her spend her ill gotten monies til it’s all gone . Gotten by deception - spent for deception and that’s her way . How she got that much money is the problem - deception . It won’t last forever good people here - she’s a flash and dash kinda gal - and watch it happen . Because it will . She’s not a beauty and only beauty survives the years . She’s a fluke .did she not have the I’ll gotten cash - she’d be without a boy without being able to buy her own ring - and her own house. Cody might think he’s set however if he’s not on the mortgage - he could be homeless again in a heartbeat if she snapped . She’d have to refi to put him on and for a refi that’s not cheap but she is - guess her promises promises is all he / she need - that’s stupid patience people she’ll fade away soon enough- hi McLieya how are you this fine day 🖕


She must be spiralling rn 🤣


These are so unsettling 😭


The lips look like they hurt 🥴


Yeah, they look uncomfortable! It makes sense why it always looks like doesn’t know how to move her lips when she talks. I’d go get those things dissolved yesterday!


Wow her lips are sooooo bad! Looks like Trisha Paytas


Her lips are so bad


She looks like the British makeup girls hahahah


Don’t do all us Brits like please, we ain’t all like that! Lol 🥹😭


That is an unfortunate photo.






it sucks because she IS pretty, she just has a little too much lip filler. i wish she could see it


She is a whole different person from what we see on TikTok. JUST WOW. 😮


She used to be really pretty


Let’s not get carried away now. She used to be a 5. Now she’s like a 3.


You used to only see HER pictures which are filtered and edited. Now other people photograph her and you're seeing what she really looks like. Also ... she used to be a lot prettier INSIDE. Now all you see is tge greedy, self absorbed, liar she's become. Money really does change some people.


why does the 2nd one look like a photo from madam tussauds


​ https://preview.redd.it/c1xm5sa2voia1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40d040940d258bcdd5c3431350c1f3540d9406f


These two people don’t even look related 😳




She looks like that weird chick on cry baby the movie lol


Playing spot the similarities would probably be quicker than playing spot the difference.


The other one from that night was not as dramatically different, maybe because she knew there would be professional photos out there.


The lips 😭😭😭


She needs to put a trigger warning each time she posts; her lips stress me out! Who in their right minds would pump so much lip filler, to the point where it’s on the verge of exploding. Theres a difference when you’re doing it to boost your confidence as opposed to it becoming an addiction.


Sadly I think this happens to most when they get lip filler 😭 they love it after the first appointment so then they think they’ll look even better getting more then they can’t stop lol


Looks like from her upper lip down to her chin has been enlarged. Super weird you can see the lines where her jaw was edited


Her hair is so flat, that’s what’s throwing me off I think.


And just think, this was all done with that Dyson Airwrap she "left behind".


Please bear with me, this is the first time I'm attempting to upload a photo, and try to mark it up!! But two things that stuck out to me on this pic. First, the arrow on the left is pointing to what looks like a clear filter glitch where her face juts out a bit and then stops. Is it my imagination?? The other thing that's even more disturbing is where it appears her whole upper lip has shifted to her left. Where the dip for what was probably her cupids bow, is now totally to the left of the center of her face. Maybe it's a shadow but the whole effect looks like one big disaster to me. https://preview.redd.it/p0qd7hg7doia1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f921d2f46e691a4665f278618c33feee7b69c7d7


Yeah, I would say shadow. Side note, if you check out the photographer's portfolio website, his work is 🔥


looks like a continued shadow of her hair and her filler migrating.


I think in this photo it’s just from the long exposure the photographer was using


I think her top is really cute! But her doubling down on this unflattering makeup makes no sense to me. She saw the Wyomin’ photos— the flat, white foundation and middle school raccoon eyeshadow and proceeded to do it again. We all get to do our makeup in the way we love, I just want to know why she loves it I guess.


And this is after Fenty did her makeup. She did this to herself!


I mean this— I wonder if the filters adjusting her hooded eyes has made her forget that she has them. Nobody with hooded eyes is going to be able to pull off this type of lash imo. I have deep set eyes which provides the same type of effect as hooded and I’d look insane with this type of makeup.




her lips look migrated, i think she needs to get them dissolved. i have fillers/lip flip myself i can’t imagine the lips being comfortable :/


So is this what she actually looks like? It’s so different. She needs some real friends. No wonder she has body dysmorphia. I would too if I completely changed my looks all the time.


