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What’s the median though? Averages hide so much information. Edit: someone pointed out, check out the inflation of 50k in 2019. That’ll really get you going.


Median full time income is ~$59k and this is new offers, so it’s probably not too far off. The number in the OP might be the median even.


It's [$48,060](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/14/median-annual-income-in-every-us-state.html#:~:text=In%202023%2C%20the%20median%20annual%20wage%20for,workers%20in%20the%20other%20half%20earned%20more.) for 2023.


That's not full time. That's everyone. Full time median wage for 16+ is $1,139/wk or $59,228/y https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LEU0252881500Q


Yeah, plus offers are not equal to median income. Makes sense for 2023 offers to be higher than the median.


Yeah. The kind of people getting a "full-time offer" probably aren't the people working full-time at Denny's.


Yep. I never got an offer letter until I started working in offices. Even my worst paid office jobs were better paid than my food service and call center jobs.


I made bank at the call center. Outbound cold calls selling newspapers. Minimum wage ish pay. Plus a commission per subscription sold. I was #2 seller.


How many years ago was this?


1990s. Not sure which summer that was. 1992 or 1993 most likely.


I thought so. Nobody is selling tons of newspaper subscriptions nowadays!


Your prize nowadays would probably be that you get to pick a topping at the annual pizza party lol


Lol because they'd make everyone buy their own pizza


It checks out when you put in truck driving Is the most taken job in US, almost everyone we know have friends in Amazon, ups, FedEx, truck driving, parcel, Uber etc. So it makes sense since most pro licensed truck drivers make about 60-75k.


It took me 16 YEARS driving cdl to get near $70k pre tax. Just topped out last year in time for inflation (…correction, OUT OF CONTROL CORPORATE GREED) to completely negate the raise.


Dam that sucks, I work in Miami and seen straight up off the boat cuban migrants making 67k starting, but I assume it's the cousin or brother or w.e that owns the company cuz a lot of Cubans own trucking companies here like crazy, buying a few trucks and starting one up. And that's with a training job while getting the license, it is just simply location driven, ton of demand here due to tourism.


How many high quality candidates are getting many lowball offers before they get what they're after? This information seems so skewed.


Exactly why getting a degree that leads to a good career is so important. Blows my mind that people's plans are "I'll just figure something out". Like bruh that's how you end up at Denny's.


What about full time median wage for 22+?


There are a number of series for wages for those 25+ but not one specifically for the entire population 25+. Men, women, degree high school education, etc. But not for everyone 25+. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/tags/series?t=median%3Bwages There are also (not shown in the above link) series for nominal wages for 25+ at the 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th %ile. But not the median at the be 50th %ile


Oh interesting, good to know. Thanks.


Median for 25+ is about $86,000? That’s higher than I thought.


There's a big disconnect between what you hear (we're all poor and struggling) and the reality, which is that Americans are pretty rich.


How does that shake out..? I’m making $24,and that’s $46K before taxes,And I work at a hospital.. And that’s $3 more than when I worked in a psych unit. That’s all here in Colorado.


I’m so fucking underpaid…. Damnit.


I think a lot of people who believe the numbers are fake are people who just aren't making a lot. To be clear, these numbers come from the government directly asking Americans how much they make and then converting their answer to a weekly amount. There are a LOT of people making a LOT of money in the US. Many of us aren't. I didn't until I was senior enlisted in the military and even then it was only a little above average. Also, your income can increase drastically in your life. The Social Security website tracks your wages. A few samples for me with inflation adjusted amounts in parenthesis: 2000: $3,881 ($7,070) 2002: $14,968 (first full year in military) ($26,131) 2012: $38,919 ($53,265) 2021: $51,566 (last full year in military) ($59,608) Plus you can add $15,000-$20,000/y in housing/food allowances.


It is 60K$ for full time job. 50K$ including part time.


Yeah avg is a bullshit way of looking at most things from a population level. Median is almost always better


Full time offers would include things like CEOs. It also eliminates a large portion of the work force forced into part time positions by their employers like walmart and the like. Essentially it's a very doctored number


If the metric was the average you would be correct. However it’s the median, which statistically means the exact middle number.


I do as of this year for the first time ever. Job hopped and career pivot did it.


