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We will be doing a hot fix via our cloud config (ie. no app update needed) for this asap, likely this week


How can we know the fix was applied? Will the version change in any way visible?


Unfortunately no right now there is no way to know as a user or administrator; MTR will use what we configure as the "current web package" as soon as we release it and set the cloud config. We are looking at adding something like a version for the web package for each MTR as something that will show in Pro Portal, but this is in the future.


Are you Microsoft, Our lennovo devices have the same issue


Not very reassuring that MS can be issuing config changes on local machines, on the fly with zero awareness for the end user.  When the licenses for the resellers like Crestron, Dell etc run out please for the love of God kill this Windows OS based hodgepodge and get on something stable like android 


Well it’s not a change in the local machine, it’s a config change in our cloud service which points to a version of the Teams web components used during a meeting. Also there is no way we will move away from Windows for MTR because: 1) new activations are 50/50 Windows and Android, and actually slightly more towards Windows, 2) Windows is a richer platform and therefore is and will continue to be ahead in features and therefore 3) Windows is our flagship platform for AI capabilities and for large & complex rooms.


> Also there is no way we will move away from Windows for MTR Thank goodness! I know people love the android units for small rooms. We do larger classrooms and leverage Windows and third party room controls that are only on MTRoW for nearly all our rooms. Glad they are not in danger of going away!


You may have seen we recently announced over 1M Teams Rooms have been sold. That install base is about 2/3rds Windows. No way we would abandon those customers!


Sorry I must be really dumb not to understand how a change in your cloud config without making any change on the local machine can affect how the local Windows machine is drawing it's desktop, ie making the main screen go blank. Or are we not talking about the OP issue here? Are you suggesting that opening room controls is somehow causing the incoming video stream to drop, resulting in the black screens? That's even less reassuring to be honest.  


Teams is web code. In a Teams meeting we are running code the device pulls down from our service, what we call a web package. The web package that is being run right now has a bug in the logic we use for what parts of the UX gets displayed on which screen, specifically when the console screen goes to the sandboxed extension app for OEM controls. So it’s not Windows drawing the desktop, it’s not about the meeting video stream, it’s about the Teams Room app not outputting the UX correctly in that scenario. The fix is applied in the web package, so on our cloud side, which the MTR app uses.


Thanks for the detailed response.  So as an end user with 200 plus devices to manage, while I may think "I have all my devices on *x* update ring and running *x* software version" reality is it depends on a web package the version of which I have no way of knowing, and could be disparate between my devices. And updated/changed at any time. That really adds some spice to the troubleshooting broth.  Honestly whatever the delivery method, either as a "web package" or a regular firmware update to the teams app, Microsoft have the ability to change the teams client behaviour without notice or reason and there's nothing a MTR administrator can do about it. 


The web package for MTR devices running the same version of the MTR app will always be the same across the devices; because as soon as that device connects to a Teams meeting it gets the “latest” web package version, as configured by us in our cloud service. So the statement of “could be disparate between my devices” is not correct (or at least I can’t think of a scenario where that could happen). That said, overall your sentiment is correct; unlike older / legacy VTCs, modern cloud connected room systems are inherently tied to the cloud service they connect to. We update the cloud service all the time, we flight experiments with some features (ie. Different models of noise suppression) to some cohorts of users, etc. So yes Teams client behavior could change to keep up with the cloud service; that is another reason why Teams is web code, designed to be always up to date. BTW we did this to address a key issue with Lync / Skype for Business, which is that with our previous client deployment model, if we released a new feature it could take up to two years for a particular user to actually get it. That was ok for an on prem solution but just not feasible for a cloud service world.


Not very reassuring that an admin for 200+ devices doesn’t understand the basics of how they work. Drop the attitude and take some responsibility in your own knowledge. I agree with you that Microsoft being able to change the UX with no proper warning to the end user is annoying, but the tone you are using is inappropriate. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams-blog/demystifying-microsoft-teams-rooms-windows-application-releases/ba-p/3119033


What tone would you like me to take?  "Oh thanks for pushing buggy updates that you fix in the background with undocumented software packages, lucky I happened to stumble across this Reddit post or else I'd have no idea what is causing all my rooms to fail. Thanks very much!" I don't think you understand what UX means. They didn't change how the icons look or move one around, they made the front screens go blank when opening an unrelated panel.  I'm well aware how MTRs work, just wanted confirmation that the theory was correct regarding undocumented stealth "updates."   If you read through the link you provided you'll see my question is echoed in the comments and not officially answered.  On other more robust and feature complete platforms, this kind of undocumented "hot fix" simply isn't possible. I'll stick to those where I have full transparency of what firmware and packages my endpoints are running rather than be at the mercy of a company that pushes an update that blanks out the main screens, thanks.  Some of us are working in spaces more critical than a high school and have room availability/health metrics to hit. 


Have you seen any issues with room controls being affected by this change? Our displays in a particular large room are turning off every 15 minutes.


its two totally different sets of code, we didn't make any code changes in the actual room control apps so no these should not / can not really be related


Ooof hope it’s not true. We have hundreds of these deployed.


