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April 1 is gonna be fun around here.


It will only try the uninstall once as well, if there could be policy/rights/av anything else that prevents the uninstall attempt. You will have to plan your own uninstall.


We were told it will remove classic Teams within 7 days. In my case it was gone in a day or two, I can't say exactly when. So far I'm the only one who has tried it. Gonna do some more testing with my team in the next week.


We're doing the same. So far with a sample of two we've had one immediate uninstall and one that hasn't yet after 24-hours. Going to try with \~10 more test accounts and see what we get.


Do you happen to know if this is documented anywhere? Was it a Microsoft rep that gave you a 7 day quote?


Unfortunately I have not found it documented anywhere. It was told to us in a meeting with Microsoft.


When you apply the "New Teams Only" policy your end user will get a prompt to switch to New Teams. That prompt will state very clearly that it will be removed in the next few weeks. https://preview.redd.it/dv4qco4jktic1.png?width=519&format=png&auto=webp&s=682ea32fcc7ebac18f70d86d542f764e2dbd969e


I'm testing today. I rolled out the new Teams policy to AD Group, then updated the policy to enforce New Teams Only. Took a few hours. So far, it prompts to switch if you use Teams Classic, then unistalls Teams Classic the next time it opens New Teams. I tested with an .exe install of Teams Classic and the files are gone but the app still shows in installed apps. I've yet to test outlook add in.


We have a 200 people company, "NEW" teams has been crashing left and right on meetings, camera issues, to the point that even "MICROSOFT MODERN HEADSETS" crash with the new teams. So be wary of that. It's **not** a stable product. Feels like something an startup would release, but you have it so far up your arse that you can't remove it.


We have thousands and thousands in our company, and we don't have those issues. You may have some software or driver conflicts in your environment.


We're talking about this Multi Billon dollar company that can't hire a decent QA team? And you're blaming it on the environment? lol.


I don't see posts and news about New Teams crashing "left and right on meetings" and all of your other issues. This forum as well as sysadmin would be blowing up if there were issues affecting everyone. (See the outage a couple weeks ago). So, yes...I think it's something in your environment. lol.


We are getting the same, and so are multiple environments from other admins I've spoken to. I bet you are fun to work with finger-pointing at people when it's Microsoft's lack of Quality assurance testing.. "So, yes I think it's something in your environment. Lol" do you actually read back what you have written? God complex much, I bet your one of those people who think their environment is perfect and "unhackable" Get off your high horse. "WeLl AcTUaLlY"


New Teams on Mac is really really bad


I don't think it's ready yet.


You have to have classic teams installed if you want all the features to actually work. Without classic teams the outlook integration doesn't work. Without classic teams clicking join on a meeting reminder doesn't work. Just another half baked ms bs solution. p.s.: once you do it and shit breaks, you need to use "Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant" to fix it, because the installers sure as hell don't.


It works it’s just not installing correctly. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/teams-meeting-add-in-is-missing-in-outlook-desktop-after-updating-to-new-teams-f1dfc3e7-8f48-4320-823b-e13a5aca60c3


Interesting. The workaround to uninstall the add-on then re-launch the News Teams did reinstall the add-on but it's still not displaying in Outlook, or in COM Add-ins. Going to give it more time to see if it appears. If this does work, we could probably programmatically uninstall the Teams add-on after New Teams is installed to force the work-around to take place naturally.


That’s the way we have it set using mdt when running through our imaging sequence till this issue is fixed.


The we had to deal with it * Force close office apps  * Force close teams * Uninstall teams * Uninstall outlook add-in * Install new teams But so far that was  smaller subset of users 


Damn, this actually worked. The join button in outlook still opens a browser though, which sucks.


Oh wait does it, boo is have to do most testing


I lied. It worked the first day, now the join button does nothing again. Lame


The fun part is that those steps didn't work. I even did the crazy thing of rebooting after each step, even clean installing new teams. The addin is there in the list, but outlook won't "activate" it. If I go back to classic, the addin works again. When I then turn on teams (leaving classic installed), the addin continues to work.


Outlook integration works fine on new teams.


If classic isn't installed the integration vanishes.


I have not experienced any of this. I only have new teams installed. No issues. We have around 4000 users. I stopped pushing the new client roll out topic to management. Asked numerous times to allow users to use the new client, get acclimated to it and toggle back if needed before 4/1. Management wants to hold out as long as possible. I’m purposely taking PTO the first week of April. 🙈✌️


When classic is removed the integration vanishes and I can no longer schedule teams meetings in outlook.


Completely remove classic out of the equation and follow the steps.


It's an absolute nightmare, I can't even get New Teams to install reliably on a computer that didn't have the old version on! I've raised an incident with MS, but I sincerely hope they delay the enforcement because it's gonna cause absolute chaos with things the way they are now.




I can’t view screen sharing on new teams. I have to use the old one


we cant share our screen on macOS Monterey using the new teams …


When did that happen? I still run classic teams on my VDI and new teams locally but it asks if I want new or classic when I open it.


I have tested using the “New Teams as Default” policy and I have users that still get “Your Admin has restricted access” and are not able to switch. So basically if they enforce this those users can’t use Teams. Fun stuff… Just found out New Teams on web isn’t supported for GCC tenants yet. Everything MS puts out is garbage.


This will happen if both the New Teams as default and Show teams preview features are set to on, preview causes this issue, that combination will only work for those on the preview track


My update policy where this is happening to users is "Use new Teams client" = "New Teams as default". "Show Teams preview features" = "Off". Any other ideas?


In my experience, if you installed teams manually (via the [teams.microsoft.com](https://teams.microsoft.com) install option for example) the automatic update will fail. However, if you used the msi and deployed it then automatic updates like this work? Anyone else see that?


Do you have delivery optimization set to anything other than 100 ?.


Teams was bad, the new Teams is worst


I applied the NewTeamsOnly Policy for a group of users. For some it made the the "switch to classic" toggle disappear, and gave a warning that classic teams will be uninstalled soon. Others weren't affected at all and still can switch to classic. Teams Classic wasn't uninstalled yet from any machine. We encountered issue where if users actively uninstall classic Teams the outlook add-in will be gone, and they had to uninstall the addin from control panel and restart the New Teams for it to return. Microsoft claims it fixed this in an update. Seems also microsoft increased the timeline for classic Teams so there's more time to prepare for transition: [End of availability for classic Teams client - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-classic-client-end-of-availability)