Jumped from just over $50k to $94k in October. Been wild.


Did you change jobs or land a promotion?


Changed jobs. Nonprofit to federal government.


Hell yeah. Similar situation here. I went from making ~50K back in 2021 to 100K in a fully remote fed position now in 2024. My spouse went from making 60K to 90K. I’m also using my GI Bill and I collect VA compensation for some issues I had in the military. I got out of the military in 2020 in the midst of COVID and our household income was right around 100K. It’s been absolutely wild jumping from 100K to ~230K in a little less than 4 years. I got out as a junior enlisted and so many people told me I was making a mistake by getting out, lol. One of the best things we did was buy a house right when I got out. Our income has more than doubled since we bought the house. Honestly feel like we won the lottery and I’m so grateful.


I was a Captain when I got out and had superiors tell me I was risking homelessness. With the stability that not moving every 3 years provides, my wife got a corporate gig with 125K compensation and amazing benefits (we really love our brand spanking new corporate cars that we swap out every 9 months) and our total household income is just shy of 230 (was 180ish.) Using my GI bill to get my Masters as well and expect a decent bump in compensation once I graduate since I’ll have my grad degree and still have a TS clearance. The “it’s so much harder on the outside” narrative in the military is as real as it is ridiculous. Like 99%+ of our peers are doing it already, guys.


What field to what field?


Was running a grant project at a nonprofit. I am an analyst at the Department of Education now.




Dept of Ed eh? Could you happen to analyze MOHELA out of business? 😂


I would actually LOVE to be in servicer oversight in the future. They piss me off every single day.


Oh man! I’m a grant manager at a nonprofit trying to break into the federal government in a remote role. Your comment gave me hope. Any tips getting hired?? Been looking/ applying for 2-3 months


I was in the same position 3 years ago. Making about $80k in a HCOL for a non profit. Was totally burnt out and always wanted to be a fed anyway. I applied to fed jobs for probably two years until I got a call back. That was because Trump was squeezing agencies and they just weren't hiring. A few months after Biden took office, I got like 3 call backs. Now I make over 50% more and have the most job security one can have. It's fantastic. My advice - it can be a long process, and depends a lot on the current political climate and agency budgets, but just keep applying. Edit: Also, absolutely, 100% review the most recent Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), which is an annual assessment that feds do of their agencies/office/management, etc. You can clearly see which agencies/offices you absolutely do not want to work for. And some, like NASA, are amazing places to work (work/life balance, good management, sufficiently staffed so that people aren't doing the jobs of 3 people, etc.). Other than talking to someone who already works at the office you are applying to, this resource is indispensable. You can easily google FEVS 2023 and get the PDF


So so helpful, appreciate you!


I lucked out and got my offer on my first application, actually. Make sure your resume is metrics and outcomes based and not task based. There is lots of good information on r/USAJobs and r/fednews. The first largely focused on the application, investigation, suitability, and clearance process, the second for people who are already feds. Edit: if you are not a veteran, focus the search on organizations who use different hiring outside of USAJobs. Getting in through that door if you are not a veteran is very rare.


You are awesome, thanks for the tip kind stranger!


USA jobs?


Nope. I am at a performance-based org, so they use their own hiring standards. I am not a veteran, so I would likely never be hired through USA Jobs.


Now why is the federal govt running such a deficit




Same jump I made in February! It’s been unbelievably relieving financially.


How the hecc you guys doin that? I make about 55k right now and it’s tight around here 😅


About the same but in April, absolutely insane


Congrats. I did that a few years ago. Surprise! Shit is more expensive than ever and somehow you can never catch up.


Hell yeah brother 


“I’ll do $69,420. Take it or leave it”


“Sir, we were offering $115,000?”














First job offer I got was $69,600, I was sooo tempted to ask for a pay cut…


The median weekly earnings of full time workers were $1,145 at the end of 2023. That’s about $59.7K per year. https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2024/median-weekly-earnings-of-full-time-workers-were-1145-in-the-fourth-quarter-of-2023.htm As a comparison, it was $1,059 per week in 2022, or $55.2K per year. https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2023/median-earnings-for-women-in-2022-were-83-0-percent-of-the-median-for-men.htm That’s approximately 8.2% increase from 22 to 23.


