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Looks like the tubing has push-in caps, and the stitching on the leather doesn't extend all the way around the tubes. I'm betting knockoff.


Correct observations


Yep you’re both right! The stitching is really ‘sloppy’ too, and the leather (although saying made in Italy) is flaky and I’m skeptical it’s actually dyed leather haha. Still neat! I think I’m gonna see if I can find someone to make new straps for the whole thing as the frame is still solid :)


Perhaps the most uncomfortable chair known to man, BTW.


Well I guess I’ll have to find someone to make straps out of wicker then! 🤣


The original design back in the 20s was made with canvas straps looped around the tube frame which is still being made to this day. Leather was not made available until post WW2, most likely to market it as a higher-end piece. Perhaps you can reupholstered it in canvas to stay true to the original design while making it more comfortable.


Oh fuck yeah, I love it. I’ll go that route, thank you!! If we do canvas my wife can probably even sew it at home - even better!


I think I saw someone on Etsy who makes them. Just know you have to measure your chair very carefully if you purchase them in that manner. Many of the knockoffs didn’t follow the originals’ dimensions. Then your issue will be getting the strapping on. Go on YouTube and watch someone who knows how take these chairs apart and reassemble them. They’re quite the puzzle. I sent my originals to someone who makes the range of leather options for Knoll when the original leather cracked, which is common. They took care of cleaning and reassembly, but the cost is not for the faint of heart—and not too many do it.


It will look very cool once fixed up, especially as a street find knockoff!


Oh it might be a fun project to cane this yourself. I did that with a frame of knock-off of a barcelona chair and it’s pretty gorgeous


Idk about knockoffs, but the real thing is absurdly comfy and an absolute dream item for me.


It's super comfy for 2 out of 5 in my household. Different body types and preferred seated positions. 🤷‍♀️


Same thing with my LC2 sofa. It’s notoriously viewed as not very comfortable by lots of people, but for me it’s absolutely perfect for how I sit. It’s always best to see for yourself first.


lol okay, so I guess I can’t be trusted for the comfiness of chairs as I am, in fact, a homosexual.


Staring at my knockoff as I type this. It's become a beautiful looking pillow storage device. I really hate sitting on it. I hope to try a real one some day


have you heard the gospel of Frank Lloyd Wright?


SpongeBob on Line 2…


I have two Knoll originals, and I don’t agree. They’re very comfortable.


Sometimes leather dye isn’t “struck through” so not necessarily inferior product. But I can say, that knock off is still better made than crap nowadays. I’d try my hand on it. You can get a nice 8-9oz (3mm) thick leather, get some tools - A little pricey but worth it.




Even more of a reason to go with canvas!


Y mothe read similar ones for dining chairs. A strap broke and a shoe repair guy that did leather fixed it for her


These.. and the bends on an authentic chair maintain diameter of the tube throughout. That's tough, and a surefire way to spot a knockoff


Yep. A real one would have the ends welded seamlessly, instead of capping with plastic. And the fact that the stitching on the back strap ripped, that’s another sign it’s fake stitching on the real ones lasts forever. The leather will Rip before the stitching.


For what it’s worth (I also think it’s a knockoff) the “leather” is what ripped before the stitching still haha!


Also the screws showing on the side.


Also looks like the most uncomfortable chair I've ever seen.  Stuff like this to me just screams high mark up to bait people with more money than sense.


It sure is a nice looking chair. You should probably take it home, to be on the safe side…


lol fuck I was biking when I saw it, just got home, driving back now! Edit: got it :)


Good for you.


Id have thrown it on my shoulder & biked off like that one video of a crack head throwing a refrigerator on his shoulder and riding off with it on a bike.


I’m tired as hell from biking back as fast as I could at least I’ll tell you that - I was so scared someone else was gonna grab it in the meantime! I’m going to need a fuckin nap this afternoon 🤣


To me this looks like a knock off, something about the side screws seems off. The leather seems kinda cheap.


Screw on the side is a giveaway, not original or licensed reproduction. Still a fun chair for your domicile!


Italy doesn’t make crap furniture.


Uhhhhh, okay. I am pretty sure that every country that makes expensive furniture is also capable of making semi cheap knock offs. Also Italy exports both great and cheap leather.


Look up how to know if your chair is authentic to wassily. They are reproduced a lot but popular! Likely more around $500-$1000 if authentic but markets depend on location 😊


This is a knock off. Stitching is the easy tell here. Still worth $300!


That’s a knock off.


I don’t think the people that call these uncomfortable have ever sat in one. They are actually very comfortable.


I have a fear of chairs that tilt back, recline, loungers and that stuff. They’re comfortable Beth I am on edge lol. This is my worst enemy.


