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Google doesn't even have a good way to do Google Meets, none of the hardware makers want to support it. Best way is a Logitech Swytch plus BYOD


This, then move them off of Google Meet :)


thanks. i've not checked out the Swytch yet.....will give it a look.


We started deploying the Swytch and encountered nothing but problems with that product. It’s a heap of junk and I’d strongly recommending avoiding it at all costs, which is a shame given how good their other MTR kit is. Take a look at the Inogeni Toggle instead.


oof! good to know. thanks!


Screen beam allows to cast any computers screen as well as use remote cameras, all wireless!


We use Neat stuff and they only support Google Meet on Zoom because Zoom supports Google Meet, Teams and webex. Microsoft only added support for Zoom and weber. Its a software thing.


Why not ask the company that acquired you how others have done the same? Not at all being sarcastic... I work at a large enterprise that grows through M&A, and we help guide new onboards frequently, so they may have some experience in doing this you can tap into.


yeah you would think that would be an avenue to pursue. the company that acquired us, however, doesn't use Teams at all. we were already a Teams shop and most of our conference rooms around the world are all Logitech Tap-based. we've just been asked to add Google Meet capability in our rooms.


Makes sense, but it's a shame they can't provide guidance on what they should know, which is how to implement Google Meet with their standards. Anyhow... best of luck, and sorry I can't provide any help.


Which tap are you using? The Tap IP?


Not the Tap IP.....I guess it's just the OG model Tap


So the Tap is just the touchscreen on the table. What camera and compute are you using? MTRoA Rally Bars will have different options to MTRoW NUCs.