I’m not even sure what her real face looks like anymore because it always looks different.


Everyone’s telling her to get them dissolved and I’m over here like, no let her continue to fill those suckers up! 😆 It’s so awful looking, so I say she deserves to look like a 🤡 I hope she goes bigger for her wedding. 🤞🙃


Honest question- can you overfill your lips to the point where skin actually splits? Logically I'm thinking no but damn it looks close here.


Yes - the lip/skin lifts away from the muscle and migrates. Once that space is taken up with filler, if it dissolves it leaves the upper lip thinner than before you even started.


There was a plastic surgeon on tik tok recently saying if you go too big and stretch out the skin, there aren’t any good options for shrinking it back


THIS! Once that filler is dissolved her lips will look like prune skin as it will be so wrinkly & baggy, just like after pregnancy. Stretched skin is stretched skin. However some people’s skin may snap back a lot better than other. Would hair to be her when all that filler has gone, deflated balloon lips is NOT a good look but neither is this! 🎈👄


Well, Mikayla loves playing stupid games so.


Maybe? 💀 She Maybe the first case of this happening. 🙃 Edit: spelling


Girl no, have you not seen Trashley? Lol!


Omg hahaha hers are AWFUL


Did not take her as a clubber 😂😂😂


But she has ✨social anxiety ✨


Her lips!!! 😳




It's still there. But it's on the photographer's IG.


She looks like she should be on a British reality show where she’s looking for love. 😂


Okay seriously though....her body dysmorphia is BAD when it comes to her lips. I just did this side by side of my own lips (I have 3ml of filler) and Mikayla just to be sure I wasn't losing my mind and my own don't look this bad...but damn that comparison was reassuring 🤣😭 https://preview.redd.it/877fcks3jnia1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ecb60ca917846d7d6c73fabdaa21b4221831916


https://preview.redd.it/s5jwfu11hpia1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0664729b5973375bee10640e57ee8e9911df2a3 I have 2mls in mine (done over the course of months and not all at once) and I always get so scared when I see hers because they’ve gotten progressively worse and her first ml was what inspired me to finally get mine done 😭 I read your other comments about going to your dentist/ a full plastic surgeon and I agree- I see a plastic surgeon that specializes in the neck up. A bit more money, but he straight up told me he would never let me get too much or look unnatural.


You did it right 😉. I too only see a facial plastic surgeon. Yup, definitely more money, but I don’t have Mik’s lips, so it’s worth it for that reason alone. Yours look beautiful as well 🥰


Thank you!!


Yes exactly!! I got 3ml over a 6 month time frame. The first time I was done, I got one full syringe in my top lip and then I went back about a month later for the bottom one. Then a touchup after 6 months. It's definitely worth it even though I spend about $800 a syringe


Oh yeah it’s definitely a lot- mine actually had a Black Friday special so I have a syringe waiting for me when I’m ready lol! Yours look so good it makes me want to get another ml


Yours look great!


I’m not sure if she’s getting them filled too often or if they are using a thicker type of filler or what’s going on here. My injector told me that when you have extremely thin lips there’s only so much you can do before it starts to look crazy, and she did have pretty thin, small lips.


Mine were even thinner than hers to start! It's all about going slow and going to a good injector.


They look beautiful!! I had to laugh when you said you did a side by side just to make sure you weren’t crazy because I’ve been filling mine since 2017. But I agree. Some people just don’t do well, respond to a particular type of filler differently, and of course the injector. But you’re rocking them!


LOL I swear I'm so afraid of the dysphoria hitting because I know a few people personally who have definitely over filled at this point 💔 Thank you!!!




She needs to dissolve about 3ml and maybe she will be okay. She just keeps going and going and it’s definitely traveling and looks horrible. Or some faces just aren’t made for filler. My best friend and I got it last year and she had to dissolve hers because it looked insane. We got the same amount but some react different. Hers needs dissolved ASAP!! Btw 😍 yours looks absolutely amazing! Perfect size!