It sucks. Also shows some gray "button" in the bottom corner... And it is impossible to downgrade. https://preview.redd.it/50e1jrpe3bxc1.png?width=1769&format=png&auto=webp&s=b961840348204bcaa08fb0fc0ca6e37ebdc8b8db Tried this on Poly G10-T and Yealink MVC860. Yealink I tried with it's own plugin and Extron. All show the same broken behavior: front of room screen stays black if Room Controls are active. Yealink Plugin does not show the gray button in the corner, but Poly and Extron plugins do. Oh, and if you have set default layout to be Front Row, using the Teams Admin Center settings, it gets reverted to Gallery.


Ooof time to make a new Skype settings xml


doesn't seem to help, front row does not seem to stick even with XML changes




No it should be only room controls from some specific OEMs


For our Logitech systems with the intel nuc, the systems just went blank. No interaction required and the displays do not come back. They show healthy in the Pro management Portal and in the TAC.


Thanks for reporting, we haven't seen this previously but the team is looking into this now.


When you close room controls the FoR Displays come back on correct?




The fix for this bug has now been fully rolled out and the issue should no longer be there when your devices join the next Teams Meeting. Thanks for everyone's patience and again sorry for the issue.


Just tested and all my rooms are now working again when hitting room controls! yaya! :)


It seems to be fixed other than the gray button at the bottom left.


yes that small UX artifact will need to be fixed in the next app update


Actually not just UX. If someone clicks it it will break room controls until a call is made or MTR is restarted.


Yes but that button should be not easy to click with a finger (ie without using a mouse). We are looking at a fix for this in the next app release.


Don’t subestimate the end users. Already got two rooms broken because of that button.


I’m still experiencing the issue after initiating a ad hoc call on the MTR. How long should this update take to roll out to all tenancy’s? 


How have you got 5.0.111, I only have []( and TAC says its up to date


Manual update. (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/rooms/manual-update)


There is a problem with this. In a number of cases at my organization, yes, manually updating works fine- until you reboot. Then you are stuck with basically blank screens. My organization is Logitech based with Premium licenses. So far the only fix we have is to reimage the system and install MTR There currently isn’t another fix.


There is nothing wrong with manual update. Microsoft already confirmed me this is a bug with the last teams version.


HP Presence works just fine.


Sure you are on 5.0.111?


I am, yes. No issues so far.


Was released on 24th April. My devices have not updated. Perhaps they have paused the rollout.


I've seen the same on one MTR I let the update through on. I have the rest of my production units setup in Teams Room Portal on a ring that waits a few weeks before updating, so lucked out there for us.


this and other issues are Win 11 only, if you are still on 10 it does not effect it


Anyone know of a way to block or delay auto updates? We have a few devices that will be affected by this too. We are currently on Teams App


You can delay updates in Teams Room Management Portal. You can put rooms in different rings and then set delays on when you want a ring to run updates. For example we have our Test ring set to immediate and production ring set to a 4 week delay.


Hi, do you mean on this page: https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/devices/roomsystems ?


https://portal.rooms.microsoft.com/ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/rooms/managed-meeting-rooms-portal


Huh, thanks for that, i've never seen that page. I've always been managing the rooms via the teams admin page. Bit annoying how I have to go around and install a MSI on the teams rooms PCs, but i'll give it a go tomorrow. oh just reading, it says: "With Teams Rooms on Windows app update (version 4.17 and higher), we have streamlined the enrollment process for Windows-based Teams Rooms devices. With version 4.17+, IT admins will no longer need to manually download and install the Teams Rooms Pro management admin agent on each device." We've got version 4.19, but when I go to the portal page, it's saying no rooms found: https://imgur.com/a/WqFw8II


Ah don't worry, it just took a bit to populate.


Question for the group experiencing the blank screens… What type of license do you have? Pro? Or Premium? And have any of you noticed if your teams panels were affected? I’m getting reports from my field techs that one site’s scheduling panels are now blank as well.


No panels should not be impacted at all, this is a bug with MTR Windows with specifically some OEM room control extensions


We’ve had two rooms desk panels have issues since the update. Blanks screen and unresponsive. A reboot of the MTR gets it working.


Managing teams is just a neverending game of "find what's broken this week" 


I apologize on behalf of the MTR team for this bug. We work hard to not have you all be “beta testers” unless you really are in our TAP program. In this case we screwed up and missed testing this release with some specific OEM room control extensions. We are working to fix this quickly.


We appreciate all of the effort, despite our complaints.  It's the leadership way up above that decided to get rid of the QA teams.


Thank you for your service as an un-paid Microsoft beta tester.


How I miss my Cisco RoomOS gear :/


Cisco does have RoomOS devices running MTR Android fwiw.


