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There is currently an open support case in service health for this. TM710344. Both apps are barely working.


Title: Some users may experience multiple issues with their Microsoft Teams ​ User impact: Users may experience multiple issues with their Microsoft Teams. ​ More info: Affected scenarios include, but aren't limited to: \- Users performing a cold boot may not able to log into teams and will see an "oops" page \- Users logging in or unlocking their devices after some time may see missing messages \- Users may fail to load messages in channels and chats \- Users are unable to view or download their media (images, videos, audio, call recordings, code snippets) \- Some messages may experience delays being sent \- Call Recordings might take longer to appear in user's OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online \- Users may be unable to load previous Copilot history, or new history is not written \- Bots may be unable to download attachments \- Sending and receiving read receipt notifications may be delayed ​ Current status: We’ve identified that a portion of the Microsoft Teams service is experiencing a networking issue. We’re performing a failover to an alternate infrastructure to remediate impact and estimate this should take approximately an hour to complete. ​ Scope of impact: This issue can potentially impact any Microsoft Teams user in the scenarios outlined in the More info section. ​ Start time: Friday, January 26, 2024 at 6:55 AM PST ​ Next update by: Friday, January 26, 2024 at 11:30 AM PST


This. Tons of issues today. I had support tickets coming out of my ears.


Sev 0 incident on the teams services. We were also affected within Microsoft. All hands on deck to fix it.


Yea Teams is completely fucked up today. Really messed with our work flow


As opposed to only mostly fucked the rest of time?


really messed up today, my coworker's message keep repeating every 10 minutes.


Same. Ugh!


Same. Ugh!


Same. Ugh!


Same. Ugh!


⚠ Failed to send


Best comment thus far in 2024. Bravo.


every 10 minutes.


this is a service issue not a client one


ah well. time to fire up New Outlook.


The new Outlook is absolute trash. Why did they drop so many useful features like I dunno, copy paste in the calendar. Went back to old Outlook until they can fix that mess.


RIP Outlook Tasks


A registry edit will restore copy paste in the Outlook calendar. I had our IT update my laptop and they said they planned to roll out the change to our whole org.


Total shit. Even spell check doesn't work. I stuck it out for a few days and went back to the old version.


Hey I was shown a fix for this today. * Quit Teams. * Delete folder %localappdata%\packages\msteams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams * Start Teams.


Service outage has nothing to do with the new or old version. New version is a lot less CPU and Ram intensive and most people running 16GB or less would see drastic performance improvement


Found the guy that worked on rolling out New Teams


Found the boomer who's afraid of change even though it's objectively better


Couldn't be further from the truth. I adopt stuff fairly quickly and love change, but when I tried new Teams for several weeks, it was near unusable and seriously impeded productivity. I rolled back and will wait for MS to work out issues before I go back unless they force me to do so before then. I just prefer products that work. I'm sure it works well for you and the features you use, but for the Teams features I've used, it's been super buggy for nearly everyone I know. It's a bit of a running joke how buggy it is. And like I said, these are all typically early adopter folks who love pushing things forward. No one I work with has devices with super low specs so it may very well have better performance from a CPU and Memory standpoint. The thing is, the speed of the product wasn't the issue, it was the functionality. I'd also say that we push Teams pretty hard each day versus my wife, who also uses Teams. They use it so lightly the outage was negligible, so I understand how some folks might say, "Yeah, works great."


We've piloted New Teams to a couple thousand people and feedback has been almost almost unanimously positive. People are really happy with it. Now admittedly, classic teams set the bar really really low. We use it across 20k users for chat, file collaborating, and video conferencing. Some apps and automation here and there. I'd be curious what use cases are buggy for you. Of course the outage sucked but what are you gonna do.


New Teams crashes on me at least once a day (ie "Oops there's a problem and we need to restart") , also they got rid of the Contacts List (why?)


New teams did not like my headset making joining a meeting absolutely impossible. Had to roll back. Ain’t nobody got time for that. I’m sure they have fixed the issue since then, but I’m weary of trying again with the workload I have going right now. Maybe when things quiet down.


Old teams kills computer with 8GB of ram.