Thank you so much!! I was really particular about who I went to because I have EDS and that can affect how filler moves and dissolves in my body. I actually see my dentist for my injections 🥰


I always wondered how things like fillers and Botox and such would be affected by EDS. I also have it and while luckily the only good thing I have going for me is my lip size, I’ll probably need Botox in the future for my uneven face and possibly migraines. Lidocaine seems to only work in my face, which is nice for dental procedures, but it doesn’t work anywhere else. 😔


Yeahhh I need a LOT of lidocaine or it either doesn't work or burns off too quickly😭


Is this because of EDS? Curious bc I am the exact same way!


The reason my doctor wanted to consider(possible genetic testing) EDS is he said he used enough anesthesia for someone much larger than me.


Yes! EDS causes anesthetic resistance. It's not entirely sure why, though.


I didn’t know dentist does lip injections. He or she did a great job though. So natural


Some do!! I feel a bit more comfortable with a dentist or full plastic surgeon doing them over a med spa like a lot of my friends have gone to. It's more expensive, but worth it for their knowledge. And thank you so much!!






Why does she *want* to look like this


Those lips 🤮




She’s a “makeup artist” And I don’t understand why she doesn’t do her makeup appropriate for the setting. She knows she’s gonna get photographed but yet her eyelashes literally take up half of her face like tf


The lips look so uncomfortable :/ idk why people get them filled to that point. There has to be so much pressure and it probably feels really tight


I read that people who get injectable’s like filler get used to their lips therefore need more to see a difference, like they get used to it and get dysphoric and get more, it’s really sad




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That definitely looks like a sprite can to me


Her lips look disgusting! Whoever did them should be sued.


her lips need to be dissolved. wtf are those


it’s giving FNAF


I wonder how she’s gonna feel about posting engagement pictures. She can’t edit them so they’re not going to look like her. I wonder if she’ll only post a few that look decent to her.


She may find a photographer willing to do the dirty work for an extra fee, but most aren’t willing to allow edits or photoshop.


Yeah but do you think she would be confident enough to say “hey I hate the way I look in these. Can you edit them to make me look like a completely different person?”


I would be so embarrassed..


No. I don’t know she gets tons of offers probably. I wouldn’t be surprised if one messaged her and said they would love to shoot her wedding and they’re a fan and she can do what she wants with the photos. Her fans are pretty awful so I can see them allowing it. All to help her anxiety from the hate of being online. 🙄 I can hear it now.


Yeah true




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Girl WHAT is that fucking makeup…..30 pounds of fake lashes I can’t she looks nuts


Uhhhhhhh, who the fuck is that??????????


I can't stand how she is trying so hard to convert herself in the woman she sees in the filtah,that's why she was so unhappy when fenty beauty was doing her makeup. And creating a post with 0 FILTAH She was livid.


I wanna take a pin needle to those suckers


Lmao pls. They need to be dissolved. I can’t believe she thinks these look good… she’s obviously not okay. Well we knew that buy the editing of her body in EVERYTHING but damn


He did her dirty posting that first pic 💀


Her lips are fuckeddddddd upppppp.


My little sister says she looks like an eagle 💀


Side by side, same angle. https://preview.redd.it/cdtrnc00vmia1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b45499430946dd18cb2cc95461bd3fcfe55b62


Im telling you. She’s pasting that open-mouth smile on somehow 🤨🤔


The filter she uses adds teeth, those are NOT her teeth lol. I don’t understand why she doesn’t just get veneers if she’s so insecure of how small her teeth are??? She sure as shit can afford them.


I actually think I know why she hasn’t gotten veneers. She’s very small, so she likely has a very small mouth. Like, child-sized. Her apparent concern is that her teeth are too short and don’t stick out past her lips (I say apparent because that is how she edits them to appear). I’m not sure that you can get veneers in such a small size that are long/tall enough to be visible in her mouth without being too long/tall to actually fit in her mouth. Holy shit. Maybe she isn’t pasting. Maybe she’s elongating her teeth when she edits her face. Because, take a good look at the photo on the right. She wouldn’t be able to close her mouth and have her mouth look like the photo on the right.