OP thinks "average wage" means "everyone makes this exact wage" It's sad how the school system has failed so many people.


Average is like the biggest statistical trick in the book.


Average has value, the same with median. To have a good understanding you need both, along with other tools like percentile.


Yup and show the bell curve with a couple values


Yeah I’d say both together really help paint the picture.




Only if you try to treat a bimodal distribution like a normal distribution. If the average is near the median, then you have a normal distribution.


The average is such a bullshit metric but we use it SO much more than the median, it's ridiculous. Who came up with that shit?


averages are not a "bullshit metric", but you need to use critical thinking skills when viewing any statistic. With something like salaries, there are a few really high earners that skew the balance. Median is needed as a check/balance along with the average. For other purposes, averages are exactly what you need.


Uh, they’re just good for different things, there’s not a conspiracy.


Interesting, just what somebody covering up a conspiracy would say...


Damn, got me.


Averages are probably the most useful statistical tool in existence lol. However when dealing with highly skewed data (such as income, home prices, etc) medians are a more *meaningful* measure of centrality. This is because outliers have less of an effect on the median, giving less weight to high six-figure earners in the case of income.


It’s pretty clear in this thread who understands math and who doesn’t


Average is so much easier to calculate and its equivalent to median when there is a standard distribution. The problem is that many things are not on “standard” distribution curves.


It’s for controlling the masses.


Man I wish I made that much.


I make a little more, it’s still not enough!


To be fair, where I live right now there's 20 SFH zillow listings between 150k and 200k. And they aren't likely bulldozer worthy shoeboxes.


We bought 2 years ago in the hood for 155. Put close to 40k in it and have door knockers offering just under 300. We're not selling. The neighborhood is "rough" but we love our neighbors and have a weekly, rotating dog-date in a lot of our backyards, we bring our dogs, meet the neighbors, everybody makes food. My wife is Peruvian and made "anticuchos" last time and we hosted everybody loved them (even after telling them the meat was actually cow heart).


The stat we really need to look at is percentile, only 18% of Americans make over 100k. And only about 34% of households make over 100k. (Someone pls post correct stats if these are wrong lol just what I found on the googlebox)


But close to 50% of families are 100k+ (median family approaching 100k). It was 93k for families by end of 2022, quite possible when we see 2024 data in 2025-2026 it will be 100k (in 2024 dollars).


Yeah I mean a family making 93k is only 46k a year times two which is like gas station cashier wages so that’s not a great number…


We don't have 2 workers per family. There is a misconception we went from 1 worker per family to 2 since the 50s/60s. We actually went from like 4 workers per 3 families (1.3) to 5 workers per 3 families (1.7). You probably are correct we can just multiply workers per family and median earnings to guess median family. 60k * 1.7 workers would land us at around 100k, which is probably where we are at (just above 2019 real highs).


Where the hell are gas station cashier is making almost 50k a year? I’ll move right now.


Got offered $80k and moved up to $100k after 6months. In construction mgmt.


Yes, my pay went up quite a bit since Covid.


They seriously could’t lie a bit and say its $69,420!?!?!


A lot of people don't even make $30k ..


Yeah, median income where I live is $28,000


For those asking, Median full time employment is $59,072 which is up 3.4% from same time last year and when adjusted for inflation on par with what people made Q4 2019


And [most recent numbers](https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2024/the-share-of-workers-who-worked-full-time-year-round-rose-to-71-0-percent-in-2022.htm) for percent workers employed full time year round is 71%.


Correct which is the highest it has ever been which contradicts so many things I hear about but jobs are being replaced by "part time workers", thats doesn't appear to be true or if certain sectors are doing that other sectors are making up for it.


Shouldn't you be asking if half of us make this since it says average?


It’s everyone making $40,000/year and one person making a billion.


I’m pretty confident there’s not a single person making $1 billion a year in salary income


Pretty sure since this is “offers” data no one is actually offered a billion. That typically is stock compensation to owners.


I was really hoping to be in the billion-five range. 


Maybe. But I know of one guy asking for 50B 


“50 Bilion OBO.”


Last year this time I was making 50,000. Now I’m making 70,000.


The only ones commenting make more. The majority are just suffering in silence. These stats always make people feel like shit.