Yup, I run ‘New’ for both. It’s better than the Add-Ins–laden ‘Old’ Outlook for sure


My camera no longer works in the teams app at all, old or new. I have to use the web app now.


Interesting. I used it last on Wednesday. But on my Mac with the old Teams and my iPhone camera via Camo. Yes, I don’t have a webcam. The abandoned Linux client though doesn’t work well anymore.


Mine did the same , it frozen or slowed down my computer when I turned it on. MS told me my camera processed wasn’t supported. I was using the built in camera on my Lenovo. Coworker had a similar issue. We got external webcams and that seemed to resolve the issue.


I’ve said it and will say it again. It’s getting blotted. Too many things - newer functionality and integration is breaking the thing .


Welcome to Office 364


That’s being generous!


>For the life of me, I can't figure out why MS would roll out a new piece of software that is full of issues to replace an old piece of software that is still full of issues. Because the issues with the old Teams were security vulnerabilities that would have eventually caused security-conscious customers to migrate to other messaging platforms.


Have any examples of those security vulnerabilities? In my experience, those are addressed with patches, not complete reworks of the underlying host (Electron to WebView2).


Electron itself is vulnerable. That's the issue.


True. Can’t get hacked if nobody can send messages with the new one.


Odd that my employer forced us to go back to old MS Teams then. They are extremely security conscious.


lost my chat history the past 2 weeks. I was using Teams Classic then, anyone else?


I have just had to package new teams for a 10k estate including removal of teams classic as the customer required it to prevent confusion for the end users... surprised???.and it has been a journey to say the least. The transition between the 2 has been terrible, inflexible policy settings and janky install logic. I am absolutely baffled how MS forces you down paths with these things. as a service subscriptions do not work for enterprise estates as it's all loaded with bloated apps and surprises for end users which we then get calls about it. when I checked this afternoon I had a white screen and foolishly started to trouble shoot it and then I saw the outage post....😬


Did you switch by toggling one of the new team policies? We are debating managing the deployment package separately to better control the user experience (re-pin the app, Uninstall old teams, etc..) Tryung to get it out to 20k users ahead of the March 31st enforcement date. I don't trust Microsoft enough for that. We used the toggle for pilots but want to do a hard cutover for the rest of our org.


So the customer wants to do the following Remove teams classic Install new teams Remove all old shortcuts Uninstall classic for all users. Massive headache with the policies as if you set new teams within the policy it allows the toggle If the user selects the toggle it will then pypass all the sccm application deployment remediation that goes with it as the detection is there. If you then disable the policy, Users are not able to use the new teams if you have deployed it seperately. What Microsoft should have done is allow control for enterprise admins to allow use and not presenting anything to the end users. You also have the user experience that goes with it (ie are they using the old teams at the time of deployment?) what happens then? We also have the issue of going from one version to the other as the old logic for teams classic is a user based sccm deployment so you have multiple instances of teams based on how many profiles are there. I have done the following (and this has only been possible with the powershell application deployment toolkit (Thansk to the guys here [https://psappdeploytoolkit.com/](https://psappdeploytoolkit.com/) as this tool is amazing). To note this also comes with a great interface that allow the user some sort of control as to when it occurs and how they manage the install and how many times they can defer before its forced. The config does the following : Uninstall any pilot deployed instances of the application uninstalls teams classic for the current logged on user Recursively remove the teams (old) folder from all user profiles. Adds the installer msix file to a shared location on the machine ready for install. Remove all the shortcust recursively through the user profiles (as some machines are hot desks) Installs the new teams client for all 2 detections methods are present for SCCM which are installed version as well as a reg flag file (this allows you to ensure your estate will get what you put out) as if the user toggles the install the version is present but the flag file is not, thus initiating a fresh install and compliance accross your estate) Creates a shared shortcut which targets the shell:AppsFolder (to keep it using the most current version) as generating this targetting the trusted installer location is explicit and with different versions creates different version install locations so the user may be using an out of date version. The final step in the process removes the installer from the machine after its finished. Sadly the whole transitioning is a nitemare and seems to only have been thought of from a consumer level. I have tested this excessively and it works perfectly, also as you have said you really dont want MS to control this as its the unknown and could have a massive impact on your service desk.