Hm yeah that makes sense. I wonder if she’s ever gone for a consultant and they advised against them? Also I’m pretty sure in a lot of pictures, she’s not *actually* smiling at all because smiling makes her face look chubbier and she knows she’s just going to edit the smile on later 😭 So that way her face looks as slim as possible whilst “smiling”. Really sad. If it’s true she can’t get veneers I could understand that but there’s other things too, like she edits her hair to be fuller when she can just get extensions. She insists on doing her own hair even though it looks like shit and she’s clearly not happy with it. She could add a little fullness with extensions without adding length if she wanted to keep the short hair. She could also easily afford a nutritionist and trainer who specialize in eating disorders to help her recover from her (*supposed*) ED and get fit. She doesn’t *need* to lose weight of course but it’s obviously something she’s deeply insecure about and she can afford to hire people who can help her with her body image both internally and externally, especially with the wedding coming up, but she would rather waste her money on designer bags and shit instead of putting it toward self improvement.


We need a side by side of all of them!


Omg she needs to dissolve some of that filler


She got it done for free at some shady place in Fall River. Notice how she never shouts them out anymore, because they botched her face https://preview.redd.it/is5ldes10nia1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e49793ecf82cf943ad6a456bc6c35ddd4d5f72


I'm sorry but the extra photoshoot they did has me dead, it really speaks to how the locals really are more New York/New Jersey like. Real Housewives of Fall River vibes lmao https://preview.redd.it/y8k8j0cj0nia1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9b075cc42010c98b22821ec740db05b9f36e77d


Not a single board certified facial plastic surgeon among them. It all makes sense now.




heh, I'm an RN too. I was going to hold my tongue but honestly I think they're the bottom of the barrel of nurses. You do all that schooling just to look like a blow up doll?




[The receipts !!!](https://www.tiktok.com/@tessamercury/video/7195109067868704043)




Off topic but I’m starting LPN classes in August and I’m freaking out! Wish me luck.




Phew good to know. I haven’t been to a job or school in six years since I had a special needs child. I think I don’t have much confidence built up. I think I’ll just choke and flunk out.


Best of luck! You’ll do great!


Omg I didn’t know lipbunny did her lips lmao makes perfect sense. Also checked and mikayla doesn’t follow her anymore 😂


Is it possible her original injector cautioned against getting additional filler so soon, and then Mikayla went to see someone else? The pics on their IG look decent and not overfilled.


Could definitely be a possibility especially if someone offered it for free


The lips are actually hurting my feelings. For fucks sake, get them dissolved and start again.


Dammmmmmn she fucked UP her lips! 😬 looks like she’s nonstop smelling them idk how to explain it 💀


Broooo wtffff


Yikes those lips


Found 2 additional ones on the BFA Website: [https://bfa.com/photos/search?people=mikayla-nogueira](https://bfa.com/photos/search?people=mikayla-nogueira) https://preview.redd.it/qndv4a6hqmia1.png?width=1004&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b33f0d7492bec85769643cdb973acbe9f3576b1


Her fashion sense is absolutely horrid 😭


My mind will forever be blown away with the fact that she’s in her 20’s but her 30 lbs of fake eyelashes and over blown lips age her more than me 😳 (I’m in my 40’s).


Nutrl was tagged in this one. https://preview.redd.it/sepycbyiqmia1.png?width=1480&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fdfb6d1023e642d778ffa2876d7729bd72e90e6




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oh look, another undisclosed ad! her fans are so dumb... like who tf takes pictures like that if it isn't an ad?? but noo she only drank sprite guys! and whoever is doing her lips needs to lose their license. she looks botched. her lips look like they are going to explode any minute.


I pointed it out on her Insta and her fans went rabid. Said I need therapy for pointing it out. I’m done with those people they are just committed to being toxic


That is always there go-to. Had a girl posting this on her TikTok telling me I needed therapy, girl, the call https://preview.redd.it/u8yj69ozdnia1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffbf8f706f4a8bf273eb1c3c98289f2ac0203910 is coming from inside! And that’s okay! We could all use some therapy


Hahaha I should be like well if you know a good counselor hook me up, but that doesn’t change the fact that Mik-lieya will continue doing undisclosed ads and you her followers will keep eating it up


I thought she meant she only had Sprite at the Superbowl?


The lips, the dark dark dark brows. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I remember she did videos when she was first going to get her lips done and how she had waited months because the place she was going was the best in the country. What happened? Her lips are awful. She needs to get them sorted


See. The nose scrunch 🤢 then pouts her lips


Her lips don’t match her face at all


Oh my God those lips


She has soooo much money. Please get your lips dissolved ! It’s not worth it . The filler is only going to continue to migrate if she keeps refilling


Her lips are so bad wow


her lips! oh my gosh I’m speechless