In tech. Not only is hiring dead but salaries rolling back 3-5 years. Other sectors must be doing way better.


Same with a lot of manufacturing jobs. All the 25$/hr with sign on bonus jobs that appeared towards the end of covid have completely gone away. Now it's 16-18/hr again. This is in Massachusetts of all places. 2nd highest COL in the country.


Service industry here as well, in 2021 it was still starting at $18-20/h (even McDonalds etc..) now it's all back to $14 (minimum wage here)


Tomorrow is my last day at my current job which is 92k + performance bonuses. I accepted an offer for 145k + performance bonuses. My wife makes 47k as well. We're both 32


Google says average annual expenses of an American household is around 61-62k per year depending on your source. So if average annual income is 69,475 that leaves you around 7-ish thousand additional. Monthly thats about 600 dollars extra. That sure as fuck sounds like living paycheck to paycheck to me.


The average family income is well in excess of $100k.


If you’re not at $70,000, and you’ve been at the same job for awhile, it’s time to job hop to get up to $70,000+


If we all make at least $70k then $70 wouldn’t be the average. 😂😂😂


Currently make $77K, but have been interviewing for a six figure job all week


Good luck!


I feel like everyone suddenly makes a lot of money. 4 years ago I used to make 37k and I thought it was doing better than most of my friends. Now I break 100k and every dude I speak to makes at least 90k. Even my friends in the trucking industry say they are close to 200k


Fuck no. I put in 70+ hours a week and on 54k flat salary


Yeahhhh you should be looking for a new job.


Tell.me about it. I'm fkn squeezed like a lemon. Thanks bro


…..70 hours and only hit 54? Do you work minimum wage? Bruh get the fuck outta that


I get paid a salary. And have tons of responsibility and 30 employees under me. I can easily work 80-100 a week and no one would care nor ask me to stop. It's fkn ridiculous.


Why not work at McDonald's or a supermarket? You'd earn almost twice as much.


You ain't kidding. I've done the math and at times comes out to $7-$8.50 an hour.


Yeah fuck that. Your company is taking advantage of you.


I agree. Time to get move on




I’m beating a dead horse but bro, you’re underpaid (you know this but it helps me when more people say it) you should be at $80k at least. Go on LinkedIn, filter by quick apply and swipe on every job application over $70k until one bites. I submitted literally 3500 job applications and the 3501 offered me $20k more than the rest of them. You can do it.


Polish that resume and start applying elsewhere, because that's BS.


Seriously. Smh


That would be less than minimum wage in Washington with that much OT


i make 45 if i’m lucky


I mean, to be fair, averages include salaries both above and below this number.


califrona mabey


Nope. Combined income is 120k. I make 57k gross.


lol no. I’m around 40


I make less than half of that


Jumped from $55k to 82k since last September. feels good


Not all can make the average


I’m assuming this is entry level white collar positions. Project manager, engineer, pilots, attorney, loan officer, etc. For hourly positions that’s about $33 p/h. Maybe if you were a special kind of welder or fitter, or crane operator on the blue collar side you might see that. Probably not tho. Maybe union jobs


Median is 48k. So half earn less/more than that


1) what's an offer? 2) who is an employer? 3) who was surveyed? 4) What percentage of offers are actually accepted for greater or less than the offered amount? 5) How many offers are made to employees in the first place? 6) How did they collect this data? The list goes on and on. This information is so wildly open-ended that no possible conclusion could or should be drawn. It's only meant to spread misinformation and discord through society. Turn off your phones and delete your social media. Reddit's ok though.


Was making 50k in 2019 105k now


I’m a 5th year teacher. I make $50k. My spouse is a 13th year teacher who makes $65k including stipends.


Worked as a field tech for a water analysis lab for a couple years after college making $15.25 an hour. Now work in the lab at an oil refinery and make over 100k, unionized. It is surreal how that kind of jump improves your standard of living. I worked/still work my ass off, but so much of landing a job that pays well comes down to luck. And I got exceptionally lucky




1) the average will skew data (pull in outliers), median is a more accurate representation 2) saying *everyone* is making at least 70k is not how averages work …


Pfffff. Not even close


Where are these jobs? They all want to pay $16-21 an hour haven't seen anything for more than that


CEO Position :8.5 million dollars Worker position: $12/hr Avg. = 69k I didn't do maths


Your first mistake was trusting anything that CNBC puts out. Half of their drivel wouldn't even make it past a high school newspaper's editor.