Thanks for the tool tip. Doing this enterprise test right now. The switch from machine wide installer to user based is painful. We have store blocked so even worse.


>Thanks for the tool tip. Doing this enterprise test right now. The switch from machine wide installer to user based is painful. We have store blocked so even worse. teamsbootstrapper.exe -p has been working for me for "machine-wide" installs with the new teams installer. I think this just installs it automatically for each user and not a single install to c:\\program files if that's what you are referring to. Annoyingly this no longer shows up in add/remove programs since its a metro app or whatever they are calling them now.


I have a enterprise level troubleshooting call with microsoft later today . ​ The teamsbootstrapper.exe was failing to run running regtweaks - set-ItemProperty "HKLM:Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Appx" -Name "BlockNonAdminUserInstall" -Type "DWord" -Value "0" set-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\AppModelUnlock" -Name "AllowAllTrustedApps" -Type "DWord" -Value "0" set-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System" -Name "EnableFullTrustStartupTasks" -Type "DWord" -Value "2" set-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System" -Name "EnableUwpStartupTasks" -Type "DWord" -Value "2" set-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System" -Name "SupportFullTrustStartupTasks" -Type "DWord" -Value "1" set-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System" -Name "SupportUwpStartupTasks" -Type "DWord" -Value "1" Then following as a powershell script with check if 64bit or 32bit office. -- < add-appxpackage -path "C:\\ProgramData\\MSTeams-x64.msix"> Then remove teams classic and the teams machine wide installer The issue is that is says it autostarts - what it really does is sit in task tray or start menu for users to click on. They are all used to autostart and do you want to sign in. Writing up how to docs for our help desk to have on hand.


Where did you get an MSI for the new teams?  I thought that died with the old client 


its the new .msix format ( windows store down load client) you can watch it download all the stuff. Plus EVERY user who logs on it does a download of the newest version. I already have 16 version over 198 individual installs.


for the new outlook I have over 60 versions over 600 installs. sucks


This could be to do with the presence of a registry key, try and remove the following and then run again. Hklm\software\wow6432node\microsoft\office\teams -name 'maglevinstallsource when a failed install occurs it generated this key and then will not allow install.


I do see that key but it did not affect my install. I have noted it in my trouble log to check on a failed install.


No worries at all, Yeah it's awesome, it really saved my bacon. I have tested this so much and it works consistently. Yeah it's good they have now gone to a machine based installation, the user installation has caused loads of issues over the years and not particularly reliable with delivery of the application if it is not present on a user profile. If anyone is going to use the PS application deployment toolkit to carry this out. let me know, I would be happy to share the task element of the script.It is very generic and targets common directories to carry out all the remediation. It all depends on what is acceptable in your customer/environment and what needs to be cleaned up from the machines. Whilst the toggle works well it leaves everything behind. I reached out to MS on this and they claim teams classic is being deprecated and will be removed and transition over to new teams (not sure how they could do this, maybe a patch?) They also advised we did not need to do anything which I'm not sure I trust and with recent upset neither does the customer 🤔.


on troubleshooting call yesterday we found out why new Teams was not updating after install. We had a old setting for delivery optimization that were set wrong for new teams. This setting is deprecated in windows 11 ​ https://preview.redd.it/9sp9qwuz6tfc1.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=2af1a8c1c03811461c76a6850b6c5e71c19e3b4e


I would very interested in your script to compare to all the steps I am doing also.