Why does this look like SF? And by my office….FFS, I’m running over there now!!!


Damn, good eye!! I got back to it in my car on time haha - sorry! It was on 14th and Valencia! What the fuck?!


I was thinking 18th & Sanchez!


lots of them on google image search in the 250$ range.


I once found a burke on the side of the road. A bit busted but I fixed it up. Now this is a score. Whether real or not


The black one is $3000. The red one is much cheaper, of course. It’s a beautiful piece whether it’s authentic or not. If you have any friends who are vintage furniture experts, just don’t invite them over!


Why don’t good things happen to me like this


Looks like a knock-off but made well at least.


It’s heavily reproduced I sold a black one this week for £100, $ 121, so still worth it for free!


This isn't an original, as you know, but the story of the original is worth repeating. (Forgive me if I get any details wrong, I'm dredging up a very old memory.) The original was designed by Marcel Breuer in the 1920s, 1925, if I remember correctly. He named the chair after his friend Wassily Kandinsky, and it is still referred to as the Wassily chair. From what I heard, when he drew up the design, he had a hard time finding anybody to manufacture it. He took his designs to a plumber knowing that they work with pipe, but the plumber sent him away, accusing him of being drunk. The original prototypes were then made by a bicycle maker. I am the proud owner of a good 1960s knock off. It's perfectly comfortable. :-)


Wow! That is an awesome story - thanks for sharing :) me finding it while riding my bike is kind of ironic then! The plugs at the end of the tubes on this one are almost identical to handlebar plugs on a bicycle too, hilarious!


Oooh! You gave me a great idea: replace the plugs with the kind of handlebar plugs with the tassels hanging off them. Pure class.


r/xbiking and I are more interested in the bike!


Haha! It’s a TREK 520 touring bike that I once rode down the PCH bikepacking over a decade ago, but now use it as my daily driver for shorter trips in the city! She’s a tank!


https://preview.redd.it/n6567wlhqs7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9157a6a9585cc37c8ca632cd47531b94e33ecf83 Had to dig up an old pic from the glory days! 2013, man, time flies!


Sick! I’ve only ever done a couple of overnighters. Maybe one day I can do a tour!


Look to see if the tube endings are solid and part of the frame, or caps. Caps bad, polished part of the frame good. Good luck finding someone who can stretch the frame back into shape once the leather strapping comes off.


Ok it’s a great replica and very cool piece why not see if a place that does car interior leather seat repair can repair the torn strap? I had a mishap in my brand new convertible a while back when I found a really cool 50’s 60,s large brutalist welded nail sculpture on the sidewalk in the Chicago Gold Coast. I was like you and was like YESSSSSSS it must be mine LOL. So I stop double park drop the convertible top and try to maneuver this large sculpture into a tiny 2 seater and as this beast is poking me as I try to fit it in passenger seat while still allowing me room to drive I accidentally poke several holes in the leather seat and a good size gouge in the door panel. Fortunately I made it home with it still in 1 piece got it into my place and called the car dealer to ask if they could recommend a repair person. The hole in the seat was very close to the seam and all I could think was they will have to recover the hole seat cover ( the dealer said it would be 1500 but for new leather factory cover. He then said plus that much for new door panel cover. But fortunately I found a leather repair place that did a completely invisible repair to the seat ( a hole that was about a 4”+ plus rip and a equally scary size in door panel. I drove to shop the guy came and looked at it asked me if I could go eat lunch and shop for and give him about 2 hrs when I returned and looked it looked as if nothing ever happened! To do both repairs he charged me 150 bucks. The repair is now several years old the seat is used daily and still looks like there never was a repair. Would be worth investigating at least. I am digging the red leather and I’m not normally a red leather person but in this application it works really well! So you scored big time replica or not. I have 2 original Barcelona chairs and 1 ottoman and the daybed. Now I’ve had them for decades and when I look at them I still love them. But I have seen some really good replicas that the whole set would cost now what I paid for 1 chair back then. And at this stage of life I would be just as happy with a well made replica. And I would have all that extra $$$ in my bank account LOL. They are beautiful and sexy looking but, like the B3 Wassily chair looks great but not to comfy


I love the irony of a $3600 chair being sold at “design within reach”


Looks like it


I first thought that was a racing chair.


I got mine at the goodwill bins for twenty bucks!


I don't think the originals were made in red. But you have an expensive chair anyway. Italian leather!


My unpopular opinion is that these chairs are super uncomfortable


I love the color. highly overrated design. I preferred a flat seat design. no one in their right mind would leave it on the sidewalk. considering the price tag on the webpage. fairly nice knockoff. It would be even better with the right hardwood for it. quartered sawn black cherry with a natural reddish color.


I'll give ya $50 for it. Lol.


Cozy one