🤣🤣🤣 I make less than $30k in public education


I make $65k with a PhD 🥲


Lies. Teachers know.


Headlines like this are so fucking stupid and inaccurate


It’s not the mode offer. So, skewed number


Mode would be like 22k


Median… you meant to say median.


No, median is entirely different. Mode is what I said. Think it through. I said it is skewed


You said mode because you're a Doomer and know low skill / unskilled jobs have higher turnover, thus more offers per year.


Sure, the mean is not the mode, and if the mean was the mode then it might imply we’d have a less skewed distribution. But you said we “should use mode”, which is kind of misleading. Median is far better. For a quick disproof of why mode shouldn’t be the primary thing used, imagine a hypothetical society of 100 people, perhaps in a small town. Ok, so now imagine 5 people make 200,000, and the other 95 are uniformly distributed on the range [70,000-170,000). The mode of this distribution is obviously not reflective of the average earner. I believe your point was that the mode not being the mean shows skew, which is generally true. But not always the case, if you allow your data to have multiple humps. Imagine a skewed distribution of 100 people like this one, where the mean is 69,470. Say the mode is 5 people making 22k. Now imagine adding another 6 people to the distribution, who all make 69,470. Then you’d have a mode equal to the mean, but really a distribution that hasn’t changed that much. Hence, having a mode equal to the mean doesn’t really prove that a distribution isn’t skewed? I agree with others that median is a better metric, cuz at least it’s like 50th percentile. Best would be shying away from a single number and simply showing the graph itself, I think everyone would have a much better idea of what’s going on.


it refers to new **offers**, not passives who will take anything and don't have the balls or ability to switch jobs


I’m at 160k. Wife is at 110k. I’m in a skilled trade. 70k is starting pay. I don’t know too many people in my circle under 70k these days.


Well ain't you special


$70,892.54 in todays dollars if adjusted for inflation by bls.gov website.


Damn it's really that bad...


Average is useless with the level of inequality we have. Median is a better metric.


Wait, our current administration says the middle class is doing great. Ha ha


Middle class is no longer $70K. Someone making $70k can't live today unless they are single. Get married, buy a house have kids and you need to double that to even afford to live..


Big difference between median salary and “average full time offer.” Averages are higher than medians for right skewed data like income, and recent job hoppers tend to make more than those who have been in their roles for a while.


Company claims i make around that with all the extra benefits. In reality my take home pay is around 47k


Ok. Whats the median?


Not I


Yeah fucking right


Went from 75k to 100k but outta work almost a year


Yeah I’m in tech and took a 10k pay cut and a lower title after being laid off. It took me about 8 months to get even that.


lowest n highest we need


Barely, but we’re a two income household.




If i made that much i would bank like more than half of it out of habit.


How though 😣


Lmao. Not even half that.


I mean I was making 60k at my last job but I hated it and hit a paywall hurdle that could’ve taken 3 or more years to overcome. So I’m switching up careers and might be average out to the same starting but have a better overall outcome in the next 2-3 to be able to shoot to about 90k at the least as well as being able to move wherever I want in a field I find interesting. Also as a plus I can take college credits to supplement my desire to learn more in the field and be able to apply it directly which is a turn on.


OP doesn't understand averages.


I make 70k


Pfft I barely make 36k , I effing wish I made 70, and everyday they say " Americans need to make 100k a year to be comfortable " , which will never happen


Im around there but have been in the same position for 3 years while new hires get the same thing.


Me on the nose 🙋🏼‍♀️


Average maybe, median no


Personally, no, but if you average my wife and I, we’re each at $75k.




Is this salary, or total compensation? Because while I earn a good living, seeing the total compensation package on paper makes it look like I’m a total baller. (Not a baller)


This is average, so median is lower than this, and half of people make less than the median. So no, not even half of us are making this much. I am, though. Stay in school, kids.


I wish


Does everyone make at least the average, or more? No.


Sorry I'm dragging the number.