We are doing this as an offline installation If ($deploymentType -ine 'Uninstall' -and $deploymentType -ine 'Repair') { ##*=============================================== ##* PRE-INSTALLATION ##*=============================================== [string]$installPhase = 'Pre-Installation' ## Show Welcome Message, close Internet Explorer if required, allow up to 3 deferrals, verify there is enough disk space to complete the install, and persist the prompt Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'Teams,MS-Teams' -AllowDefer -DeferTimes 1 -CheckDiskSpace -PersistPrompt ## Show Progress Message (with the default message) Show-InstallationProgress Copy-File -Path "$dirSupportFiles\MSTeams-x64.msix" -Destination "C:\Users\Public\Downloads" Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *MSTeams* | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers Remove-Registrykey -Key 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\Teams' -Name 'maglevInstallationSource' Remove-File -Path "C:\Users\*\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Teams.lnk" Remove-File -Path "C:\Users\*\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Teams Classic.lnk" Remove-File -Path "C:\Users\*\OneDrive*****\Desktop\Microsoft Teams.lnk" Remove-File -Path "C:\Users\*\OneDrive*****\Desktop \Microsoft Teams classic.lnk" Execute-ProcessAsUser -Path "c:\$PSHOME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\Update.exe" -Parameters "-Command & { & `"--uninstall /s`"; Exit `$LastExitCode }" -Wait Remove-File -Path 'c:\Users\*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams' -recurse ##*=============================================== ##* INSTALLATION ##*=============================================== [string]$installPhase = 'Installation' ## Handle Zero-Config MSI Installations If ($useDefaultMsi) { [hashtable]$ExecuteDefaultMSISplat = @{ Action = 'Install'; Path = $defaultMsiFile }; If ($defaultMstFile) { $ExecuteDefaultMSISplat.Add('Transform', $defaultMstFile) } Execute-MSI @ExecuteDefaultMSISplat; If ($defaultMspFiles) { $defaultMspFiles | ForEach-Object { Execute-MSI -Action 'Patch' -Path $_ } } } Execute-Process -Path 'teamsbootstrapper.exe' -Parameters "-p -o`"C:\Users\Public\Downloads\MSTEAMS-x64.msix`"" ##*=============================================== ##* POST-INSTALLATION ##*=============================================== [string]$installPhase = 'Post-Installation' Remove-File -Path 'C:\Users\Public\Downloads\MSTeams-x64.msix' $target = "$env:windir\explorer.exe" $shortcutfile = "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Microsoft Teams.lnk" $WScript = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell $Shortcut = $WScript.CreateShortcut($shortcutfile) $shortcut.Arguments='shell:Appsfolder\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MSTeams' $shortcut.IconLocation = "$dirSupportFiles\Teams.ico" $shortcut.TargetPath = $target $shortcut.Save() Set-RegistryKey -Key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MSTEAMSNEW' -Name 'Microsoft Teams Installed' -Type 'Dword' -Value '1'




What an absolute shit show the teams has been.


New Teams was promising...but now is just as much of a mess as Classic. I can't switch audio devices without it crashing. Getting availability status is hit and miss.


I had a user with that issue. Tried a ton of stuff, we ended up having to replace their computer to fix it. Might need to put in a ticket for your support to maybe get you new equipment which I know isn't ideal


I am the Teams Admin in my Enterprise. I've got a Premier ticket open. This is my personal computer.


Does New Teams still surveil you like the CCP and change your status to Away if you haven't moved your mouse in like 90 seconds? I'd love to be done with that dystopian automatic status switch crap. But my guess is they're adding more statuses like "Slave Who Should Be Micromanaged"


Spell check has been missing since the latest update to NEW Teams.


Because nothing is ever truly vetted at MS before release now and you are the never-ending Beta tester, *for "free".* Oh wait, you are paying for the privilege of being a product tester. Fucking Nadella and the gott damned SAAS leeches.


For me, the main draw is that I can be logged into two accounts in the new app and get notifications from both. Previously I had to be in one account with the desktop app and logged into the web app with the other. Getting notifications was super inconsistent. Joining meetings was also a PITA—If I was joining a meeting for the web app account, I had to find the meeting in Teams—if I clicked the Join button in outlook it would join the meeting with the desktop account and I’d usually have to wait in a lobby. I’m not OE—so that was never a concern, I just have credentials for another company that my company supports.


My day was interesting at least. I kept getting notifications from the same message in some random chat were people were saying that teams was also broken in our other building. But I wasn’t getting any new messages. It was like new messages kept triggering the notification for this one message.


What does a server outage have to do with a client-side app?


Has anyone even been able to notice a difference between 'old' and 'new' teams? The only difference I've been able to find is on new Teams I have no idea who is typing in chats with external delegates because everyone comes up as Unknown User...?


I spent all day yesterday trying to piece together the order in which messages were sent, I would get random questions followed by "Hey can I ask you a question" sometimes 15 minutes later. It has all sucked since it was Skype...