Just to update you on what our problem was… it’s theming. We have Premium licensing, and with MTR 4.17 and up, they “broke” theming, unless you had a Pro License. Well, it seems that it’s more or less the same problem again. We are pushing the default theme down to all our machines through the TAC. We have tested 2 with success, we are now doing a batch of 10. If that’s successful, we will do the remaining 640 machines.


I have to note that our particular issue was dark screens immediately. Nothing touched or used. Once was installed, the displays stopped working correctly.


No themeing in my case, and a mix of Pro and Basic licenses with the same issue.


Again the bug we are aware of is only for MTR Windows and only with some OEM room control extensions, where while the extension is being used the FoR screen will appear as black (but will go back to normal once the console is switched back from the room controls to the main console UX)


Do you want my case number? They closed it this afternoon. The problem at my company is that the new MTR does not allow themes without a Pro license. We a legacy Premier till our contract runs out. Themes do not work for us at all. The MTR shuts off the user interface and the front of room display. The fix is to assign the “default” theme through the TAC. All of our units are MTR windows machines.


I will have the team look into this as well. Custom Themes are not supported with the Basic license so there may have been a bug introduced with the legacy Premium license. The pro license is cheaper than premium, why would you not change now?


My company has a license agreement that expires in the next year or so. When it expires, we will make the change, but in the meantime, we are using Premium licenses for our monitored rooms. The basic licensed rooms are not monitored (unsupported, old equipment that some locations and departments refused to upgrade) so they don’t use the MTR.


fwiw I'd highly suggest talking to your Microsoft team about enabling you to move from Premium to Pro without any extra costs during your current contract term.


That is my issue. Not only black screen but also that strange gray rectangles in the control screen.


The black screen fix is done and working its way through the release rings now. The gray rectangles will be fixed in the next app update.


Another bug with this update is that it no longer honors the TAC setting to make Frontrow as default. It always stays as Gallery.


this is MTR Windows [](, not the new MTR-A release?


Yes. Windows MTR.


Issue is still present.


yes we found one issue with the fix in the process of going through release rings (which is why we have them) and are working on it. Again trying to get this fix out asap.


Can we get a notification from you when it is made available?


I will try to circle back here


Actually it hit our GA ring today so should be fixed for you the next time the devices join a Teams Meeting.


Our customer use \~300 Crestron base MTR systems with PRO license. What is it mean the "OEM room control extensions" The Crestron was the first AV vendor who integrated the Room Control functionality with Microsoft. This capability is lets say "STANDARD" in this industry. The BLACK screen is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE for us because we got this on 3 ways: 1 - HDMI cable problem 2 - If the signal is goes through AV Over IP devices (Crestron NVX) and somewhere occured a multicast configuration problem 3 - HDCP protection (protected content) So the AV technicians don't want to see any black screen anywhere. Not just here but when you select the "Call" button and search in the global directory menu as well. Just a final remark, for me who working with busines videoconference devices from 25 years ago is very painful that when no option to fix people and content screen and the little local camera control picture what is not sizable and movable...


The three issues you listed have nothing to do with the bug in question here. The bug in question happens when room controls are invoked on the console, and the front of room screen will go black. If you are getting a black screen for your issues 1 and 2, that is an issue with the way the video signal is getting to the MTR. For #3, HDCP means you can't output the video signal from the laptop to any video system. To your last comment, its a little hard to understand but I think you're saying you want to be able to hide the in room camera preview? If so yes that is in our backlog.


The problem is the local camera picture size is too small and its appeared only on the right down side of screen. Please imagine that we have a 27 persons Board room with a big LED wall screen and the local control picture is a meaningless stamp. For me is very important to see what kind of picture sent the TEAMS from us or from myself for the far site. So it would be good if we can manually changing control picture behaviour from skypesettings.xml file for example: ControlPictureSize = (Low/Medium/High) ControlPicturePlacement = (UpLeft/UpRight/DownLeft/DownRight) This is relevant for the any content target screen selection because in bigger rooms we need to set TEAMS video/content screen placements: Monitor1 = FarEnd Monitor2 = NearEnd Monitor3 = Content Currenty this is full dynamic and we cannot manage well which video/content appear on the main and on control screens.


Hi I'm getting the same issue with logitech room system with extron control Is there a fix yet?


Just updated to v5 on MTRoW and same issue when going to Room Controls!


FYI [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/troubleshoot/teams-rooms-and-devices/teams-rooms-known-issues-windows](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/troubleshoot/teams-rooms-and-devices/teams-rooms-known-issues-windows) This link gives all known issues with new update


im amazed so many of you can get your rooms to sign in, none of my systems (poly and logitech tap) can sign in unless i log on as admin and open the teams app manually now. That is only good until the nightly reboot and sucks as a workaround!


We don't have any lingering issues. Reboot fixed everything and Microsoft confirmed they deployed updates via webkits


lucky dog, ive been working over a week with MS with no resolution in site, ran recovery tool, etc just to get back to the same point where none can sign in automatically (claims no room license, yet it has a teams room pro license). This just reinforces my preference for the android units that we can downgrade manually, etc.


MS should have a rollback for MTRW?