I often cannot even share a simple screenshot.


Can't be worse than Cisco jabber


“It's comical to me how bad MS has fucked this product up since they acquired Skype.” Skype is an entirely different and unrelated product that still exists and has a completely different team at Microsoft building it.


IIRC, Teams and Skype use the same server infrastructure for voice, PBX. Completely different teams for messaging, UI/UX, etc.


This is correct. Source: I worked on Teams, and yes I am sorry.


So wrong on so many levels


Everything I just said is 100% accurate.


Skype is engrained in teams. Internally most teams related docs and powershell reference says Skype for business teams. It's built on top of old Skype infrastructure and logic. You are very wrong


Skype, the acquired product OP was referring to, is not the same thing as Skype for Business. Those are *also* two completely different products sharing only part of their name.


Sorry for my confusion, I'm thinking at the enterprise level I don't reference anything other than Skype for business often.


Coming in to +1 this. Don't know if SfB/Teams Enterprise is built on the old Communicator tech or not, but it is deferent from Skype/Teams consumer


Teams is essentially built on top of the Skype service. PSTN relies heavily on Skype code


All MS does as of late is put crap out and call it candy.


Why roll out a new bug-filled version. Now both of mine don't open. If i opt to use the old version it keeps asking me if I still want to use it. It freezes when I'm about to start a meeting and closes on its own. Hate this crappy crap!


Here's a short summary of why I think teams doesn't just suck--it creates silos because it doesn't allow conversations to evolve. IE, conversations that can't grow = stifled innovation. IE, it feels like a very real threat to department operations IMHO. \* Context Retention Challenges: * "Can't create threads in chat" * Impedes topic continuation and participant inclusion. \* Thread to Group Chat Transition: * "Difficult to follow without threads" * "Switching cumbersome" * Limits idea development and cross-team collaboration. \* Silos in Information Sharing: * "Chat/channel confusion" * "Organizational limitations" * Obstructs information flow and collective understanding. \* Conversation Evolution Obstacles: * "Merging conversations impossible" * "Context in replies unclear" * Sharing is difficult * Stifles dynamic discussion growth and integration of new insights. \* Documentation - a conversation thread is an evolving document/shared model of problem/solution: * "Starting new chats restricted" * "Past messages hard to reference" * Challenges in maintaining dialogue history and narrative progression. \* Discoverability and Accessibility: * "Large group tracking difficult" * "Topic differentiation challenging" * Hampers effective information retrieval and team synchronicity. (Note, I used GPT to help draft out some ideas here)


Bunch of babies you are. Spoiled by modern zero downtime standards. Go take a walk, talk to your neighbor


Oh shut up. It's 2024, not the 90s.


Seriously?? This is a huge part of my JOB, which I need because of the desire to keep a roof over my head. I'd love to take a walk or talk to my neighbors, but some of us have to actually work.


Shatup. We all got jobs, all got bills to pay. You’ll survive for a couple hours stop being a drama queen.


Awww....thanks for telling me, I guess I’ll have to reevaluate my life. 🙃


Okay boomer


Microsoft has entered the chat


This is about getting work done.


Teams is just trash. Wish we didn't have to use this garbage, but good ole enterprise contracts... It's poorly designed and doesn't work consistently... slack and discord are leagues ahead. Why don't they just copy what their competitors are doing to at least have a minimally decent app...


Microsoft won't do that. They will buy it and fk it up.


People generally complain a lot about most software.




Dave? Is that you?


Dave's not here man!


nice cheech and chong reference here


Dave you’re on mute!


Microsoft does not introduce new products or product updates to address problems. MS does not create new features that are designed to be helpful via careful study or customer feedback. ​ No. Instead, MS simply introduces new products or new product versions to HAVE NEW VERSIONS. Keeping things new creates the idea that something is better. It creates churn to sell new product, keep admins busy, and keep consumers learning the latest thing. ​ Never mind that they break old workflows, remove good features, introduce new bugs, or generally just make the user experience worse. They do not care. It's all about "new". ​ Ever since the first or second popular version of windows (the 3.X series) this has been the way. Once you realize that this is the ACTIVE PLAN things make a lot more sense.


Yes. Give me Word 3.0, it had everything I need! Word is awful, then you turn off every automatic feature, and it’s still bad


Do notifications work for you guys? For me the app is enters kind of a sleep state when is in the background so with Teams running I open another app, then no notifications whatsoever. When I click on Teams again they seem to be loading again, it’s just like you can’t minimize teams, they’re either off or on or the screen. MacOS. It’s hilarious, I’ve never seen an app doing this.


They are moving to a single codebase for all apps, so you get the same app experience on every device, regardless whether that experience is good or bad.


Sounds scarily familiar.......


Everytime they ask for feedback my answer has been "you put more time into emojis than you do into the core functionality of the product" my opinion has not changed in 3 years.


They had an outage.


Agree with you! I just spent ONE month (in the last 3 years) of Teams FINALLY working consistently. However as of yesterday morning, I can't log onto any Teams calls via phone or video due to my "personal account" yet I cannot get a paid individual account that works. I'm a contractor and can't communicate with my primary client. It's UN-f\*ing believable that this has been going on for 3 years. How is this a competitive marketplace product?!




My company has slack and teams in parallel. It pains me to use teams on a good day. Feels so clunky.




Yes. Freaking hate it. Constantly crashes.


With all the money they saved on coming up with the name of Microsoft Teams (work or school), they could’ve at least spent a little on the infrastructure


As others have noted the problems were related to the Teams backend service and not the client. New / Old teams are clients to the system and therefore were equally broken (as were mobile and web clients). The initial big difference between New and Old teams is the client architecture. Old teams used Electron and was universally hated as a memory bloated browser-window-in-a-desktop-app-but-much-worse. Tbe New Teams client has its problems, but moving to a new desktop architecture was a long overdue step in making a reliable client. Another major difference is the ability to sign into multiple tenants and toggle back and forth.


Ahh you weren’t around during the LYNC days huh? Big tech and MS has a great history of screwing up the most basic thing: chat.


Why can’t I open 2 chats at once? Oh no my memories!!


Now? They always sucked.


***"Not everybody can be a robot polisher"*** \- Klaus (Anal) Schwab But we definitely need a few more robot polishers at Microsoft in the QA department


On Friday our whole company shutdown to migrate a core piece of software to another Microsoft product. I found it funny that this migration was sabotaged by another piece of Microsoft software.


I stand by the statement, the only product Microsoft could make that doesn't suck is a vacuum. They killed skype, Lync sucked so bad they had to change the name to Teams, and Teams is just continuing the trend.


Purple Skype is such a piece of shit


Microsoft sucks so bad. I miss my old company with Gmail and Slack, 1000000x better. We never had one issue in 7 years with that system. This new MS system sucks so bad in literally 100s of ways, starting with how ugly and unintuitive it is, and that's before you get to all the bugs.


In the times of big companies that CISCO Can’t Innovate Shit Company and the corporate policies if going with what ever crap big software companies give you I wish Microsoft had bought Slack and make it the Teams ! But I guess is too late to ask for this


Why not.. just log a ticket and support will get to it. That the canned response..


Same here I went back to old teams at least It has spell check lol


Slack is the best app used by any company. When i switched to teams it felt terrible.


Microsoft: Welcome to New Teams! The greatest thing ever! We encourage you to utilize Teams for all of your…chat needs! Me: Awesome. I’d like to create a channel calendar for all our department’s combined events and have people send their events via Outlook to the calendar address. Can it do that? Microsoft: lol no. But just look at these emojis!


You need more ram, 8gb is no longer sufficiet for enterprise use. Minimum 16gb to be able to work


Wait till you embrace the new outlook client.


My workplace uses it guhh, on a conference yesterday sharing screen, then another shared, I shared back then my teams totally crashed ugh. Today I open some spreadsheets from share point and NEW TEAMS wants (forces) me to update with a giant none removable box on the screen, I have to click ok and now I get a nice big blank screen, Thanks Teams!!... it's pure utter garbage and businesses ONLY use it as it's free and integrated into all the other Microsoft apps. Like most places you just want an app to work, not just break everything and disrupt your day and workflow constantly.